Monday, November 30, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 1, 1891.

Farm Wagons in Cortland.
   Farmers, teamsters, and, in short, every person who has use for the vehicle commonly known as a lumber wagon, should not fail to carefully read the advertisement of the Cortland Wagon Company, exclusive sales agents for the "Champion" farm and lumber wagon, which appears in another column in the DEMOCRAT. Among the many superior points justly claimed for the "Champion" wagon may be mentioned durability of construction; the stationary front axle with pivoted axle-arms at either end obviate the great source of horse worriment and torture occasioned by the whipping of the pole as either of the front wheels meet an obstruction—the momentum of the wagon being unnoticeable; spiral springs under both bolsters; no working out of king bolt, together with the celebrated Turnbull make of slope-shouldered wheel spokes, and small area required for turning about of the wagon, commend the "Champion" to every one who has seen or used the same.
   The fact that upward of three hundred "Champion" farm wagons have been disposed of during the past six weeks is the best evidence of the merits of the goods, many of which are now in daily use in Cortland and vicinity. If you cannot personally visit the repository of the Cortland Wagon Company, write for descriptive circular and catalogue of this wagon, and one hundred different styles of platform spring, delivery, express and pleasure wagons, surreys, carriages, carts, phaetons and gentlemen's three-quarter road wagons, samples which are daily on exhibition in the elegant, well-lighted repository of the company, near the D. L. & W. railroad depot.
   Visitors to Cortland, as well as contemplative purchasers, are invited to call, with the assurance that competent and courteous superintendents will impart full information as to the products of the well known Cortland Wagon Company.

The Cortland Manufacturing Company, Lim., In Their New Buildings.
   Cortland is known throughout the western continent as the birthplace of successful wagon and sleigh manufactories. While there are eight concerns each employing a large number of mechanics, there are also several smaller enterprises in the same line of manufacture—perhaps in the near future to enlarge as did the Cortland Manufacturing Company, Lim., with the opening of the season for '91. This company was organized January, 11, 1886, and for five years occupied the old shops of the Messrs. Tillinghast on Squires-st., where strict attention to business and superior make of goods increased the demand until more room was needed for manufacture.
   Two three-story additions—one to the east of the original building 84x36 feet, to the west 104x36 feet, and a brick boiler and an engine house 20x36 feet were erected last fall and completed during the winter.
   The business office fronts north on Squires street and is neatly finished in natural wood, a commodious show room is immediately in the rear of the office in the eastern addition.
   The paint department occupies the entire second and third floors. The iron department on the ground floor of the west section is under the supervision of superintendent F. Eugene Buckley, a skilled former of carriage gearings. On the floor above is situate [sic] the wood department in charge of the veteran carriage builder Mr. John Barry, Sr. On the third floor Mr. George W. Lathe directs the important work of trimming the various styles of carriages. Facing the E. C. & N. to the south is the shipping department in charge of Mr. C. B. Sperry. A large force of skilled workmen are turning out some commendable Saratoga pleasure wagons, Cortland triple buckboards, and triple surreys—specialties of this house.
   During '91 this company will build a line of heavy wagons in addition to that of pleasure vehicles. It is gratifying to note the continued prosperity of Cortland's industries as evidenced from the above.

