Friday, May 31, 2013

Mr. E. J. Pennington Caught and Released After Discharge of Debts

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, January 3, 1903.


Seize Clothing of Airship Man's Wife and Will Sell It.

   Racine, Wis., Jan, 3.—A remarkable scene it was yesterday when the clothing of E. J. Pennington of airship fame, who first taught King Edward the pleasures of riding in an automobile, was sold to pay the debts of the famous promoter. Pennington came here in November, secured luxurious quarters in a hotel, and began securing capital to launch a $5,000,000 automobile factory.

   While his headquarters were here, he made frequent trips to Cincinnati, Detroit and New York. Incidentally, he ran up a big hotel bill here and at the Nicholas hotel in Cincinnati and then went to Detroit on another trip. While he was gone his landlord closed up his rooms in Racine and confiscated the clothing of Mrs. Pennington, including several $400 gowns.

   Yesterday this was offered for sale, but the sale was stayed by a court order which would allow the other creditors to participate in the proceedings, and the sale will take place in another week.

   Pennington was once worth about $1,000,000.

   This news will be read with keen interest by residents of Cortland for Pennington will be well remembered here as the man who attempted to start an automobile [motor bicycle] factory in the plant of the Hitchcock Mfg. Co. in this place.

   His course of procedure while in Cortland was not very different from that described in Racine. He spent money lavishly and then forgot to pay his board bill at the Cortland House when he left and a number of other bills about town. In consequence, a half dozen or more creditors watched for a long time to get track of him within the confines of New York state. Once he was apprehended but slipped away. Again he was found within the state and this time Sheriff Brainard invaded New York City and caught his man.

   He was to be brought to Cortland for trial, but concluded to settle up with his creditors and the matter was finally adjusted and the defendant discharged.


Sig Sautelle, the Show Man, will Take Possession Monday.

   Sig. Sautelle, the veteran showman, has purchased the Kremlin hotel of Mrs. Nora Rowe and will take possession of the same next Monday morning. Mr. Sautelle will run a strictly first-class two dollar-a-day hotel. He will give it his personal supervision for a time at least and no part of his show troop will be brought to Cortland.

   As a part payment for the hotel Sig. gives his farm of 140 acres, three miles north and east of Homer, known as the Scudder farm. The consideration for the property is said to be $16,000.

Topsy Must Die.

   New York, Jan. 3.—Topsy, the big elephant whose man-killing record exceeds that of any other elephant in captivity, will be executed tomorrow at noon. Topsy got loose at Coney Island yesterday and held 500 men at bay for five hours. Thompson and Dundy, her owners, have tried to give her away without success and finally decided on an execution.


3) Topsy killed by electrocution on January 4, 1903.
4) Kremlin Hotel:

Thursday, May 30, 2013

To Bore For Oil

Oil derricks in Pennsylvania

Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, May 23, 1901.


Lewis Nusbaum of Bradford, Pa. on Hand With His Machinery. Options Secured on 4,000 Acres of Land. Company to be Organized and Stock Sold—Cincinnatus Aroused.

   Cincinnatus is at present having its share of the general excitement over oil. The people are not particular whether they secure oil or gas, but they want something and they are going to work to see what they can find beneath the surface of the earth. Lewis Nusbaum of Bradford, Pa., is the active promoter of the scheme and he has retained Attorney J. H. Murray of Cincinnatus to assist him in the legal part of the business.

   Two years ago Mr. Nusbaum was in Cincinnatus as the representative of the Interstate Oil Co., and secured options on four thousand acres of land in the Otsellc valley. This territory extends from the Willet line on the south as far north as the upper bridge and for two miles up the Brackel. It occupies the entire width of the valley and extends a little way up the valley of the Gee brook. It includes the great farms of the Crittendens, the Harringtons and of David White along with the other smaller farms. The Interstate Oil Co. never did anything with these options, but they have now all been assigned to Mr. Nusbaum. He is getting up a company with a capital stock of $4,000 to bore for oil or gas or to see what they can find. Lewis Emory, the oil magnate of Bradford Co., is back of Mr. Nusbaum in this matter. It is expected that a number of Cincinnatus people will take some of the stock.

