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(photo courtesy Grip's Historical Souvenir) |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 10,
Dedication and Confirmation.
heretofore announced in these columns, St. Mary's Church of the Vale, was
dedicated on Wednesday morning last. The services were very interesting and
At 9:30
every seat in the church was occupied and chairs were placed in every available
space which were also occupied. The altar was tastefully decorated and over the
Bishop's chair a purple canopy had been erected. At a few moments before 10 o'clock those who were to be confirmed marched
in procession out of the church to act as escort to the Bishop and visiting
clergymen of the diocese.
After the
procession entered the church the Right Rev. P. A. Ludden, Bishop of Syracuse,
proceeded with the ceremonies of dedication. A procession was formed consisting
of the Bishop, clergymen and altar boys, headed by Rev. J. V. Simmons of Pompey, bearing a large crucifix between two
altar boys carrying large candlesticks.
Bishop was robed in purple, white and yellow robes, a mitre on his head and the
Bishop's staff in his hand. The procession passed out of the church, going around
the church once, the Bishop at the same time consecrating the ground, then back
to the church where the litany was chanted by thirty priests. The procession
then proceeded around the church inside, going through the same ceremonies as
when outside, then back to the altar which completed the ceremonies of
After the
dedication of St. Mary's of the Vale, Solemn High Mass Coram Episcipo (before
the Bishop), was celebrated. Rev. N. J. Quinn of Binghamton, acting as
celebrant, Rev. J. J. Mullaney of St. John the Baptist's, Syracuse, acting as
Deacon and Rev. E. Terry of St. Ann's, Albany, acting as sub-Deacon. First Master
of Ceremonies, Rev. P. F. McEvoy, of Syracuse; Second Master of Ceremonies,
Rev. Luke Dwyer of Binghamton. Deacons of Honor, Very Rev. J. S. M. Lynch, V. G.,
D. D., and Very Rev. J. F. Hourigan, of Binghamton.
Before Solemn High Mass was finished the
dedication sermon was delivered by Rev. Jas. O'Reilly, of Fayetteville, which proved
that gentleman a very able and comprehensive speaker. He spoke of how in the
old law sacrifices were offered up to God, such as the holocaust, incense and others,
and how Solomon built a temple inlaid with gold, wherein these sacrifices might
be offered up to the living God. So to-day churches are built and consecrated wherein
the Lamb slain on Calvary is offered up as a sacrifice to God. The congregation
of St. Mary's should, on this day of great joy, remember one who has passed away,
their late pastor, "Father Mac." Today, how he would sit within the
sanctuary with a mild countenance, scarcely lifting his eyes to the splendor of
the magnificent temple which he has left to you and your children. As Moses
never entered the promised land but saw it at a distance, so did "Father
Mac" pass away almost on the eve of the consecration of his church which
is a fitting monument over his tomb. Although the crown of labor is given to him
who lies beneath this altar great credit is due to Father John, who by his
labor, zeal and energy has pushed it to completion.
After the
sermon Solemn High Mass was finished, and the Bishop, after apologizing for the
exceedingly great length of the services, addressed a few words to the children
and congregation in general. Congratulating them on the work they had done the
Bishop proceeded to say that since the death of their late pastor, Father
McLoughlin, there had been no settled pastor of the church. He was well aware
that the faithful wished Father John to remain yet he knew that there were
other priests, who by their merits and deportment, and were older in years, who
well deserved promotion, but it rested entirely with the merits of Father John
whether he should remain, and as he had shown those merits far in excess for
one of his years, he therefore announced Rev J. J. McLoughlin as pastor of St.
Mary's of Cortland.
Bishop spoke also of the necessity of a Catholic school and hoped that through
the efforts of the leading people of the parish and those of Father John there
would soon be a Catholic school here.
After the
Bishop's remarks the sacrament of confirmation was administered to about 140 persons.
singing under the leadership of Mrs. C. L. Kinney, assisted by Mrs. L. S.
Crandall, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, and Fischer's full orchestra, was finely rendered.
The programme was as follows:
Kyrie, Mozart’s 12th Mass.
Gloria, Mozart’s
12th Mass.
Credo, Miliard.
Solos by
Mrs. L. S. Crandall and Mr. J. Lannigan.
Duet—"O Sponsi Mi," Mrs. Crandall, Miss Alger.
Sanctus, Lambilotte.
Agnus Dei,
priests who were present were Rt. Rev. P. A. Ludden, D. D., Bishop of Syracuse;
Rev. N. J. Quinn, Binghamton; Rev. J. J. Mullaney, Syracuse; Rev. E. Terry,
Albany; Very Rev. J. S. Lynch, V. G., D. D., Syracuse; Very Rev. J. F.
Hourigan, Binghamton; Rev. P. F. McEvoy, Syracuse; Rev. Luke Dwyer, Binghamton;
Rev. Jas. F. Renehan, Marcellus; Rev. Stephen Preiser, Oswego; Rev. Martin C.