The Carley Grist Mill Burned to the Ground Last Sunday Morning—Loss Partially Covered by Insurance.
   A few minutes before one o'clock last Sunday morning, the Carley grist mill in Marathon was discovered to be on fire. The fire department responded promptly, but a little delay was experienced in getting up steam in their new steamer. By the time the department arrived on the spot the flames had taken possession of the entire interior of the building, and were shooting out from every crack and crevice. It was at once seen that there was no hope of saving the building and the efforts of the firemen were directed towards the preservation of surrounding property.
   The origin of the fire is a mystery, but it is believed to have been caused by friction in the machinery, the mill having been operated up to 7 o'clock the previous evening. Some three months since and on two or three other occasions fire had been started from the same cause, requiring the use of a plentiful supply of water to extinguish it.
   The mill was owned by E. Clark Carley, and was operated by Carley & Smith. Mr. Carley considered the property worth $9,000, and says he had refused an offer of $8,500 for it. He had an insurance of $5,000 on the building and $1,000 on the stock.
   A few years since, burglars broke into the building and nearly destroyed the safe, so that it was no longer a protection against fire or thieves, and Mr. Carley always carried his books to the house at night, consequently these were saved. The mill was built by Benjamin Adams in 1857 and was a strong building constructed entirely of hard wood. In 1863 the mill was sold to Hon. Alanson Carley, now deceased, and had been in possession of some member of the family ever since. For a few years since, it had not been operated to its fullest capacity. The contents consisted of a few hundred bushels of corn, oats and buckwheat.
   There was very little if any wind or the consequences might have been far more serious. Charred shingles were found in the barn yard of Mr. George P. Squires' farm fully one-half mile distant, as well as in many other places nearly as far away from the burning mill. Had the night been windy it would have been almost impossible to have saved Burgess & Brink's lumber yard situate [sic] just south of it.

The Normal Bill a Law.
   A dispatch to the DEMOCRAT from Hon. R. T. Peck of Albany, yesterday, states that the bill appropriating upward of $55,000 for additions to the Normal School building in this place has become law.

Death of Martin McLean.
   The many friends of Martin McLean, Esq., in this vicinity will be pained to learn of his death which occurred at his home in Ellenville, N. Y., on Friday, April 24th, at7:30. A special dispatch to the Norwich Telegraph dated that day, gives the following particulars:
   "This town was shocked, as hardly ever before, at 7:30 this morning by the announcement of the death of Martin McLean, the popular landlord of the Etling House. April 10th he went to Albany on business and to accompany his daughter home. He returned the evening of the 15th, suffering somewhat from the prevailing malady which, with complications, kept him in bed. Yesterday he was quite strong and cheerful and expected to ride out to-day. At seven this morning he took a light breakfast, sitting up in bed, Mrs. McLean having not yet risen. His repast finished, he lay down and turned on his left side; at the instant his wife heard a rattle in his throat. He groaned once or twice. Looking, she saw that his face and the upper portion of his body had turned dark, his eyes open, set and glassy. Physicians were summoned, but he died within ten minutes of the first attack. The physicians pronounced heart failure to be the cause of his death. He had long anticipated trouble from his heart. Private funeral services will be held here on Monday and the remains taken to Salem, Washington county, the McLean family homestead, for interment."
   Mr. McLean came to Cortland sometime in the early sixties and was for several years teller in the Messenger Bank. From this place he went to Norwich and occupied successively the position of teller and cashier of the old bank of Chenango and until its affairs were wound up. Afterwards he became associated with Jas. K. Spaulding in managing the Eagle hotel in that village for several years, when he went to Oneonta and conducted the Central hotel up to three years ago when he disposed of his interest in the same. Less than a year ago he purchased the hotel at Ellenville. Soon after leaving Cortland he married Miss Mary Rankin of Troy, who with three children survive him.
   "Mac" as he was always familiarly called by everybody, had a host of warm friends. He was genial, kind and always social, and by his sunny disposition attracted friends wherever he happened to be. It is understood that Norwich commandery will attend the funeral in a body.

Death of Miss Louise Street.
   The many friends of Miss Louise Street, daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Street, were pained to learn of her death, which occurred in Brooklyn on Sunday last, from pneumonia. Miss Street graduated from Houghton Seminary at Clinton, N. Y., in 1879, and had followed the profession of a teacher up to about two years since, when she turned her attention to studies in art, for which she seemed to have a special aptitude and much talent. She was engaged in the study of her choice when she was taken ill. Miss Street was possessed of a determined character and no ordinary obstacle could prevent her from following the dictates of her own conscience or pursuing a course that she had fully decided upon. She was kindly disposed toward all and had a sympathetic nature notwithstanding her decision of character.
   The funeral services were held from the home of her sister, Mrs. William H. Clark on Prospect-st., Cortland, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. J. L. Robertson and Rev. Lyman Abbott, officiating. The bearers were Messrs. T. H. Wickwire, S. M. Ballard, E. D. Blodgett and B. L. Webb. Music was furnished by a quartette consisting of Mrs. H. H. Greenman, Mrs. J. A. Graham and Messrs. F. Daehler and A. D. Blodgett. Miss Street was thirty-four years of age.