   The derricks and apparatus are ready to be shipped to Cincinnatus over the E. & C. N. Y. R. R., and work will be begun at once. The plan is to sink the first well somewhere near the eastern edge of the valley near the mouth of the Bracket creek, on the farm of Floyd Totman or Mrs. John Fish or Seward Beckwith or James Root. The exact location has not yet been decided upon. It is expected that the well will be bored to a depth of from 1,800 to 2,500 feet until Trenton rock is struck. Just what the outcome of this will be cannot be forecasted, but at all events an investigation of the interior of the earth is to be made to see what can be found.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Clairvoyant Dr. Butterfield and Railroad Excursion Rates

Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, March 29, 1901.
Dr. E. F. Butterfield will be at the Cortland House, Cortland, on Tuesday, March 26. He Gives Free Clairvoyant Examination.

   Dr. Butterfield has been coming to Cortland for forty years. Whether anyone believes in clairvoyant examinations or not, the doctor has had wonderful success in curing chronic diseases, where other physicians have given up. The doctor enjoys the confidence of all his patients. He has certainly performed some remarkable cures in the county. In talking with the doctor one becomes convinced of his honesty of purpose and truthfulness. His methods are entirely different from the general practitioner. He tells me he uses vegetable remedies entirely. His rooms are always crowded with patients. He gives unusual and general satisfaction. He is certainly a strong factor in medical success and is always willing to give you a free examination.

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, May 11, 1901.


Special Rates to Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo all Summer.
The Lehigh Valley railroad announces the following rates from Cortland to the
Pan-American exposition at Buffalo: Tickets with five days limit, (including date of sale), good in day coaches only, will be sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays from May 1 to Oct. 31, at $4.20 for the round trip. Tickets with ten days limit will be sold every day, May 1 to Oct. 31, at $5.70 for the round trip. For further information consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents.

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, May 11, 1901.


From Cortland to Various Points on the E.&C.N.Y.R.R.
Commencing May 5, the Erie & Central New York railway will sell excursion tickets from Cortland and the Junction to all stations on Sundays throughout the summer, at following rates: To Cincinnatus 50 cents round trip; to Gee brook 50 cents round trip; to East Freetown 40 cents round trip; to Solon 80 cents round trip; to McGrawvllle 15 cents round trip. Tickets to be had of agents only.

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, May 11, 1901.


Excursion Rates to Washington on May 15 with Stopover Privileges.
On May 15 the Lehigh Valley R. R. will sell round trip tickets from Cortland and vicinity to Washington, D. C, for $10. Tickets limited for return to and including May 25.Will be honored on any regular train except Black Diamond express. Stop over allowed in either or both directions at Philadelphia and Baltimore by deposit of tickets, provided ticket is used within original limit. Consult Lehigh Valley agents for further particulars.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Buffalo Bill Comes to Cortland

Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, June 13, 1901.

The Terrible Machine Guns to be Operated During the Performances.

   Buffalo Bill's Wild West has recently added a most realistic representation of a modern battle to its entertainment, and necessarily has had to bring into play machine guns, handled by some of the same men who worked them during the late fighting. The mechanism of the gun is easily described, but the impression it makes when seen at work is beyond description. It is simply fascinatingly terrible, and in the Wild West with 800 soldiers around it constantly firing their rifles, its tones are such that all else is a dumb show, and every faculty of the auditor is enchained by the machine gun as though it had some hypnotic power. There is just enough of it in the battle of Tien-Tsin to please an audience, and not enough to detract from the many other exciting, amusing and instructive features of this peculiarly unique and instructive entertainment.

   All the Indians, cowboys, Russians, Arabs, Mexicans, Magyars, Gauchos, English and German soldiers, and a couple of regular and volunteer ex-members of Uncle Sam's army, are component parts of the big company, and their daring feats of horsemanship, their reckless skill and magnetic personality, are as strong as ever.

   Incidents in American history, from a representation of an early wagon train of settlers crossing the prairie, to the most exciting scene of the war in China, are truthfully depicted by genuine characters, many of them participants in the original events. Every year sees an enlargement and an improvement of Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders, and more has been added to its attractiveness this season than ever. Buffalo Bill and the Wild West will be in Cortland tomorrow and will exhibit upon the fair grounds. Watch for the big parade in the forenoon.

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, June 15, 1901.

Buffalo Bill’s Show.
Great Crowd Filled the Tent at Both Exhibitions.

