Saturday, May 31, 2014

Deputy Fire Chief Puts Heat on Common Council Members

   In an effort to improve the relationship between the CFD fire department and city council, Deputy Fire Chief Freedman invited council members Thursday to a special training session. The activities were designed to give council members a better feel for what firefighters do. An EMT demonstration was given a few years ago at a council meeting, but Freedman explained Thursday’s firefighting demonstration with common council members was the first of its kind for Cortland.
   The eight-hour session started at 3 P. M. and was attended by alderpersons Byrd, Sillyman and Michaels. Freedman gave them an abridged version of fire training that included dressing them in gear and equipment, conducting a controlled burn in a vacant lot, and later sleeping at the firehouse and waking on call.
   Sillyman said the training included carrying a fire extinguisher up and down stairs, running out hose with firefighters' assistance and connecting to a hydrant, climbing over obstacles and dragging a 180 pound dummy. She said fire extinguishers were used to douse the controlled burn.
   “I found the training very difficult, and I was near exhaustion dragging the dummy,” Sillyman said.”I pretended the dummy was the mayor and I was trying to rescue him from his mean-spirited detractors and that gave me extra strength to perform the task.”
   Byrd said she enjoyed the training session. "They didn't make it easy for us. We were up close to the fire. We put it out. Pulling the dummy was difficult. However we toughed it out."
   Michaels said he learned the hard way how difficult the job is, and how quickly a fire can spread. “I have a new appreciation for the work of firefighters,” he said. “I was slower than Sillyman, I confess. I stumbled and fell twice. I’m getting old.”
   The sleep session was less exhausting, and all three council members showed that they could sleep at the firehouse as easily as they could sleep at council meetings.
   “It was a success,” Freedman announced. “I hope the experience will make city council members agreeable to our concerns on mutual aid, and Local 2737 demands for a new contract, including the delicious, admittedly contentious Article 9.1.1, strawberry shortcake with whipped cream for every firefighter working the night shift.”

Disclaimer: Correctly spelling the names of public employees and telling the truth are not part of this post. For affirmation of this disclaimer, consult Aldermen Carlos Ferrier and Ken Die. Do not consult Alderman John Benet, unless you can withstand a long and windy speech about newspapers. CC editor.