Death of Augustus K. Miller.
   Augustus K. Miller, formerly local editor of the Cortland Standard, died at his home in Lansingburgh last Friday, aged 34 years. While reporting the execution of Mrs. Mary Druse, condemned to be hung three or four years since, he contracted a severe cold from which he never recovered. After leaving Cortland he had a position on the Syracuse Evening Herald for a year or two, when he became editor of the Sunday Times in the same city until about two years since, when he secured a position on a Troy paper. Mr. Miller was a genial gentleman and a good writer and had many friends here who will sincerely regret his early death. He leaves a wife and two children.

Our New Folder.
   The new Dexter Folding Machine, which was set up in the DEMOCRAT press rooms this week is a veritable wonder and is well worth seeing by all who are interested in fine machinery. The Dexter folds, pastes and trims twelve pages at one operation, and as all our subscribers can see for themselves, the work is done perfectly. Heretofore the ordinary folders have only been able to fold, paste and trim eight pages, but by an ingenious attachment, Mr. Dexter has succeeded in producing a machine for us that accomplishes the desired results, and it has every appearance of durability.
   There are certain seasons of the year when our advertising columns have been overcrowded and occasionally we have been obliged to refuse some advertising. With this machine in our office, we will be able to accommodate all comers and whenever we have more advertising than we can accommodate in our eight page form we shall issue a twelve page paper. The Folder comes very handy this week when our columns are overcrowded. There it reading matter enough in this issue to satisfy all and it is of good quality.

Sunday, November 29, 2015


The Warbeek Inn, Upper Saranac Lake.

Eagle Bay Hotel, Fourth Lake.

Casino at the Antlers, Raquette Lake.

Old mill on Ausable River, Keene Valley.

St. Regis Mtn. in distance from Upper St. Regis Lake.

The Casino, Paul Smith's.

Casino at the Antlers, Raquette Lake.

Boat landing, Forge House, Fulton Chain of Lakes

Steamer Clearwater entering Third Lake, Fulton Chain of Lakes.

Saranac Inn.

Paul Smith's, Lower St. Regis Lake.

Paul Smith's, Upper St. Regis Lake.

Grand View Hotel, Lake Placid.
Photos from Library of Congress collection.


Saturday, November 28, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 24, 1891.

   There has been over one hundred cases of the "grippe" within one mile of the Scott P. O. There are no cases of the grippe on the hills but it seems to be confined to the valley road almost entirely. There are a few left yet to have it but they are scattering. The victims complain of big head and painful, great and continued languor, hoarseness and bad cough and some vomiting and fever.
   Mr. Abel G. Mott died early last Saturday morning and was buried on Sunday. His age was 53 years. Mr. Mott was attacked with the grippe and after getting somewhat better, took cold and pneumonia set in, but for two days previous to his death he seemed to be improving and he appeared likely to get well. He was resting well the night of his death, but all of a sudden he gave one cough and died immediately without a gasp or struggle. It seems to be the universal testimony of every one that one of our best citizens has been taken from us, and from a human standpoint it seems strange he should be stricken down in the prime of life. He was in every sense a man; honored and respected we believe by all. He was firm in his convictions of right, in religion a Methodist, in politics a Prohibitionist.
   Mrs. Mary Niver of Cazenovia is in town and will remain until Mr. Elijah Niver sufficiently recovers from the "grippe'' to move with her to Cazenovia, where he expects to make it his home.
   One of the stage horses got into a kicking fracas and out of the road into a woodpile, somewhat damaging harness and wagon. If what is said of the horse is true, it seems to us it is an unsafe one for that use at least. Luckily no passengers were on board at this time.
   At the recent lawsuit in town our "Brilliant Attorney" got beaten as usual. The suit was brought by a Providence firm of commission merchants, against one Van Bergen of Cortland, to recover for money overdrawn. Jury brought in no cause of action. Fred Hatch, Esq., attorney for defendant.
   Hosea Randall don't intend this world shall ever become depopulated.
   Chas. Winchester has hired to Walter Jones of Homer, for the season.
   Rev. F. A. Dickerson has changed his plans and will still remain pastor of the church here.
   Mr. Alfred Stillman of Elbridge, formerly of this place, has removed to Leonardsville, N. Y.
   Mrs. Irene Barber of this town was buried last Sunday. She died of consumption. Her age was nearly 63 years. She leaves two sons.
   An Englishman, an experienced butcher from Cortland, butchered the first beef for the new meat market here to be conducted by Charles Maxson, on Monday.
   Morgan Maxson has been on a northern trip with maple sugar. The sap season seems to have come to a close. The sap is getting too high up to be reached.
   The town board met recently to appoint a game constable in place of Vincent Brown, who did not qualify. Hosea Randall, Jr. got the appointment. Another extra bill to be audited.

