Saturday, March 8, 2025


John J. Coughlin.

Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, April 2, 1902.


Republicans and Democrats Each Gain an Alderman—"Bathhouse John" a Winner.

   Chicago, April 2.—The Republicans and Democrats each made a net gain of one alderman in the city election held yesterday. The new council will consist of 39 Republicans, 30 Democrats and one independent. The old council consisted of 38 Republicans, 29 Democrats and 3 independents.

   The hottest fight of the campaign was in the First ward, where a determined effort was made by the opponents of John Coughlin, known as "Bathhouse John." He easily defeated his opponent David Frank.

   The issues at stake were entirely local, the only interest outside the ward boundaries being interjected by the Municipal Voters' League, an organization formed for the selection of desirable members of the city council, irrespective of party. The league succeeded with the majority of its candidates. It recommended 36 men for election and of these 28 were elected.

   The question of abolishing the various town governments was submitted to the people and carried by an overwhelming majority.

   Other questions of public policy were voted upon, among them being municipal ownership of street car systems, gas works and other public utilities, and the nomination of candidates by vote at the primaries instead of by city conventions. All of these were favorably voted upon.

   None of these votes save that on the abolition of the town offices carries action with it. The others are merely expressive of the wish of the people. The vote was very light, not over 160,000 votes being cast.


Prince Ching.

Russia Will Remain.

   Pekin, April 2.—The Manchurian convention, the main conditions of which were recently agreed upon by Paul Lessar, Russia's minister to China, and Prince Ching, president of the Chinese foreign office, permits China to maintain whatever force she may think necessary in Manchuria, after the evacuation of that territory. Official reports from Niu Chwang declare that the Russians are displaying great military activity there. Ten thousand troops have recently been moved to Port Arthur and new drafts are arriving. An extensive and permanent telegraph system is being constructed.


Negro Lynched at Rome, Ga.

   Rome, Ga., April 2.—Walter Allen, a negro, charged with attempting to criminally assault Miss Adamson, a 15-year-old girl in this city, was taken from the jail last night by 4,000 people, who battered down the prison doors, and hanged him to an electric light pole in the principal portion of the city. A volley was fired afterward and fully 1,000 bullets entered the negro's body.



Population of United States.

   Final results of the 12th census gives the total population of the United States on June 1, 1900, as 84,233.069, with a margin of error of possibly one million accounted for by the uncertainty regarding the population of the Philippines. Three countries only have a greater number of inhabitants under their flags, the Chinese, British and Russian empires. The total area of the United States, the term ''United States" including all insular and other possessions, is now 3,090,822 square miles, about one-fourteenth of the entire land surface of the earth. The same three countries exceeding the United States in population also surpass it in area.

   Trade statistics of the Philippine Islands just made public by the insular bureau of the war department show an increase of 35 per cent in imports and of 6 per cent in exports for the first eight months of 1901 as compared with the same period in 1900. A similar comparison shows an increase of nearly $1,000,000 in imports of foodstuffs and of nearly $4,000,000 in manufactured articles. At the same time the export of hemp, the chief native product, shows a progressive increase. These figures are interesting and instructive, but they would be still more so if they were brought more nearly up to date.




Permission to Board of Education to Reject All Bids for New School Building—Discussion of the Subject of Draining Water—Monthly Reports—Bills Audited.

   No action was taken by the common council last night at its regular meeting at the city clerk's office in the matter of the water contract. More time is needed to prepare the contract, and the meeting adjourned until next Tuesday night, when it is expected that terms with the water company will have been arrived at and the document be ready to be acted upon by the council. All of the council men were present except Aldermen Richards and Scudder.

   F. D. Smith, president of the board of education, and A. W. Edgcomb, chairman of the committee on grounds and buildings of that board, came before the meeting and asked that the common council consent to the rejection by the board of education of the bids for building the addition to the Central School building, on the grounds that the bids were in excess of the appropriation. Mr. Smith did not state what the bids for the building were and gave as his reason for not giving out the amounts that it would be unfair to the bidders. He stated that the plans would be changed so as to bring the expenses down to the appropriation.

   A resolution of the board of education duly certified and stating that the lowest bid received by such board for the building of an addition to the Central School building and for the heating, ventilating and plumbing therefore was in the opinion of such board too high, was read, and on motion, placed on file.