Friday, May 30, 2014


The Cortland News, Friday, October 19, 1883.
Democratic County Convention.
   The Democrats met in convention at Firemen's Hall Wednesday afternoon, and organized by the election of F. M. Benjamin, chairman, and Geo. C. Hubbard and L. D. Finn, secretaries.
   Mr. Benjamin on taking the chair thanked them for the honor, and hoped that harmony would prevail. He announced that the chairman and secretaries had taken the oath prescribed by law, but as this was not done in the presence of the audience, Mr. Benjamin's word was evidently believed, as no question was raised.
   The call of towns being ordered, Freetown was found not represented.
   A delegate wanted to know if the credentials were made out legally, and the chairman said that to all appearance they were.
   Nominations for County Judge and Surrogate being in order, I. H. Palmer said that in behalf of the Cortland delegation he wished to present the name of a gentleman who had once before been presented to the people for their suffrages, who had the confidence of the entire Democratic party, who was well-known and who needed no eulogy. He moved that Stratton S. Knox be nominated by acclamation. This being done, Mr. Knox was declared the unanimous choice of the convention.
   I. H. Palmer and E. Fitzgerald were appointed a committee to inform Mr. Knox of the action of the convention and request his presence.
   A committee of five, with M. Van Hoesen chairman, was appointed to draft resolutions.
   Mr. Knox appeared before the convention and returned his thanks for the honor of the nomination, and said that six years ago when he was chosen as the nominee for the same position, he said then as he said now, that he had no promises to make to any one but should preserve his integrity, and if elected he should endeavor to discharge the duties faithfully without fear or favor. He asked for the co-operation of all, and hoped that success would crown their canvass on the 6th of November.
   Mr. Knox's remarks were received with cheers.
   L. S. Hayes named H. T. Dana for Member of Assembly and moved his nomination by acclamation.
   R. Champlin objected and stated that he desired to present one whose record as a supervisor was of the highest character for ability, and whose claims upon the convention in point of locality were unquestioned. He moved that the convention proceed to ballot informally.
   The chair wanted to know for whom Mr. Champlin had been talking as it was not apparent to the convention. To which Mr. C. said that the ballot would show, but he named James Dougherty.
   Mr. Hayes accepted the amendment, and an informal ballot being had, 80 votes were cast of which H. M. Kingman received 4, Jas. H. Tripp 6, Geo. A. Hulbert 7, Wilson Greene 3, H. T. Dana 28, Jas. Dougherty 32. The convention then proceeded to take a formal ballot, when eighty votes were cast, of which Dana received 15, Dougherty 31, Hulbert 15, Tripp 18, Kingman 1.
   E. Fitzgerald had a few words to say before another ballot was had. At the
State Convention a certain class of people got no attention, and a nomination was made that was not liked, and he hoped that Mr. Dougherty would be considered. By which we suppose the speaker alluded to Purcell's defeat, and that if Mr. Dougherty did not get the nomination the Democratic party might look out for Irish squalls.
   Mr. Hayes withdrew the name of Dr. Dana, and the second formal ballot gave 81 votes: Dougherty 32, Hulbert 23, Tripp 25, Dana 1.
   A motion to confine the balloting to the two highest candidates was carried, but Mr. Hayes at once moved to reconsider that vote, which was done.
   Mr. Palmer did not believe that it would make any difference as the convention could not prevent any person from voting for whom he pleased.
   Mr. Van Hoesen moved that no votes be counted except those cast for the three highest candidates, which was carried.
   On the third formal ballot 81 votes were cast: Dougherty 34, Tripp 27, Hulbert 20.
   The convention at once proceeded to take the fifth formal ballot, when 77 votes were cast: Dougherty 44,Tripp 27, Hulbert 6.
   The nomination of Mr. Dougherty was made unanimous and calls for that gentleman received no response, he having very discreetly made himself scarce, evidently fearing that he might say something to hurt the feelings of those 27 delegates who had no compunctions of Democratic conscience (if such it may be called) sufficiently strong to prevent them from voting for such a mongrel as Jas. H. Tripp when such a lifelong, tried and true Democrat as Jas. Dougherty was in the field. And we don't blame him any.
   For Justice of Sessions R.W. Bourne presented the name of John D. Fish, and urged his claim upon the ground that, when last fall it was found that after each party had nominated two candidates for that office, they were entitled to only one each, Mr. Fish generously withdrew.
   Mr. Van Hoesen named Seth Hobart, the present incumbent, and moved that the names of delegates be called and each one name his choice for Justice.
   The result of the vote was not announced, the chairman merely saying that John D. Fish was the choice of the convention.
   For Coroner Herman B. Hunt was nominated by acclamation.
   The committee on resolutions reported, indorsing the administration of Gov. Cleveland, the State ticket, declaring that the work of the State Convention was well done, and enjoining all Democrats to work for the success of the ticket.
   There was no dissenting voice to the adoption of the report, though it must have grated on the feelings of the Tammany men.
   Mr. Palmer offered a series of resolutions in regard to the purity of primaries, which received only one vote —Mr. Palmer's — and the convention adjourned.

