Monday, November 22, 2021


Joe Bakewell.


We are living in a time of enormous change—largely unrecognized for what it is, and for the implications of same.

We know about politics, and the ways in which it is now practiced—very personal, attack, attack. It’s a pity that our politicians are so preoccupied with this that they have little time to think seriously about where we’re headed. And much of that time is taken up by Russia and China.

Covid 19 is not finished. Even if everyone, including children, were to be fully vaccinated we’d still be divided over school issues, including Critical Race Theory.

I’m not writing about these with an eye toward offering solutions, but rather to emphasize the magnitude of what we’re dealing with as a people, and as individuals. We’re being overwhelmed, swept along by a blizzard of propaganda.

No wonder Climate Change is having difficulty rising to the top of the pile.

I was interested in learning that many small cities and towns (off the beaten path) are paying remote workers to move to their community. They pay in proportion to the earnings of said workers. Our government is paying for wider Broadband distribution, enabling work from ever more remote locations.

Technology is setting a fast pace, it’s hard to find a business where transactions are handled in the same way as ten years ago (maybe even five)

I look at how I paid bills, writing checks and envelopes, licking stamps.

How about food, and the way, in the past, it made its way from the farmer to my plate vs. now? Will stores be outmoded?

Okay, enough already. We are sitting on a bounty of productivity improvement. Let’s not leave it to our politicians.

A key consideration is parenting. I’m proud of our children, and the way they were raised, but I recognize that today’s parents are saddled with problems unknown to me.

One example: When we first moved to Boxford, I often encountered small groups of teenagers hitchhiking around town. If I came across girls, I picked them up; thinking that I was doing their parents a favor. Fortunately, hitchhiking died out soon after.

Today, parents have a whole new set of problems ranging from screen time to social media. How do you get your kid to read body language?

Beyond parenting, we all face a new world. Politicians are vying to lead the way. I question their motivation and ethics.

What will you do? Stick with your tribe, or start thinking for yourself?

Joe Bakewell

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