Sunday, May 31, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 28, 1890.

Supervisor's Report.
   The Supervisor of the town of Cortlandville submits his annual report for the year 1889.
Rec'd of County Treasurer, $5,306.16
Rec'd from local fund, $117.87
Amount re-apportioned, $23.64
Total $5,447.67
Paid orders to the several districts, as per vouchers exhibited to Town Board $5,316.71
Leaving balance on hand of $130.96.
And due districts as follows:
Due District No. l, $93.46
                      2, $12.98
                      3, $3.18
                      4, $1.12
                      5, $1.25
                      6, over $3.72
                      7, $.97
                      8, $1.89
                      9, over $5.00
                   “ 10, $2.17
                   “ 11, $5.78
                   “ 12, $1.86
                   “ 13, $8.89
                   “ 14, over $.18
                   “ 15, $1.99
                   “ 16, $3.45
                   “ 17, $.51
                   “ 18, $.66
Balance on hand, as per last report, $224.51
Received of Collector, $23,703.72
Total, $23,928.23
Paid orders exhibited:
Town Board, $23,707.96
Balance on hand, $220.27
                                        SHEEP OR DOG FUND.
On hand last report, $182.27
Received of Collector, $71.00
Total, $253.27
Paid orders on same deposited with Town Board, $127.00
Leaving balance on hand, $126.27

   The bonded indebtedness of the town, as per railroad commissioner's report, is $236,200; there is now in the commissioner's hands some $3,000 to apply in past payment of said Bonds, this in checks $4,848 in the present tax. The town has also bonded for $4,000 to pay commissioner's indebtedness on bridges, which have been sold at 3 65-100 per cent interest and paid by depositing in bank for that purpose.
   Income from local fund is $ 117 87, being amount of interest on loans of $1,964.50.
   The amount of tax levy for the year 1889 is as follows:
For town expenses and bridge debt, $9,883.41
Interest on Railroad Bonds, $11,810.00
For sinking fund, $4,848.00
For county tax, $14,825.24
For state tax, $13,945.45
For School Commissioner's expenses, $118.81
For School Commissioner's expenses, $121.47
All of which is respectfully submitted.
DELOSS MCGRAW, Supervisor.
February 18, 1890.

To the Editor of the Cortland Democrat:
   DEAR SIR: Will you kindly correct an error in the report of the Commissioners of Highways of Cortlandville, as published, to which my attention has been called. The sum paid by said commissioners to the village of McGrawville for the use of the road scraper was $13.50 (as appears by the report on file in my office), instead of $73.50. Yours respectfully,
Cortlandville Town Clerk.
CORTLAND. N. Y. March 24, 1890.

   Robert Morehead has sold his heavy draft horse to George Hyde for $150.
   Business is almost at a standstill on account of the bad condition of the roads.
   Our school is closed for a two weeks' vacation prior to the opening of the spring term.
   W. C. Gifford, Master of the State Grange, has joined the Farmers' League in Chautauqua Co.
   The annual moving day, April 1st, is near at hand. We expect to again be strangers to our next door neighbor.
   A large number of our citizens have been subpoenaed to appear at Cortland in the Griswold murder trial this week.
   Robins and bluebirds were last week heralding the approach of spring, and on Sunday following their advent came the severest snow storm of the season.
   Elmer Thompson, Fred Sheerar, Miss Lulu Thayer and Miss Emma Bristol joined the Grange in this place last Saturday evening, and still there is more to follow.
   The social and dance party at Mr. Watkins', last Friday evening, despite the dark, muddy night, was fairly attended. Fifty-five were present. Cheeny and Franklin's string band furnished the music.
   John Bristol, who has been visiting relatives in Ohio the last two months, returned last Saturday. John says the farmers in Ohio were grumbling about hard times just the same as here, and the mud was a good deal deeper.