   On motion of Mr. Skeele, seconded and carried:

   Resolved, That the common council hereby consent that the board of education reject the lowest bid received by such board of education and all bids therefore for the building of an addition to the Central School building and for the heating, ventilating and plumbing therefore and that the city clerk may advertise for new proposals for the same.

   All voting aye, declared carried.

   Mayor Brown presented the appointment of Alma E. Austin to be commissioner of deeds.

   On motion of Mr. Yager, seconded and carried, such appointment was ratified and confirmed.

   Alderman Yager, who was appointed a committee at the previous meeting to obtain an estimate for the expenses of making maps of Otter and Dry creeks, made a report. He had seen J. D. F. Woolston about the creeks and he had said that the surveys and maps needed ought to be made for $40 for each creek. He did not want to take hold of the job alone, however. It was thought best to communicate with Allen &Farrington in reference to the matter and see if an outline map could not be furnished by them cheaper than their first price of $150 each.

   Alderman Skeele said the drainage water on Port Watson-st. was giving much trouble. The sluiceway at the corner of Hyatt and Port Watson-sts. had caved in and the water covers the adjacent lots and fills the cellars. He said that the residents could not get relief from the board of public works. The people of that section, he thought, are willing to build sluiceways to protect their property if the city would furnish them with material. He thought something must be done at once to save actions against the city, which are threatened.

   City Chamberlain G. J. Maycumber submitted his monthly report. This showed that the receipts had been$1,659.56, disbursement, $10,065.19.

   Commissioner of Charities F. E. Price gave his report, showing an expenditure of $83.95 for the poor during the month of March.

   Alderman Skeele, a committee on street markers, reported that he had not yet completed his investigation of the matter. His time for reporting to the council was extended.

   The following bills were ordered paid:


   The minutes of the present meeting were approved.

   On motion, meeting adjourned to Tuesday, April 8, 1902.

   Approved. CHAS. F. BBOWN, Mayor, EDMUND C. ALGER, Clerk.


Sent Up for Four Months.

   David Finn, who was arrested last Saturday night and was saved from going to jail by his brother, Ike Finn, who paid a fine of $10 for him, was arrested again Monday night on the same charge, that of public intoxication. Yesterday morning he pleaded not guilty, but this morning he withdrew his former plea and pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to Onondaga county penitentiary for four months.



Forming In Cortland to Control all Franchises and Industries.

   A municipal ownership league is being formed in Cortland and already steps have been taken to perfect a permanent organization. The league will have for its object the promotion of municipal ownership ideas, not only in relation to owning the waterworks, but also other industries that are being operated by private parties or corporations from which the citizens of Cortland are the consumers.

   It is said that the movement is meeting with favorable action on the part of those who believe in municipal ownership and the league will have a large membership.



To Pay the Rent on Athletic Field for Another Year.

   Yesterday afternoon it was reported on the street that some one was trying to buy up all the stock of the Athletic Field association. The 900 shares at an original cost of $1 each, advanced five points in short order, and were held at 10 cents per share. During the afternoon there were as many inquiries made for the would-be stock cornerer as there are holders of the stock. No one, however, seems to have found him, and now the association is pondering over the question of raising $150 by April 15 to pay the rent, in order that the field may be kept as a public playground.


Mrs. Minnie Woodward Calhoun.

   Mrs. Minnie Woodward Calhoun of New York City died yesterday forenoon at the home of her brother, Mr. Mason H. Woodward, at the Mason Loring homestead on the Truxton road. Mrs. Calhoun bad been suffering from lung trouble and had been in poor health for a long time. Several weeks ago she came from New York to the home of her brother, where she died yesterday.

   Mrs. Calhoun was the daughter of Mrs. H. A. Woodward of Cortland, who survives her. She leaves four step children, Misses Jennie and Bertha Calhoun and Messrs. T. H. and W. C. Calhoun of New York City. One sister and six brothers also survive. These are Mrs. S. L. Clark of Cortland and Messrs. E. Woodward of Tully, Fred I. and W. R. Woodward of Truxton, George Woodward of Jacksonville, Fla., and M. H. and Ward Woodward of Cortland.

   Mrs. Calhoun was a graduate of the Cortland Normal school and for several years was a successful teacher in the schools ac Moravia, Babylon, and East Orange, N. J. She was for many years a member of the Presbyterian church of Cortland, but transferred her membership to East Orange some years ago.

