Friday, June 29, 2012

The Way I See It

     "The way I see it, Sam, Cortland has to be a DESTINATION, not another piss stop. We need to think big."
     "You mean, George, that big statue of Cortland's Honest Politician near I-81 Exit 11, a location called the GATEWAY TO CORTLAND?"
     "Hell, no. That was the ignorant brainchild of the Cortland Contrarian. Somebody at that blog needs to see a doctor."
     "What about the New York Jets?"
     "That team is a definite draw, but they are only here in Cortland for three weeks in summer. We need a DESTINATION or a show that will make visitors target Cortland year long."
     "Got any ideas?"
     "I do. The way I see it, we could move that all-season resort at Greek Peak from Virgil to Cortland. Of course, it would be expensive. We would have to raise taxes."
     "I get it. Move the mountain to Cortland. Forget about Moses. Now you're talking like the Cortland Contrarian."

1 comment:

  1. Sam refers questioning readers to the Book of Normanii, chapter 8, verse 4: "And a snow-capped mountain was moved to Moses under the desert sun."
