Sunday, June 17, 2018


Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, October 24, 1895.

Where the Blame Rests.
   In connection with England's insolent and bullying attitude towards Venezuela, the Boston Journal quotes the following from a speech of United States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge delivered more than six months ago. It reads like prophecy, and places the responsibility for England's encroachments on American soil both then and now where it justly belongson the weak, nerveless and unpatriotic Cleveland administration. Senator Lodge said:
   "In Venezuela the case is far more serious than anywhere else. There the Monroe doctrine has been actually violated, and it is owing to our neglect that the situation has arisen. For a long period England has been pushing forward under one pretext or another, the boundary of Guiana, and absorbing Venezuela territory, which the Venezuelan government was too weak to prevent. This seizure of territory has been mere aggression on the part of Great Britain, while the well defined purpose of getting control of the mouths of the Orinoco [river], a matter of great importance like all other great waterways, to the extension of British commerce of which England never loses sight. This continuous and increasing seizure of territory is an infringement of the declaration by Mr. Adams of the Monroe doctrine of the worst kind, for it is establishing European authority over American territory not lawfully in the possession of England at the time of the Monroe doctrine. Vigorous steps should be taken to stop this seizure of territory at once.
   "The right and proper policy of the administration in regard to all these matters is perfectly simple. Our ambassador to England should be instructed to say to the British government in the plainest and firmest manner, that the United States regards any infraction of the Monroe doctrine as an act of hostility, and will resist any such infraction to the utmost. If the administration should take this ground, which is clearly right and in accordance with every tradition of American policy, these questions would soon be settled.  There is no danger in the situation at all, except from weakness or hesitation on the part of our government. If we are perfectly firm, the whole matter will be settled rightly and peaceably, but by paltering with the American policy and the Monroe doctrine, may not only involve us in the most serious dangers, but may cause losses to our commercial prosperity and injuries to our rights and our honor as a nation which can never be repaired."
   This "paltering with the American policy and the Monroe doctrine" has gone steadily on, until a condition of extreme gravity confronts us. Great Britain is said to have sent an ultimatum to Venezuela and is preparing to fortify the disputed territory. This is the first step toward war, toward a conflict which before it is ended may involve the United States, for our national honor imperatively forbids another humiliating incident like that at Corinto—the forcible spoliation of a weak American Republic that had been taught to look to us for protection.
   When the British Admiral Stephenson landed last spring at Corinto and took possession of the town, he declared publicly, as the British Minister had before him, that "the Monroe doctrine was a myth which the United States would not and could not enforce," and that the occupation of Corinto was "simply intended as a test to definitely dispose of that question." The apparent success of the scheme and the utter failure of our government to say a word in protest, has emboldened the British to try the same game again in an even more elaborate and offensive form in Venezuela. There was some dispute as to whether the Monroe doctrine applied to the Nicacaguan affair, though there was no real room for doubt that it did, but in the Venezuelan affair there is not the faintest shadow of an excuse for such a denial. If this ancient principle of American statesmanship means anything at all, it means that no European power shall be permitted to seize territory which belongs to an independent American nation.
   That is precisely what Great Britain is trying to do along the Orinoco river. Forty years ago the authorities of British Guiana made not the slightest pretensions to a foot hold on that mighty stream. Step by step the British outposts, however, have been pushed forward until now there is a British fortified station at the mouth of the Orinoco and the British foreign office lays claim to a region more than twice the size of New York state.
   The same adroit, insinuating methods have been employed which had worked so successfully in India, Africa and Egypt. Venezuela has vainly appealed to our country for intervention. Our suggestion that England submit her claims to arbitration has been contemptuously ignored. The seeming indifference or feebleness of the United States government has caused the British officials in Venezuela to push their aggressions of [late] with extraordinary activity until the foreign office has decided that it is full time to throw off the mask and to demand the formal surrender of the disputed territory, with war as the grim alternative.
   There the case now rests. Though neither rich nor numerous, the Venezuelans are a brave and spirited people. They will not tamely yield to English arrogance. Unless the ultimatum is withdrawn or modified, war must be regarded as inevitable. The first shot from the Maxim guns which Joseph Chamberlain has ordered to be forwarded to the British Guiana frontier may do something more than merely disturb the peace of that wild and distant region. It may perhaps shatter the friendly relations of England and the United States. For that shot, nominally aimed at Venezuela, would be really directed at the greater republic to the northward. It would be the Corinto episode over again, with even more of insult and exasperation. The men who are now in power in England do not love America any more than the men who were in power there during our Civil war. But they never would have struck the blow which they are now meditating if our own scandalous weakness had not invited it. There was no talk of an "ultimatum" while President Harrison was in the White House and James G. Blaine in the state department.
   If we are involved in a serious difficulty with Great Britain over Venezuela—a difficulty which now seems very probable—the responsibility for it all will rest on Grover Cleveland's shoulders, It will be the direct logical fruit of his "policy of infamy"—-of that "paltering" of the results of which last March Senator Lodge warned the country with the prophetic words of a statesman and patriot.

