Saturday, November 30, 2013

If Not a Swindle, What?

The Cortland News, Friday, September 11, 1885.

If Not a Swindle, What?

    Last spring about the time "History of Cortland County" published by Mason & Co., of Syracuse, was being delivered in this vicinity, we heard considerable complaint as to the work and the manner in which a great many subscribers to it had been procured, but at that time paid no attention to the reports as they seemed to start from no particular place, and only took the form of a rumor.

   On Monday of this week an agent for Mason & Co., appeared in town with several of the alleged histories and proceeded to deliver them. He called on Mrs. Lucy Woodruff, on North Main street, and informed her that he had brought the book that she had subscribed for, and, was prepared to receive the subscription price $12. Mrs. Woodruff was completely taken back as she was not aware that she had ever subscribed for the work in question and refused to receive it, or pay for it. There upon, Mr. Agent showed her a contract, signed by herself agreeing to take one of the books, when completed, and she was informed that unless she paid for it, an action would be commenced for the amount. Besides all this the agent used language to her that no gentleman would stoop to utter.

   The contract business being looked into discloses the following facts:—At the time the history was being compiled one of the men working on the concern called on Mrs. Woodruff and told her what he was doing, and as she had been a resident of this county for a long time, engaged her in conversation as to some of the early citizens and events that had transpired during her residence, and after all the data had been elicited from her that could be, this urbane gentleman wanted a recommend from her as to what she thought of the work when completed, or something of that description, and he procured a blank extolling the history (as she supposed) for her to sign which she did. The recommend now turns out to be an agreement to receive and pay for one of the histories.

   We have heard of others in this vicinity being caught in the same manner, but rather than have any trouble in the matter have taken the book, and paid for it, although they could not afford to buy at the price asked for it, and they did not intend to subscribe. If this sort of business is not swindling, pure and simple, we would be pleased to know just what it is called.



   The Prohibition Town caucus will be held at Good Templars’ Hall, in this village, Saturday, September 12, at 1 p. m.

   A good, lively, energetic boy wanted at this office to learn the printing business. No one afraid to work need apply.

   Considerable fault has been found the past week with some of the street lamps in the north part of the town. About half of them refuse to shed any light whatever.

   Two young men from Ithaca who were laboring under a heavy load of "stub-toe" were taken by Officer Van Hoesen yesterday afternoon and were sent below to sober up by Squire Bierce, after which event occurs they will be brought up and given a chance to add their mite to the town treasury.

South Cortland, September 3, 1885.

   Potatoes are said to be rotting badly in many localities.

   Numbers of young people of this place, and surrounding towns are now busy at the hop fields, earning a little spending money.

   The Cortland NEWS is a welcome guest at our home; it is the newsiest sheet in Cortland county.

   The district schools throughout this section are nearly all supplied with teachers, as follows:—Miss Marchia Calkins in the Parker Dist.; Parker Gilbert in the Calkins Dist.; Zera Nye in the Sweetlove Dist.; Miss Mary Hunt in this place; Miss Betsy Minneah in the Morse Dist.

   Four children belonging to Rev. B. F. Weatherwax are very sick with malarial fever. Dr. Henry attends them.

   Tramps are becoming quite common just now. Get your firearms ready for they are a dangerous lot. If work is as scarce and wages so low as now, we shall all have need to know how to protect ourselves.

   Rev. B. F. Weatherwax lost one of his best dairy cows last Friday by milk fever.


PREBLE, September 9, 1885.

   We are informed that the coon which passed through this place a short time ago was caught at Otisco.

   Our village school commenced Monday. Hammil Coon and wife, of Marathon, are the teachers.


EAST SCOTT, September 9, 1885.

   Potatoes are rotting. The blight has appeared in every field in this section.

   Miss Flora Smith is failing. Her recovery is doubtful. A council of doctors was held last week.

   Fred Stevens has bought 38 acres of his father's north farm and has commenced building a barn. Jay Taylor is doing the carpenter work.


SCOTT, September 8, 1885.

   Quite a large number of our citizens joined the excursionists in their trip to Oswego last week Thursday.

   The hops are being gathered from the poles as fast as the weather will permit. The crop promises to be a good one.

   [The following was published last week but owing to a mistake in this office it was mixed up badly, and by request we re-publish it.—ED, NEWS.]

