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William H. Clark, editor and publisher of the Cortland Standard. |
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Benton B. Jones, editor and publisher of the Cortland Democrat. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 18,
editor of the Standard does not deny that he procured the passage of the
amendment to the Penal Code, allowing school trustees to become interested in
contracts for the purchase and sale of school buildings and sites and the
furnishing of supplies for the same. He did not dare deny it. The evidence was
too strong to permit of a denial.
An honest
man would not accept the position of auditor of his own bills for work done for
the state much less take the trouble to "sneak" a bill through the
legislature constituting himself the auditor of his own bills.
If the
legislature should pass a bill next winter appropriating $30,000 for building
an addition to the Cortland Normal School to be used for an academic department,
the people of this village would be pleased, but if the editor of the Standard
should become directly or indirectly interested in the contract for its erection,
the taxpayers might and probably would be sorry that the appropriation had been
made. Owing to the wise forethought of our neighbor, there is now no law on the
statute books to prevent him from becoming interested in the contract or from taking
the contract himself. Possibly he had the taking of the contract in view when
he procured the amendment to the Penal Code last winter which permits school trustees
to become interested in contracts which they are to audit. Now if the next legislature
will pass an act constituting canal contractors a board of audit, giving them
power to audit their own bills for repairs done on the canals, everything will be
lovely and the goose will hang altitudinum. Why shouldn't the canal contractors
have as good a chance at the public treasury as school trustees? We submit that
all should be served alike and brother Clark ought not to have privileges
granted him that are denied to brother Belden and his friends.
editor of the Standard undertakes to reply to the charge made by the
DEMOCRAT "that he procured the enactment of
an amendment to the Penal Code last winter, which allows trustees of schools to
purchase sites, erect buildings and furnish supplies for schools, and allows such
trustees to audit bills for the same," and undoubtedly succeeded to his
entire satisfaction if not to the satisfaction of his readers. He charges that
he has not received in eight years until this amendment was passed one penny of
patronage from the Normal School and that the DEMOCRAT was "the chief
recipient of such favors to repay it for licking the feet of those in power."
He also says that "the provision of the penal code which was amended last spring
was enacted only two years before, and had it remained on the statute book a considerable
number of members of Local Boards of Normal Schools would have been compelled
to resign or run the risk of indictment."
The facts
are as follows: The DEMOCRAT office did not receive a penny for printing from
the Normal school from Sept. 4, 1884, to June 2, 1887. After that date the DEMOCRAT
had some of the patronage which has never been solicited. We too,
"swallowed our medicine with a straight face. and never went about
whimpering and complaining." Some of the work began to come to us in June
1887, because the office that had enjoyed the patronage was discontinued [Cortland News—CC editor] and because it
was not deemed best to patronize the Standard after it had done its
level best to ruin the school on account of "an imaginary petty
grievance." We did not ask for it, nor did we refuse it when it came.
If our
neighbor had been much of a lawyer he would have known that the provision of
the code that he caused to be amended was enacted before he was born. and was simply
re-enacted and made a part of the penal code two years ago, because it was
manifestly a judicious and necessary provision of law and would have a tendency
to prevent fraud and corruption on the part of school trustees and municipal
It would
not be very difficult to select nine good citizens in this place to act as
trustees of the Local Board who could accept the position and who are not
interested in any business that would require the furnishing of supplies for
the school. All of the best men in Cortland are not interested in printing
offices, water, gas, stove or other companies. The citizens of this place never
asked nor did they desire to have the editor of the Standard appointed a
member of the Local Board. The
appointment was "sneaked" through and was very unsatisfactory to a very
large majority of the people of this place. If the editor of the Standard doubts
the statement let him take the nomination for Member of Assembly this fall and
test his strength with the people in this village in that manner. The DEMOCRAT is
satisfied with the patronage that comes to it without solicitation, and has
never been obliged to ask the Assembly to pass laws to compel unwilling
customers "to bring grists to its mill."