Thomas Edison working on kinetoscope.
Edison and the "Smartest Man on Earth."
   While in Berlin he received an invitation to visit William the Warrior in his palace, and on the appointed day a state carriage, gorgeous in golden ornaments, drawn by six horses and with outriders, called for him. This display abashed the modest-minded inventor, and he said that he would reach the imperial palace in his own way. He walked.
   When he reached the designated place, the flunkies in charge declined to take his card to the royal presence, his humble appearance making it seem impossible to them that he was to have an audience with their master.
   Edison, nowise disappointed, returned to his hotel, where shortly he was waited upon by a court official conveying William's regrets for the mistake and a request that he would visit the palace next day and bring with him one of his phonographs.
   He did so. The emperor took him into his private cabinet, no one else being present, carefully closed all the doors and then besought him to take the marvelous invention apart and explain to him all its workings. This was done, and the inventor was invited to attend a court reception next day and to bring the phonograph with him.
   Upon this occasion the great American found the emperor surrounded with a brilliant throng of nobles, each one decorated with the insignia of his rank—Edison, I think, calls them "dog collars.'' When he produced his mysterious invention, the emperor took it in hand, eyed it critically as though he had never seen it before, then took it apart and explained to the amazed courtiers exactly how it performed its wonders. He never said a word about his instruction of the day before.—Philadelphia Times.

Construction of Gunboats at Detroit.
   WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. —The Detroit Drydock company, which the naval bureau chiefs recommended be awarded the contract for building two of the six new gunboats, now wishes to withdraw that part of its proposition which looked to the assembling of the parts for the ships at Seattle, on the Pacific coast. Mr. Kirby, one of the leading partners in the firm, is in Washington and indicates that the company, if it secures the contract, will build the complete vessels at Detroit.

Judge Walter Lloyd Smith.
One Case Tried at Ithaca, Others Put Over the Term.
   A special train arrived in Cortland from Ithaca at about 2 o'clock this afternoon having on board Superintendent Albert Allen, General Passenger Agent C. W. Williams, Auditor M. A. Smith, Attorneys O. U. Kellogg and D. W. Van Hoesen and C. E. Rowley, formerly a conductor on the old Utica, Ithaca & Elmira R. R. which is now the E., C. & N.
   On the calendar of the supreme court at Ithaca, Judge Walter Lloyd Smith presiding, were forty-four cases, all alike in character—suits for damages against the E., C. & N. R. R. for excessive mileage charges. One case was tried, that of Joseph Parker vs. the E., C. & N. R. R.—and the others went over the term. In this case a jury was waived and the case was tried before the judge. Evidence was submitted and the attorneys on each side were given thirty days in which to submit briefs. The case was over the charging of four cents per mile for fare upon certain short distances, as the original charter of the road permitted. The question at issue was whether the general railroad law of 1890 wiped out of existence the rights of the road under the old charter. Wing Parker of Moravia and S. D. Halliday of Ithaca appeared for the plaintiff. Kellogg & Van Hoesen for the defendants.
   Kellogg & Van Hoesen also had another case in court there, that of
Margaret Teeter vs. The United States Casualty Insurance Co. They appeared for the plaintiff and secured a verdict of $2,175. Attorney Wilbur of New York and S. D. Halliday of Ithaca appeared for the defendant.

Glann & Clark Move—Bingham & Miller Enlarge.
   The first of November will witness a slight change in the location of two of the leading business firms on Main-st. Glann & Clark have rented the store next south of their present location and north of C. F. Brown's drug store. Bingham & Miller will occupy the store vacated by Glann & Clark and will also occupy the one in which they are at present located. The partition between these two stores will be arched, thus making one large double department store. The south part will be devoted exclusively to clothing and this stock will be much increased, especially in the children's department.
   They expect to add a large and complete assortment of trunks and travelling bags. This line of goods together with the lines of gentlemen's furnishing goods will be displayed in the north part. When the change is made the store of Bingham & Miller will be one of the best appointed stores in this part of the state.

Little York Lake, Mt. Toppin in background.
Thou lofty background of our home,
Thou living wall beside the plain,
That pillarest up the heaven's dome
Where 'eer may stretch the mountain chain;
Thou western curtain of the night,
Thou first to catch the morning sun
And downward throw the golden light
While yet the day has scarce begun.