   The funeral will be held at the home of her brother, Mr. M. H. Woodward, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.


Residence Changed.

   Dr. J. C. Stevens has moved his residence to 146 Homer-ave. Telephone 107. Office at Maricle's livery the same as before.



   —The funeral of the late Mr. B. B. Morehouse will be held at the house Friday at 2 o'clock.

   —The funeral of Mr. James Fullmer of Manlius, father of Mrs. F. B. Miller of this city, was held Monday of this week.

   —Cortlandville lodge, No. 470, F. & A. M., will hold a special communication Thursday evening for conferring the first degree.

   —Dillon Bros.' Easter reception, the second in the series, will be given tomorrow night in Red Men's hall. Music by their own orchestra of eight pieces will be furnished.

   —Cortland encampment, No. 122, I. O. O. F., will administer the Royal Purple degree to nearly a dozen candidates tomorrow night at the regular meeting in John L. Lewis lodgerooms.

   —New display advertisements today are—S. Simmons, Spring clothing, page 8; Family Liquor Store, Bottle of wine free, page 5; The York Store, Opening sale of drygoods, page 8; Opera House, "The Outpost." page 5; Opera House, "Lecture on Boer War," page 5; C. F. Thompson, Fresh fish, page 6; E. H. Medes, Coffee, page 5; E, M. Mansur, Flower seeds, page 8.


Friday, March 7, 2025


Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, March 31, 1902.


Report Shows Decreased Idleness In Three Branches.


Immigration Increasing Very Rapidly. Southern Italy Sent the Largest Number—Few Strikes—Factory inspectors—Increase of Wages—Pension System Inaugurated.

   Albany, March 31.—The quarterly bulletin of the state department of labor shows that for the last quarter ending Jan. 1, 1902, the decreased idleness in building, clothing and baking trades was noticeable.

   The favorable conditions of employment indicated by the reduced amount of idleness in the building trade unions are also revealed in the statistics of buildings authorized by the municipal building bureaus in the large cities.

   In New York city the number of buildings completed was 4,027 in the fourth quarter of 1901, as compared with 3,270 in the corresponding period of 1900, and the estimated cost of buildings, for which plans were approved in the last quarter of 1901, was $31,000,000 as compared with $22,000,000 in 1900.

   From these figures it does not appear that the new tenement house law has seriously hampered building operations in Greater New York, as some have apprehended. Buffalo has recovered from the slight reaction following the exposition, and the estimated cost of projected buildings in the three final months of 1901 far exceeds that for the parallel period in 1900 or 1899. The same statement applies to Rochester, while in Syracuse the figures of 1901 were inferior to 1900, but superior to 1898 and 1899.

   Immigration at the port of New York has been increasing rapidly. The number of arrivals in the fourth quarter of 1901 was 93,628, as compared with 74,423 one year ago and 83,265 in the preceding quarter of 1901. The increase was 26 per cent over the fourth quarter of 1900 and 12 per cent over the third quarter of 1901. The people from Southern Italy retained the lead by contributing 26 per cent of the immigration, the Hebrews following with 11 per cent, the Germans with 10 per cent and the Poles with 9 per cent, whose proportional increase since 1900 was larger than that of any other nationality.

   The bureau of mediation and arbitration recorded 16 trade disputes in the fourth quarter of 1901. None of these were on a large scale, the entire number of employes involved having been 2,281 in 46 establishments, and the aggregate number of working days lost having been only 24,300.

   For the first time the Bulletin contains a report of the quarter's work of the bureau of factory inspectors. It shows that 4,574 factories and bakeries and 1,370 tenement work rooms were inspected in October, November and December, 1901.

   The number of applications for licenses to carry on work in tenements was 3,750 and the net increase in the number of licenses outstanding since the end of September was 2,426. At the end of the year the number of licenses in force was 31,213 of which 22,387 were in New York city. The number of accidents reported to the bureau in the fourth quarter of 1901 was 762. There were 15 fatal accidents, the majority of which occurred either in connection with elevators or with shafting.

   A new feature in the 1901 report of the bureau of labor statistics which is summarized in the Bulletin is a table showing the increases and decreases in 1901 in the rates of wages of members of labor organizations.

   The net result of all the changes was that 50,253 members of labor unions gained a weekly addition to their wages of $86.807, which is equivalent to an advance of $1.73 each per week.