Stanton, Canastota; Rev. Thos. McLoughlin, Philmont; Rev. Phillip Herrick,
Marathon; Rev. J. J. Brennan, Binghamton; Rev. T. J. Comerford, Troy, Pa.; Rev.
J. V. Simmons, Pompey Hill; Rev. A. Murphy, Rome; Rev. John M. Donald, Utica; Rev.
Jas. O'Reilly, Fayetteville; Rev. Thos. J. O'Connell, Ovid; Rev. P. J. Kearney,
Fulton; Rev. J. V. McDonnell, Hamilton; Rev. L. G. O'Reilly, Utica; Rev. E. F.
O'Connor, Clayville; Rev. P. H. Beechand, Baldwinsville; Rev. M. J. Hughes,
Oswego; Rev. M. J. Founier, Oswego; Rev. Jas. L. Maher, Cazenovia; Rev. M.
Joyce, Truxton; Rev. John J. McLoughlin, Cortland.
An Elopement.
For some
time past Chas. Fairbanks and wife have kept house on the second floor of the
Squires block on the east side of Main street. They have been married only two
or three years and had no children.
works in the wire works in Homer and on Wednesday afternoon some friend
telephoned him that he was badly wanted at home. He arrived in town soon after
4 o'clock and at once proceeded to his rooms, where it is said he found his
wife and William A. Bristol in a compromising situation. A stormy scene ensued
and both Bristol and Mrs. Fairbanks left the building. The latter had her
trunks packed and the pair intended to take the 5 P. M. train north for other
parts, but Mr. Fairbanks timely or untimely arrival upset their plans.
husband locked up the trunks, but on Thursday morning his wife procured a search
warrant and with an officer proceeded to recover them. She took the 9 A. M.
train north for Syracuse, where it is said Bristol was waiting for her, having
himself gone on the 6 o'clock train.
Mrs. Fairbanks
is a rather comely looking young woman whose character has not always been entirely
above suspicion. Bristol is a fine looking young fellow, who has always been suspected
of better things. He earned good wages in Wickwire's wire works and leaves a
wife, who is said to be an estimable lady, and two children. He leaves quite a good
many unpaid bills in town and it is said that be managed to get one or more
checks cashed before he left, which on presentation at the bank were declared
to be worthless. His family resides on Woodruff street.
Cornell Scholarship.
competitive examination dates for the State scholarships at Cornell
University, will be held at Homer Academy, Saturday June 1st. 1889, commencing at 9:30 A. M.
May 7, 1889.
L. F.
H. I.
Election of Officers.
The stockholders
of the Cortland Opera House held their annual meeting at the office of Duell & Benedict, in this
village, on Tuesday evening last. The following directors were elected for the
ensuing year: R. H. Duell, A. Mahan, C. W. Collins, H. M. Kellogg, H. Wells, T.
F. Brayton, F. C. Straat, C. B. Hitchcock, Jno. Ireland, D. Bauder, L. J.
Fitzgerald, H. T. Hollister, Isaac Miller.
At a
subsequent meeting of the board of directors the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year:
President—R. Holland Duell.
President—Alex. Mahan.
W. Collins.
Treasurer— H. M. Kellogg.
The report
of the Treasurer shows that the financial affairs of the company are in good
condition, with a considerable improvement over the last report. The
entertainments furnished the past season have, as a rule, been excellent, and
we doubt not this accounts in a measure for the favorable showing on the treasurer's
books. With good entertainments and good management we believe the house can be
made to pay a fair interest on the investment. The outlook at present is most
encouraging to the stockholders.
Licenses Granted.
The Board
of Excise Commissioners of the town of Cortlandville met at the office of Dorr
C. Smith, last Monday, and granted the following hotel licenses:
Tivoli House, T. F. Grady.
Cortland House, Delos Bauder.
Dexter House, Perry & Smith
American Hotel, O’Leary & Dowd.
O'Harrison House, Wm. Riley.
Orchard St. House, Thos. Carty.
St. Charles Hotel, John Dowd.
Brunswick Hotel, Wallace Brothers.
European Hotel, J. R. Arnold.
Arnold House, J. Whiting.
Exchange Hotel, A. J. Goddard.
National Hotel, A. G. Newton.
Messenger House, W. F. Chadbourne.
Farmers Hotel, B. Dowd.
Arlington House, N. W. Fuller.
Central House, Samuel Hammond.
Druggist, C. A. Jones.
Druggist, C. B. Warren.
following licenses to sell ale and beer were granted:
Half-Way House, J. H. May.
Orchard Street Restaurant, Jas. Riley.
South Main St. Saloon, W. W. Swartz.
Owego St. Saloon, Wm. Donegan.
Bottling Works, Union St., Holton, Corcoran &
McGrawville Saloon, Jes. E. Barber.
following storekeepers' licenses were granted:
Druggist, O. L. Ingraham.
Druggist, E. E. Reynolds.
Druggist, Brown & Mayberry.
Druggist, G. W. Bradford.