   The funeral services of Miss Cora E. Shevalier were conducted at her home by her pastor, Rev. H.W. Williams, Sept. 2. She passed away peacefully and with the assurance of a glorious resurrection to her rest in God, Aug. 31. When very young she lay at death's door many weeks with inflammatory rheumatism from which she never fully recovered, it resulting in heart disease. She bore its excruciating pains with a fortitude creditable to riper years. Then she sought and found Christ precious as her personal Savior. She was always bright and cheerful and ready to work wherever needed, even while suffering and expecting any moment the command to rest. To be an idler or an invalid was to her worse than death. Many times has she said during her last illness, "I don't want to live if I can't be useful." She was very devoted to her home and especially to her father, whose health for a number of years has been poor. Always thoughtful of friends, and while suffering intensely would speak of others who were sick saying: "They suffer much more than. I can't wait to get well that I may go and see them." To know her intimately was to love her. As a student and teacher, as a member of church and society she had many friends, a large concourse of whom were present to pay her the last tribute of love. One Sunday-school scholar who could not be present, said, "I shall go to her grave alone and place upon it a bouquet." The floral offerings were many, and beautiful.

Friday, November 29, 2013

An Evil-Minded Person

The Cortland News, Friday, September 4, 1885.

A Bad Mistake.

   An evil-minded person, who, we regret to say, is an inhabitant of Cortland, for some time past has been making unseemingly [sic] remarks in regard to the scantiness of attire with which the cast iron maidens, who adorn the drinking fountains at either end of the town, are arrayed.

   To protect the aforesaid C. I. M. [cast iron maiden—CC editor] from the prying eyes of this perpetual fault finder, some person, last Sunday, furnished the maiden at the Cortland House with a nice Mother Hubbard wrapper, evidently thinking that the Peeping Tom aforesaid was a resident of the north end of the town. As soon as the mistake was discovered, however, the young lady took off her extra clothing and is still tending to her own business at the old stand.

   The majority of our inhabitants find no fault with the maidens, whose dresses are not cut much lower in the neck than full dress attire warrants, and who pay no attention to the glances cast at them.

   Something must be done, however, to protect the young lady at the south end of the town from being stared at so much by the man who professes to be so indignant at her lack of clothes, but who, we are credibly informed, spends most of his time gazing at her from his office window.


Excursion to Watkins Glen.

   The E. H. & L. Co., No. 3., of Cortland [Excelsior Hook & Ladder], have completed arrangements for one of the finest excursions ever going from this place. Watkins Glen is noted for its picturesque and grand scenery, thousands visiting it every week from all parts of the world. Here we find lofty rocks towering perpendicularly several hundred feet, beautiful waterfalls, grottoes and walks, rendering it one of the finest pleasure resorts open to visitors.

   Arrangements have also been made for the free use of the picnic grounds for those desiring. A steamboat has been chartered for the use of the excursionists, leaving the wharf at 1:30 p. m., and return in time for the train. The nominal fee of 30 cents will give a ride of nearly 40 miles on Seneca, the acknowledged queen of the lakes.

   This undoubtedly will be the finest and best opportunity ever offered to our people. No greater inducements could be offered to the public than are given in this. Then provide yourself with a ticket at once, as the number is limited and as soon as that number is reached, no more will be sold. The train will leave Cortland at 7:30 A. M., stopping at McLean, Freeville, Etna and Ithaca, and all stations between if flagged. Returning will leave Watkins at 7 P. M., reaching Cortland at 10.


A Heavy Failure.

R. C. Tillinghast Succumbs to the Depression in Business.

   On Tuesday last it was rumored on the street that R. C. Tillinghast, the wagon manufacturer, had made an assignment for the benefit of creditors and later reports confirmed the statement. The preferred creditors are in class A—Mary Tillinghast, $1,100; National Bank of Cortland, $9,500; Frank Place, for notes endorsed, $5,000; B. F. Tillinghast, $6,000. In class B—B. F. Tillinghast, $11,204; National Bank of Cortland, $2,000; Frank Place, $6,000.

   The cause of the failure was the inability of Mr. Tillinghast to secure an extension of time on his paper at the bank, made necessary by his being obliged to extend the time on a large number of bills which were owing to him.

   Universal regret is expressed that one of Cortland's industries should thus be obliged to close up, and hopes are entertained that the business can be arranged in such a way that the indebtedness can be paid dollar for dollar. At any rate the assets will be sufficient to pay the preferred creditors in full, and the others from 60 to 80 cents on the dollar.


Annie Lewis

   $1.25 will take you to Watkins and return Friday, Sept. 11.

