Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, May 10, 1901.
McKinley the Central Figure at Los Angeles Carnival.
While President Was Speaking a Pickpocket Was Busy In the Crowd But Was Caught—Beautiful Floral Parade Led by the President.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 10.—From a broad blue-canopied pavilion surrounded by the members of his cabinet, the governor of Ohio and notables from many states, President McKinley yesterday reviewed the floral parade of the Los Angeles carnival. The city was packed. The scene on Broadway, where the reviewing stand was located, resembled Pennsylvania avenue in Washington on the day of an inauguration parade. Every facade flamed with bunting, flags and pampas grass plumes, red, green and orange, the colors of the fiesta prevailing.
Mrs. McKinley did not witness the show, but she drove along Broadway and received the plaudits of the multitude just before the procession appeared. The president rode at the head of the parade in an open carriage drawn by six spirited white horses with yellow satin harness. At the head of each horse walked a Spanish caballero in green velvet and much gold braid. The carriage was a mass of white carnations and yellow coreopsis blossoms. A troop of cavalry with yellow horsehair plumes waving above their helmets, and wreaths of flowers across their shoulders and blanket rolls of red carnations behind their saddles, headed by a band playing "The Star Spangled Banner," preceded the carriage of the chief magistrate to the reviewing stand.
As each carriage reached the reviewing stand the ladies in it arose and saluted the president with deep courtesies. The president was kept on his feet most of the time returning these greetings. Each lady carried a bag of rose leaves for use as confetti, and after saluting the president she threw a handful of the soft petals into his box. Before the parade was over he was ankle-deep in rose leaves.
In the morning previous to the floral parade the president and his party were driven through the resident section of Los Angeles. In the afternoon the ladies of the president's party went to Pasadena and took a drive there, while the president made a trip to the National Soldiers' home near Santa Monica. It is 18 miles distant and he made the journey in electric cars. Three thousand of the president's old comrades in the civil war greeted him there. The old soldiers gave the president a remarkable demonstration. He was introduced by the governor at the home and spoke briefly.
Considerable excitement was caused by the discovery after the speaking that a pickpocket who had been at work in the crowd had relieved Secretary Wilson and Colonel Charles A. Moore of their pocketbooks. Later the thief was arrested. Several pocketbooks were found on his person, a gold nugget that Mr. Moore's son had obtained at the Congress mine in Arizona, and Secretary Wilson's pocketbook, which contained $175. The thief proved to be a pickpocket well known to the police.
Upon his return to Los Angeles the president received Governor Nash and the Ohio congressional delegation at the hotel. There was no public function in the evening. The president and Mrs. McKinley dined at the residence of Homer Laughlin. The president and members of his party returned to their train and left at 5 o'clock this morning for Del Monte, where they will spend Sunday. Stops will be made on the way at Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo.
Irish Paper Seized.
DUBLIN, May 10.—The police last night seized William O'Brien's weekly paper, "The Irish People." It is reported that the seizure was made on account of reflections upon King Edward. Another report says that The Irish People was seized for a coarse personal attack upon George Wyndham, the Irish secretary.
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Prince Ching. |
The Situation In China.
The powers have again fixed the amount of indemnity which China must pay. This time it totals $263,000,000, and Russia, Germany and France are to get the major portion of that amount. Sir Robert Hart, the best western observer of oriental affairs, said some time ago that China cannot pay more than$200,000,000, and possibly the figures may be scaled down to that amount before the dickering for damages is over. However, the powers have made steady progress toward moderation. The first tentative and unofficial figures which reached the light last fall placed the total of their claims for indemnity at about $600,000,000. There was more authority for the statement published a month ago that the total would be $500,000,000, and the preliminary estimates did exceed $400,000,000. After further caucusing the powers have concluded that they can get along with the modest sum of $263,000,000.
It is evident that no offsets are to be allowed the Chinese on account of claims for damages suffered by them through butchery or loot. It is evident also that their creditors are going to crowd at least to the limit their capacity to liquidate their debts without going into bankruptcy. If the dominating purpose of the allies is to drive a hard bargain, but not to break up the empire, they will make it their business to nurse and develop its resources in order to get their money out of it.