   The first large scale system of pensions for superannuated employes in this state has been established by the Metropolitan Street railway of New York city. At the age of 70 years employes will be retired on pension, those who have been in the service of the company 25 years receiving 25 per cent of their wages and for 35 years' service a pension amounting to 40 per cent of wages.




At the Examination in Marathon on Saturday—Falls on Her Knees in the Court Room and Utters Imprecations Till Stopped by the Court—Reading the Testimony and Getting Signatures of Witnesses.

   The examination in the case of The People vs. Orson A. House, John C. House and John H. House, who are charged with murder in the first degree in causing the death of George Bennett, was continued before Justice Miller in Marathon, N. Y., Saturday afternoon. Harry Gleason was recalled to the stand for cross examination by N. L. Miller, the special point of the questions being in regard to the tracks leading away from the house which he claimed to have seen and which he noted were made by new rubber boots.

   In reply to questions Mr. Gleason said: When John H. House and I arrived at the House residence that night we went directly in at the front door without making any examination for tracks. We then came out of the front door with a lantern and examined the premises in front of the house. We went to the east of the house and there discovered tracks coming in the large gate. These were the tracks which led to the storm door. A track which I afterwards saw leading to the road was not there at that time. After I had gone around the house and made the examination and got back in front again I then discovered this fresh track which I have described as leading toward the road. This track came from the east side of the house, and the east side is where the storm door is. I can positively state that that track was made after we had gone from the east side of the house on our first trip around the house. (This last statement was objected to by District Attorney Dowd for the prosecution on the ground that it called for a conclusion. The objection was sustained and an exception was taken.) The tracks looked as though made by a man walking, not running. I should think the steps were 3 feet long. The track was made on a circle, so far as the house was concerned, with the concave side of the circle toward the house and the footsteps led from it cornerways [sic].

   Direct examination by Mr. Dowd. I noticed that John H. House had very old rubber boots on that night. I did not notice what the others had on. We examined our boots the nest morning. We saw Bennett's boots the nest morning and John's. We noted the fact that all of us had on old boots and that the tracks in question were made by new boots. When we went around the house that night John H. and Orson were with us. I do not know where John C. was and do not know whether he had on old rubbers or new ones. I remember Orson said he had shot some one and came very near shooting himself. I heard John C. lock the door after us when we went out to investigate.

   Cross examination by Mr. Miller. This track did not come from the front of the house where we left John C. House nor did it go back to the premises, so far as I know.

   The examination of Mr. Gleason was characterized by frequent tilts between the opposing attorneys. Mr. Miller constantly objected to what he termed the cross examination of the witness by District Attorney Dowd inasmuch as the witness had been summoned by the district attorney for the people. Mr. Dowd insisted that though he had subpoenaed the witness, the witness was by no means his witness. He claimed that he was an employee of the Houses, and was decidedly hostile to the prosecution, and was trying to shape all his testimony to favor the Houses. The district attorney said he was in search of light on the subject regardless of whether he obtained it by direct or cross examination, and he had called this witness for the purpose of finding out what he was prepared to testify to and to get him on record as to these facts. The same was also true in connection with examination and cross examination of Mrs. Gleason, the wife of this witness.

   The next witness was Thomas Hudson. His previous testimony was read over to him preparatory to his signing the testimony. The following facts were added to the previous testimony in reply to questions. John H. House had told witness that Bennett had moved away everything that had belonged to him; that nothing was left at the house except a stove and that they had bought that of the boy who came there after the goods. The boy was there to get the goods the Friday before the shooting occurred between 12 and 1 o'clock in the afternoon. When the boy started off with his load he got caught in a drift near the premises of this witness and had to unload his goods and leave them in his barn. He thought it was not until Monday, March 24, that the goods were finally taken away.

   Leonard A. Landpher was called. He resides upon the first place in Lapeer from Marathon on the road toward the House place, and on the same road on which John Lynch resides. His testimony was unimportant. He had gone home at about 9:45 o'clock on the night of the shooting and saw no one on the highway after he left Marathon, and did not see either John Lynch or Geo. Bennett either on the highway or in Marathon.