   Mrs. Fred Smith is very ill. Dr. Neary attends her.
   C. S. DeLong made a brief call upon friends in town Wednesday.
   Born, Tuesday, March 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Moore, a daughter.
   James Mitchell has hired the Scriven blacksmith shop recently vacated by Allen Pudney. He commenced swinging the hammer Wednesday.
   The partnership heretofore existing between A. K. and Miles Bennett, in the mercantile business, has been dissolved by mutual consent, Miles retiring. The business will be continued by A. K. Bennett.
   The patrons of DeLong's creamery held their annual meeting Friday evening. Mr. DeLong agrees to make the butter for $2.80 and cheese for $1.25 per 100 lbs. and furnish, providing the milk sells for 80 cts. per 100 lbs. If it sells for less, then he is to manufacture for less; if it sells for more than 80 cts., then he is to receive more for manufacturing. Willis DeLong and A. H. Jordan were elected salesmen for the ensuing year; L. Barker secretary, and A. H. Jordan Treasurer.
   E. D. Jencks, the Union Valley merchant, has made an assignment, the assignee being Henry Howes, of Cuyler. Only another instance of the workings of protection. Many, we are glad to note, are fast losing what little confidence they ever had in the G. O. P. They begin to see now how shallow and how devoid of truth were the grandiloquent mutterings of the Republican press and of their speakers during the last Presidential campaign. We predict that by the time 1892 arrives the scales will have been entirely removed from their eyes, and that they go to the polls in November of that year and help to give our candidate for President, Grover Cleveland, a rousing majority.

   Fred Morse, of this place, has accepted a position in the drug store of Sager & Jennings of Cortland.
   C. A. Jones' son came home on Friday and will probably stay with him a number of years. Charley has made him assistant postmaster and calls him John H. for short.
   Edwin C. Palmer has returned from Ilion and resumed work for the Bean & Anderson Wagon Co.
   On Saturday S. B. Gifford, Supt. of the W. U. Tel. Co. sent two of the employes [sic] of the company to this place and removed the instruments and all of the property of the company and closed the office. So we are now shut off from the outer world by telegraphic communication. We trust some arrangements will be made soon when the office will be reopened.

   A merciful man is merciful to his beast.
   Thanks to Ira Grant for a nice cake of maple sugar.
   Mr. and Mrs. Butts, of Homer, attended church here Sunday.
   Brother Bellnap's lecture proved a failure, as there was no audience.
   Mr. Fred Eaton visited his sister in Little York, Mrs. Daniel Bowdish, last week.
   Mrs. P. Gorwin and son attended the funeral of her mother in Solon, Tuesday.
   Miss Carrie Duncan, of McGrawville, commenced her school in the Baum district to-day and also Mr. Harvey Stone in the Harvey Tuttle district.
   Mr. Charles Withey, of East Freetown, has purchased a Crown drill of Byron Grant to help in farming and Mr. Grant has a buzz saw ready to do work to order.
   Items seem scarce now. Of course one could speak of the going but one who travels will find out to his own discomfiture without looking in the papers to see the condition of the roads.

   We learn that Mrs. Suckstosh has given birth to a boy.
   Mrs. Elbert Barber is to commence work for Frank Rice in Homer, about April 1st.
   Fred Alvord has commenced repairing his barn. He will work from the top downward.
   School commenced in the north village district last Monday, Miss Myra Stoker, teacher.
   People here will insist in making some maple sugar notwithstanding the bad weather.
   Everybody in this section is for "protection," but very few are getting much. The promised relief from hard times does not seem to get here, but the surplus is being used to feed the hungry (politicians).
   Rev. H. P. Burdick, of Steuben Co., who held revival meetings here recently, has returned and preached last sabbath. He expects to preach in Fabius next Sunday, where he will deliver a course of temperance lectures.
   Mr. David Smith, of East Scott, is dead. He had been in poor health for some little time. Last Monday afternoon his son Darwin left him for a short time to do some chores, and when he returned to the house, he found his father on the floor, face downward and dead. His age was 70 years. Only this one son is left of the family. Mr. Smith was one of the sturdy democrats of this town.

