Wednesday, May 27, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 21, 1890.

W. C. T. U. County Convention.
   The ninth semi-annual convention of the Cortland County W. C. T. U. was held in Preble, March 5th and 6th, 1890.
   After devotional exercises the convention was opened with a brief and very appropriate address by the county president, Miss Sara Collins of Cortland.
   Mrs. E. M. Van Hoesen gave earnest and hearty words of welcome, and Mrs. L. M. Allen of Homer responded happily, in behalf of the convention.
   Interesting reports were made by superintendents of the following departments: Literature, Soldiers and Sailors, Juvenile Work, Flower and Card, Scientific Institution, Evangelistic, Sunday School, Y. Work, State and National papers.
   "How best to teach temperance in the Sunday School," was the subject of a very able and interesting paper by Mrs. James S. Squires of Cortland, followed by profitable and suggestive remarks by several of the ladies.
   The W. C. T. U. course of study [was] brought before the convention by Mrs. L. M. Allen.
   At the close of the afternoon session Mrs. Mary J. Weaver, vice-president of the State W. C. T. U., was introduced and gave an informal talk which was full of inspiration for the work.
   The evening session was opened at 7:30. Devotional exercises were led by Mrs. Florence Gilbert, of Homer, singing No. 153 Epworth Hymnal, reading John 15, prayer, and singing No. 255. Mrs. Ella D. Clark, of Cortland, presented a paper entitled "Our Battle Shield," which was listened to with much interest. The address of the evening was by Mrs. Mary J. Weaver, who read Nehemiah 4, 9, speaking of our work for God and home, and that success is sure since it is to come from Him. It was a very earnest address, characteristic of the speaker, and was highly appreciated by the large audience present.
   The morning session was opened at 9:30 o'clock with a consecrative meeting led by Miss Ella D. Clark, nearly all the ladies joining in the prayer service. The spirit of God was present to baptize the hearts of his children, and so to accept the consecration made, that at the close of the meeting the one thought that seemed to fill all hearts was "Ye are not your own."
   A report of the State Convention was read by Miss Delia Johnson, of the Cortland Y’s, and that of the National Convention by the National delegate, Mrs. James S. Squires.
   The entire work of the convention showed an increase of interest and zeal for the course. The addition of seven departments to those already taken up is an assurance that the white ribbon women of Cortland county are not weary in well doing.
   An invitation to hold the next convention at McGrawville was accepted.

   The Howe Stove Co. started up [again] on Monday.
   The boy’s branch of the Cortland Y. M. C. A. have organized a base ball club.
   Gorman's Minstrels in the Opera House next Monday evening. Don't fail to be present.
   Police Justice Bull had several cases before him last Saturday. He presides with dignity and ability.
   Justice Bull's headquarters are in Firemen's Hall. He will dispense justice of the criminal sort to all applicants.
   Assemblyman Peck's bill making the care of armories a state rather than a county charge, passed the Assembly on Monday.
   Miss Ormsby's Kindergarten school will open at 18 Court St., April 23d. Tuition, $5.00 for ten weeks, payable in advance.
   One Geo. Pratt, better known as "Josh," was arrested last week on the charge of assaulting a boy named Warwick. His examination has been set down for 10 A. M. on Monday, before Justice Squires.
   The [village] board of trustees—all Republican—had a rather stormy session last Friday evening. It is to be hoped that peace will prevail in the future. The board would undoubtedly get along much better if there were two or three level headed Democrats among them.
   Assemblyman Peck's bill, providing for the distribution of school moneys on the basis of $100 to each school district, for each qualified teacher employed for thirty two weeks, was passed in the Assembly last week by a vote of 92 to 28, the negative votes coming from the cities of New York and Brooklyn.
   Assemblyman Peck's bill repealing the Mase dog law, has passed the Assembly. The Mase law raised the tax to $1, and required the owner of a dog to collar and register his dog, pay a registration fee, and if his dog was found without a collar a constable or a policeman might shoot the dog and receive fifty cents from the town. The repeal bill of Mr. Peck places the law where it was before the tax, namely, fifty cents on every male dog and leaves the matter with the board of supervisors to raise the tax above half a dollar if the necessities of the counties require it for the indemnity for killing sheep.
   The loyal Circle of King's Daughters will give to the public their second entertainment for hospital fund in Odd Fellows hall, on two successive evenings, probably the first week in April. On each day supper will he served; there will also be a sale of fancy and useful articles. All members of the order are expected to furnish one article for sale. Interested friends not members are invited to contribute as their hearts may dictate. It is requested that the cost of material be marked on contributions, which are to be left with Mrs. Mark Brownell, Greenbush St., or any member or central committee named in another column.
   Hereafter the hardware stores in this village will remain open until 8 o'clock P. M.
   What was to be the kitchen in the new Presbyterian Church is to be done off for a pastors study and the kitchen will be placed in the basement.
   Thos. F. Grady has sold the fixtures and lease of the Tivoli House on North Main street to R. Burns Linderman, who will take possession April 1st next.
   The auditorium of the Baptist Church in this place is being repaired. The ceiling is being covered with Georgia pine, which will be paneled and finished in hard oil. The chandeliers have been lowered and the sides of the church will be re-frescoed.

   The Sawtelle Comedy Co., are playing to good houses in the Opera House. This Friday evening the company will produce the great sensational play entitled "The Phoenix." Be sure and see the great fire scene which occurs during this performance. A fine watch and some handsome silverware given away each evening.

Boarding and Day School. [Ad]
   A boarding and day school will be opened Monday, March 31, No. 12 Tompkins street, in building owned by Clayton Rowley, formerly known as the home of Henry S. Randall. Large spacious rooms and beautiful grounds.
   Advanced English, French and Latin under the supervision of Mrs. F. Coffin. German by M. D. Murphy, Jr. Music by Miss M. Alger. Drawing by Miss Sara Collins.
   Primary Work and Book Keeping in charge of Eliza F. Austin.
   Kindergarten under competent and experienced teacher.
   Board can be obtained in the building.

Prompt Settlement.
CORTLAND, N. Y., March 17, 1890.
H. A. Messenger, Esq., Special Agent American Steam Boiler Insurance Co:
   DEAR SIR:—We desire to say that we are very much pleased with the prompt and satisfactory manner m which the American Steam Boiler Ins. Co. settled the loss which occurred under your new form of policy of insurance covering the steam boilers, machinery, and accidents arising therefrom. Our loss occurred on the 15th of Feb. last, and it was a number of days before we forwarded proofs of loss to the company; that as soon as proofs arrived the company sent us the check by return mail.
   We desire to say that we are pleased with this new form of policy, and believe it to be just what is needed by manufacturers who have this kind of risk to meet.
   Hitchcock Manufacturing Co.
   H. L. GLEASON, Sec’y.
   This new blanket form of policy covers about every risk to a steam plant that is not covered by fire insurance. Mr. Messenger, who is the special agent of the American, had recently placed a $50,000 policy with the Hitchcock Manufacturing Company.

BROCKWAY—To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Brockway, of Homer, March 16, a son.
HIGGINS—To Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Higgins of Cortland, N. Y., March 18, 1890, a daughter.
GRIDLEY—In Cortland, March 16, 1890, of pneumonia, Robert Gridley.

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