   Merton H. Dillenbeck being sworn testified that his age was 25 years, occupation was that of a merchant, his residence was East Freetown and that he is the town clerk of Freetown, and has the custody of all the papers filed in that office. Witness here produced a chattel mortgage filed with him and identified his own signature upon it as having filed it. He testified that he knew the handwriting of George Bennett, and said he believed that the signature upon the mortgage to be that of George Bennett. The mortgage was offered in evidence and marked for identification. The rest of the afternoon was devoted wholly to the reading over to the different witnesses of the testimony which they had previously given and which had been taken down in shorthand and which had now been written cut, and which was submitted to them for their correction and for their signature.


   The one sensational feature of the afternoon was when Mrs. George Bennett, the widow of the deceased, was put on the stand. She testified in addition to her previous testimony that her maiden name was Jennie Noynsack. After having signed the testimony she suddenly fell upon her knees in the presence of the court, and waving her hands wildly toward the three defendants, fairly shrieked, " I hope to God you three men will never have one moment of peace or comfort as long as you live if you are allowed to go free. You three big men and a bull dog pitched on to my man. You are rich people and you killed a poor man and left me a widow with no one to protect or provide for me. I hope you will be punished and you ought to be—"

   She was proceeding further when the court interposed "There, there, Jennie, do not say any more, not another word; we are all through with you and you are excused; go back and take your seat." The excitement in the courtroom at this point was intense. Nearly every one, not in position to see well, rose to his feet, stretched forward with every effort to catch a view of the speaker.

   At 5 o'clock the examination adjourned until this morning at 10 o'clock. It was understood that no more witnesses were to be sworn, but the sessions today were to be devoted to the reading over to the witnesses of the rest of the testimony and the securing of their signatures. Justice Miller will announce his decision when all is through.



Paid the Fine After He Had Been Assaulted with a Razor.

  David Finn was arrested by [Cortland] Officers Baker and Bowker last Saturday night, after he had viciously assaulted his brother, Cabman Ike Finn, with a razor. He was charged with public intoxication. This afternoon in police court Ike asked the court not to send his brother to the penitentiary on account of their aged mother, but to give him a fine. The court acceded to the request and imposed a fine of $10, which was promptly paid by the cabman.


Death of Mrs. C. B. Peck.

   Mrs. Kate Hart Peck, wife of C. B. Peck, 10 Port Watson-st., died last Saturday afternoon at 5:15 o'clock from blood poisoning, aged 29 years, 1 month and 3 days.

   Mrs. Peck was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hart of Dryden. About eight years ago she was married to Mr. Peck and came to Cortland to live. She leaves, beside her husband, a little boy, Lyman, 6 years old, and a girl baby born last Tuesday. She is also survived by her mother and six brothers and sisters: Mrs. G. M. Hoagland of Groton, Miss Mary Hart of Plainfield, N. J., Arthur J. Hart of Cortland and Grover, D. W. and Mildred Hart of Dryden.

   The funeral will be held from the house Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be made in Cortland.



One of the Great Successes in Life Insurance.

   Through the courtesy of Mr. Henry H. Putnam, publisher of "The Monthly Journal of Insurance Economics," Boston, Mass., we are able to present to our readers today a portrait and sketch by Mr. Putnam of Mr. Gage E. Tarbell, second vice-president of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York City, formerly a resident of Marathon in this county where, in law, politics and business, he led the "strenuous life" which has since grown even more "strenuous" in the great department of effort to which he has devoted himself. Both portrait and sketch, which appeared in a recent number of Mr. Putnam's Journal of Insurance, will be of much interest to Mr. Tarbell's many Cortland county friends.


W. C. T. U. Notice.

   A regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held on Tuesday, April 1, at 3 p. m. Devotionals will be led by Mrs. Marion Bryant. The program which follows will be in charge of Mrs. Anna Bentley, superintendent of Sabbath observance. Included in the program will be an address by Rev. Robert Clements who is especially strong and convincing on this important subject. All interested are earnestly invited to be present.




Surmises as to Who the Purchaser Represented—Strong Reason to Think That the Road Will be Extended to Connect with a Big Railroad System.

   Mr. W. W. Montgomery of New York who bid off the E. & C. N. Y. R. R. last Saturday for $150,000 and paid the cash for it, left town without giving any account of himself beyond the fact that he represented certain private parties. Who these parties are is now the main question. Though Mr. Montgomery said nothing there were other visitors in town who were not as close mouthed, though none of them would talk for publication, but little hints were dropped and suggestive sentences were spoken that have caused many surmises to be made and some of them are probably pretty near the truth. Among other things it was stated that the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co., who held the bonds, could not legally own or run a railroad. At another time it was said that this company had too much money invested in these bonds to permit them to let the road be sold for $150,000. Some one suggested that what a company could not do as a corporation might perhaps be brought about by the members of the company separately as private individuals.