   Money is very close in this place but not quite close enough to be in reach.
   Mrs. Pearl Cummings spent Sunday last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Seacord.
   School commenced in the Burnham district Monday of this week. Miss Kittie Mynard, teacher.
   Stock sold fairly well at George Blacklock's sale, March 20th. Cows averaged about $30 per head.
   Miss Kittie Mynard, who has been at Auburn during the past winter, receiving instructions in music, returned home Thursday of last week.
   Dell Preston and his sister, Ruth, had a narrow escape from what might have been a serious accident. As they were returning home from Lodge meeting last week Wednesday evening, the carriage reach gave way letting them down between the wheels which frightened the horses, and they sprang forward jerking the forward wheels loose and dragging Dell some five or six rods, when he succeeded in stopping them. The carriage was badly demoralized but the occupants escaped with but few slight bruises. The remainder of the journey home was made on horseback.

   Master Irving Clark is doing a thriving business in the old bones and old rubber boot trade.
   Mrs. Byron Champlain, who has been treated at Rome for a cancer, has returned and is quite comfortable.
   Mr. Dwight Hatfield has let out his sugar bush to Mr. Jay Morgan on shares. Mr. George Adams is working a part of Mr. Gilford's bush.
   There may be several boys waiting the repairs on the saw-mill, but what your correspondent meant to say was that the logs were waiting.

   Frank Blinks has rented the Jerome Crandall cottage.
   School closes Friday. Rhetorical exercises by the Primary scholars. Exercises Saturday evening in the hall, by the pupils in the higher department. Let every one show by their presence their appreciation of the efforts of the teachers.

He Fought Hard for Life.
   WINNIPEG, Man., March 22.--A few days ago a party of loggers stumbled over a pile of bones on the south side of Lake of the Woods that were the silent and ghastly record of the terrible death of some human being. The bones consisted of a human skeleton and the skeletons of seven wolves.
   A revolver and seven empty cartridge shells were lying near the former and it is supposed the man was attacked by a pack of wolves and made a desperate fight for life, killing seven of them before he was overpowered.
   An old hunter named McManus who has lived at Rat Portage for years, has been absent on the lake for a longer time than usual and it is feared he was the victim.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 28, 1890.

What Postmasters May Do.
   Section 478 of the Postal Laws and regulations reads as follows:
   A postmaster must not allow his post-office to become the resort for loungers or disorderly persons, or the scene of dispute or controversy; and whenever necessary he should invoke the aid of the civil authorities to expel the violators of this rule. He is also required to keep his post-office, at all times, in such a clean and orderly condition that it may be visited by women and children and others without impropriety or embarrassment. He is not authorized to exclude the public from the lobby of his office during the distribution of the mail, but may enforce the observation of good order, and may prohibit smokers there. When the local authorities refuse to preserve order at the request of the postmaster, he should close the office.

Annual Meeting of the Y. M. C. A.
   The annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. was held in the rooms of the Association in the STANDARD Building, last Monday evening. The services were opened with a musical selection by the Senior Quartette, and prayer was offered by Dr. Higgins, the President, followed by a selection from the Junior Quartette. The several committees submitted reports of the work accomplished during the past year, which proved to be very satisfactory. Miss M. F. Hendrick, of the Normal School, contributed much toward the interest of the meeting by reading several selections appropriate to the occasion.
   A committee was appointed to report a list of names for directors for the ensuing year, from the several churches and the following names were reported and elected:
   Congregational—J. E. Briggs, W. D. Tuttle.
   Baptist—S. J. Sornberger, Charles F. Brown, A. N. Starr, F. J. Peck.
   Presbyterian—J. W. Keese, B. L. Webb, M. DuBois, F. W. Collins.
   Methodist—Dr. F. W. Higgins, C. B. Hitchcock, 1. W. Hatfield, E. F. Jennings.
   Episcopal—Geo. L. Warren.