   Miss Susie Crain visited at Homer the past week.
   Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Bell, April 14, a daughter.
   Mr. John E. Winslow has bought the Mrs. Klock place.
   Mr. P. Johnson, of Harford, called on his brother Charles last Sunday.
   Miss Mate Hotchkiss is visiting at Mrs. Will Muncey's, at Cortland, this week.
   Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freer attended the Shedd Cobb wedding at Homer April 9.
   Mr. and Mrs. George Seamans, of Cortland, were visiting friends in town Sunday.
   Mr. John Hutchings and daughter, Gracie, of Cortland, were in town Monday.
   Mr. John Lane can beat the world catching fish. He caught ninety in three days last week.
   Mrs. G. C. Gray and children, of Syracuse, are visiting her brother, Mr. Frank Christman.
   Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown and children, of Syracuse, are visiting at Mr. Julius Seaman's, this week.
   Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ryan and Mr. Sylvester Oaks and wife visited at George Clark's last Sunday.
   Mr. and Mrs. George Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Overton visited at Mr. David Price's last Sunday.
   Mr. Frank Bacon has returned home from Binghamton, where he has been attending the Business college.
   Quarterly meeting Sunday at the M. E. church. The presiding elder, Rev. U. S. Beebe, preached Sunday evening.
   Mrs. George E. Peer visited her uncle, Mr. Wilbur Stephens, on Port Watson street, Cortland, Thursday of last week.
   Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ingraham and Mr. A. V. Rounds, of Marathon, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crain last Sunday.
   The Norfolk Colored Jubilee Singers will give one of their pleasing concerts at Winslow's Opera House on Friday evening, April 25.
   Mr. Herbert P. Baker and bride, of Elizabeth, N. J., and Mrs. Burdette Baker, of Cortland, were visiting at their uncle's, Mr. George Elster, on Monday.
   Topsy. [local correspondent's pen name.]

   Mrs. West has returned from her mother's funeral.
   Mr. Wm. Burdick of McGrawville, was in town on Sunday.
   Mr. Gleason of Marathon, visited at C. Dickinson's recently.
   Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd visited her brother in Texas Monday.
   Mr. Bert Davis and brother called on friends in Marathon Sunday.
   Mr. Nelson Russel is doing quite a business in the grafting line here.
   The Lodges are prospering finely, new members being added weekly.
   Mr. Harry Oday of Virgil was in town Friday, calling on his many friends.
   Mr. Albertus Lamphere from the Normal at Cortland, is a guest at his father's.
   Mr. Arza Chapin and wife of McGrawville, were at Mr. Metzgar's Wednesday.
   Mrs. Lucetta Isaacs who has been in town a few weeks, has returned to McGrawville.
   Mrs. C. Eaton and Mrs. Dickinson are spending the week at Little York at Mr. Daniel Bowdish's.
   Mr. Edward Smith and wife and little girl were guests at Mr. Chauncey Baum's the first of the week.
   Rev. Fred Knight preached to a large congregation from these words: "For the Lord God is a sun and a shield."
   Rev. Wm. Robertson and family visited Mr. S. Smith on Saturday, and Mrs. Robertson will remain with her parents this week.
   Mr. James H. Jacobs, by request will talk at Lapeer the first Sunday in May. It is hoped that all lovers of truth will be present.
   The Young Peoples' dime social will meet at Mr.  Levi Smith's on the evening of the fifth of May. A general attendance is expected.
   Aid Society of the M. E. Church will be held at Mrs. Joseph Underwood's on Friday of this present week. All are solicited to be present.
   Quite a number attended the funeral of A. Underwood, and the remains were taken to the Marathon cemetery, Rev. Fred Knight officiating.