   The conclusion reached is this, that some members of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co. with probably some outside parties have formed a syndicate to buy the road. They will probably organize soon and operate the road. Because some of the men most largely interested in the Guaranty company are interested in the new move the price was permitted to be so low as it was simply transferring securities from one pocket to the other.

   One of the parties in town Saturday talked a little about extending the road before he departed. It is believed that the road will be put in fine condition as regards the new bridges and the roadbed. It may perhaps be extended to South Otselic, but the big extension will probably not be begun before another year, though there seems little doubt but that it will be extended sooner or later. And the conclusion to be drawn from the remarks made is that where it will be extended and when will depend upon who will make the most advantageous terms among several railroads.

   It will probably be extended to Hancock and Deposit. At the former place it will tap the Ontario and Western and at the latter place the Erie, giving two new lines to New York. Crossing the D. & H. at Nineveh it will open the door to New England and Montreal. But there is an idea that Deposit will not be the terminus of the road. The Pennsylvania railroad has long been trying to reach Syracuse and Lake Ontario. It is but a short distance-from Manunka Chunk, the present northern terminus of the Pennsylvania to Deposit. The course parallels the Erie road part of the way, but on the other side of the Delaware river. The Pennsylvania could make the connection and take advantage of the franchise of the E. & C. N. Y. R. R. to extend to Syracuse.

   A Cortland man who is interested in this road has been putting together all the straws he could pick up from different things dropped by different parties who were in Cortland on Saturday and from what was said and from what he knows of the situation this is about the way he figures it out. Time will tell how correct he is.



   —Local news on 3rd page today.

   —A regular meeting of the W. R. C. will be held Tuesday afternoon at 8 o'clock.

   —The Primary union will meet in the chapel of the Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

   —Miss Martha Roe gave a thimble bee this afternoon to a number of her lady friends at her home, 77 Railroad-st.

   —The Brotherhood of St. Paul of the Homer-ave. M. E. church will hold a monthly meeting this evening at 7:45 o'clock.

   —Cortlandville lodge, No. 470, F. & A. M., will confer the third degree at its regular communication Tuesday evening of this week.

   —The young people of McLean and Groton gave Miss Anna Foote a pleasant surprise on Friday evening of last week at her home four miles west of Cortland.

   —The remains of Mrs. A. M. Johnson are expected to arrive in Cortland at 7:09 o'clock this evening from Brasher Falls, N. Y. The funeral will be held from the First Baptist church at 10 o'clock A. M. tomorrow.

   —Mrs. Clara Olds who attempted suicide Saturday morning recovered consciousness toward evening and her physicians now feel assured that she will soon be well again, as she has rallied steadily and constantly since returning to consciousness.

   —New display advertisements today are—A. S. Burgess, Clothing, page 8; R. W. Mitchell, Meats, etc., page 5; W. J. Perkins, Paints, page 6; C. F. Thompson, Life Buoy soap, page 6; J. W. Cudworth, Optical talks, page 7; Sager & Jennings, Drugs and paints, page 7.


Thursday, March 6, 2025


Cecil Rhodes.

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, March 29, 1902.

Funeral of Cecil Rhodes.

   Cape Town, March 29.—The coffin containing the body of Cecil Rhodes will be conveyed to the Parliament buildings here during the morning of April 3 and will lie in state in the vestibule till 3 in the afternoon, when it will be removed to the Anglican cathedral, where the first portion of the burial service will be read. The funeral procession will afterwards traverse the principal streets of Cape Town to the railroad station. Thence the coffin will be taken by special train to Buluwayo, stopping for a short time at Kimberley. Only a few intimate friends will accompany the body to Buluwayo. The coffin during the funeral procession at Cape Town will be carried on the gun carriage of "Long Cecil," the famous gun used at the siege of Kimberley.



Cecil Rhodes' Vast Wealth Goes to That Object.


London Mail Asserts That This is the Purport of His Will—Has Long Been a Dominant Idea With Mr. Rhodes—Details Will Soon Be Made Public.