Will open on April 23, the middle of the Spring term, with Kindergarten, Primary and Intermediate departments.
   Pupils carefully prepared to enter the Normal department of the Normal School. Arrangements have been made by which pupils so prepared can be entered without further examinations. Graduates from the school will be received into the C. Elementary or first class in the Academic and second class in the Normal department, and pupils can be transferred at any time without extra examination to corresponding grades in the Primary and Intermediate departments of the Normal School.
   German in the Kindergarten, Calisthenics, Map Drawing and writing all taught by skilled and experienced teachers, will be some features of the new school. School term, twenty weeks; tuition $10 per term, one-half being payable in advance.

   The editor of the Standard feels so sore over the defeat of his pet candidate for Police Justice that he raves like a Texas steer in last week's issue. Here is a sample:
   "Republicans received what they regarded as trustworthy information that $400.00 had been raised, in subscriptions running from $36.00 down, for the election of Mr. Bull, and he knows also that Republican workers testify that never in the history of our charter elections has Democratic money been so plenty at the polls and so industriously and openly used. Mr. Bull possibly may not have put any money in himself. It would be considerably safer for him to let other Democrats furnish the corruption fund, and then make his own donation to the Democratic club."
   The editor of the Standard ought to know that there never has been a time since he has been a resident of Cortland, when it would be possible to raise the sum of $400 by subscription or otherwise from Democrats in this town for use on election day. The Standard knows as well as any one, that with one or two exceptions, there are no wealthy Democrats in town, and that the party is mainly composed of mechanics, laborers, business men of moderate means and farmers, who are not in the habit of putting up money to buy votes with. We desire to have it distinctly understood, also, that the charge that the three or four hundred Republicans who voted for Mr. Bull sold their votes, comes from the Standard and not the DEMOCRAT.
   If so large a number of Republicans sold their votes, they certainly bring no credit to the party to which they belong, and we are glad they are not Democrats. We submit, however, that if they are not guilty they owe it to themselves to make the Standard retract. Any Republican who voted for Mr. Bull could bring an action against the Standard for libel and make the proprietor come down handsomely. It isn't a very pleasant thing to be charged with committing an offense punishable with a term in State Prison.
   Mr. Bull's canvass was conducted without the use of money, and none was necessary. The Standard, if it had the least desire to be fair and honest, would readily admit the fact.

   The Albany Journal published a sensational article last week, to the effect that Genl. Lester B. Faulkner of Dansville, N. Y., who, it was supposed died of pneumonia in January, had been seen recently in Mexico. It was asserted that the body of Genl. Faulkner’s gardener was placed in the coffin and buried in the family lot, and the wrecker left for Mexico. The story is pronounced to be false by the minister who officiated at the funeral and the physician who attended him in his last illness besides several others who knew him well. It will be remembered that he was convicted of the wrecking of the Dansville bank and sentenced to a term in prison. His counsel was preparing the papers on an appeal when Faulkner died. It is charged that he sought to avoid serving a term in prison by pretending to be dead. It is getting to be a very common occurrence nowadays for gardeners and other employes [sic] of convicted felons, to die at just the right time, and be buried in style while the master avoids paying the penalty of his crime. Such things sometimes happen in dime novels but seldom if ever in actual life. General Faulkner is undoubtedly far away from Mexico in the land of the hereafter.

   James A. Flack, sheriff of the city and county of New York, together with his son and lawyer Joseph Meeks have been convicted of conspiracy in an action brought by the first named, to procure a divorce from his wife, and Governor Hill has ordered him to show cause before him within eight days why he should not be removed from office. Flack has resigned the office of sheriff.

Rejoicing in Corning.
   CORNING, N. Y., March 20.—There is great rejoicing here to-night on account of Gov. Hill's signing the city charter bill. Flags are displayed everywhere and much powder is being burned in honor of the event. The first city election will be invested with deep interest.