Despite the heavy burdens that the powers are likely to place upon the empire there are indications that China will in the long run be benefited by the encounter it has been having with western civilization. There are some evidences that ancient Cathay is on the eve of a reform era. This is evidenced by the waning power and influence of the dowager empress and the placing of more enlightened and liberal men, of whom Prince Ching is a type, in practical control of the affairs of the empire. China evidently is beginning to realize that she must rise and shake off the lethargy of the ages or suffer dismemberment. She can become a sovereign power and compel the western world to treat her as an equal, but if she lapses into apathy, corruption, ignorance and stagnation her doom is sealed, no matter how heavy or light may be the financial exactions of the powers.
Heals All Manner of Diseases Through Magnetic Power.
It was a curious crowd that assembled at the Opera House last night to witness the demonstrations of the Boy Phenomenon, in whose touch magnetic healing power seems to exist. The people in the audience were, as might be expected, incredulous and visited the place to gratify their curiosity, but when it was all over and seven people had been treated, many remarks of satisfaction were heard on every hand regarding the power which the Boy Phenomenon seems to possess.
The manager first gave a short address, in which the power of vital magnetism as a therapeutic agency was explained, and then the Boy Phenomenon was introduced. The name "Boy Phenomenon" was said by the manager to be a misnomer, as the young man is twenty-four years of age. The name is merely the trademark, given by Eugene Field. The young and attractive healer was warmly greeted.
No acute cases, the manager stated, would be treated, as they did not wish to come into competition with the work of the family physician. All the cases were treated by rubbing the head and parts afflicted. The manager claimed that the healing was done entirely by magnetism, and not at all by hypnotism.
The manager then called for the hardest subject in the house, and Mr. Geo. P. Overton of East Virgil was conducted to the stage by two ushers. He was very infirm and stated that he had been afflicted with rheumatism for twenty years. He was given the treatment and immediately threw aside his walking stick and walked up and down the stage, saying that he did not have an ache or a pain. He walked down the steps to the auditorium alone, and his face beamed with joy.
Mr. G. W. Davenport, 38 Lincoln-ave., came next and was treated for lumbago. After a few minutes' work, he was asked how he felt, to which he replied that he had just a little pain left. Another application was made, and he stated that he felt all right.
Mrs. Mary Phelps of Fisher-ave., this city, was next treated. She had been sick for forty-three years with neuralgia of the entire body. She had to be helped to the stage, but she tripped off of it like a school girl.
Four other cases were treated, among which was that of Mr. Thomas Bosworth, 41 Maple-ave., for deafness, caused by catarrh, of eight years' standing. Mr. Bosworth said to a STANDARD reporter after his treatment that he had been unable to bear any conversation carried on in common conversational tones for eight years, but that he could now hear distinctly all that was said. The other three treated were: Mr. C. M. Mack, 84 1/2 Madison-st., deafness; Amie Sherwood, 86 Groton-ave., paralysis; and Mrs. Buchanan, Center-st., Homer, rheumatism.
The scenes at the Opera House last night were in many cases dramatic. All classes of people sought relief, but the Boy Phenomenon cannot treat only a few without becoming exhausted. Many went away without treatment and the disappointment shown in their faces, when they saw others helped, was pathetic indeed. The Boy Wonder will be at the Opera House again tonight and treat cases free of charge.
Circus Season to be Opened by the Show on Elm-st.
