The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 3,
who voted for Harrison for fear the tariff on potatoes would be taken off if
Cleveland was elected, have thousands of "bulbous roots" to dispose
of but unfortunately Harrison was elected and there is no market for them. We
suggest that they exchange them for copies of the Cortland Standard and
let Clark send the tubers across the water "for ballast."
man who has 1,500 bushels of potatoes to sell offered them here to-day at 13
cents a bushel, but it is said he found no one anxious to take them at that
price. One dealer offered ten cents but his tender was rejected."—Ithaca
The Journal
is a republican paper in good standing and of course the above statement
must be true. Now if potatoes are a drug in the market at 12 cents per bushel
will the Cortland Standard, or any other republican paper, please
explain in what way the tariff of 15 cents per bushel protects the potato
raiser? Does any one honestly believe that if potatoes were scarce they could
be bought for 12 cents per bushel? There are thousands of bushels in farmers'
cellars in this county that can not find a market at any price because all have
been supplied. There are too many potatoes in the land and this fact makes the price
low. The law of supply and demand steps in and regulates the price and all the
tariffs that were ever invented cannot raise the price or reduce it.
Massachusetts has decided by a majority of over 40,000 not to have
prohibition. It will be a pretty cold day when republican
Massachusetts votes to prevent her citizens from having the privilege of obtaining
their matitutinal dram. [sic]
Miss Delano,
of Massachusetts, who was discharged from the patent office during the last
administration for saying President Cleveland was a hog, has been reinstated to
her $1,300 clerkship. It will be somewhat comforting to the people of the country
to know that the campaign of education and refinement is to be continued. Politicians
who are seeking appointments to office will also understand that to obtain positions
under this administration it will be necessary to prove that they have at some
time delivered themselves of some little pleasantry of the same nature that secured
Miss Delano's reinstatement.
The School Question.
CORTLAND DEMOCRAT:—In the Cortland Daily Message of April 24th, some
person over the signature of "a father," asks some very timely and
pertinent questions, which, if fully answered, would greatly aid the people of
this village in determining whether our present school facilities are really
inadequate or not.
While the
question of expense is not to be overlooked, the more important question is
whether we actually need additional school facilities at this time.
seems to be a feeling quite prevalent in the community, that the schools of this
village, if run to their full capacity, would accommodate all children of
school age residing within our corporate limits.
Within a
few years this village has built three large school buildings, which are now in
actual use, aside from the old school houses, which are, with one or two exceptions,
still used for school purposes.
Has our
growth in population been so great that our greatly increased school facilities
are not now sufficient to meet the necessities of those who would otherwise attend the schools?
village has paid a full equivalent for an Academic department in the Normal school, and may reasonably insist that the Normal
school, not only in the Academic department, but in all other departments,
should be run to its fullest capacity, before the people of this village are
called upon to incur large additional expense for further school facilities
The Local
Board of the Normal school should consider this question at once, and if a
larger number of pupils can be accommodated in the Normal, that fact should be
known and understood. If the third story of the Normal school is partially or practically
unoccupied, then it would seem to be the duty, as I assume it will be the pleasure,
of the Board to take prompt measures to utilize such vacant room for school
purposes, providing there is a pressing need for it.
It is
understood that the citizens' committee have asked the Local Board for
information of this character, and when such information is furnished the citizens'
committee will render a service to the citizens generally by publishing the
same in the village papers.
It is
also suggested that the citizens' committee might obtain valuable information by
visiting the several schools in this village during school hours.
course would demonstrate, if such is the case, the overcrowded condition of the
Keary, an employee of the E. C. & N. in their round house at this station, met
his death last Tuesday while coupling Engine No. 22 to a flat car. The accident
occurred at about 8 o'clock in the morning and from the evidence taken at the
coroner's inquest it appears that no one was to blame for the accident.
engine had backed very slowly to the car which stood about ten rods from the
round house and Keary was seen to step between the tender of the engine and the
car, stoop down in order to reach the "link" from the under side of
the "draw heads" and fall to the ground.
Haskell, a night hand at the round house, lives a few rods from the scene of
the accident and happened to be looking out of his window facing the engine and
car, and was a witness of the accident. Haskell ran from his house and shouted
to Chas. Alsop, the engineer, that Keary was either injured or killed, and with
the aid of one or two others who were called to the scene, carried the body to
the round house where it was placed on a cushion.
picked up, Keary had every appearance of being dead, but as soon as he was
placed on the cushion, blood ran from his mouth and ears and he made one or two
attempts to breathe, and then straightened out full length, when all was over.
Dr. H. O. Jewett was called and made a post mortem examination and testified that
Keary had evidently raised up just in time to have the back of his head caught
between the dead blocks, enough to break his neck and cause a fracture at the
base of the skull, without crushing or mangling, as the only external mark,
that could be discovered, was an abrasion of the left ear, from which a portion
of the skin was gone.