Pension Office Removed.
   The pension office of C. H. Spaulding will be located at 33 North Main St., Cortland, N. Y., after April 1st, 1890. The new [civil war] pension laws interest all comrades over 60 years of age. All widows, dependent mothers and fathers, call on your old comrade.

   CHENANGO.— Clark Webb, of Oxford, has hundreds of tons of ice piled up out of doors after filling his large building of 600 tons capacity.
   "Railroad Jack," the famous traveling canine, came to Norwich Friday evening via the Ontario and Western, from New York, and went south on the D. L. & W. evening train. He is a great traveler, and is well known to railroad men, having crossed the continent, and made many trips in this and other States. He travels alone and prefers the baggage car. He wears a handsome collar, presented at the Albany Kennel Club exhibition, March, 1889.
   Last Saturday afternoon as a man by the name of Wright was drawing a load of ice from I. W. Seely's pond, in Afton, he met with rather a destructive accident. He had just crossed the bridge near the pond, and had stopped his team to rest. At this point the road was covered with ice, and the rear end of the wagon commenced to slide off the road and down a ten foot embankment. As Mr. Wright saw his imminent danger he started his team, but too late, as the heavy load of ice proved too much for his horses, and the team, wagon and ice went down the bank together. Strange to say the team escaped without injury, but the wagon was completely wrecked.
   MADISON.—Oneida's charter election takes place on Tuesday, April 1.
   Captain Hatch of Lebanon will manage fifteen cheese factories this summer.
   By a unanimous vote of the State Board of Regents, the name of Madison University at Hamilton has been changed to Colgate.
   Geo. A. White of Sheds Corners, DeRuyter, who was torn to pieces by a gunshot wound at Cazenovia while hunting, two or three years ago, now lives in Syracuse. He has so far recovered as to be able to walk off with agility without crutch or cane, and has employment in some agency of the Bible society.
   The contract for the construction of the Cazenovia water works has been let to Messrs. Moore and Schuler, of Newburg, for the sum of $18,000, which is to be commenced at once and finished by the 15th day of June 1890. This does not include buying the pipe, which will cost from $7,000 to $8,000 more. Mr. Ewing, of Troy, is the foreman for the contracting parties.
   TOMPKINS.— We learn that W. E. Ozmun, a former resident of Ithaca and Dryden, has been elected mayor of Montague, Michigan.
   The "bucket shop" in Wilgus Opera House block has come to grief and numerous Ithaca speculators are "in the soup."
   The slander case between May Teeter and Elizabeth Teeter, her mother-in-law, both of Lansing, was decided in favor of the plaintiff, verdict $2,000, in county court last week.
   A gorilla has just been received by the anatomical department or Cornell from Prof. Ward, of Rochester. It is the first specimen of the kind ever received at the university.
   The Groton Bridge and Manufacturing Co. stands fourth among the bridge companies in the United States, engaged in the manufacture of highway bridges, in amount of work put up during the past year.
   Fred Gleason, indicted by the Grand Jury for attempting to poison his grandmother, escaped from the county jail last Saturday. He was allowed to assist in cleaning the Court House, turnkey Hugg left him a few minutes, while he went for a broom, and when he came back no trace of the boy could be found. The lad is fourteen years of age.
   Richard Barber, who has been confined in the county jail the past two years charged with the murder of Mrs. Ann Mason, was found guilty last week of murder in the second degree and sentenced to Auburn prison at hard labor for the term of his natural life. Two years ago last Sunday night, March 16, Barber entered the house of his best friend and benefactor, Richard Mason, and after killing Mrs. Mason, brutally assaulted her husband and then burned the house above their heads. Poor old Mr. Mason crawled from the flames and afterwards gave testimony which brought to Richard Barber his deserts.


Friday, May 29, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 28, 1890.