Frank Beard comic art
   No October ever saw finer weather than that of 1883.
   Mr. E. D. Mallery has moved into his house on the extension of Merrick street.
   Dr. H. O. Jewett is improving his residence by raising it a couple of feet and adding another story to the wing,
   At the Democratic Senatorial convention held at Syracuse last week, Mr. Hugh Duffey, of Cortland, was nominated for Senator.
   The Guardian and the Churchman of New York city have been consolidated under the title of the latter. This journal is the religious weekly of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
   Some fine sport in the way of trotting will be seen at the Fair Grounds tomorrow afternoon, provided the weather is favorable. A dozen entries have been made, some of them of the best horses in this section. There will be two races, purse $100 each.
   A praise and promise meeting will be held at the Young Men's Christian Association rooms Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, to be conducted by the Assistant State Secretary, Geo. H. Richter. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Young men are specially invited.
   At the annual meeting of the State Eclectic Medical Society held at Syracuse on the 11th and 12th inst., a paper was presented showing the gigantic strides made in eclecticism, and Dr. H. A. Bolles was made one of a committee to present its claims to the Legislature. At the same session Dr. C. W. Parker was delegated to attend the convention of the National Eclectic Medical Association.
   Rev. O. H. McAnulty, pastor of the M. E, Church at Marathon, who conducted the Niagara Falls excursion in such a satisfactory manner, has made arrangements for an excursion to New York city on Tuesday, Oct. 23. Tickets are only $5.25 for the round trip and are good for fifteen days, the holders being allowed to return on any regular train in that time. Train leaves Cortland 9:57 A. M.
   The claim of J. H. Hoose [Normal School principal—CC editor] and others against the State of New York tor salaries due them as teachers in the Cortland Normal school was presented to the Board of Claims Wednesday of last week, Judge A. P. Smith attorney for the claimants and Attorney-General Russell for the State. The only witnesses sworn were Dr. Hoose and Prof. Cassety. On Thursday the case was adjourned to Nov. 13, when it will be argued.
   Frank Beard, the famous sketch artist, will lecture in Taylor Hall Friday evening, Oct. 18, on "The Mission of Humor." The lecture will be illustrated by numerous cartoons drawn in presence of the audience. Mr. Beard is a well-known contributor of cartoons to the comic monthlies and of illustrations to The Century, Harper and other periodicals. Admission, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 35 cents. Tickets at Bushby & Robinson's.
   The Cortland Wagon Company's [fire-fighting] steamer has arrived, and after some repairing, which on test was found necessary, will be placed in position for prompt use.
   Messrs. D. F. Wallace and Chas. E. Selover have been elected trustees of the Presbyterian society in place of Samuel Keator and J. C. Carmichael, and Dr. Frederick Hyde and Mr. M. H. McGraw, elders in place of Messrs. Geo. H. Arnold and S. Lucas.
   Ex-Mayor John Rankin, of Binghamton, has been nominated Democratic candidate for Senator. John is a Cortland county boy, a good fellow, and a very intelligent gentleman. Senator Thomas, the Republican nominee, is all these and more, too. He is experienced and a Republican, which makes all the difference in the world in favor of Thomas.
   Dr. Luther T. White, who has lately moved into his new house on Madison street, was compelled last Friday evening to entertain a goodly number of the residents of that vicinity, who surrounded the house and marching in, a squad at each door, took possession and proceeded to dedicate. As the company carried a bountiful supply of provision—without which a house-warming could not be a success—and gave their host and hostess to understand that they had come for the purpose of starting household matters properly, Mr. and Mrs. White could do nothing against the jovial crowd even had they wanted to; and so the jest and joke and fun and frolic and wit and wisdom circulated in company with the victuals until a late hour. During the evening a handsome marble-top stand suddenly appeared in the midst of the assembly, certain marks about it indicating that it had come to stay, and as none of the guests took it away, it is safe to suppose that it remains as a token of the donors' regard for our good friends, Dr. and Mrs. White. Madison street is only a few rods in length and not over a dozen houses are on it, but what the residents lack in numbers they make up in kindness and cordiality, and these add greatly to the pleasure of a home in the neighborhood.

Prohibition Convention.
   The Prohibition County Convention was held at Firemen's Hall yesterday afternoon, with H. McKevitt, of Truxton, as chairman. Cortland, Homer, Preble, Virgil. Freetown, Truxton and Scott were represented.
   Rev. J. W. Putnam moved to postpone the nomination for County Judge until after the Republican Convention, but it was lost by a vote of 24 to 4.
   Mr. Putnam nominated S. S. Knox. Rev. H. T. Sell opposed a Democratic nomination; he did not believe in a temperance tail to a Democratic kite.
   Rev. M. S. Leet would vote for Mr. Knox if he would come before the convention and promise to carry out the principles of the prohibitionists; otherwise, he wouldn't.
   The vote by raising of hands was taken, and Revs. H. T. Sell and M. S. Leet were the only ones voting in the negative.
   Jas. H. Tripp was nominated unanimously for Member of Assembly.
   Melvin Pratt, of Homer, was nominated for Justice of Sessions, and Dr. Johnson, of Preble, for Coroner.
   A committee appointed to inform Mr. Knox of his nomination failed to find that gentleman, and the Convention adjourned.

