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B. H. Roberts. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, December 28, 1899.
Not Personally a Believer in Polygamy, but Convinced That He Cannot Constitutionally be Deprived of His Seat Because of Polygamy and the Mormon Religion—Arguments to That Effect.
Dr. Mary Walker of Oswego is spending the week in Cortland as a guest of Dr. L. A. Strowbridge on Monroe Heights. She is about to present a petition to congress favoring the seating of Roberts of Utah, the text of which she has given to The STANDARD for publication, as follows:
GENTLEMEN—With the sacred right of petition, your honorable body has been asked to do an act, outside the authority of the constitution of the United States. This was by people not understanding that you are restricted from any overt acts against the rights and liberties of conscience—and you are not empowered to decide for other people's conscience—in religious matters, that are contained in that instrument, which our forefathers shaped and sharpened, as a peace menace, among the various religious sects that then existed, or that should thereafter exist. They saw the injustice, not to say the absurdity of all religious bodies to bring their authority from the same Bible, and then assuming to dictate to other sister churches, to the extent of hanging Quakers, the most unobtrusive of all religionists.
You are petitioned to "prevent Elect Representative Roberts of Utah from taking his seat." This is solely upon his "religious belief," according to the ''plurality of wives that are sanctioned in the Bible," as they are also in the branch of Mormons, to which Mr. Roberts belongs.
King David had ten concubines, and yet he put the man Uriah who had but one wife at the head of the battle to be killed and then took his widow for his wife. King Solomon, David's son, and the wisest man who lived, had his oldest brother killed because he wanted a fair maiden for his polygamic wife, in the face of the fact that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. We are told by clergymen who are not Mormons that every word of the Bible is inspired, and an example to us. The logic of such an assertion, in the face of the fact that there are people who live higher lives than such "examples," is remarkable. If the Bible was still all divine after King James' council revised it, is it not about time that there should be another revision, and expunge what the living up to by one sect openly, and many other sects covertly, is now believed not to be for the best interests of all people. There should be an amendment to the religious liberty clause in the constitution defining that such liberty must come inside of the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule and Christ's sermon on the mount.
If the petitioners regarding one man were to make the above a question, something of vital interest might result, but as it now stands, it is a one sect persecution of a mild Nero type.
It is a notable fact that the Mormon church is the only religious body that teaches the importance of the retention of all woman's nerve force in the interest of her prospective motherhood as did the mother of Christ. The question arises—why are all the crimes on the calendar so frequent in all states except Utah? Does the freedom from exhaustion of the mother, previous to the external existence of a child, have any relation to the child's best interests?
It is not in your province as a body to decide, (whatever your personal opinions may be,) against the seating of a member on religious grounds, whom the votes of men and women have sent, who are qualified to vote for such member. His election is evidence that a large body of people have faith in his principles. But if he was the only communicant of his church, who had not abandoned that part of the "Bible plurality of wives," deserting all but one of them he is entitled to his religious exponency, through constitutional rights.
Our forefathers saw that spites, jealousies, greeds, and other motives that had no other outlet and could be used to the disadvantage of individuals, were the basal reasons for sect persecutions, and they dealt with the question of "religious rights of conscience," in terms not to be misunderstood. We have no right to assume anything regarding consciences of other people.
Congressman Elect Roberts cannot be prevented from taking his seat, even if every member of every denomination in these United States roll in their ponderous petitions. Public sentiment, however strong against "confessed wives, and acknowledged children," is powerless to prevent the seating of a man, who has the honor to acknowledge all his marriages, and all the living results, as was done when the Bible was written. No Mormon has ever been charged with being guilty of breaking up other men's families, or putting his children in childless negro families to be brought up as negroes, and to marry negroes (?) here in Washington. The Mormon church has many virtues that ought to belong to all sects. Every effect is but the legitimate result of cause.
While in Salt Lake City, I gave a lecture of nearly two hours length to a large assemblage of children, and none of them went to sleep, or became uneasy, notwithstanding the fact that my subject was not one to children. (Comment is unnecessary regarding strong nerves and little comprehensive brains.)
No state or the United States congress can make any discrimination regarding religious sects that will stand the United States constitution test. If there has been an unconstitutional precedent consequent on either ignorance or bravado, it is too unsafe to follow. Gentlemen who would be guilty of deciding against an elect member, because of a clamor from other people regarding religious exponency, are erecting a gallows upon which they may find themselves unexpectedly ascending by a concerted action upon a different basis, not now apparent, but will be an opening door to ignoring the United States constitution; undermining the very foundation of this government which must be prevented by effectively stopping religious controversial oppression.
The low social status of the founder of Mormonism has nothing to do with the "religious rights" of the followers. There are those who know that religious beliefs, and the exponency of them, cannot debar Mr. Roberts of his seat, and are advocating an "emergency act" to meet the case, not knowing that the constitution of the United States must be amended, and that any change must be general, and not a special law regarding any church tenets, and that a large number of the state legislatures must ratify the same before it could be effective. Still farther, no state can ratify anything in conflict with the Constitution of the United States, since it cannot discriminate to the disadvantage of any particular religious sect. Not one state would so display its ignorance in its legislature, as to do so, until the Bible is revised and morals put on a universal basis.