Robert Griswold on Trial for the Murder of Dennis O'Shea—Selecting a Jury.
   Wednesday morning an adjourned session of the Circuit Court and Court of Oyer and Terminer and special term of the Supreme Court opened at the Court House with Hon. Walter Lloyd Smith Justice presiding. The adjourned and extra panels of jurors were called—eight failing to respond—and seventeen presenting excuses were dismissed. Before calling the calendar the District Attorney and counsel for defense in the Griswold case announcing themselves in readiness for trial, the Court gave notice that no civil cases would be taken up but the case of the People vs. Robert W. Griswold, indicted for the murder of Dennis O'Shea, of the town of Preble, would be tried. District Attorney Bronson is assisted by County Judge J. E. Eggleston in behalf of the People, and Franklin Pierce aided by Hon. O. U. Kellogg conduct the defense.
   At 11 o'clock the Sheriff was instructed to bring up the prisoner who soon appeared in a rusty black suit, standing collar, white tie, and white high hat. Long confinement has tended to whiten his complexion.
   It was exactly 11:45 when the first juror John Kirkup, a farmer of Homer, took the stand, was examined, accepted and placed in the jury box. Two other jurors were excused in quick order and Henry Dockstater seemed to be the eligible candidate for chair No. 2, when the Court ruled that from the juror's evidence he appeared incompetent. William Patterson, of Taylor, did not suit the prosecution, and J. S. Lord, farmer, aged about 54, of Homer, who had read several newspaper accounts, heard insanity talks, which failed to impress or prejudice his mind, was given a seat in the box with Mr. Kirkup as juror No. 2, after which the Court was adjourned until 2 P. M., at which time Adelbert W. Ingersoll of Willett, 40 years of age, without prejudice or knowledge of the case sufficient to form an opinion for or against, was assigned a seat next to Mr. Lord. Frank W. Mason of Truxton, had heard of the shooting; but not the insanity feature of the case. Evidence being elicited that he has been a resident of Onondaga county for two months past entitled him to be excused.
   Harmon Kinney of Cortland, Frank Sticker, of Homer, John Monroe, of Solon, Henry Shell, of Preble and John McDairmid, of Truxton, who was the first clear, full-voiced juror to state that he knew none of the parties; would not consider a man to be insane because he shot another, were all challenged by the prosecution and excused.
   Edgar Parker, of Lapeer, a farmer of 43 years who stated that he had conversed with one who had seen the prisoner since his incarceration, but expressed no opinion, and with another who said Griswold was out of his head was accepted as the fourth juryman, and Wilber Holmes, of Cincinnati, aged 51 years, was assigned to the fifth chair, he having stated that he had never seen the prisoner previous to his appearance in Court, and that he did not view the plea of insanity as a cause to bias his verdict. Three jurors were then excused—Enoch J. Holdridge, of Harford, on account of age—and Henry Heath, of this town was next accepted by the people but excused on behalf of defendant. Possibly his views regarding the "watch in the hat" as a bright advertising scheme [Mr. Griswold used to repair watches and wore a top hat with a watch tacked on it—CC editor], caused the result.
   The sixth chair was assigned to Judson Hill, 33 years old and a mechanic of this town, precisely at 4 o'clock, making one half the jury.
   For the first time during the day a healthy smile spread over the face of the prisoner when juror Hickey, of Truxton, testified that he knew Mr. O'Shea and family, and had an individual opinion of defendant. Two or three other jurors failed of acceptance and Merritt Smith, of Taylor, aged 28 years, took seventh place at 4:38.
   No further selection was made prior to adjournment although seven jurors were questioned. At six o'clock Court adjourned to Thursday at 9 A. M.
   Thursday forenoon was consumed in the further effort to obtain a jury. Thirty-five men were examined between the opening hour of the Court and the noon adjournment at 12:27, resulting in the selection of the following four: Wilber Sanders, a farmer of this town, age 44 years; Henry Knickerbocker, age 56, of Cincinnatus; Joseph H. Lyon, age 56, of Cuyler, and George Moore, of Virgil, age 49 years, thus leaving but one vacant chair.
   After dinner twenty five examinations occurred before the final juror was chosen. William Young, of Marathon, farmer, being the twenty-fifth one examined since the opening of Court, was sworn in at 3:44 o'clock and the remaining panel discharged. The case of the people is being opened as we go to press.
John Kirkup, Homer.
J. S. Lord,         "
Edgar Parker, Lapeer.
Wilbur Holmes, Cincinnatus.
Judson Hill, Cortlandville.
Merritt Smith, Taylor.
Wilbur Sanders, Cortland.
Henry Knickerbocker, Cincinnatus.
Joseph H. Lyon, Cuyler.
George Moore, Virgil.
William Young, Marathon.
Adelbert E. Ingersoll, Willett.
   Deputy sheriff Ryan Green is again at the Court House, walking about with the aid of a crutch and stick.
   The old witness box has been removed and a new platform of the height of the first step to the Bench extending nearly to the south end of the stenographer's desk, was built Wednesday night, thus bringing the witness in full view and greatly aiding the taking of testimony. This change is in conformity with an order of the Court now sitting.
   The Court holds the reins with a firm hand, is decisive in rulings, prompt in discipline and maintenance of order—essential elements in making the case doubly interesting.
   A young man sitting near the bar Wednesday afternoon was suddenly seized with a fit and carried out of the room by two officers.