Druggist, Sager & Jennings.
Wholesale & Retail Store, E. Dodge.
Have you tried the Neufchatel cheese at the
Grand Central grocery? It is fine.
diphtheria to said to be somewhat prevalent in the vicinity of Polkville.
Mr. Jas. Porter has purchased the new house
of Mr. J. T. Keenan on East Main street.
Arbor day
was appropriately observed by the Homer Academy last Friday. Two trees were
The M. E.
society will soon commence the erection of their new chapel, corner of Homer
and Maple avenues.
leading stockholders in the Fisher Gear works, at Homer, propose to put the
factory in operation again in a few days.
Mr. A. H.
Watkins has been elected director of the Cortland Corset Company in place of B.
A. Benedict, Esq., resigned.
Cortland Wagon Company have moved their office from Main street to the new
brick building on the east side of the D. L. & W. tracks.
band furnished music for the Ancient Order of Hibernians on the occasion of the
centennial celebration held in Syracuse, last week Tuesday.
Sixty two
persons united with the Congregational church last Sunday morning, fifty-four
by confession of faith, and eight by letter. Fifty were baptized.
O'Leary & Dowd, proprietors of the American House, have placed a bulletin
board in the reading room, where the result of the ball games played every day
will be listed.
Stout, colored, had an altercation with a Mr. Rogers, in the employ of Kingman
& Miller, at the Messenger House stables on Sunday morning, and caused
Rogers to be arrested on Monday.
Mr. J. C.
Atwater has retired from the firm of Atwater & Son, druggists, of Homer,
and F. C. Atwater, the junior member, and W. H. Foster, will continue the business
under the firm name of Atwater & Foster.
A base
ball team to be known as the Cortlands
has been organized in this place, and will consist of the following players:
John Wells, catcher; Wm. Corcoran, pitcher; Will Sweeney, 1st base; Hugh
Corcoran, 2d base; Morris Welch, 1st base; John Kennedy, short stop; Denny
McCarthy, left field; Dave McCarthy, right field; — McCormick, centre field.
of the Poor Cutler has again commenced proceedings in bastardy against Harry
Hull, of Homer, who was recently tried on the same charge before Justices Squires
and Bouton, of this place. The justices were divided in opinion on that trial.
The trial is to take place before Justice Geo. A. Hulbert, of Marathon.
Music Festival for this year will undoubtedly be one of the largest and most
interesting of these great musical events that have yet been held in Cortland. The great popularity and universal esteem enjoyed
by Dr. H. R. Palmer, who conducts again this year after four years' interval; the
great number and variety of the professional assistants at the concerts and
matinees, as well as their well known ability; the very moderate prices to all
the patrons, all combined, make a grand success assured.
To all
attending Mahan's Music Festival May 27th to 31st, and paying full fare to Cortland
over the D. L. & W. R. R., or the E. C. & N. R. R., tickets will
be issued at the close of the festival to return at one cent per mile.
At a
meeting of the local board of the Normal school, held last Saturday, Dr. J. M.
Milne, professor of Latin and Greek, handed in his resignation, which was
accepted, and Edward D. Blodgett, local editor of the Cortland Standard and
a graduate of Amherst College, was appointed to fill the vacancy. Mr. Blodgett
is a most worthy young man, and is fully competent to fill the place. We
heartily congratulate him on securing such an excellent situation, and we
believe the trustees have done well in securing the services of Mr. Blodgett.
Miss Ida M. Crowell’s resignation as critic of the Intermediate department was
accepted and Miss Nellie A. Gillette, of the Oswego Normal school, who is wow
teaching in New Jersey, was appointed to fill the vacancy.
wire for the new electric street lights in Norwich is being strung, and the
lights will soon be in operation.
L. Schillinger has been appointed Postmaster at DeRuyter.
D. C.
Twogood of Canastota has sowed 100 acres of muck land to onions.
Jaquay of South Hamilton died last week of cancer of the face, caused by chewing
Burroughs has settled his famous libel suit against the Oneida Union, on the payment
of $50 by the latter! A big fuss for a few feathers.
attack of blood poisoning which so nearly proved fatal to Supervisor Paul S. Main
of Perryville, was caused by the sneezing of a horse afflicted with distemper, some
of the discharge coming in contact with the sores on his hand.
—The Lansing Cooperative Insurance Co. is five years old.
The Bridge
and Manufacturing Co. of Groton, on Saturday shipped a car load of machinery to
Frederick, Md.
The cost
of the big iron wharf, which the Groton Bridge and Manufacturing Co. are building
at Fortress Monroe, will be $130,000.
while sawing lumber in the saw-mill of the Groton Bridge and
Manufacturing Co., Henry Teeter found an arrow
head embedded in an oak log, several inches from the surface. The saw clipped
one end of it. The wood was decayed around it. Mr. Teeter has preserved this
memento of primeval days.
For Sale.
Fine top
buggy of W. N. Brockway make, at Mahan’s music store.
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