Mr. John
Hackett, of this place, has been appointed to a clerkship in the Internal
Revenue office at Syracuse. Mr. Clifton W. Wiles, of this place, an old soldier
and a member of the G. A. R., was an applicant for a place in the office and
was backed by a strong petition signed by the leading republicans of the
county. He also had the solid indorsement [sic] of the G. A. R. not only of this
county but his appointment was strongly urged by leading members of the
organization in Onondaga county. The soldier element of the party and many
leading republicans of this vicinity who never smelled powder, are justly indignant
because the claims of an old veteran have been entirely ignored to give a place
to a ward politician. The Clark-Peck combine have thus scored another victory. How
long will this thing last?
Send Back the Bottles.
bottlers of beer, mineral waters and other beverages got a law through the State Legislature recently making it illegal for
any other than themselves or their agents to have in his possession any empty
bottles with the name of the original dealer blown in the glass. As a result
there is a small mountain of trouble piled on the bottle dealers and many other
you buy bottled beer. You drink the beer and have the bottles left. They are in
your cellar, and the beer bottler may, if he desires, get a search warrant, hunt
for the bottles and have you hauled into court. When there you have no defence to
offer; the law says it is illegal for you to have those bottles and you must pay
a fine of 50 cents for each bottle found. Should you sell the bottles, or give
them away, or throw them into the ash barrel and smash them, it would be all the
same a violation of the law.
The interior
of the Congregational
church was thoroughly renovated and
[nosed] out during the fore part of the week.
movement is on foot for the early closing of the several stores during the
sultry July and August evenings. Six P. M. is the hour.
Bear in mind
the picnic of the Epworth League of the Methodist church, which will be held at
Floral Park this (Friday) afternoon.
Actives, of Cortland, will play the Indian club, of Onondaga Castle, on the
fair grounds, Wednesday afternoon. Game [starts] at 3 o'clock. Admission
25 cents. Ladies and carriages free.
A feast
of lanterns will be held on the lawn of Mr. W. S. Copeland, Friday evening from
7 until 10 o'clock. Ice cream and strawberries will he served. The street car
will run until 10 o'clock.
James Dougherty has presented a [liberally] signed petition of Argyle Place
property owners for the continuing of their street westward through to Reynolds
avenue, to the village Board of Trustees.
Dowd Brothers are to occupy the store just east of their present location on Port Watson street. This
change will materially add to their convenience, and indicates a healthy
business growth of their grocery trade.
Webster & Corning have just placed the natty delivery wagon of the town
upon the street, and attract much attention as they flit around taking and
delivering orders for choice meats for the city market, 31 Clinton avenue.
W. S.
Freer gives a harvest party Friday evening, August 1st, at his hall in Higginsville.
Music by Happy Bill Daniels orchestra. Full bill, $1.25. The popularity of Mr.
Freer's socials simply require the mention of date to insure attendance. [Mr.
Freer's hotel had an oak springboard dance floor—CC editor.]
The Rev.
Dr. Taylor being absent upon his vacation, the desk of the Congregational church
will be supplied at the morning service, Sundays, by the Rev. Dr. Edward W.
Hitchcock, former pastor of the American chapel in Paris, France. There will be
no service in the evening.
Mrs. Jerusha
M. Gates, wife of A. W. Gates, died last Saturday, after a lingering attack of
paralysis, at the age of 58 years. The funeral was largely attended Monday afternoon.
Deceased was one of Cortland's most prominent and active Christian workers, and
for sixteen years was matron at the alms house.
the past few days a number of citizens have drove to Glen Haven in good hours
of early morning and enjoyed the pleasure afforded at this popular sanitarium
and summer resort. The verdict is that Messrs. Thomas & Mourin are attentive
hosts, and the guest list is yearly increasing. The fishing is fine.
The dance
party held at the Central Hotel hall, Friday evening, was a very enjoyable
event. There were upwards of forty numbers sold, and the terpsichorean devotees
enjoyed themselves until an early hour. The hall was neatly decorated, and the floor
is the height of perfection for ball parties. Proprietor May is entitled to
credit for the successful management, the best of order being maintained and an
excellent spread provided.
Hitchcock hand, of Cortland, will give an open-air concert in this place, next week,
Thursday evening.—McGrawville Sentinel.
An Italian band of eight pieces were doing
the town yesterday. How would it
do to drop nickles in a lock box for our home band hereafter?
South Hill farmers report the cherry crop of
the present year a total failure, and they must be right, for none of the
tempting pails of fruit have been noticed upon the streets as yet, and the
season is nearly gone.