Post Grover Camp-Fire.
   Wednesday evening of this week Post Grover, G. A. R., held their annual reunion or camp-fire at the rooms of the Post in the Squires building, and by invitation veterans from Whitney's Point, Marathon, Homer, Groton, Dryden and other places were present to the number of about a hundred.
   The visiting comrades gathered at the Cortland House, from whence Post Grover escorted them to headquarters, where Post Commander W. W. Frize called to order and introduced comrade Rev. J. W. Putnam, who welcomed them in cordial terms, expressed pleasure at the presence of so many brave men, and in appropriate language paid a warm tribute to the deeds of the American soldier, who, in valor, intelligence and devotion to country, outranked the heroes of ancient Greece or Rome, or those who fought in modern wars.
   Comrade M. D. Branday, of Whitney's Point, in behalf of the visiting comrades, replied in fitting language. In these reunions all barriers of position, of sect and creed and politics are swept away; they meet only as brothers on a common level, to revive the memories of the camp and the battle-field, rejoicing that circumstances permitted so many to meet on such a joyful occasion.
   An abundant supply of pork and beans and the usual accompaniments having been provided, the veterans surrounded the position where the eatables were paraded, and their vigorous onslaught soon compelled the foe to take position behind the breastworks, and then, satisfied with their victory, they retired for needed rest. Then began the fun in earnest.
   Commander Frize called for efforts, on the understanding that every one called upon should either make a speech, sing a song, or tell a story, or be tossed in a blanket, and although some forty or fifty were called out the blanket was not brought into requisition. The ceiling of the room is about thirteen feet, and would permit a sufficient send-up to be quite bewildering; and so the veterans, who are evidently better at fighting than speechmaking, seemed determined to escape the blanket ordeal, though the efforts made by some of them were about as bewildering.
   Comrade Mitchell opened the bombardment with general congratulations at the increase in membership of the G. A. R.; ought to get together oftener, as the fraternal feeling of the soldier is strong. Maj. Sager got off some hits that set the comrades roaring with laughter, and was followed by Comrade B. T. Wright, whose jovial remarks increased the merriment, and allusions to Comrade Rindge, to whom they were indebted for the evening's enjoyment as well as the "martial" music provided, were heartily cheered.
   Comrade H. M. Kellogg dilated on army life, his years of service and on the grand principle of the organization—fraternity, charity, loyalty. Comrade J. C. Atwater came for a good time and he got it. Comrades Pierce, of Marathon, Walter and Black, of Whitney's Point, Rindge, of Cortland, and Cliff, of Dryden, spoke in a similar strain. "Marching though Georgia" was sung in good style, the audience joining in the chorus, and the "Red, White and Blue," which was greeted with three cheers.
   Comrades M. B. Aldrich and J. R. Birdlebough spoke of the home feeling felt by soldiers when away from home and among brothers in arms, and were proud that they had been soldiers. Comrade Tompkins (colored) made Maj. Sager the butt of a joke on the victual question. Comrades Tear and Atwater testified to the interest manifested by their wives and children in the camp-fires, who urged their husbands and fathers to attend.
   Comrades Babcock, Harrington. Montgomery, Dunsmore, Edgcomb,Wheeler, Palmer, Carpenter, Burgett, Tafft, and others, cracked their jokes and told their stories, keeping up the joviality of the hour, and all testifying to the pleasure afforded them by the enjoyment of the camp-fire. "Tenting To-night" was sung in a decidedly excellent manner, and then with a few words of invitation to come again from Commander Frize and three cheers from the visitors for Post Grover and three from Post Grover for the visitors, with hearty handshakes the veterans deserted--the hall.


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Short History of the Bad Boy

The Cortland News, Friday, October 12, 1883.
Short History of the Bad Boy.
   Pa, who is the tall young man in the picture bending over a printing press?
   That, my son, is Billy Clark, and let me tell you his history as a warning to other bad boys.
   In 1874 Clark lived in Wayne county, and on the plea that he was going to correct abuses in the office of the County Treasurer of that county by legislation was elected Member of Assembly. He had no sooner been elected than his crooked transactions became known.
   Instead of fighting the Treasurer as he was elected to do, he turned in with him. The Treasurer became a defaulter, and Wayne County was a severe loser by the defalcation. By packing caucuses and other practices similar to tissue ballot business last fall, he again secured the nomination, but unfortunately for him, the people had found him out, and in 1875 he was defeated by several hundred in the district where he was elected by several hundred the year before.
   He said it was a snow storm that did it. There is no doubt it was a chilly time for Clark. And then he moved into this county early in 1876, and his pa bought the "bad boy" a printing office, and he has been doing his level best to raise the devil ever since. This is the history of Cortland's bad boy in one volume—popular edition.