   London, March 29.—-The Daily Mail says it is in a position to assert that Cecil Rhodes left the bulk of his fortune, outside of some personal and family bequests, to the promotion of his vast imperial plan of education. This project embraces every land where the Union Jack flies. Its purpose is the intellectual betterment of the British race throughout the world and the fostering of the imperial sentiment.

   The Daily Mail adds that this idea of better fitting "younger Britain" to cope successfully with rival nationalities was long a dominant scheme with Cecil Rhodes, but that even his closest friends little imagined the absorbing hold it obtained upon him until this was disclosed by the terms of his will.

   The details of this plan of education will be made public in a few days.


Annual Examination of Employees.

   Washington, March 29.—The civil service commission will soon institute a test system of annual examinations of its employees. If proven practicable it will be extended to all branches of the government service. These examinations will be required of all regardless of whether they are seeking promotion or not, and the employees will be reduced in grade and pay if they fail to score 70 per cent in the examinations. Their regular efficiency records will be counted on the basis of 40 per cent out of the maximum of 100 per cent. The commission is instituting the scheme in its own offices first before taking steps looking to its general adoption.


Benjamin B. Odell, Jr.

Sentence Commuted.

   Albany, March 29.—Governor Odell has commuted to imprisonment for life the sentence imposed upon John Schmidt who was convicted in Columbia county in June, 1899, for murder in the first degree. Schmidt for a long time has been hopelessly inane.




The Usual Crowd in Attendance—Sheriff Overton Recalled—Deputy Rounds Tells About Going to House Farm for Cattle—Examination Will Probably Be Concluded Today.

   The examination of Orson A House, John C. House and John H. House arrested on the charge of murder in the first degree for the shooting of George Bennett on the night of March 3, which resulted in his death on March 8, was resumed before Justice of the Peace John H. Miller of Marathon, N. Y., today. The three defendants were taken from the [Cortland] jail to Marathon in the custody of the sheriff.

   About the usual crowd was in attendance at the hall, and the examination was resumed upon the arrival of Cortland parties.

   The first witness was John Lynch who was recalled for cross examination by N.  L. Miller. He testified when he went home on the night of the shooting he left Mr. Bennett on the highway. He had a lighted lantern in his hand.


   Sheriff Overton was next recalled. He testified that when he was at the House place the first time John H. House told him that he went down stairs after a gun. John C. House told him that he was in the kitchen when he first heard the disturbance and he called to the boys to go down stairs and get the gun. John H. came down und took the gun up stairs to Orson.


   Deputy Sheriff R. J. Rounds was recalled and gave an account of his trip to the House farm when he took away the cattle. In February, 1902, I went to the House farm with Fred Bennett and Meacham. I had no warrant or legal paper to take the cattle at that time. I saw John H. House, John C. House and Orson A. House and went into the house and talked with them. I told them I had been sent there to take the cattle on a mortgage. They forbade my taking the cattle and said Bennett had no cattle there. They had bought the cattle and paid for them. I asked them when the transaction occurred and they said it was none of my business. I told them they had better give up the cattle peaceably as we were going to take them. They said that any one who would try to take them away would get hurt. They would do everything to retain the cattle except shoot. The barn was locked at the time, and I did not know as I had any authority to break the lock and consequently I came away. After dinner I went back again with Fred Bennett, Lon Vunk, Meacham and the two fellows who had bought the cattle. When we drove into the yard the three Houses came out again and had clubs. They were green sticks, looking as though they had been recently cut, about 3 feet long and 1 1/2 inches in diameter. John C. House did the most of the talking. He said we must not do anything. I told him that I proposed taking the cattle and would do the talking myself. I took away John H.'s club and then John C. and Orson A. gave me their clubs. I threw the three clubs into the bob sleigh and took the cattle. Mrs. Bennett led the cattle out of the barn. The Houses forbade their being taken away, but the men who took the cattle led them away; eleven head of cattle and a colt. I did not hear them threaten Mrs. Bennett in any way except to forbid her leading them out of the barn.


   Daniel B. Tripp was the next witness. Mr. Tripp testified: I am the assistant cashier of the Marathon National bank. I had a slight acquaintance with Geo. Bennett during his lifetime. My first knowledge of him was on April 1, 1901 when he deposited $31 in the bank to pay a note which was subsequently presented by a man by the name of Dillenbeck. On June 22, 1901, he deposited $25 more. On July 8, 1901, he deposited $25 more. The note which was presented for payment was due June 1, 1901 and amounted to $17.08. The remainder of the money was left there until July 22, 1901, when Bennett drew out the balance and closed the account.