   Yesterday was Buffalo Bill's day in Cortland, and in respect to the crowd it was one of the greatest days the young city has ever seen. The town was full of people all day long. All railroads had extra coaches on their trains and all trains were crowded. The Traction company did tremendous business, its cars being crammed almost to suffocation. Every road leading into the city had a constant line of teams upon it and from the appearance of the horses the indications were that many of them came from a long distance.

   The streets were lined with thousands of people to see the parade in the morning, and before 1 o'clock there was a steady flow of people toward the show grounds, going on foot, in carryalls, in private conveyances and on the street cars.

   The tents made an imposing appearance upon the fair grounds. The dining tent occupied all the space at the left of the entrance and south of the hall where the "midway" is during fair time. Across the track in the center of the grounds was the big tent with side shows at the right and with the horse tent and dressing rooms at the extreme west end. The seats were arranged to occupy three sides of a rectangle and were covered with canvas, while all the exhibition w a s in the open air with uncovered sky.

   At the afternoon performance the seats were filled to their fullest capacity. The ticket man told a STANDAND reporter that there were 16,000 people In the audience. He said that the management was greatly pleased with the crowd and he felt very confident that they would not have to sell a horse to get money enough to g e t out of t o w n with. The evening audience wan an excellent one, though not quite as numerous.

   The Buffalo Bill show is unique. It is entirely different from a circus. It is in a class by itself. There is something to interest every moment and there is no delay for it proceeds with great rapidity. From the opening ground review of the Rough Riders of the world to the battle of Tien Tsin at the end the interest is sustained. As is to be expected much of the program is given to riding. Each body of horsemen gave an exhibition of the skill which is theirs, and in all the performances it would be difficult among these experts to find the best. The old feature of the Buffalo Bill show, the stage coach attacked by Indians, who in turn are repulsed by the scouts, was not missing, nor was the attack on the cowboys by the Indians.

   Annie Oakley, Johnnie Baker and Buffalo Bill himself gave exhibitions of shooting which, as in days gone by, excited the wonder of the spectators. Buffalo Bill shot glass balls thrown into the air while himself and the thrower were riding at a trot around the ring.

   The bucking bronchos, the buffalo hunt and some like features have been seen before, but the life-saving feature was something new. Buffalo Bill carries with him a life-saving crew, who in a realistic manner show how sailors are taken from vessels which are driven ashore during a storm. A life line was shot over a spar erected in the middle of the arena. The line is making fast and the sailors soon come gliding down the line in the breeches buoy to the shore. The life-saving crew have all the apparatus used in the actual operation. The tumbling and the feats of strength by the Arabs astonished every one.

   The military spectacle Is one of the most popular features of the show. Every one took pride In the skill and daring of the United States cavalrymen in their feats of horsemanship, and in the wonderful precision with which the artillerymen maneuvered, and finally the battle of Tien Tsin gave an idea of what happens when opposing armies line up for action. There was a lot of powder burnt and the machine gun, with which the walls of the old China city was defended, ground out a deal of harmless noise. This spectacle, participated in by several hundred men, is, as an educational feature, really a most important part of the performance.


   Buffalo Bill was In Cortland the last time on Monday, Sept. 10, 1895. The Buffalo Bill show is now a stock company, of which Buffalo Bill is himself a one-third owner. It was said yesterday by one of the clerical force of the company that Buffalo Bill himself draws a salary of 13,000 per week for the use of his name and his presence with the show.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Police Chief Barnes Warns Wheelmen


Cortland Evening Standard, June 13, 1901.


Ordinance Regarding Sidewalks, Speed and Bells to be Enforced.

   Chief of Police Barnes gave out the information this morning that all riding of  bicycles on sidewalks or unpaved streets when the roads are not muddy must cease at once. It has been the chief’s policy to break up the habit of sidewalk riding without making arrests, but the custom is increasing and now the ordinance will be carried out to the letter. The chief also calls the attention of workingmen coming home from the shops to the matter of keeping on the right hand side of the road and of keeping within the speed limit. The chief also points out that many riders have failed to provide bells for their wheels, and that they are liable to arrest for this failure. These matters will be closely watched by the police and all bicycle riders are warned to comply with the ordinances.

Did the ordinance apply to chimps on bicycles?


Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, June 13, 1901.
Pierce Bicycle Stolen.
   Night before last Mr. Henry Corcoran left his 1901 Model Pierce bicycle in front of the Brunswick hotel for about twenty minutes. When he returned to the rack for the wheel it was missing, nor has Mr. Corcoran been able to get any clue to it since. The wheel is a chainless one, with cushion frame, coaster brake, Sager flexible saddle, Kelley handlebars, Palmer tires and black frame. The wheel number is 85,306, and the sidepath tag is number 1,284. Any information concerning the bicycle would be received gladly by Mr. Corcoran.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Was it Murder? (Part 3 of 3)

Lehigh Valley R.R. (Jim Schug Trail)--left click image to enlarge.
Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, May 22, 1901.

Townsend Was Murdered, Robbed and His Body Placed on Track.

   Coroner E. M. Santee has rendered his verdict in regard to the death of Joseph Townsend: "The said Joseph Townsend was walking down the Lehigh Valley railroad tracks between 8 and 9 o'clock in the evening of May 11,1901, from the Dryden lake in the town of Dryden, Tompkins county, N. Y., to North Harford, Cortland county, N. Y., and when at a point opposite what is known as the Purvis woods he was feloniously assaulted by some person or persons not now positively known to this coroner and killed, after which he was robbed and his body placed upon the track of said railroad company just after the northbound passenger train had passed and before the southbound train reach that point. He had been fishing with five other colored men, who are exonerated from all blame in the matter.”

Editor's note: From the published coroner's inquest and verdict, we do not know Joseph Townsend's age or legal address, or family relationships. Our research indicates that Joseph Townsend was buried in the potter's field at the Cortland Rural Cemetery in 1901. He was 24 years old when he died. A quick search in the Cortland Evening Standard, from May 22 to June 22, 1901, did not find an indictment in the Townsend case by District Attorney Thomas H. Dowd or any mention of an investigation by Sheriff A. R. Overton. Of special interest, Lewis Perry, a farm hand who Dr. Santee earlier suspected of "knowing more about the matter than he told," was not referred to in the coroner's verdict.

Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, June 19, 1901.
Common Council

Sheriff’s Fees

   A regular meeting of the common council of the city of Cortland, N.Y., was held at the office of the clerk on the 18th day of June , at 7:30 o'clock, at which were present Mayor Chas. F. Brown and Aldermen E. M. Yager, E. R. Wright, George F. Richard, T. C. Scudder, R. S. Pettigrew and Vern W. Skeele. Sheriff A. R. Overton came before the board and asked that the board reconsider its former action in placing his fees at 15 cents for each arrest made by him in the city. The sheriff stated that aside from arresting he had to arraign the prisoners, care for them while they were confined in the jail at a great deal of expense and worry at times, and he thought he amount was very small for the service rendered. The council stated that the fees had been placed lower to remedy an abuse of the sheriff's privileges in matters of arrest, in years gone by and not on account of the action of the present officer.  Mr. Overton stated that he had no desire to abuse any privilege that was given. On motion of Mr. Pettigrew seconded by Mr.-- and declared carried:
Resolved, That the prior resolution of this board, limiting and restricting the fees of the sheriff of Cortland in certain arrests at 25 cents be rescinded. On motion of Mr. Scudder, seconded by Mr.-- and declared carried:
Resolved, That the fees of the said sheriff in such cases be and is hereby fixed at $1 in each case.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Was it Murder? (Part 2 of 3)

Lehigh Valley R.R. (Jim Schug Trail)--left click image to enlarge.
Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, May 20, 1901.
Coroner’s Inquest.


Struck by Lehigh Valley Passenger Train on Night of May 11—But Indications are That Death Had Occurred Before the Accident —No Blood Flowed from Body When Mangled by Train—One Witness Warned by Coroner That He was Under Suspicion.

   The inquest in the matter of the death of Joseph Townsend, the colored man who was struck by the passenger train a little north of North Harford one week ago Saturday night, was held at North Harford Saturday by Coroner E. M. Santee, and with the exception of taking the evidence of the physicians who performed the autopsy, the inquest is closed. After reviewing the testimony Dr. Santee will render his verdict, which, in all probability will be that Townsend came to his death at the hands of a party or parties unknown.

   The coroner will confer with District Attorney Thos. H. Dowd before giving his decision in the matter, and he may state in the verdict the name of the person upon whom, in the light of the inquest, the strongest suspicions fall. Many witnesses were sworn Saturday at North Harford and the little hamlet in the southwestern corner of Cortland county was agitated by the proceedings that called out a large crowd of curious onlookers. The inquest showed that Townsend had been at Dryden lake fishing the day he met death along the Lehigh Valley tracks; that he had left the lake a little before 8 o'clock, P. M. to walk down the tracks to North Harford, and that he had some money about his person when he started from the lake that could not be found afterward.