Bradford of Homer, was notified and empanelled a jury consisting of Edwin C.
Cleaves as foreman, Jas. E. Seager, H. L. Yates, Thos. Kearsley, H. E. Woodin and
David H. Yates. After viewing the remains the inquest was adjourned till 10 o'clock
Thursday morning, which was held in the company's depot and the evidence taken
brought forth the facts above stated.
Keary was
very highly spoken of by his employers and associates as a young man of good
habits and very saving of his earnings. He had over $400 to his credit in the
Cortland Savings Bank. He was a single man about thirty years of age, and had
several relatives living in Cortland and a brother in South Cortland. The funeral
took place in Groton yesterday, to which place the remains were taken Wednesday.
Killed by the Cars.
Saturday afternoon I. H. Palmer, president of this village, received a dispatch
from Coroner Marsh of Port Jervis stating that Harrold Paulsen, a Norwegian,
who was injured on the railroad there was dead. The dispatch also stated that
he claimed Cortland as his home and that he had a trunk here. Investigation proved that Paulson was a tramp
and that he worked for a time as a mason on the new buildings of the Homer
Wagon Company. During his stay here he was arrested twice for intoxication and
spent some time in jail. He was released last week Monday and left town on
Saturday last. He was indebted to Jas. Ryan who keeps a boarding house on East
Railroad street in the sum of $17.50 for board and Mr. Ryan kept his trunk in lieu
of payment.
The June Races.
Cortland County Agricultural Society, as re-organized, will hold its spring meeting
on the [fair] grounds, June 18, 19 and 20. The premiums amount to $1,800 and are
divided as follows:
1—2:45 Class, trotters, Purse $300.
No. 2—2:27
Class, trotters, Purse $300.
No. 1—2:34 Class, trotters,
Purse $300.
No. 1—2:30
Class, trotters and pacers — Purse $300.
No. 1—2:39
Class, trotters, Purse $300.
No. 2— free-for-all,
trotters and pacers, Purse $300.
will close June 3, at 11 P. M., and should be addressed to George H. Smith,
Secretary, Cortland, N. Y.
![]() |
Crandall Typewriter |
Cortland creamery commenced running last Monday.
street is to be extended from Elm to
Garfield street.
Thursday Fred Howe had two fingers of his left hand severely cut by a buzz saw at the stove works.
Italians in charge of the same number of bears attracted some attention on our
streets on Wednesday.
annual meeting of Principals of the State Normal schools will be held in this place, May 14th, 15th and I6th.
subject at the Universalist church, next Sunday evening, will be "The Dumb."
Other services as usual.
J. W. Carner's
dramatic company opened a three nights' engagement in Keator Opera House,
Homer, on Thursday evening.
The storm
and the muddy condition of the streets prevented the parade of the 45th Separate
company, last Friday evening.
republican party to this place has sustained a severe loss in the removal of Adam
Belcher and family to Corning, N. Y.
S. N. Holden and John C. Seager have formed a partnership for the purpose of
opening a lumber yard on the line of the E. C. & N. road.
contract for building a new iron bridge over Otter creek, on Groton Ave., has
been let to the Groton Bridge Company, and it is to be completed in June.
annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cortland Opera House will be held at
the office of Duell & Benedict, on Tuesday evening, May 7th, at 7:30
Mr. E.
Frank Squires has sold his fine pair of brown horses to a Mrs. Mairs, of Irvington-on-the-Hudson, for $800. They were shipped to their new home on Friday last.
W. S.
Goddard, Esq., proprietor
of the Truxton House, in Truxton, N. Y., will give a Decoration party at his
hotel on Wednesday evening, May 29th. Music by Daniels' full orchestra. Bill, $1.25.
highway commissioners of this town have contracted with the Groton Bridge Company for six new iron bridges, to be put up
within the limits of this corporation. The entire cost will be $1,775.
The first
half mile dash of the season will occur at the driving park this afternoon, if
the condition of the track will permit, between Harrington's "Golden Belle"
and Van Bergen's "Yellow Girl."
St. Mary's
church is to be dedicated on Wednesday, May 8th, at 10 A. M. Bishop Ludden, of
Syracuse, will dedicate the church and administer Pontifical High Mass, and also the sacrament of confirmation. Rev.
Jas. O'Reilly, of Fayetteville, will preach the dedicatory sermon.
L. S.
Crandall, of Cortland, has organized a stock company at Parish, Oswego county,
with a capital of $100,000 to manufacture his type writer. The building is 100x42
feet, three stories high, and fire proof. 350 men will be employed, and fifty
machines turned out daily.—DeRuyter Gleaner.
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