   As the DEMOCRAT was ready to go to press last week Thursday, word was received that Mr. Norman Chamberlain was not expected to live through the day. The particulars associated with the last hours of one of Cortland's widely-known, most active and upright citizens are as follows: For some months past deceased had been seriously afflicted with Bright's disease with a tendency, as recent investigation shows, to paralysis, yet Mr. Chamberlain continued about the discharge of his manifold duties even up to the accident which hastened the end.
   Wednesday afternoon last, about 2:00 o'clock, contrary to the wishes of the family, he walked out into the wood house, lost his balance and fell, sustaining internal injuries which caused paralysis. After the fall he moved about the house, ate supper and in the evening complained of severe pain in his limbs and back which increased until midnight, when he spoke the last words and became unconscious, remaining so until Thursday afternoon. Hemorrhage set in shortly after he became unconscious and continued more or less violent until death, which occurred in twenty-four hours after the accident.
   The funeral services were conducted from the family residence Sunday afternoon, the Rev. A. N. Damon, pastor of the Homer Methodist church officiating, in consequence of the necessary absence of the Baptist clergymen of both villages.
   Norman Chamberlain was born in Berlin, Otsego county, N. Y., on the 24th day of July, 1817, being the eldest of a family of 16 children, only four of whom are now living—two brothers and two sisters—Mr. W. C. Chamberlain, of Dubuque, Ia., Mr. Wells A. Chamberlain, of Grafton, Lorain county, O., Mrs. S. S. Halliday of Litchfield, O., and Mrs. Rev. W. E. Ryan, of Medina, O.
   When nearly 20 years of age Mr. Chamberlain came to Virgil where, on November 15, 1838, he was married to Miss Angeline Hotchkiss of that town. Three children were the fruits of this union, only one, Charles S. Chamberlain now residing in California, still living. About the year 1853 deceased removed to this village and entered the employ of his brother as clerk of the old Eagle Hotel, the site of the present Messenger House, from which position he next entered the employ of the hardware firm of S. D. & A. Freer.
   In the month of May, 1857, his wife died and on October 28th of the following year he united in marriage with Miss Kate Jordan, of Ohio, formerly of Brookfield, N. Y., who with two sons, Will A., of Buffalo, and Fred. N., of this town yet survive the husband and father.
   In 1861 Mr. Chamberlain entered into partnership with H. F. Benton, conducting the hardware business for five years, when the firm of Chamberlain, Smith & Co., was organized and enjoyed a prosperous business on Port Watson street. After the fire at the foundry some years ago, the brick hardware store was erected and Mr. E. P. Slafter was taken in as a member of the firm of Chamberlain, Slafter & Co.
  During the year 1881, deceased retired from mercantile pursuits and subsequently moved to the pleasant home north of this village.
   For years past Mr. Chamberlain has taken an active interest in the local institutions of this community. He was one of the charter members of the Cortland County Agricultural Society; a member of the original Local Board of the Normal School holding the position of secretary of the Board at the time of his death; a director of the Cortland Savings Bank since 1869 and also trustee of the Cortland Rural Cemetery for the past fifteen years and Superintendent for the past two years.
   In politics he was a firm Democrat and held the office of Supervisor of this town in 1867, the duties of which office he discharged with signal ability. As a citizen he won the respect and confidence of all with whom he came in contact, whether in business or social relations. He was unassuming in demeanor, but firm in his views of right and wrong. A most, excellent citizen has gone but he has left many pleasant memories to be cherished by his many friends.
   At a meeting of the Local Board of the Cortland Normal School, held on Monday, March 24, 1890, at the office of R. H. Duell, the following resolutions were adopted:
   Resolved, That the members of this Board have received with deep regret, intelligence of the death of Norman Chamberlain, who for twenty-one years has been a member of this Board, and for fifteen years its secretary.
   Resolved, That we sincerely sympathize with the bereaved family of our late associate and friend, in their great loss, coupled with the assurance that while they mourn the loss of a husband and father, he has left behind him a name honored and respected by this entire community.
   Resolved, That the members of this Board regret the loss of an associate who with kindness, coupled with manly courtesy, discharged the various duties of his office, and whose memory will be cherished not only by the members of this board, but by all others connected with the Cortland Normal School, to whose interests he gave untiring devotion.
   Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of our deceased associate, and published in the newspapers of this village.
   At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Cortland Savings Bank, held on Monday March 24, 1890, the death of Norman Chamberlain, for a long time a trustee of this bank, was announced, and therefore it was
   Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the bereaved family of our late associate and friend Norman Chamberlain, sincerely deploring the loss to them of a devoted husband and kind father.
   Resolved, That in his death the community has lost a useful and a respected citizen, this bank one of its most steadfast and intelligent supporters, and the members of this board an esteemed and valued friend.
   Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be engrossed by the Secretary, and signed by the officers of this board and forwarded to the family of Mr. Chamberlain, and that a copy thereof be published in the village papers and entered upon the minutes of this board.
   R. H. DUELL, Pres.
   C. P. WALRAD, Treas.
   BENJ. L. WEBB, Sec.