   Lewis Perry, who had been fishing at the lake the same day, and who also walked from the lake to North Harford that evening, was the last witness sworn. As he took the stand the coroner notified him that he was the last person found to be in the vicinity of the crime and that he was suspected of knowing how Townsend came to his death, therefore he need not testify unless he chose so to do. Perry said he was willing to testify in the matter.

   After the inquest Dr. Santee informed him that he was under suspicion of knowing more about the matter than he had told and that if it had not been for his wife and child he would have taken him back to Cortland. As it was, he said, a close watch would be kept of him and any attempt on his part to escape would be fruitless.


   James Brinkerhoff of Auburn, N.Y., engineer on train No. 284 that struck the body of Townsend, testified that he first saw the body on the track about 10 rods ahead of the engine. He shut off the steam and applied the emergency brake. The body was lying parallel with the rails and his head was toward the engine. He was lying on his stomach and left side and when the engine approached him he appeared to be trying to rise up on his hands. He only had just a glance at him and could not be positive in regard to his trying to rise up. The train was running from 35 to 40 miles an hour. He examined the engine and did not find a spot of blood or a mark of any kind on it. The train ran about two lengths before stopping. When he went back to where the body lay, he found it about 10 or 12 feet from the west rail. The clothing was badly torn and mostly gone from the lower part of the body. He saw no blood on the clothing and none on the ground or tracks, and he thought the man was dead when he saw him after he was struck. He did not see him move.


   Thomas Doran of Auburn, fireman on the same train, said that when about 2 miles north of North Harford the engineer applied the emergency brake and said that he had hit a man. He went back to the spot where the body lay. He was dead when he got to him. He corroborated the engineer’s testimony concerning the position of the body when found. His legs were badly mangled. He did not notice any blood around, either on his clothing or on the ground. He came on with the train and had nothing to do with caring for the body.


   Grant Hess of Sayre, Pa., a brakeman on the train, noticing that the air brakes were applied, went out to see why the train was stopped. He also corroborated the engineer’s evidence in regard to the location of the body when found. The left leg was torn out at the hip. He noticed a small hole in back of the head, in the hair. He heard a sort of sobbing when he first reached the body; this only once. There was no movement. He had a lantern, and was the first to reach the body. He noticed a small amount of blood under the head, but none around where the legs were cut off or on the ground, ties or track.


   Arthur D. Bates, of Sayre, Pa., the conductor, described the stopping of the train and the finding of the body, as given by the other railroad men. He saw a piece of flesh lying about 15 or 20 feet south of where the body lay. There was a piece of clothing on this. He left two men in charge of the body and notified Superintendent Titus of the occurrence when he arrived at North Harford.


   Volney Watkins of Harford Mills, a track hand on the railroad, said he was working with the section men about three-fourth miles from Dryden lake on Saturday, May 11. About 5 o'clock he went down the track for a flag. When at the crossing, John Webb said the boys were having a dispute over some fish he had sold and he was trying to keep away from them. He went up to where they were, but there was no trouble while he was there. He did not see Townsend at all, but saw Warrior Lowe, Richard Dorsey and another man he did not know. None of them appeared intoxicated. There was a jug of cider in the wagon and he took a drink of it. It was a gallon jug and nearly half full when he drank from it.


   Joel Benedict of Auburn, the baggageman of the train, substantiated the evidence of the other men. He saw no blood anywhere, and the man was dead when he reached him.


   F. J. Japhet of Newark Valley, a mason in the employ of the railroad company, testified that he was returning from Groton to Newark Valley on the passenger train and that he with Michael Dalton was detailed by the conductor to take charge of the body. He with Dalton went up to where the body was struck. For a long distance flesh and bones were found along the track. There was very little blood, a spot on a tie about 1 inch by 2 inches. At about 1:30 A. M. they had orders to remove the body to North Harford. It was placed in the freight depot at that place, and they remained there with it till the coroner arrived.


   Michael Dalton's testimony was nearly identical with that of Mr. Japhet.