There is an exceedingly dangerous place in
the west driveway of the main road to Homer,
close to the curve of north rail, on the north bound switch in front of the
street car stables, which, if attended to, may save many wrecked wagons and
possibly personal injury.
Remember the picnic to be given by Canton Cortland,
at Floral Trout Park, Saturday afternoon and evening. Hitchcock Hose company
will give a parade in the streets in the early part of the evening, headed by
the band, and an exhibition drill at the Park immediately afterwards.
Messrs. L. D. C. Hopkins & Son
have another orchid in full bloom. They are very rare and beautiful, and large
numbers of our citizens are availing themselves of the opportunity of seeing
this rare plant in flower. Ladies and all others interested are invited to call
at their greenhouse, No. 144 Groton avenue, and see the same.
Little York is the refuge to which scores of
Cortlandites flee every afternoon. It being a pleasant drive over a fine road
and the accommodations are exceptionally fine. Raymond's pleasure grounds are
attractive and well kept, and the attendance of guests and visitors is large.
The Little York hotel also furnishes excellent accommodations, and is being
liberally patronized in consequence.
At a regular meeting of Grover Post, G. A.
R., held at the rooms, Wednesday evening, C. W. Wiles was elected Commander to
fill vacancy made by the death of Norman Harmon, Geo. Hunt promoted from Junior
to Senior Vice, and J. W. Strowbridge elected Junior Vice. A committee was
appointed to confer with the members of the 45th Separate company regarding an
excursion to Sylvan Beach during the encampment of the Central N. Y. Veterans' Association
in August.
Few private residences are surrounded with
spacious grounds amply supplied with foliage and walks making an inviting place
for festival gatherings. Mr. William S. Copeland is the possessor of such a
coveted lawn and this evening a "feast of lanterns" will be held
thereon from 7 until 10 o'clock. Light refreshments will be served to the
guests who will be able to reach the grounds by a special street car which
will run to and fro from the Messenger House at intervals between 7:30 and
8:30; also from the festival at 10 and 10:15.
Our sister village of Marathon in 1880 had a
population of 1,006, the town was reported at 694. In 1890, the census gives
the village at 1,194; town, 615. Commenting upon the healthy growth the Independent
says: "This is good enough. For a
finished, dead, dull village, an increase of 20 per cent in ten years will
answer very well, particularly when it is considered that the tendency of the
rural population has been to flock to the cities, and the further fact that
Cortland, 14 miles to the north and Binghamton, 30 miles to the south, have doubled
in size in ten years."
Lodges Organized.
As recently announced in the DEMOCRAT a new
order was being organized on a revised plan of benefit insurance in some
respects similar to the workings of the Iron Hall order. Twenty-seven charter
members met last Thursday evening in the Iron Hall rooms and elected the
following officers:
Past President—G. L. Warren.
President—J. E. Briggs.
Vice-President—D. E. Stanford.
Secretary—A. M. Robinson.
H. Watkins.
Chaplain—George W. Edgcomb.
Marshal—J. G. Jarvis.
Guard—A. B. White.
Sentinel—Fred Parker.
Trustees—J. B. Kellogg, O. C. Smith, G. E.
Eight new members were added at the meeting
held Wednesday evening of this week. The name of the society is Fidelity
Lodge, No. 90, order of St. Aegis," a branch of the strong home
lodge which has been in successful operation in Massachusetts for several
Cortland Lodge, No. 115, order of Fraternal
Guardians is the name of another benefit insurance just organized in town. Policies
to the amount of $5,000 are written payable in eight installments. Information
may be obtained of the following officers:
C. G.—H. L. Gleason.
V. G.—M. H. Foley.
P. C. G.—Prof. S. J. Sornberger.
R. S.—A. B. Winter.
F. S.—G. W. Schermerhorn.
T.—L. H. Corning.
C.—S. W. Baldwin.
G.— S. I. Horton.
I. S.—D. McAuliff.
O. S.—J. Quigley.
Trustees—N. Cone, N. H. Winter, J. Quigley.
M. E.— J. H. Spalding.
[Paid Advertisement]
Sure cure for all kinds of headache and neuralgia.
For sale at the City Drug Store, Fitz Boynton & Co., Pharmacists,
Cortland, N. Y. (16m3.)
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