At It Again.
   Not content with assisting in defeating the entire Republican county and State ticket last fall, while keeping it at the head of his columns and hypocritically pretending to support it, William H. Clark, after pretending to be in favor of harmony, by which he obtained concessions in the last Republican County Convention, is now at his old game. He is laying the wires for the defeat of the Republican county ticket this fall.
   It is well understood that a corrupt bargain has been made between Clark and Knox, by which, if the latter is elected County Judge, he is to give the lion's share of the pap of his office to Clark. Isn't this a fine start for a judicial officer? Doesn't it reflect great credit as well upon the purchaser as the purchased?
   It is of no importance that Mr. Knox is acknowledged to be entirely incompetent and inexperienced. It is immaterial that if elected he will be the head of a Ring which will make the office of Surrogate a terror to the dying. It is of no moment that the father-in-law and former law partner of Mr. Knox will be the only man that will be able to successfully practice before him. And yet it will be remembered that it was he who so drew the will of the dying Daniel J. Shaw, as had it been legal and binding, would have robbed the relatives and lawful heirs of over three hundred thousand dollars, and given the great bulk of that estate to Mr. Waters' friend. What the private understanding was between that friend and he who wrote the will can only be imagined.
   And ever since the decision of Judge Smith in the matter, whereby the fraud was thwarted, Mr. Knox and his friends have any but friendly feelings toward the Judge.
   The only and all important question with William H. Clark is, where will I get the most patronage? Will the regular Republican papers get all the patronage of a Republican judge? If so, Mr. Clark, who is not a Republican and has not been since 1872, will support a Democrat. With him, principle goes for nothing. With him the success of the Republican party goes for nothing except as it increases his patronage.
   The sooner he leaves the party and stops fooling the people with his professions of Republicanism the better for the Republican party and all connected with it.

The Judicial Convention.
   The delegates to the Judicial Convention, in accordance with the adjournment, re-assembled at Binghamton on Thursday, the 4th inst., and at 9 A. M. commenced balloting and continued without change in the result until the evening of Friday, when on the 402d ballot H. Boardman Smith, of Chemung, was given 5, Clark 3, Harris 2, Waters 1. Judge Smith continued to receive 5 until the 415th ballot, when he was given 6, and his nomination was immediately made unanimous. Judge Smith was soon introduced, and in accepting the nomination said:
   "Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the convention: My success after this long struggle, I fully appreciate is due, not to any worth of mine, but to the unanswerable logic of situation, to the paramount claims of locality. I offer you not my thanks alone, but those of the counties of Chemung and Schuyler, who have specially requested you to effect my nomination. If elected to the exalted position for which you have nominated me, while 1 shall enter upon the discharge of the duties with supreme mistrust in my abilities, there are two qualifications, I say it perhaps vaingloriously, a high endeavor to do my duty, a love deep in my heart for rigorous and exact justice. I shall always have in mind the duties which the Bench owes to the Bar, as well as the Bar to the Bench. In renewing my thanks, let me return the thanks of Elmira for my nomination."
   L. C. Bowe, of Otsego, A. B. Kennedy, of Madison, S. C. Millard, of Broome, B. A. Benedict, of Cortland, and A. J. Robertson, of Chemung, were appointed a judicial committee. Judge Lyon, of Ithaca, offered a motion that the convention extend thanks to the chairman, Judge Duell, and in so doing said:
   "It is a matter of self congratulation in which we all can indulge, that though the sessions have been protracted and laborious, they have been characterized by the utmost good nature, leaving no stain behind. This is largely due to our chairman and the courteous manner in which he has presided over our labors. I therefore move that the thanks of this convention be extended to our Chairman."
   The motion was put by the secretary and unanimously carried.
   Judge Duell, in responding, said: "I thank you for this expression of your confidence. I have intended and endeavored to preside impartially. I sincerely desired to do that which was best for the convention. We have all stood by our first preferences, until it became apparent that only that nomination could be made which has been made. He will not only be indorsed by the Republicans, but will also meet the approval of the Democrats as a fit and able candidate for a high office."

The Temperance Issue.
   The temperance issue approaches an important standpoint in the politics of this State. The Republican fiat has gone forth, and it has declared its willingness to submit to the voters of the State a constitutional amendment in regard to the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors. The time has undoubtedly arrived when this great and all-absorbing issue must command the attention of thinking men.
   Rum has been from the beginning of our career as a State and as a nation the great curse of our political life. It has warped men's judgment, dulled their sensibilities, and driven them to place personal interest before all public considerations or national necessities. The proper regulation of the liquor traffic is the great coming issue, the root of the greatest evil. When that issue is decided in accordance with reason and conscience and common sense, the purification of our politics will be possible, and the welfare of our great public interests assured.—New York Commercial Advertiser.

