Thursday, May 28, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 21, 1890.

   W. W. Salisbury will move into the Neely house, and Abram for the time being, will have some one to keep his house for him.
   B. J. Salisbury & Co., are shipping their green tow as fast as they are able to get it out. The market is low but they are buying their flax straw at correspondingly low prices.
   During the cold snap last week about one hundred men found employment about the ice harvest. There is six inches of ice now in the coves but the slush on top prevents cutting.
   W. T. Perkins has slated the blackboards in the school house, making them equal to a slate to write upon with a crayon. Every school house should have their old blackboards slated in the same manner, as it costs but a trifle.
   A good many new men are drawing their milk to the depot, while some of the old ones are still left out. They have ice enough already stored to run it through the season with careful usage. The Homer depot is almost half filled.
   Mr. John Roe has bought the Blashfield homestead and will take possession the first of April. We are sorry to lose Mr. L. Babcock, who has occupied the same for the past few years and proved himself a genial and kind neighbor and an unflinching "Democrat."
   The milk depot at this place and in Homer succeeded in getting a fair supply of ice which with judicious pumping will run them through the season. They employed about forty men and ten teams while the ice lasted. They cut on the premises of S. D. Perkins.
   Who owns the ice on the lake is still a much debated question. The farmers whose lands adjoin the lake claim their lines to the center, while the mill owners claim the whole surface of the lake, and a damage for removing the water thereof, either in liquid or solid form. Every time a cow drinks there is an action for trespass.
   ULI SLICK. [pen name of correspondent]

   John Kirkup has had the misfortune to lose the best cow in his dairy.
   Chas. White has hired to John Beattie eight months for $18 per month.
   Will Gutches, of Homer, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Gutches.
   Thomas Bell is having quite a string of bad luck. He has lost three cows within a short time.
   Monday of this week, Mr. F. A. Cushing moved into the house purchased of the Bennett heirs a few weeks ago.
   Not very good sugar weather yet, although there is a little new sugar in market. Price, at present, 10 cents per pound.
   George W Miller sold two colts, one coming 1 years old, and the other coming 4, to Isaac Miller, of Homer. Consideration, $300.
   Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Frank Burnham, of East Homer, and Miss Rose A. Pratt, of Little York, to take place Wednesday, March 26th.
   James Foster sold his last summer make of butter last week to Hilton & Patrick, of Truxton, for $13 per firkin. What a blessing the tariff is to the farmer. It saves him the trouble of spending his surplus for the reason he can't get any to spend. Hip, hip, hurrah for Harrison and Protection! Let 'er go, Gallagher.
   Mrs. Frank Rowe gave a surprise party last Saturday in honor of the tenth birth day of her daughter Bertha. At about 2 P. M. eighteen of her young friends appeared on the scene much to the surprise of Bertha. After spending a pleasant afternoon and partaking of a bounteous supper, they returned to their homes well pleased with their visit. Bertha received a number of very pretty presents.

   Report says there is to be a wedding at Summerhill this week.
   There are a number of boys in the mill yard awaiting the completion of repairs on the saw mill.
   Mr. Miles and Mr. Van Buskirk cut ice on the pond last week for the Summerhill cheese factory.
   Mrs. Helen Ramify and children, of Summerhill, visited at her father's, F. B. Clark, last week Wednesday.
   We are having a little taste of winter now, and it looks as if the equinoctial storm had arrived. Some of those who had not tapped their sugar bushes before were deceived by the pleasant weather Saturday and began to tap, but the snowstorm in the afternoon put a stop to operations. It looks rather odd to go into the woods at this time of year and not see snowdrifts several feet high.

   Mr. Solon Parker and wile are visiting at E. Dart's.
   Mr. H. Peck, of Solon, was in town on business Sunday.
   Mrs. Tuttle has secured the help of Miss Netta Underwood.
   Mr. John Knox, of McGrawville, is a guest at D. K. Allen's.
   Mr. Dell Carson visited his brother Charles in Lapeer Saturday.
   Mr. E. Holden and wife, of Solon, visited at H. Lennon's Monday.
   Mr. Perlee Robertson, of Cortland, has been in town the past week.
   Miss Fanny Strowbridge, of Cortland, is a guest at Mr. J. H. Jacobs'.
   Mr. J. C. Jacobs, of Blodgetts' Mills, visited at R. J. Northrup's last week.
   Mr. S. S. Hammond and Mrs. Dodge called on friends in Cortland Monday.
   Mr. Chauncy Smith is again grandpa, as his daughter Letta Dilridge has a son.
   Mr. Belknap, of Syracuse, an evangelist, will speak in the M. E. Church this week.
   Mr. Stephen Bates, of Virgil, has been doing a grand job of painting for A. Borthwick.
   Mr. E. Carter has been in town carting eggs for I. Bowdish. He only secured 225 dozen at our little store.
   It is said that Mr. Charles Northrup has the best evaporator in the county. I don't know but it will make sugar without sap.
   Miss Lavina Fish, of Marathon, is helping Mrs. B. Hall, who is on the sick list. Dr. D. K. Allen attends her, also Mrs. S. Smith.
   Mrs. P. Corwin has received the sad news of the death of her mother, who was living with her daughter, Mrs. Angle Peck, in Solon.
   Mr. Lafayette Stanton, who is to live on the Eaton farm, has had the misfortune to break his arm and therefore has secured the help of Mr. Moon and his son at present.