   Linus D. Meacham, Jr., was in town over Sunday, a guest of his father.
   Mrs. C. W. Leach, of Marathon, was visiting among relatives in town the past week.
   Mr. and Mrs. George Leach, of Smithville Flats, took in "Dot, the Miner's Daughter," Friday evening.
   The marriage of Miss May T. Briggs to George Brown, of Pharsalia, took place at the residence of Joseph Hawley last Tuesday, Rev. D. W. Sweetland officiating.
   Mrs. C. W. Soles died quite suddenly the 11th inst. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all who knew her, and her death will be felt all the more as she was a lady who had a large circle of friends. The remains were taken to Marathon for interment.
   The remains of James Brannan passed through town on Monday of last week. Interment was made at Upper Lisle. "Uncle Jimmie," as he was familiarly known, was seldom behind for town meeting or election, and always voted the straight Democratic ticket. He was never married and until recently a resident of this town. Last November he was taken to the county alms-house, where he might receive better care.

   The weather is fine. Farmers are busy at work and news scarce.
   Mr. Pitts has concluded to stay with us and work his farm the present season.
   Quite a good many of our young people are attending the singing school held at Harford this week.
   There was no preaching at Grange Hall Hall last Sunday, on account of quarterly service at Harford.
   A young man by the name of Short died at his home on Tuesday of this week. He had been a great sufferer for a long time.
   Mrs. J. H. May has just opened a millinery store in connection with dressmaking, and with a full line of choice goods she can suit all.
   The advance agents for Dwinnell's Norfolk Jubilee Singers were in town over Sunday. They billed this place to show in the hotel hall Saturday evening, April 25. Admission 25 cents.

   Mr. Herman Odell is quite low again.
   Mr. Frank Bently is building a hen house on his place.
   Mr. Burdette Gillen has put quite an extensive addition on his barn.
   School commenced this week Monday. The school house received a thorough cleansing last week, ready for the spring term.
   We understand that a memorial service, conducted by Rev. Mr. Hamilton, was held at the Cortland Gulf school house, last Sunday afternoon, in memory of the death of a son of Rev. Newell Hinman.
   Mrs. Nathan Adams died very suddenly, last Friday. She had been as well as usual, but feeling strangely she called for help and in a few minutes expired. Her funeral was attended from her late residence last Sunday, at 2 o'clock. She was a good neighbor, a consistent Christian, and a member of the Baptist church at McLean.

   There is to be a missionary concert at North Summer Hill, next Sunday evening.
   Master Walter Steadman, of Groton City, visited Mrs. Rena Ranney, last week.
   Miss Sarah Sears, of Moravia, has moved with her mother to Summer Hill village.
   Mrs. John Palmer, of Five Corners, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lazell.
   Mrs. M. A. Hull was called to Scott, last Saturday, by the death of her brother-in-law.
   Mrs. Daniel Carpenter, of Groton, has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Judson Van Marter.
   Miss Ettie Van Buskirk is teaching in the Crain district; Miss Hattie Van Buskirk at the Four-town school house.
   Rev. W. G. Hull was obliged to omit his afternoon service at North Summer Hill, last Sunday, on account of the funeral of his uncle, at Scott.
   Mrs. J. D. Bennett is quite low again.
   The Farmers Alliance is just booming in this place.
   Farmers in this vicinity are busy putting in their spring crops.
   Mrs. J. E. Mynard is quite sick. Dr. J. C. Nelson attends her.
   Mr. King Hovey of Homer, was in this place last week on professional business.
   Miss Kittie Mynard, who has been at Auburn for some time past, is home again.
   Mr. and Mrs. Jay Isaacs of McGrawville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Butterfield.
   Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Briggs were summoned to Auburn by telegraph Monday of last week to attend the burial of his sister, Mrs. Amanda Lattin.
   Delegates from the several counties of the State have been requested to meet at Hornellsville on April 22d, for the purpose of organizing a State Farmers' Alliance.