When Africa is annexed, and sends a woman to the congress who has several husbands, she cannot plead religious belief for her polygamy, and an act might be passed by congress, (perhaps?) and be ratified by a sufficient number of states to make it effective, or congress might decide ineligibility, without an amendment to the United States constitution. (There are arguments on both sides.)
If we had a monarchy already fully established, the dealing with this question would be as easy as was the refusal of the emperor to receive S. S. Cox, as minister to his court, because his wife was a Jewess. Uncle Sam gracefully accepted the ultimatum of Mr. Emperor, and sent a minister whose wife's presence would not encourage his Jew subjects. This government receives in good fellowship foreign ministers, and consuls, whose government sanction and whose rulers practice polygamy, and who do so themselves. Not only this is a fact, but the usurping power in colonies where the people practice polygamy is also a fact.
This government has paid millions to purchase active polygamists, and has also paid the price of blood and death of its soldiery in the double payment for such people, who practice polygamy on a far lower scale of humanity. If there is one standard of marriage that is higher than another, it is that which squarely acknowledges marriage, and all the living results of marriage. Marriage is the regulator of social evils, and a plurality of wives, with wives' consent, is far above the widespread marriages with but one acknowledged and open marriage, and other covert relations.
While I argue that Mr. Roberts ought to take his seat as representative from the state of Utah, personally I am not a believer in polygamy, and would not live in such a relation, whether the marriages were all open, or whether one was acknowledged and others were covert. Science must, and will in time, make monogamy the rule that will need no legal enactments to prevent polygamy. Ostracism is not an argument that will convert to one wife, but calls forth defiance on one hand and the worst of deception on the other.
Convinced against one's will and belief is like spiderwebs, while science's logic is a cable that the winds and tides of social life cannot sever. There is no mistaking the fact that faithfulness to one wife and one husband is the highest condition of marriage, and with rational living and all the excellences that the polygamists set forth, the best of results to families and state must be the legitimate outcome. But trampling on the very foundation of our government, and ignoring religious rights, is the work of ignorance of what the constitution of the United States really is, or of utter disregard of results.
Teachers' Examinations.
Uniform examinations for the year 1900 in the Second school commissioner district will be held as follows:
Jan.11 and 12 (first, second and third grade and Normal [School] entrance) — Homer.
April 12 and 13—Truxton.
Aug. 9 and 10—Truxton.
Nov. 8 and 9—Homer.
KATHARINE E. COBB, Commissioner-elect.
John L. Lewis Lodge Election.
At the regular meeting of the John L. Lewis lodge, No. 587, I. O. O. F., the following officers for the year 1900 were elected:
Noble Grand—N. P. Meager.
Vice-Grand—E. E. Spalding.
Secretary—Charles Miller.
Treasurer—A. J. Bosworth.
Trustee. Three Years—J. R. Brow.
At the next regular meeting, Jan. 2, 1900, these officers will be installed and on Jan. 4, 1900, installation of camp officers will occur.
Americans Capture Filipino Trenches Near Montalban.
Rebel Loss Must Have Been Quite Severe. Four Americans Were Wounded in Engagement—Unsuccessful Attempt Made to Surround the Filipinos.
MANILA, Dec. 28.—Colonel Lockett with a force of 2,500, including artillery, yesterday attacked a strong force of insurgents entrenched in the mountains near Montalban about five miles north-east of San Mateo. The enemy were completely routed, the Americans pursuing them through the hills, amid which they fled in every direction.
Four Americans were wounded. The Filipino loss was large, resulting from a heavy infantry and artillery fire for three hours in the trenches.
It is supposed that the insurgents were those who were driven out of San Mateo on the day General Lawton was killed. They numbered probably 1,000.
A dozen lines of insurgent trenches covered the steep trail through the hills and likewise the valley below, along which the Americans passed. The main attacking party consisted of the Forty-sixth volunteers, infantry, a troop of cavalry and artillery, Colonel Lockett commanding in person.
The rest of the command operated from remote points in an endeavor to carry out Colonel Lockett's plan of throwing his lines around the enemy and thus cutting off retreat. The nature of the mountainous country made it impracticable to execute this movement successfully.
After the insurgents began to run there was a vain attempt to use artillery.
Gigantic Corporation Organized to Purchase Property.
TRENTON, N. J., Dec. 28.—The Panama Canal company of America with an authorized capital of $30,000,000, was incorporated here. The object of the company, as shown by the articles of incorporation, is to acquire by purchase the ship canal of the Campagnie Nouvelle du Canal de Panama and the railway across the Isthmus of Panama; also to construct, equip and operate said canal and railway and the various enterprises connected therewith. The company is further empowered to operate ships and steamship lines, carry mails, passengers and merchandise, operate telegraph and telephone lines, maintain wharves, warehouses and generally to engage in any business advantageous to the company's business.
The articles also empower the company to enter into arrangements with any government that may seem conducive to the company's object, including the obtaining of rights, privileges and grants. The capital stock is divided into $5,000,000 first preferred stock with 5 per cent non-cumulative dividend and $10,000,000 common stock.
The incorporators are: William P. Chapman, Jr., New York; Henry W. Clark, New York, and Francis D. Pollak of Summit, N. J.
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