   C. Eugene Boyden, of the Assembly post office, was home over the sabbath.
   Quite a large quantity of maple sugar and syrup is being made in this section.
   Chas. C. Brown, who has been laid up with rheumatism for the past few weeks, is able to be about.
   The members of A. H. Barber Hose Co. No. 3 hold a reception at their rooms on Friday evening of this week.
   The farm residence of Samuel Bliss, of Lapeer, N. Y., took fire Monday morning and burned to the ground. Loss covered by insurance.
   The following corporation officers were placed in nomination last Saturday evening for the ensuing year: President, D. B. Tripp; trustees, O. S. Underwood, O. H. Smith. Election occurs on Tuesday of this present week.
  *    *
     * [pen name symbol]

   Fred Seamans and family have moved to Cortland.
   Pete Marshall has hired out to Mr. Starr of Cortland at $19 per month.
   J. E. Reed and wife of Dryden Lake spent last Sabbath in this place.
   James Steel has hired out to D. P. Griswold at $20 per month and also has rented Mr. Griswold's tenant house.
   Price Rounds, of Virgil, is buying all the veal calves in this vicinity for Mr. Winchell of Cortland, at 51/2 cts. per pound.
   Most of the farmers here have their ice houses filled. Although some of it is not more than four inches thick, it is better than none.
   The Watson cooper shops and contents burned to the ground last Saturday morning. Most of the farmers here bought their butter packages of Mr. Watson.
   The friends and neighbors of John Tripp, of Dryden Lake, made him a surprise party last Tuesday night. John was completely "surprised" much to the amusement of all. He was formerly a South Cortland boy.
   Our new merchants, Jones & Co., are already doing a lively business. They have the largest and best stock of goods of all description that ever was in this place. They are underselling Cortland merchants on groceries and yankee notions. Give them a call.
   There are several desirable small farms for sale here at very reasonable prices. Parties wishing to move into a nice little village where they will not be molested by "tramps and burglars," would do well to come here and look around before purchasing elsewhere.
   Wilbur Sanders is getting his building ready to start a first class grocery store about April first. This will give us two first class grocery stores. Now if we could induce some one to come here and start a first class temperance hotel, and also induce a minister to settle here and preach the Gospel of Christ in the good "old-fashioned way," we think our little hamlet would begin to boom, and the people would be saved from their sins.
   It is now the opinion of the farmers that the steady decline of farm produce has made the steady hiring of help impracticable. It has driven the surplus farm help into the cities and more lucrative pursuits, leaving a scant supply in the country and those left are shrewd enough to take advantage of the demand. We also hear a good deal said of the "independence of the farmer!" Now the independence of the farmer which is claimed to-day is a myth, blooming in some "visionary brain" who knows nothing of the long sleepless nights of mental agony, and the longer, weary days of toil till death ends the struggle in rest.

   Sugar making is now the order of the day.
   Ryan Green is out upon the streets again upon crutches.
   Mrs. J. S. Cornue is not as well at present writing, as she has been.
   Born to Henry Moore, a pair of twins, a boy and girl. One of them has died.
   Mud and snow, roads without bottom, people with long faces and moving is one of the topics.
   Franklin Jones was at Rochester on Monday of this week, as a candidate for the civil service examination.
   Moses Howard is on the sick list. He is eighty-one years of age. Dr. H. P. Johnson from Cortland, attends him.
   Married, Thursday March 13, 1890, at the home of the bride's father, Mrs. Nellie M. Fulton to Charles P. Tallman, by Rev. Mr. Keeney, of Tully.
   Work has been commenced in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Wilson of Homer has the job of putting on the adamant plaster. He has also Mr. Rice's house to plaster with the same material.

   Mrs. Marvin Williams is on the sick list.
   Our village school commences next Monday, the 24th.
   Married at the bride's home March 12th, by Rev. O. J. Purrington, Mr. Orra Bays and Miss Mattie Williams.
   The opening dance, at the hotel Friday evening, was well attended considering the bad weather. There were 71 numbers sold.

   Herman Stoker works for Mr. Underwood, of East Scott, this season.
   Mrs. Betsey Green, who is in the insane asylum at Binghamton, is reported as no better.
   Miss Eliza Barber is to work for Lora J. Green this season, and Miss Minnette Clarke for George Burden.
   Mrs. Abel Mott is not improving much. Dr. Burdick of Homer was called to see her to-day, Tuesday.
   We learn there was a large crowd at the auction of John Vincent and that cows sold at about $30 per in head.
   Mr. Niles Van Denburg, of Virgil, contemplates moving into the house of Widow Lee Burdick of this town.
   We learn that Mr. Orestes Griffin, of this town, who has been at the Utica insane asylum for several weeks, is improving.
   Rev. J. B. Clarke of Alfred Centre preached at the S. D. B. church last Sabbath. He was formerly pastor of the church here.
   Frank and Ira Barber have drawn quite a number of pine logs to the mill of F. M. Hazard. They were taken from the Joshua Burdick lot.
   We learn that Mr. June of Summit Station has been in the insane asylum for several weeks but that he is better and expected home soon. He married Carrie Frisbie of this place.

   Mr. E. Ford has moved back on his farm toward Cincinnatus.
   School commenced this week with Miss Ada Wadsworth as teacher.
   Quite a quantity of ice has been harvested by the people of this vicinity.
   Some of our young people attended the opening dance at Virgil, last week.
   Miss Kit Kerrigan commenced her duties as teacher in the Pritchard district, this week.
   Sager & Corcoran are handling quite a large amount of maple sugar and syrup this spring.
   The funeral of Mrs. Chapin was held on Tuesday last, from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hiram Peck.
   Quite a quantity of maple sugar has been made so far this year, although it has been very poor weather for sugar making.

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