   Clarissa Carpenter, who lives near Dryden lake, was next sworn. She stated that fishermen were in the habit of putting their teams in the barns at her home, and that three single rigs came there on Saturday, May 11. In one of these were Warrior Lowe and two other colored men who came about 4 P. M. They stayed at the barn awhile and then went to the lake, returning about 7 or 7:30 o'clock in the evening. They left the barn at 8:30. One wagon had in it John and Peter Webb, who left soon after the Lowes left. The third wagon contained Benjamin Welch and another man, who left about the same time as did the Lowes, possibly five minutes later. She heard no disturbance, except that some one asked to ride to Harford.


   Lee Carpenter, a farmer near Dryden lake, testified that fishermen were in the habit of hitching their horses in his barn, when they came to the lake. Last Saturday. May 11, he was at home and about 5 o'clock, P. M. Warrior Lowe, Ed Lowe, and Dick Dorsey came; a few minutes later John and Peter Webb came. They all placed their horses in the barn and went to the lake to fish.


   Ira Matson, a farmer of the town of Richford, swore that he was at Dryden lake fishing May 11,1901, reaching there about 1 o'clock, P. M. He saw six colored men there fishing. Between 4 and 5 o'clock the first ones came to the lake. He left the lake about 8 o'clock. When he got to Carpenter's barn the north bound passenger train was passing, four or five of the colored men went to the barn at about the same time. He knew two of them, Peter and John Webb. He drove away from the barn before any of the colored men did. He got to Harford at about 9 o'clock and saw the men referred to at the hotel. None of them seemed intoxicated. While at the Harford hotel, a colored man came in and said that a colored fellow had been run over by the cars.


   Edmund Lowe, colored, testified that he was fishing at Dryden lake, Saturday, May 11. He drove there from Harford with Warrior Lowe and Richard Dorsey and reached the lake before 5 o'clock. Joseph Townsend had been fishing before they got there. Townsend came to Carpenter's barn while the others were there. Townsend had a string of fish and witness bought them for 25 cents. He did not see him have or spend any money. They left Joseph Townsend at the barn and that was the last witness saw of him alive. They had a gallon of cider with them, and Peter Webb had a gallon with him. All the cider, he thought was drank up. He did not see Townsend drink any of the cider. The only difficulty over the fish was between his brother and himself. Joseph Townsend was not concerned in the quarrel. John Sorrell told witness that there was a colored man killed on the railroad. Sorrell, he said, had stated that he came down on the train that ran over him. Witness then stated that he with Mr. Dorsey went to the place where the body was and recognized the man as being Joseph Townsend. He knew Townsend well, as he had been frequently at his house.


   Warrior Lowe's evidence corroborated the evidence of Edmund Lowe.


   Richard Dorsey, colored, was also fishing that day at Dryden lake, and he gave the story of the fishing at that lake as given by the two former witnesses. He said Townsend was cheerful that day and danced and sung, and appeared to be enjoying himself. Townsend, he said, was always cheerful and light hearted, but very reticent. He recognized a hat shown by the coroner as that last worn by Townsend. A piece of cloth he recognized as a part of the trousers worn by Townsend.


   Abram Carmer lives near where the body was struck. He was at North Harford until about 8:30 o'clock P.M. that night, and went from there up the west road to near Holden's crossing, where he cut across lots to the crossing, and followed the track to the Purvis crossing. Just below this and near the Brown sugar bush he met Louis Perry, who was the only person he met while going home.


   Frank Johnson, who employed Townsend for two weeks before his death, testified that he paid Townsend $2 that night, and that there is $8.50 still his due. Townsend carried no watch while at his house. He did not know of Townsend's having any more money than what he gave him. He stated that Townsend had said he was going to Dryden lake fishing Saturday.


   Daniel Tanner of Harford, a mechanic, who accompanied the coroner to the place where Townsend was killed, described the place, as given by others. He saw only one small spot of blood there. He also saw the body the night before and stated that there was a cut on the middle of the forehead and a discoloration of the left eye, where the blood had settled. There was no blood about where his limbs were cut off.


   Benjamin Welch, a farmer of Caroline, testified that he was at the lake fishing that day. He detailed the occurrences at the lake, but did not offer anything new in the matter. He did not see Townsend drink anything.


   William Forshee and Charley Adams were also fishing at the lake May 11. They saw Townsend and were with him for three hours in the afternoon. They did not see him drink any cider nor other intoxicants.