Sig. Sautelle's massive 25-cent one ring circus will make its reappearance in Cortland tomorrow afternoon and evening and there is no reason to doubt that, in all the qualities which lend distinction and brilliancy to an audience, the gatherings of patrons both afternoon and evening will be the largest in numbers for the size of the tent ever known in local tent show history. Mr. Sautelle has expended vast sums of money this year in the enlargement and improvement of his shows, with the result that they are now unquestionably the most pretentious of all popular price amusement institutions extent. His prestige as an enterprising, wide awake showman has been firmly established for too many years to admit a doubt of the complete excellence of his 1901 circus. The program is an imperial one in the full meaning of the word, embracing as it does all-feature acts. In the long list of performers is to be found the names of many of the most prominent artists known in the circus world. There are the dashing, fearless equestrians, handsome, daring lady aerialists, death-defying acrobats, marvelous contortionists, reckless leapers and tumblers, the funniest of funny clowns, a score or more of decided novelties and features and last but by no means least numerous educated animals. Like their human co-workers, the performing representatives of the brute kingdom have been developed to such a high degree of perfection as to amaze and astound all who witness the performance. With an intelligence that would do credit to a man, these animals do as they are told in such a manner as to win the plaudits of the multitudes. The circus will exhibit on the same lot as last year on Elm-st., Cortland.
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William H. Clark. |
Guests of the Publisher of The Union—Tour of City and Visit to Big Industries in Forenoon—Business Session in Afternoon—Dinner and More Business in the Evening.
The members of the New York Associated Dailies held a meeting at Schenectady on Wednesday of this week and were the guests of the publisher of the Schenectady Union. The association is made up of one publisher from each of the third class cities of the state, and meetings are held three times a year in the home city of some one of the members. These gatherings are of the most practical kind, and are for the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to newspaper making and its success. The STANDARD was represented at this meeting by its editor, Wm. H. Clark.
During the forenoon the host of the occasion, Mr. J. H. Callanan of the Schenectady Union, escorted his guests about the city, pointing out various features of interest and calling attention to the rapid growth of the place. Through the courtesy of Manager Fraser of the street railroad company a special car was placed at their disposal for the ride. After a general tour of the city an inspection was made of the immense plant of the General Electric company, and of the great locomotive works. The editors were also escorted through the grounds and principal buildings of Union college by President Raymond and Treasurer Harroun of that institution, and also through "Captain Jack's garden," really a part of the college grounds and a lovely spot, for which there is a warm place in every Union boy's heart. The forenoon was concluded with a visit to and inspection of the Schenectady Union's plant.
The business session was held in the parlors of the Hotel Edison in the afternoon. The following were the subjects discussed informally by the editors: "Affiliation with Daily Associations of Other States," "The Publisher's Clearing House—How We Can Be Useful to Each Other," "Rural Mail Delivery," "Telegraphic News Service," "Insanity in Advertising Rates," "Print Paper—What are We Going to Do About It?" "Objectionable Advertising—Should We Run It?" "Odds and Ends."
Wednesday evening the members of the association were entertained at dinner at the Hotel Edison by the publisher of The Union. Addresses were made by Edwin G. Conde, advertising manager of the W. T. Hanson Co., on "Advertising from an Advertiser's Standpoint" and by John A. McCarthy, publisher of the Albany Press-Knickerbocker Express, on "Insuring a Newspaper Plant and Adjusting Losses by Fire."
Those present were: H. R. Bryan, Republican, Hudson; A. E. Blunck, Republican, Johnstown; H. A. Brockway, Times, Watertown; J. H. Callanan, Union, Schenectady; W. H. Clark, STANDARD, Cortland; W. B. Collins, Leader, Gloversvllle; F . W. Corson, Union, Lockport; W. B. Greenhow, Tribune, Hornellsville; G. S. Griswold, News, Batavia; Fred P. Hall, Journal, Jamestown; A. C. Kessinger, Sentinel, Rome; W. J. Kline, Democrat, Amsterdam; J. E. Klock, Freeman, Kingston; H. J. Knapp, Advertiser, Auburn; John E. Kraft, Leader, Kingston; H. W. Lee, Star, Oneonta; George H. Marriott, Journal, Corning; John L. Platt, Eagle, Poughkeepsie; J. W. Slauson, Press, Middletown; F. W. Thompson, Star, Nyack; J. and M. Wallace, Despatch, Cohoes; H. K. Williams, Observer, Dunkirk.
The officers of the association are: President, W. H. Greenhow of Hornellsville; vice-president, W. H. Clark of Cortland; secretary, H. R. Bryan of Hudson.
Rev. Dr. Pearce of Binghamton to Deliver the Address.