Thou hast no name in history's page,
No fabled muse doth haunt thy shades,
No peaks, all hoary, speak thine age.
No monster dread thy groves invade,
But leafy trees o'er tree tops rise
Far up thy rough and ragged sides,
And with their banners pierce the skies
Where high the glorious day king rides.

Beside thy rock ribbed emerald crest
The summer cloud, a barge of light
All freshly flown from breezy west,
Hath moved awhile to silent flight
And floats along that lofty shore
Of depths of unknown blue, so far,
So boundless as the evermore—
The home of sun and evening star.

Thy leafy verdure is a smile,
Nor ice bound rocks, nor caps of snow
Soar up with dizzy pile on pile
To far outfrown thy green below.
And I have loved to sit and gaze
Where seem to climb the birds of flight,
That up and up still seek the blaze
Of sinking sun ere comes the night.

But when the storm cloud settles low
And like a veil obscures thy face,
And the rampant lightnings' red'ning glow
With ruddy anger wreathes thy place,
And thy summit then doth seem the throne
Of thunders belching o'er the plain,
And the rocking pines all tempest blown
Bend down beneath the roaring rain.

And o'er Tioughnioga's vale
The mantling storm goes spreading wide,
And from thy steeps the surging gale
Goes lashing out with furious stride,
Then do I gaze with awe the while,
O Toppin! on thy frowning height,
For thou has seemed to loose thy smile,
Thy look of joy in morning light.

But now October, crisp and chill,
With frosty wand has touched the wood,
Has kissed the lea and kissed the hill
And tinged the maple leaves with blood.
Autumnal splendors crown thee now,
O, wall with living colors blent!
The glorious radiance of thy brow
Is stretched along the firmament.

The sun's pale beam, with kindling glow,
Illuminates thy swelling form,
As if it did an iris throw
To light with hope the fleeing storm.
And thou, when autumn's moaning blast
Thy gorgeous robe has cast aside,
And winter's cheerless night has past,
Shalt be again a springtime bride.
   Preble, Oct. 21, 1895.  H. H.

"The Midnight Special."
   The attraction that will appear at the Opera House on Tuesday, Oct. 29, is the very latest melodramatic success, "The Midnight Special," a high class play in four acts, produced with a carload of magnificent scenery and mechanical effects. A rounder in a stock broker's office, a railroad scene with puffing locomotives, the interior of a wine distillery in full operation, still another railroad scene with a miraculous escape, and hotel parlor showing a passenger elevator, perfect reproduction were some of the scenes used to develop
the plot of "The Midnight Special." This was acted, says the New York World, at Niblo's recently before a very large and enthusiastic audience. The acting was vigorous and telling, and the mechanical effects excellent.

   —A special meeting of the Y. M. C. A. trustees will be held to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock.
   —The Central school football team play the Dryden academy team at Dryden Saturday, Nov. 3.
   —Mr. Fred Ingersoll entertained a few of his friends at his home on Greenbush-st. last night. It was his eighteenth birthday.
   —The ninth annual convention of the Young Woman's Christian associations of the state of New York will be held in Syracuse October 31 to Nov. 3.
   —James Slattery, aged 69 years, a resident of Syracuse, for more than twenty years toothless, is now cutting a third set of teeth—a very rare occurrence.
   —Twenty-five couples were in attendance at the dancing party given by the Manhattan club last evening in Empire hall. Excellent music was furnished by McDermott's orchestra and a good time was had.
   —The enterprise of safe agents is proverbial. The burglary of the post office was discovered at 6:30 Tuesday morning, and at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon an agent had sold the postmaster a new safe.—Marathon Independent.
   —The Presbyterian choir, assisted by Mr. A. E. Darby, will give a praise service next Sunday night, Oct. 27, instead of the regular service. These services have proved very enjoyable in the past and have attracted large congregations.
   —Every column in a newspaper contains from ten to twenty-two thousand distinct pieces of metal, the displacement of one of which would cause a blunder or a typographical error. And yet some people think it strange when they can find an error in the newspaper.—Exchange.
   —A regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held on Saturday, Oct. 26. Consecration service will be held at 2:30 o'clock. It is not certain whether the delegate to the National convention will be home and be ready to make her report. If not, the program will be "paste day" and reading.
   —The case of W. G. Hollenbeck against E. Dorr Clark was tried before Justice Dowd and a jury this morning. This was an action to recover from Clark as a sub-contractor in Hitchcock's shops for labor. The amount claimed was $16.13. The jury rendered a verdict, no cause for action.

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