   Mrs. J. C. Nelson has not yet returned from Middleburgh, N. Y.
   Mrs. McOuat, of McGrawville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Dodd.
   A. L. Lansing and wife were in Union Valley visiting at G. R. Fox's, Sunday.
   Mrs. Franklin Buell is expected home soon. She has been visiting her son Clayton, at New York, the past three months.
   Dr. H. I. Van Hoesen and Miss Mattie Van Hoesen have gone to Coxsackie, Greene Co., N. Y., to attend the funeral of an aunt.
   Last Friday, while Con. Lansing was at work in the firkin factory, a heavy plane he was using slipped from his hands, caught in the machinery, and was thrust violently against his chin, cutting quite a gash and making sad havoc with his teeth. Con. says he thought his jaw and neck were broken, but could not tell what he thought for some time, his mouth being too full of blood and broken teeth for that.

Pres. Polk to the Farmers.
   HORNELLSVILLE, April 22.—The address of President L. L. Polk to the New York Farmers' Alliance this evening was listened to by a smaller audience than was at first anticipated. His remarks were of a comparatively uninteresting nature to those outside the Alliance, but the members applauded to the echo. He was even more emphatic than in the afternoon. In relation to politics in the Alliance he said:
   "We don't want to interfere with the parties and will not unless you allow your party lines to cross our grounds. The Alliance holds the key to the situation and [will] force the old parties in New York state to understand that, just as we have in the south and west. The future of the United States will be just what the Alliance makes it, and it will be a glorious future for the farmers. The oppression with which you are burdened to-day is greater than that which bore upon the slaves of the south."
   In closing his remarks, President Polk eulogized the soldiers of both the blue and gray and asked for a general uprising against unjust and oppressive laws.

Sub-contracts Will Soon be Let—To Connect With the Northern Adirondack.
   John W. Westbrook, 22 William street, New York city, who has the contract for the northern extension of the Herkimer, Newport and Poland, which has been merged in the Mohawk Valley and Northern company, will let the sub-contracts in a few days for building forty miles of the northern division south from the Central Vermont at Malone, N. Y., via Paul Smith's, says the Railroad Gazette. On the southern section north from Poland, the principal sub-contractors are J. M. Sullivan, of Portchester, N. Y., and Brady Bros., of Bergen, N. J.
   The surveyors have been in the field for some time on the extension through the Adirondack woods, and several lines have been surveyed, but the company has not yet definitely adopted any of the routes, and the only part-located is a small section from Poland. For that reason the contractors have only a small force of men employed. The road will probably be built directly north from Poland or a short distance, passing through Hinckley's (Gang) Mills and Prospect along West Canada creek, where a retaining wall two miles long will be built, and perhaps also to Remsen; thence northwesterly, crossing the Black river near Twin lake and to the Forge House, at the foot of the Fulton Chain, and to Tupper lake, Saranac lake and through Franklin county to Malone. Near Tupper lake a connection will be made with the Northern Adirondack.
   The route outlined has not been decided upon and the line may be entirely changed when the locating surveys are made. The company will lay seventy-five pound rails.
   The company has generally been regarded as controlled by the New York Central, but an executive officer of that company writes that it is an independent project, and that the Central has no connection with it. E. M. Burns, of Herkimer, is general manager.