Monday, April 30, 2018


Cortland Standard, Monday, September 9, 1895.

Suicide Theory Clearly Disproved in Mary Reisdorph's Case.
   LYONS, N. Y., Sept. 9.—Another sensational discovery has been made in the vicinity of the lonely spot where pretty Mary Reisdorph of Junius was found dead last Monday afternoon, which seems to completely disapprove the theory that she committed suicide.
   Attorney Kreutzer, who has been retained by Coroner Chase of Palmyra to collect evidence tending to show how the girl came to her death, in searching a cornfield in the vicinity of the tragedy for the girl's hat, veil and cloak, which are missing, came upon the torn fragments of several envelopes addressed to the girl and footprints leading into the cornfield, evidently made by a man.
   The writing was in a masculine hand and the envelopes bore the stamp of Sodus, Palmyra, Syracuse and this village. The finding of these fragments of envelopes, coupled with the fact that none of her correspondence could be found either at her home in Junius or at her boarding house in this village, would seem to indicate that the person responsible for her death has made away with the letters together with her missing wearing apparel. The fact that there was very little water found in the lungs of the girl and that none whatever was found in her stomach, goes to show she was not drowned.

Brooklyn bridge and promenade.
A Five Dollar Jump.
   NEW YORK, Sept. 9.—Mrs. Clara McArthur, the first woman to jump from the Brooklyn bridge, was fined $5 by Magistrate Crane in police court this morning. She paid the fine and left the court with her husband. The woman seems to have fully recovered.

Match Factories to Resume.
   OSWEGO, N. Y., Sept. 9.—The Diamond Match company's factories, which have been shut down for several weeks, will resume operations tomorrow with 500 operatives.

Rev. James Catlin, Sr.
To Prove that the New Woman Should Not Wear Bloomers.
   NEW YORK, Sept. 9.—Rev. James Catlin who sometime ago electrified the prayer-meeting of Grace M. E. church, Jersey City Heights, with a sermon on a quotation from the prophet Ezekiel pronouncing "Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes" does not cease in his crusade against the fashions adopted by the new woman.
   Mr. Catlin severely condemns bicycle bloomers. He says this attire is an abomination in the sight of every right thinking man or woman. "Besides," said Mr. Catlin yesterday, "it is in direct opposition to the commands of the Lord Almighty as set down in the Holy Scriptures. Turn to Deuteronomy, xxii:5 and you will find these words: 'The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.'"
   This is sufficient to condemn all the young women that ride up and down the street with trousers on.

Two Bicyclists Narrowly Escape Falling Into It.
   Yesterday afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock two young men from Moravia mounted on bicycles were riding up North Main-st. between the electric car tracks at a rapid rate of speed. They passed the rows of tile placed at the foot of Madison-st. by the sewer managers as a guard and signal of an open ditch ahead that runs from Grant-st. across Main at a depth of about 18 feet. They did not seem to recognize that the ditch was there and did not slacken in the least their high rate of speed. Before they could be stopped by a few spectators standing near by [sic] they came to the ditch.
   One of the riders jumped from the saddle and still clinging to the bicycle was carried by the rapid momentum over the ditch. The other rider was not so fortunate, but coming in contact with the curbing he was thrown violently to the ground. With a great effort he saved himself from falling into the ditch by clinging to the rails and curbing. Although both of the young men complained of being considerably bruised and injured they were enabled to again resume their journey.

Begins To-morrow and Lasts Four Days at the Fair Grounds.
   The annual fall fair of the Cortland County Agricultural society begins tomorrow and continues four days. It promises to be one of the best fairs in the history of the society. The building has been repaired and renovated and will be ready for the exhibits of all classes which are to be shown inside. Dey Brothers of Syracuse have engaged thirty feet of space and will prepare a booth that will give a good idea of their stock. Cortland merchants are taking hold and promise to make creditable exhibits. Florists and gardeners will have a display.
   The public school children should bear in mind that prizes are offered for several classes of their work. The exhibit of fancy and industrial work used to be extensive and should be so this year.
   Over 200 coops of fowls are already on the grounds and others are coming.
   All the horse races have been filled and all will go except the free-for-all race which has been declared off, and a three-year old colt race has been substituted for it. In some classes the entries are the largest ever known.
   The bicycle trickriders, Fred Beaudry and Harry Hitchcock, the wonders of the world, will give an exhibition of their tricks on some day, probably on Friday.
   The baby show will positively occur and entries have already been made.
   Farmers should remember the special prizes for largest and best display of vegetables grown on the exhibitor's land.
   The horses have already begun to arrive and are being stabled on the grounds.
   On Friday Mr. Louis F. Post will make an address upon the subject of "Just Taxation, the Foundation of Good Government."