   About two hundred went from here to Freeville last Sunday to hear ex-Governor St. John [1884 presidential candidate of the Temperance Party—CC editor] talk on Prohibition.

   Only 30 cents for a ride of 40 miles on the beautiful Seneca Lake, stopping at the summer resort of North Hector. Don't miss it.

   At Narragast Park, Providence, on Tuesday last "Jane R." owned by T. H. Wickwire, of this place, and driven by A. J. Feek, won the 2:35 race in three straight heats. Time ‘27, '27 1-2, '26 1-4.

   Annie Lewis, the charming soubrette, will appear at the Cortland Opera House next Wednesday evening. During the performance she appears in six different characters in the burletta entitled "Little Tramp.”

   To keep postage stamps in the pocket or memoramdum book without sticking a postoffice clerk advises people to rub the sticky side over the hair two or three times. The oil of the hair coats the mucilage and prevents it from sticking.

   The Truxton Courier has not suspended as stated last week. It only took a vacation for a few weeks, but it has shrunk dreadfully in the meantime, and now appears as a four column folio.

   The firm of Howard & Smith, grocers and produce dealers, doing business near the D. L. & W. depot has been dissolved, Mr. Smith retiring. John H. Howard, of Gloversville, has become interested in the business with his brother, and the firm’s name will remain as heretofore, Howard & Co.

   Duprez & Benedicts minstrels held forth at Taylor Opera House last Saturday evening to a slim house, and, all things considered, the performance was in keeping with the audience. Why it is that people will laugh at these alleged comedians, who don't have sense enough to let jokes a century old rest in peace, is one of the things that no man can find out.

   Wamer Rood, manager of the Cortland Opera House, is constantly securing first class attractions to present to the amusement-loving public and announces the following as some he has already engaged: Hill & Baker's Pantomine Troupe; Campbell's "Three Guards" Co.; Forrester's Dramatic Co.; Standard Dramatic Co.; Frank Suidam's Pantomime Co.; Maggie Mitchell; Denman Thompson, in "Joshua Whitcomb;" Madison Square Theatre Co. in "A Russian Honeymoon;" Frank Jones' Comedy Co. in "Si Perkins."

   On Monday last, the Union schools of Cortland opened with an increased attendance. The attendance in the different schools is as follows:—Schermerhorn street 112; Church street 80; Pomeroy street 153; Owego street 90.

   Frank Jones, left yesterday for Watertown, where he has been engaged by L. R. Hopkins to work on the new opera house.


A “News” Picnic.

   Correspondents of the NEWS from East Scott, Preble, South Cortland, Harford and Truxton, accompanied by friends, together with the editor, numbering in all about twenty persons, had a pleasant little picnic at Blodgett's Trout Ponds Saturday of last week. Owing to the rains making people late with harvesting, a number of the towns were not represented, which was most unfortunate for them. About 1 o'clock those present sat down to a splendid dinner, and passed an hour in pleasant talk and in interviewing the good things spread before them. It was unanimously voted to hold a picnic again next year. The correspondents desire to thank Mr. Blodgett for the courtisies [sic] extended on this occasion and for his untiring zeal in helping them pass a pleasant day.



South Cortland, Sept. 3, 1885.

“I hate to look on the dark side,

I hate to be complaining;

But, hang me, if my temper stands

This raining, raining, raining.”

   Outstanding crops of oats and barley have suffered seriously from the frequent rains.

   W. J. Sutfin, living on a farm near McLean, lost a couple of thoroughbred Durham heifers by lightning one day last week.

    A good many farmers are complaining of potatoes rotting on account of the wet weather.

   Now is the time to set out strawberry plants for next year; it is cheaper to raise them yourself than to buy them.

   "Who will be nominated tor sheriff?" is the question of the hour. We hope it will be Captain Strowbridge, because he is a thorough town officer and always has been.

   Some of the temperance men here will attend the Prohibition Convention which is held at Syracuse, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept., 8 and 9.

   Died. At the county alms house, Aug. 24th Watt McAlister, formerly of this place, aged 44 years. The funeral services were held at the White church, Friday last, Rev. J. L. Robertson officiating, after which the remains were buried in their last resting place in the South Cortland Rural Cemetery.

   Last Saturday the Grangers of this place made a bee for Mrs. Frank Gillett whose husband been sick nearly two years (and of which both are Grangers) and put thirty loads of oats in the barn, which services were very thankfully received.

   The baptisms by rains were both frequent and abundant during the late Free Methodist camp meeting. We hope our brethren feel refreshed for their battle with the "world, the flesh and the devil."