Arrangements are being made for the observation of Memorial Day by Grover Post, though the plans have not yet progressed very far. The Post and Relief Corps will attend service in a body at the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening, May 26, and the annual sermon will be preached by the pastor Rev. Robert Clements. The exercises of Memorial Day will be held at the Opera House at 1:30 o'clock, and the address will be delivered by Rev. W. H. Pearce, D. D., of Binghamton. The music will be furnished by the Cortland City band and the Excelsior quartet. Further arrangements have not yet been made, but the official program will soon be prepared.
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Thomas Auto-Bi. |
Has Been Flying About the Streets at a Rapid Pace.
Mr. E. J. Edmond, representing the E. R. Thomas Motor Co., Buffalo, is exhibiting in Cortland a motor bicycle made by this company. Mr. Edmond has the wheel on exhibition at the City Cycle company's rooms on Railroad-st., and he is very willing to show the working of it. The machine is called the Auto-bi, and it has a motor power of one and one half horse power, weighing eighty-five pounds. It has a speed of from three miles to twenty-five miles an hour. The mechanical part is simple, and any one can run it who can ride a wheel. Two quarts of gasoline will run the wheel 100 miles, and the three batteries will last for 3,000 miles of travel. It will certainly climb steep hills, for Mr. Edmond rode it up Court House hill this morning at a good pace.
The City Cycle Co. has taken the agency for these wheels in Cortland and Mr. E B. Richardson of the company has purchased one of them for his personal use.
To be held Sunday at Homer-ave. M. E. Church for Mrs. Andrus.
Mrs. Frances Andrus, who removed from this place to Blackwell, Oklahoma, with her family some two years ago, died March 27, 1901, aged 51 years. Mrs. Andrus moved to Cortland from Homer and united with the Homer-ave. Methodist Episcopal church March 6, 1892. She became teacher of a large class of young ladies, also assistant superintendent of the Hamilton Junior league in the church, and in all other lines of church work was very efficient. When the superintendent of the league, Mrs. C. E. Hamilton, removed to another city Mrs. Andrus was made superintendent of the league, which office she resigned only when she left Cortland for her western home.
Those who knew Mrs. Andrus and of her work during the first eight years of the history of the Homer-ave. church remember how capably and conscientiously she filled these positions.
In her immediate family circle she leaves her husband, Leander H., and two sons: Herbert J., of Cortland, and Charles L. of Blackwell, Oklahoma.
Memorial services will be held in the church under the auspices of the Hamilton Junior league Sunday afternoon, May 12, at 4 o'clock, to which services the friends of Mrs. Andrus and family are invited.
—The Sautelle circus will exhibit tomorrow on the Montague lot on Elm-st., just where the show was last year.
—The Lackawanna railroad station has been connected with the Home Telephone exchange, and the number is 30.
—The Traction company has a force of men at work clearing up the park in preparation for its opening for the summer.
—The Excelsior Male quartet will sing this evening at Marathon, under the auspices of the Bethelonian society of the Presbyterian church of that place,
—At a meeting of the police commission last night Erwin A. Townsend was appointed a patrolman in Cortland to succeed James A. Smith, resigned. The appointment is a good one.
—New display advertisements today are—Palmer & Co., Bargains, page 7; E. E. Bates, Optician, page 6; McGraw Corset Co., Special sale, page 8; Boy Phenomenon, Magnetic healer, page 4.
—Cortland Commandery, No. 50, K. T., will meet at a regular conclave this evening and Em. Sir Herman R. Kritachmar of New York will be present and make the commandery an official visit,
—The flower thieves are again getting in their work. A resident of North Church-st. has lost ten tulips in two nights. He is getting his gun ready for any one who undertakes to secure the other three that remain.
—Three new iron bed frames with springs and mattresses have been procured for the cells at Fireman's hall. Two of these were placed in the middle cells and the other one is in the back cell. They replace the old box like bunkers that were formerly used.
—A special [trolley] car will leave Cortland tonight at 7:30 o'clock to take the Baptist Oratorio society to McGraw, where it tonight gives a concert for the benefit of the Baptist church of that place. The car will remain over there to bring the party back again.