   The rest of the morning was spent in reading over the testimony previously taken, and securing the signatures of the witnesses.




W. W. Montgomery of 25 Broad-st., New York City, Representing Private Parties Purchases the Road for $150,000—Jacob S. Rosenthal of Baltimore, the Only One Who Bid Against Him—Purchaser Does Not Disclose in Whose Interest He Made the Bid.

   The Erie & Central New York railroad, extending from Cortland to Cincinnatus, was sold at mortgage foreclosure sale at the Lehigh Valley station at noon today. Mr. W. W. Montgomery of the firm of Sharp & Bryan, 25 Broad-st., New York City, was the purchaser and the price paid was $150,000. Mr. Montgomery stated that he made the purchase in the interest of private parties whose names he declined to disclose at this time.

   The sale was conducted by Special Master George A. Kernan of Utica. He read the formal notice of sale and the terms upon which bids would be received. One of the conditions was that the bidder must deposit with the master in cash or certified check to the satisfaction of the master the sum of $1,000, before his bid could be received, which sum so deposited, should be forfeited in case the bidder, if successful, should fail to make good his bid or comply with the requirements in reference to future payments.

   Before the bidding began two persons made their deposits of $1,000 each. These were Mr. Jacob S. Rosenthal, a Baltimore capitalist and Mr. W. W. Montgomery of 25 Broad-st., New York City. These men were the only bidders. Mr. Rosenthal started the property at $130,000. This was promptly raised to $140,000 by Mr. Montgomery. Mr. Rosenthal bid $145,000 and Mr. Montgomery followed this by a bid of $150,000. Mr. Rosenthal declared that he was through and the property was struck off to Mr. Montgomery within fifteen minutes after the sale was opened.



At Opera House Sunday Afternoon—Open for All.

   Cordello Herrick, chaplain of Auburn prison will address the mass meeting at the Opera House tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. "The Boys in Stripes" will be his subject. The meeting will be for women as well as men. Members of the church choirs of the city are requested to come and aid in the singing. All are welcome.



Plans for the City's Spring Cleaning Occupy Their Attention.

   The board of health members had their war paint on last night when they met at the city clerk's office for the regular monthly consultation in matters pertaining to the city's cleanliness. Garbage and cesspools were the particular subjects that absorbed the attention of the board, and these were enough for one evening.

   In regard to cesspools the board was agreed that an ordinance was needed which would prohibit the building of any new cesspools on sewered streets, and the city attorney was directed by a resolution of the board to frame an ordinance to that effect. This was thought to be the most feasible way to rid the city of cesspools in the future. The ordinance will be acted upon at the next meeting, and if adopted there will be no more cesspool building in the city, except on streets where there are no sewers.

   In regard to garbage the board was of the opinion that the people had the impression that it did not intend to enforce the ordinances that apply to cleaning up. Several places were spoken of where fines are to be imposed for noncompliance, and the members expressed themselves in favor of making a wholesale business of fining all who did not comply.

   Health Officer Carpenter reported that the closet in front of the Cortland Specialty Co.'s factory would be moved to the rear of the building at once.

   The health officer reported a very bad state of uncleanliness in the home of two women on Franklin-st. One of these women, it is reported, is a Homer charge and the other is a county charge [receiving poor relief—CC ed.]. The two have six children. Steps will be taken immediately to put the house, which is said to be filthy, in a more sanitary condition.

   An adjournment was taken until April 11.



   — A meeting of Grover Post will be held Monday evening, March 31 at 7:30 o'clock. A full delegation is desired.

   —New display advertisements today are—F. E. Brogden, Easter soda and strawberries, page 6; Brown's Pharmacy, Huyler's candies, page 6; Cortland Opera House, "Way Down East, page 5.

   —A newly wedded couple in Cazenovia are said to have been let down from the third story of the house by a hoisting tackle to escape their friends, who were laying for them with rice and old shoes.

   —The members of Cortland Commandery. No. 50, K. T. of Cortland will attend the services at Calvary Episcopal church in Homer tomorrow evening. A special car will leave Cortland at 7 o'clock, returning after the services.