   Last Sunday proved to be a very fine day for the temperance meeting at Freeville. Ex-Gov. St. John, of Kansas, the finest orator in the temperance ranks was the speaker of the day. A large gathering was present. So we learn by these meetings and others that the enemies of temperance have not quite destroyed the cause, nor has it become extinct as yet and we are thankful it is booming in spite of its persecution, and that the day is not very far distant when this cursed rum traffic will be swepted [sic] from our land.

   We are informed by parties interested that what Madam Rumor says of an approaching wedding between a lady of McLean and a boy of this place has no foundation whatever.


PREBLE, Sept. 1, 1885.

   Our millers are again happy. The Tioughnioga river has risen by the late heavy rains so as to afford plenty of power to grind.

   Edward Norton is passing this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Norton, after which he is to step into an academy as a professor for the coming year at a salary of $ 1,200.

   On Thursday of last week Mr. H. Doud, while dressing off a beef, sent his boy after a cloth and water. The boy started but was soon confronted by a drunken man whose name was Edward Turner. Mr. Doud stepped out there to see what was the trouble, but no sooner had he reached the spot than Turner knocked him down. The next day he came back and paid little smart money. Liquor was the cause.

   On Wednesday of last week, in the early morn, looking in any direction you could see loaded teams, some on horseback and others afoot, hats off, puffing, blowing and crying out “right this way for Oswego." The excursionists, numbering about 150, reached the platform. But to their surprise the approaching train passed the depot at 2:40 speed, and instead of our folks taking in that picnic (as it was said last week) they were taken in and were left.

   We must not retrain from noticing the little picnic at Blodgett's Trout Pond on Saturday last. The reporters and wives and their invited guests met together to form new acquaintances and to have a pleasant chat, and all acknowledged of having a grand time. On our arrival we found Mr. and Mrs. Editor preparing for our coming. The table was soon loaded with everything we could ask, after which singing and games were participated in by all. Now I move (in behalf of the correspondents) that we render a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Editor for their hospitality, and if there is a person in any of our towns who would like to live forever, subscribe for the Cortland NEWS.
Editor's note:
   Our lead article, "A Bad Mistake," may be another boulder thrown by the Cortland News at the editor of the Cortland Evening Standard. Both newspapers were officially Republican, but the News editor was a temperance man who supported the Temperance Party and its presidential candidate St. John. The man on the south end of town, who "spends most of his time gazing at her from his office window," may be a reference to William Clark, editor of the Standard. The drinking fountain statue was located near the corner of Port Watson and South Main at the Messenger House.

Annie Lewis:

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The Cortland News, Friday, August 28, 1885.


Conducted by the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union.


   The Danes are conducting a vigorous war against drunkenness in their capital, Copenhagen. The number of public houses is to be reduced from, 1,350 to 200. No showily dressed girl is to be allowed to stand behind a bar to serve liquor. Landlords are forbidden to give drink to any person under eighteen years of age, male or female, or to any one already under the influence of drink. A drunken person is to be conveyed to his own dwelling in a cab or other covered carriage, at the expense of the landlord in whose house he took the last drink.

   A patient was arguing with his doctor the necessity of his taking a stimulant. He argued that he was weak and needed it. Said he:

   "But, doctor, I must have some kind of a stimulant. I am cold and it warms me."

   "Precisely," came the doctor's crusty answer. "See here, this stick is cold," taking up a stick of wood from the box beside the hearth and tossing it into the fire; now it is warm; but is the stick benefited?"

   The sick man watched the wood first send out little puffs of smoke, and then burst into flame, and replied: "Of course not; it is burning itself!"

   "And so are you when you warm yourself with alcohol; you are literally burning up the delicate tissues of your stomach and brain."

   Oh, yes! Alcohol will warm you up, but who finds the fuel? When you take food, that is fuel, and as it burns out you keep warm. But when you take alcohol to warm you, you're like a man who sets his house on fire and warms his fingers by it as it burns.


   Rev. Joseph Cook, in his first Monday lecture of this season, sums up the situation of a part of the western States in these words: "Constitutional prohibition is a rising tide, and has already submerged Kansas and Iowa, and very nearly Ohio." As emancipation was the only effectual remedy for slavery, so prohibition is the only cure tor intemperance.

   Every patriotic voter ought to be as true to his convictions on the temperance question as the saloon keepers are to their business. Then the saloons would go.