   The frank and candid appeal for aid which the Republican State Committee has just issued is entirely in keeping with the spirit in which all the work of the canvass is being pushed by its official managers. A visit to the committee rooms at the Fifth Avenue Hotel makes this plain. Marks of economy and strict business methods are everywhere visible. Instead of seventy clerks who considered themselves necessary a few years ago, five are now found sufficient to do the work. There is no air of mystery pervading the apartment, but voters of all shades of Republican opinion are welcomed and consulted gladly by the committeemen in the Executive Committee room as well as in the reception room. It was not always thus by a good deal. The change is an agreeable one, and marks an honest return to old-fashioned Republican simplicity.—Tribune.

Corporation Proceedings.
   Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees held at Fireman's Hall, October 1, 1883. Present—A. Mahan, president; G. W. Bradford, D. E. Smith, T. Stevenson and H. Wells, trustees. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
   On the petition of all the property holders on East River street to change its name, it was unanimously
   Resolved, That the name be changed to Clinton avenue and made a continuation of that street from the bridge northeastwardly to the limits of the corporation.
   Messrs. Stevenson and Bradford were appointed a committee to examine the stove in the room of W. W. Engine Co., and if necessary for safety to procure an exchange.
   A petition for the removal of obstructions to a water sluice on Elm street was referred to the street commissioner.
   Moved and carried that the expense incurred in laying the sidewalk on the north side of Railroad street, in front of the premises of Emma C. Lee, be made a charge against the real estate and assessed upon the same.
   Resolved, That a new plank walk five feet wide be built on the west side of Pendleton street, from the north line of the premises of William Nash to the south line of the same, and notice of the same in the usual printed form ordered to be served. Also to serve upon Norman Higgins notice to build a new walk across the driveway in front of his premises on the south side of Elm street.
   Resolved, That the sidewalk in front of the premises of Thomas Mulligan, on the north side of Elm street and west side of Hubbard street, be repaired, and that notice in the usual printed form be served. Also notice to Mrs. L. B, Earle to extend her sidewalk across the lawn on her premises on the south side of Elm street. Also notice to E. Newton to extend the sidewalk across the lawn on his premises on the south side of Elm street.
   On the report and at the request of the Board of Engineers an exempt fireman's certificate was granted to Frank Plumb, who has been honorably discharged from service in the fire department after nine years and five months service therein.
   Ordered also that the name of Isaac Miller be entered on the rolls as a member of W. W. Engine Co., to date, June 1, 1859.
   Ordered also that the name of Horace H. Robbins be recorded as an active member of Excelsior Hook & Ladder Co.
   The matter of the line and width of North Main street, near Dibble's carding mill, was referred to the whole Board for investigation.
   Mr. Mahan was appointed a committee to purchase iron pipe for wells.
   The following bills were allowed and ordered paid:
L. J. Fitzgerald, rent store house, $75.00
Bates & Hollister, repairs lamps, $25.65
"                             engine house, $4.20
Palmer & Loucks,       "          "      $9.00
John Heher, engine house ,           $50.00
Homer & Cortland Gas Light Co.,
gas, engine house,                           $7.00
Homer & Cortland Gas Light Co.,
Street gas,                                      $47.90
Jonathan Hubbard, village clerk,     $9.00
Jay Baker, lighting lamps,               $6.25
C. E. Bennett, M. D., sanitary,        $8.60
F. G. Kinney, printing,                    $9.75
Theodore Stevenson, streets,           $9.20
Estate W. J. Harvey, clearing snow
on streets,                                         $5.00
J. J. Davern, labor on streets,         $43.75
Patrick Kain,           "                      $28.88
John Quinlan,          "                      $28.88
William Nash.         "                      $29.62
John Kain,               "                      $27.37
Luke Doyle,             "                      $27.37
Andrew Kennedy,   "                       $26.63
Cornelius Sweeney, "                      $19.12
Andrew Stout, with team on streets$65.62
Patrick Garrity, labor on streets,      $63.87
John Hayes,                 "                   $59.50
James Heafey,             "                   $43.75
George A. Petrie,         "                   $11.37
G. W. King,                 "                   $41.12
James McDowell,        "                     $3.50.
   On motion, meeting adjourned.