The Real Eastern Question.
   In Harper's Magazine Dr. William H. Thompson throws a whole flood of light on what ought to be to all Christian nations the eastern question, whether it is so or not. In the Turkish empire "millions of our fellow men are ever under the shadow of death simply because they bear the Christian name." When he was a young man, Dr. Thompson lived in Syria, and the Christians there passed their existence in constant dread of the butchery that might begin on them at any moment, and which actually did take place four years after Dr. Thompson left Syria. At the massacre in 1860 more than 20 of his friends were slain in cold blood.
   No Christian's word is taken in court against a Moslem. To a sincere Moslem his religion teaches that all unbelievers should be put to the sword. It is really a matter of theology with him, and be thinks he is serving God by exterminating Jews and Christians. When, therefore, for any reason a Christian in a Moslem country fails to pay the head money exacted of all belonging to his faith, the Turk who takes his head off is obeying the prophet. There have never been such fiendish cruelties anywhere else as have been perpetrated in the name of religion, and that accounts largely for the massacres of Christians in Turkish countries. "The sacred duty of every Moslem is to make the unbeliever uncomfortable daily," says Dr. Thompson.
   There is another reason for persecuting Christians. The Christians are of a different race. They are progressive, energetic and ambitions. They grow rich and prosperous, while the slothful, shiftless Turk, hampered by his multiplicity of wives and children, grows poorer and poorer. This makes him hate the "Nazarene dogs" yet more bitterly.

  It is not unusual for the widows and families of deceased citizens to issue a card in the newspapers thanking friends for the sympathy manifested at the time of the death and funeral of the dear departed. But what does this card from Mrs. John G. Holder, in the Jackson Sun, mean? "I desire to return thanks to all those who so kindly assisted in the death of my husband."
   ◘ It is a high compliment to the government of the Hawaiian republic that even England has acknowledged the justice, with one partial exception, of its sentences against British subjects who were engaged in the late farcical attempt to put poor old Queen Lil back upon the throne and prop her up there.
   ◘ Breckinridge declares that he never said he was permanently out of politics. He does not need to do so. His constituents have said so for him.
   ◘ The leader who trusts to the good sense, intelligence and honesty of the people never appealed his cause in vain. Trickery, corruption, chicanery and faking seem to win for awhile, but the people find out those who use them sooner or later, and will have none of them. Lincoln won his greatest triumphs simply by going before the people fair and square, not trying to hoodwink or bamboozle them. The people can always be trusted.
For Free Cuba.
   In The Forum Clarence King publishes a ringing, passionate plea for the recognition of the republic of Cuba by the United States. He recounts at length the record of Spanish greed and oppression in Cuba. Four centuries ago, when Spain took Cuba from the gentle, manly Siboney Indians, and then tried to convert them to Christianity, their chief, Hatuei, said, "If there are Spaniards in heaven, I prefer to go to hell." The Spaniards in those days captured and carried off to Europe as slaves from half a million to a million of the gentle aborigines who inhabited the Antilles, and who received the foreign white men so hospitably. After the Indian peoples were exterminated then Spain started the African slave trade with all its horrors.
   Mr. King believes the habit of despoliation and cruelty has in the course of centuries become so ingrained in the Spanish blood that Spain naturally turned the old slave driving, robber methods even against her own loyal subjects in Cuba. The governor general wields absolute power. When in 1886 the Spanish crown was forced to accept a written constitution, Cuba and the Spanish West Indies were exempted. Today no Cuban delegate can sit in the Spanish cortes, even without a vote.
   When the South American countries rebelled against Spain in 1830 and achieved their independence, Cuba refused to follow. She was loyal to Spain, and got the name of the "ever faithful." But the ever faithful has been used only to have revenue squeezed out of her. The tariff imposed on Cuba has been planned with diabolic ingenuity to enrich the Spanish merchant at the expense of Cuban trade. "All profit and all advantage go to Spain. Cuba only suffers and grows poor."
   At present Cuba has a population of 1,600,000. At the beginning of the American Revolution the population of the 13 colonies was only about 2,500,000, and they were as poor as the Cuban insurgents are now. As to the plain course before the United States Mr. King says:
   The Cuban war hangs before us an issue which we cannot evade. Either we must stand as the friend of Spain and, by our thorough prevention of the shipment of war supplies to the insurgents, aid and countenance the Spanish efforts to conquer Cuba into continued sorrow, or we must befriend Cuba in her heroic battle to throw off a medieval yoke. Let us not deceive ourselves. Spain alone cannot conquer Cuba. She proved that in ten years of miserable failure. If we prevent the sending of munitions to Cuba and continue to allow Spain to buy ships and arms and ammunition here, it is we who will conquer Cuba, not Spain. It is we who will crush liberty!
   To secure victory for Cuba it is necessary for us, in my opinion, to take but a single step—that is, to recognize her belligerency. She will do all the rest.
   When the Cuban government is set up, as it soon will be, we shall have equally as good international authority and precedent to recognize a state of war in the island as Spain did for our own Confederate insurgents 40 days after the shot on Fort Sumter. We can return to her, in the interests of liberty, the compliment she then paid us in behalf of slavery. The justice will be poetic.  With all possible decorum, with a politeness above criticism, with a firmness, wholly irresistible, we should assist Spain out of Cuba and out of the hemisphere as effectually as Lincoln and Seward did the French invaders of Mexico in the sixties.
   Is it difficult for us to decide between free Cuba and tyrant Spain? Why not fling overboard Spain and give Cuba the aid which she needs and which our treaty with Spain cannot prevent? Which cause is morally right? Which is manly? Which is American?