   A gentleman said to us, "I do not favor prohibition. It would be an injustice to the men who have put their money in the business, besides it would throw thousands out of employment." We replied, "you do not look at the issue from the right side. You take a contractor's view. Just before the war closed a government contractor said in a car, 'I do not hope the war will close under two years. I will lose thousands of dollars, besides many men will be turned out of employment from the government works.' A lady passenger, clad in weeds of mourning, rose to her feet and with tearful voice said: 'Sir, I have a brave boy and a husband sleeping the sleep of death in a soldier's cemetery. I have only one boy left and he is in front of the foe. Oh! God, I wish the cruel war would close now.' He saw the point. Do you? Then stop the rum traffic."



   The giving of gin sling or whisky sling to infants for colic is very common. The immediate effect may be to dislodge a portion of the wind from the stomach, but at the same time it provokes inflammation and indigestion and creates flatulency. Instead of administering alcoholic remedies, the child should be relieved by rubbing, or by a careful use of mild, warm tea of sage, mint or other herb. A infant who is dosed with alcohol soon shows a decided taste for that stimulant, relishes it, cries after it, is restless when deprived of its dram. Thus in children, a fatal thirst for strong drink may be early developed. But not only may the alcohol mania be induced in our baby by feeding it with alcoholic potions, and by using alcohols for baths or compresses, but even much more dangerously by the medium of the mother or wet nurse.



   Many women who are nursing an infant imagine that they must keep up their strength and increase the flow of lacteal fluid by frequent use of beer, porter, ale, wine or toddy. Statistics of reformatories and homes for dipsomaniacs show that as high as half the cases of drunkenness among woman arise from this baneful practice of nursing mothers. It is well known that the food and drink of the nurse pass quickly into drink, so that medicines or unhealthy articles of diet have an effect on the nursling, even before the nurse is affected. When nurses use malt, alcoholic or fermental liquors, these enter very quickly into the system of the child. The babe, partaking of alcoholized milk, falls heavily asleep—in other words, is drunk and its health, its perspiration, its symptoms, indicate drunkenness.

   From the constant presence of this destructive, unnatural element in its food, the child of the drinking mother has not over three or four chances out of ten for its life. There is an enormous percentage of infant mortality among babes nursed by persons who use alcohol or malted liquors. Not only this, but, as has been amply proved, the vitiated milk awakes an abnormal craving in the infant. It shows a horrible preference for the alcoholic sustenance, receives it with avidity, and rejects with cries unadulterated natural food. Shocking as it appears it is a plain statement of facts.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


The Cortland News, Friday, August 28, 1885.


   The Truxton Courier after four months of perilous sailing on the seas of journalism has ceased to exist.

   The next term of the Normal will commence at 8:45 a. m., Wednesday, September 2.

   The [horse] street car company have completed the crossing between Homer and Cortland and cars now run clear through.

   Residents can expect to see the electric lights shedding their beams the latter part of next week. The Crandall Rail company will furnish the power.

   Charles Griswold, an employee in the Crandall Rail factory had the misfortune to lose two fingers of his right hand on Monday.

   Rains the fore part of this week have done a great deal of damage to grain in his vicinity. The river overflowed its banks in many places, being higher than in a great many years at this season.

   Another letter-box has been put up for the accommodation of people living in the central part of the town who object to a journey to Virgil if they wish to post a letter. The box is located at the intersection of Court and Main streets. ["a journey to Virgil" was sarcasm directed at the Cortland Evening Standard block where the post office was located. The Cortland News was located on North Main Street--CC editor.]

   Mechanic's Band gave an open air concert Tuesday evening at the corner of West Court and Main streets. Their selections were good, and with one or two exception, well rendered. The boys received hearty applause from the crowd.

   Wickwire Brothers have broken ground for a new building which they will erect just east of their mill near the E. C. & N. depot. The building will be 40x200 feet, and four stories high. They intend moving their shop from Railroad street as soon as the new building is completed.

   The examinations for the free scholarship [Cornell] was concluded at the Normal building last Friday, but the school commissioners have not yet rendered a decision as to whom it shall be awarded. The contestants were C. M. W. Smith, of Cortland, E. N. Coleman, of Homer, and F. W. Knapp, of McLean.

   White & Ingalls, dentists in the Wickwire Building, report a prosperous business. Having teeth extracted is by no means a pleasant diversion, but by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas the operation is made painless.