   Ward Rennie of North Harford, who was at the lake fishing and was with Townsend from 10 o'clock, A. M. till 2 o'clock, P. M., did not see him drink anything during that time.


   John and Peter Webb, colored, also testified in regard to the occurrences at the lake. Townsend had asked Peter Webb to ride with him, but had been told that his wagon was light and that he could not ride. Townsend had started down the track before they started for home.


   Vincent Phoenix a merchant at Harford Mills, testified that Townsend was at his store Friday night to purchase fishing tackle, for which he paid 12 cents. He also bought a pair of overalls for which he paid 45 cents. He gave Phoenix a dollar bill and received back the change. Witness also said that he thought he saw another dollar bill that Townsend had in his vest pocket.


   Frank Burke, the proprietor of Harford Exchange, of whom Warrior Lowe, Edmund Lowe and Richard Dorsey hired a horse and buggy to go to Dryden lake, testified that the three started from North Harford at about 4 o'clock P. M. and that they returned between 8:15 and 8:10 o'clock that evening. The Webbs did not reach North Harford until twenty minutes later. Lewis Perry came in the hotel about 9 o'clock. The train came in about 9:10 and it was then that witness first heard of the accident.


   H. R. Hawley, the station agent at North Harford, swore that the north bound passenger train arrived at about 8:05 o'clock and that the train that ran over Townsend came in at 9:25.


   Edward Hudson, who conducts a general repair shop at Harford and who went to the scene of the accident, testified to what he saw at that place, which has been described by others. The remains were loaded on a freight car by means of a fence board, which the men broke in two, and spread a rubber overcoat over the parts.


   Lewis Perry of the town of Richford, 47 years of age, testified that he was a farm hand. Last week, Saturday afternoon, May 11, 1901, he left home about 4 miles west of Harford and walked to Dryden lake to fish. He arrived there about 5 o'clock. The first persons he saw that he knew were Benj. Welch and Ira Matson. This was about 5:30 or 6 o’clock. He left the lake at about 8 o'clock, and walked all the way down the railroad track to Harford, not stopping anywhere except to talk with Mr. Carmer two or three minutes. The northbound train, he stated, passed him above the Purvis place, but some distance this side of the lake. He left the railroad track that night at the Harford depot and went direct to the Burke hotel, arriving there at about 9 o'clock. There was a shower coming up and he hurried along as fast as he could in coming down from the lake. He met no one, he said, after leaving the Carpenter crossing except Mr. Carmer until he got to Harford. He also stated that he was a pretty good walker and could walk 5 miles an hour right along. A freight train passed him on the way down that night. He thought the freight passed him the other side of the willow crossing. Witness also testified that he had not drank a drop of anything at the lake that day. He took some cider in Harford after getting back and then went home with the Webbs. Benj. Welch treated him that night, but witness did not treat anyone. He said he spent only 10 cents that night. He also stated that he had been married two years and had one child.

L. A. Gardiner.

   L. A. Gardiner, a stock dealer at Harford Mills, testified that he thought Joseph Townsend slept in his barn Friday night before he was killed, as there was evidence of a person having slept there, as blankets from his wagon were misplaced. He could also see where a person had sat on a pail and smoked.


   There were, among the serious details of the inquest at North Harford Saturday, a few ludicrous things that were said and done that may be repeated without detracting from the solemnity of such occasions. When Peter Webb testified in relation to the manner in which the day had been spent at the lake, he was asked if the party had not something along with them to drink, to which he responded: "Well, now, judge, you know we wuz jus out fishin', an had to hav somethin' to make the fish bolt."

   Later in the day he showed his honesty of purpose and tenderness of heart when asked by the coroner how it was that he could let Lewis Perry ride from North Harford to his home, when only a little while before he had refused Joseph Townsend a ride on account of the wagon being light. He met the question in this way. "Ai did not know till we come up to Norf Hoford that Joy was ded. Now Mr. Perry he ask me to ride after we got to Norf Hoford, and oi sed to mysel, O'll never refuse anoder man a ride, even if de wagon brak and oi hab to wak hom; cause if oi had let poo Joe ride, he'ed be alive dis minit."

   Coroner Santee wishing to find out something in regard to the Lehigh Valley tracks, approached the section gang at North Harford and accosting a man whom he thought was their foreman, asked if he were the man in charge to which he received a rather short answer in the negative. Later the coroner learned that the person he had approached was Supervisor J. A. Wavie of Harford.