Fine Horses.
   Hon. L. J. Fitzgerald and T. H. Wickwire, of this place, are in New York this week, attending the sale of Senator Leland Stanford's high blood horses from his Palo Alto stock farm. The N. Y. World says Mr. Fitzgerald paid $1000 for a bay two-year-old colt by Clay, by Edith Carr, dam Clark Chief. He also purchased the bay mare "Piedmont," price $750. We understand Mr. Wickwire also purchased a fine one, but we have been unable to learn full particulars.

Bridge Bandits.
Newburg Terrorized by a Band of Robbers.
   NEWBURGH, N. Y., March 23.—The "bridge bandits" have for some time been the terror of those who live in the southwestern section of this city. Several murders committed have been traced to them, and they have pillaged many freight cars and ransacked many a house. About twenty-five young toughs compose the gang and many tramps join the freebooters on their raids along the Erie road. The gang congregates at the Quassaick Bridge, and have a system of signals, spies, sentries, etc. If an officer approaches the signal flag is displayed on Bummer's Hill, and the toughs scatter in every direction. Erie road detectives have endeavored to break up the gang, but they have been unsuccessful.
   Made bold by success the robbers' raids have been made of late in daylight and yesterday the first two members of the gang were caught. Friday, the police captured two more of the robbers, one of them being Mickey Welch, who has just served a term at Albany and who has a brother at Sing Sing. The officers had trouble bringing their prisoners to jail. The toughs formed a line on a side hill and fired several shots at the police, who returned the fire. One of the balls fired by the bandits struck Welch in the leg. All policemen have been appointed deputy sheriffs to enable them to make arrests anywhere in the county.