   A turtle is now about the premises of Mr. W. D. Benedict, who resides in the town of Smithville, about six miles from this village, which carries the following inscription plainly marked upon his back: "W. D. B., 1834." The initials stand for the above gentleman's name, and were marked on the turtle by Mr. Benedict's brother, Ephraim, 51 years ago. The turtle is a regular resident of the farm, and Mr. Benedict says he has grown but little during all these years. He makes his headquarters in a moist place in one of Mr. Benedict's meadows, and is seen during haying nearly every year by some of the family. The turtle is always seen in about the same spot, and was picked up by Mr. Benedict's son and examined only a few days ago.—Greene American.


   Dr. J. H. Hoose [Normal School Principal] returned on Monday from his extended vacation at the Thousand Islands.

   Prof. T. B. Stowell is attending a session of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in Ann Arbor, Mich., this week.

   Mr. Edwin Place, of Cincinnatis, was calling on friends in town Monday. Mr. Place is on his way to Ann Arbor, Mich., to attend a session of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Repairs at the Normal.

   The Legislature of last winter passed an appropriation of something over $6,000 for necessary repairs to the Normal building in this place. Nearly ever since the last term of school closed painters and carpenters have been as busy as bees to get it in shape for the opening of school next week. The outside of the building has been painted two coats of a deep red color, new verandas built over all the outside doors furnishing protection to the students from snow and rain and from huge lumps of ice and snow which sometimes fall from the roof in the winter season. Besides these, other improvements have been made by painting and kalsomining the interior. A librarian will have charge of the books hereafter.



   During the twenty years in which Onondaga and Cortland have been associated in the same Senatorial District, Onondaga has been made the locations of the candidate and Cortland has conceded the honor of her sister county. If the candidate has not always been freely given to Onondaga it has nevertheless been cheerfully acquiessed in finally. It would seem therefore that Cortland could this fall present a very strong claim to have the nomination yielded to some one of the number of the prominent Republicans of the county upon whom the popular sentiment might be united.

   Cortland county cannot expect the nomination by the mere force of her own numbers, as it has but thirty-one delegates while Onondaga has one hundred and sixteen. The rights of the minority are however entitled to consideration, and we think that after Cortland county has for twenty years faithfully supported the nomination of her sister county by good round majorities she is now entitled to the candidate tor Senator.

   In looking over the State, we find many Districts made up of a large and small county. Monroe and Orleans formed a District for many years, and although Orleans was much the smaller county, she was conceded the nominee at least one third of the time. St. Lawrence and Franklin may be pointed at as another conspicuous example where the smaller county has uniformly been allowed her rights.

   At an early day soon after Onondaga and Cortland were united as a District, a convention representing both counties solemnly resolved that Cortland county was entitled to two terms out of five. In looking over the names of the honorable and influential gentlemen who were members of the Onondaga delegation in that Convention we were led to believe that Onondaga would redeem her pledge faithfully and cheerfully. To the credit of the Republicans of Onondaga county be it said that they have as a body been in favor of doing justice to Cortland on many former occasions but they have been overruled by: certain leading politicians. Whenever the people have spoken the right has triumphed.

   We call to mind a memorable gathering held in Syracuse in 1870 on the eve of the Congressional struggle of that year, when such men as E. W. Leavenworth, L. W. Hall, C. Shoemaker, Carroll E. Smith, E. B. Phillips, W. R. Chamberlain, Horace Candee, Gen. D. H. Bruce, Dr. J. Kneland and hundreds of others stood up for the rights of Cortland, and passed among others a resolution in the following words:

   Resolved, That Cortland county is in common fairness and decency entitled to the next Congressman — a recognition unjustly and too long withheld.

   Yet at that time Cortland had only been united with Onondaga as a Congressional District eight years, while at this time she has formed a Senatorial District with Onondaga for twenty years without once being recognized. May we not say in the language of the foregoing resolution that at this time "Common Fairness and Decency” entitled Cortland to the next Senator!

   Onondaga has said to Cortland in the past, "If you come into the Convention united you shall have the nomination." There is force in the point and we believe Cortland intends this fall to unite upon the best, strongest and most acceptable candidate.

   We again repeat that the Senatorial nomination by all right and fairness belongs to Cortland. The Convention when it assembles will fail in its duty should it deny the claim. The Onondaga delegation will this fall perpetuate a wrong, if it shall clutch again and hold for itself this public office. What we ask of the Republicans of Onondaga is, that they look at this question in a spirit of candor, and send to the Convention unpledged delegates who will act in a spirit of fairness towards their sister county. If the Senator is now conceded to Cortland, it will harmonize and strengthen the Republican party in the district and we shall present a united front to the common enemy.