Turkey's Proposed Concession.
   CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 9.—The dragomans of the British, French and Russian embassies have received the decision of the porte with reference to Armenia. The porte's proposed concessions entitled the dragomans of the three embassies to deal direct with the president of the Turkish committee of control, which is to superintend the application of the reform.
   No Christian vali nor mutessarif will be appointed, but other administrative officials will be chosen in proportion to the population. Christians will also be admitted to the gendarmerie. Mudirs will be elected by councils of elders and a rural constabulary will be established.
   It is not believed that the concessions will satisfy the powers. It is pointed out that owing to the persecution the Christian population is so diminished in many districts that it is now in a minority. The officials therefore would always be Mohammedans.

   —Two drunks went to jail for three days this morning, [each] not having the three dollars.
   —The Cortland Athletic association hold a regular meeting at the club house to-night.
   —The regular monthly meeting of the Y. M. C. A. bicycle club occurs to-morrow night at 8 o'clock.
   —The Cortland juniors and the Homer juniors crossed bats at Homer Saturday afternoon with a result of 22 to 14 in favor of Cortland.
   —To-morrow is trolley day in Syracuse and part of the cars are to be run and managed by ladies in behalf of the Woman's Christian association.
   —The Sunday-school of the McGrawville Presbyterian church is picnicking at the park today. This afternoon they enjoyed a ride to Homer and return,
   —The Oswego Times in its account of the fair in that county gives a fine notice of the display of musical instruments of F. M. Shultz of Richland, formerly of Cortland.
   —The meeting for the election of directors of the Cortland Omnibus & Cab Co. was postponed from last Saturday to Saturday Sept. 14, at 2 o'clock P. M.
   —We have in our possession two copies of the annual report of the factory inspector for 1894 which we shall be glad to donate to any one who may be interested in it.
   —Saturday and Sunday were two of the busiest days on the electric lines this season. On the former day 5,562 fares were registered and on the latter the number was 5,402.
   —The sewer has been completed on Homer-ave. and the cars are running on that line again to-day. All traffic has been suspended on North Main-st. until that sewer is completed.
   —A United States express wagon with its horse and driver attempted to cross a Genesee-st. canal budge in Utica Saturday as a boat came along. It is a hoist bridge and the bridge was elevated with the team on it at 10:30 A. M. The machinery got out of order as the bridge went up and it was 5 o'clock before it was fixed and the bridge could be lowered again. The driver unhitched his horse and fed him. He was unmercifully guyed by the crowd, but took it good naturedly high up in the air.

   Alexander Salvini, on his appearance here on Tuesday evening for the first time will take his bow as the cunning adventurous D'Artagnan, the familiar hero of Dumas' novel, "The Three Guardsmen." A happier selection could not have been made, for, besides being the most elaborate of his productions, it strikes the keynote of the school of drama, which he so uniquely represents. It is a play, of course, in which rapidity of incident limits artistic opportunity, and there is not much room for dramatic fervor or serious acting, but there is an atmosphere, a bravado, a fascinating chivalry in the fictions of Dumas, which nowadays Salvini alone seems capable of assuming with any degree of naturalness or conviction. Youth, courage and loyalty are their elements and action their password. D'Artagnan is scarcely a very possible character, according to modern standards, but he is magnetic to a high degree.

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