Sunday, February 17, 2019


Joe Bakewell.


In 1962 America experienced what became known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. Russia had placed nuclear missiles in Cuba, a clear threat to the U.S.

This action was in response to our missiles in Turkey, aimed at Russia, and to the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by the U.S. and several attempts at assassinating Fidel Castro.

More missiles were on ships headed for Cuba. President Kennedy was compelled to take action. He convened a group of his advisors including Robert McNamara, Robert Kennedy, military leaders, and tellingly, Tommy Thompson, former ambassador to Russia who got along with Khrushchev and knew him very well.

After some discussion, Kennedy decided to take military action; bomb the missile sites and sink the missile-bearing ships.

Thompson spoke up, “You’re wrong, Mister President.” He then suggested we give Khrushchev a face-saving way out; credit for saving Cuba and the removal of some of our missiles in Turkey. Kennedy listened, and the crisis ended.

As I recall and noted in my research, Republicans remained quiet in the background while Kennedy struggled through the Bay of Pigs to the end.

If you get the ‘point’ here, try the trivia question:
If the Democrats take control in 2020, will they punch holes in the ‘wall’?

Joe Bakewell

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