Wednesday, September 23, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, December 5, 1890.

Supervisors' Proceedings.

   After the opening routine of the morning had been passed the committee on footing the assessment rolls submitted the following report and on motion of Mr. Miner the report was adopted and referred to the committee on equalization.
   Reports of committees and brief miscellaneous matters were next disposed of and several committees continued their labors.
   After the regular opening order of business Mr. Edmonds from the committee on settling with the Superintendent of' the Poor submitted their report and on motion of Mr. Holton it was received and adopted. The report shows that from an examination of the books and vouchers of the superintendent that from November 25, 1889, to November 25, 1890, the maintenance of the county poor has been $10,537.54. The receipts were $1,186.08, appropriated poor fund $6,5oo, G. A. R. relief fund $800, making the total receipts $8,486.08 leaving a present indebtedness of $2,051.46.
   The committee further reported that upon visiting the County Alms House in company with other members of the Board, they found everything in excellent condition, reflecting great credit upon Superintendent Cutler and the keepers, and the committee recommended the adoption of the following:
   Resolved, That the thanks of this Board are hereby tendered to Superintendent Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Frisbie and their assistants for their courtesy to the Board and for their apparent kind attention to the unfortunate poor and insane of this county who find a home with them. All of which is respectfully submitted.
   The reports of several committees were handed out and referred to a future hour for action.
   Hon S. S. Knox, D. W. Van Hoesen, Jerome Squires and W. C. Crombie came before the Board with the matter of making certain changes and improvements in the Court House as on October 31, 1890, Hon. Gerrit A. Forbes, justice presiding at the Circuit Court and special term of the Supreme Court, called the Bar and requested the members of the Cortland county Bar to prepare and present resolutions before the Board of Supervisors at the present session asking said Board to make such improvements. At a subsequent meeting of the Bar at the office of Judge Eggleston on the 26th day of November it was resolved that the four gentlemen be appointed a committee to wait upon the Board in conformity with Judge Forbes' suggestion, the same meeting the hearty approval of the Bar. On motion of Mr. Bennett the matter was made a special order for to-morrow morning.
   A recess was taken from 10:12 A, M. to 1 P. M. that the Board might attend Divine service.
   At the latter hour the Board re-convened and continued the regular work.
   The committee on equalization submitted the following report after Mr. Hobart had been called to the chair:
                      Corrected Real        Personal               Aggregate
                      Property                  Property
                      Assessments           Assessments
Cincinnatus,      238,272                28,050                   266,322            
Cortlandville, 3,068,423              222,431                3,289,854
Cuyler,              370,311                  9,600                    379,911
Freetown,          211,479                  9,280                    221,029
Harford,            189,711                 13,850                   203,561
Homer,           1,440,601              287,470                1,708,071
Lapeer,              191,094                  9,900                   200,994
Marathon,         404,698               131,550                  535,848
Preble,              413,819                 45,900                  459,219
Scott,                204,964                 16,200                  221,164   
Solon,               244,666                 23,750                  268,416
Taylor,              230,230                 24,950                  245,180
Truxton,            446,370                 26,050                  472,420
Virgil,               428,000                 33,426                  460,426
Willet,               192,989                  9,760                   202,689
   Signed: Geo. C. Hubbard, A. H. Bennett, W. A. Holton, E. W. Childs. Myron, N. Pierce, Peter D. Muller, T. E. Dye, equalization committee.
   On motion of Mr. Bennett the report was laid on the table subject to be called up by any member of the Board.
   The time of the present Board having been largely occupied down to the 12th day of the session by the presentation and reception of communications and petitions relating to erroneous assessments and refunding thereby impeding the work of the Board, Mr. Miner offered the following:
   Resolved, That the clerk be directed to give notice at the same time and in the same manner as he is required to give as to the presentation of bills and accounts against the county, that if such communications and petitions are not presented on or before the third day of the next annual meeting, as per a former resolution of this Board, that the same will not be received.
   The consideration of the matter submitted yesterday by the committee from the Cortland county Bar was next taken up. Mr. Pierce moved that a committee consisting of Messrs. Hubbard, Holton and Bennett be appointed and requested to communicate with Judge Forbes, examine buildings and take action in the matter.
   Mr. Edmonds offered a resolution laying the matter on the table until the adjourned session of this Board. The labor on the farm having mainly been performed by the inmates, the amount actually expended for the support of said inmates above earnings of the farm and products is $5,828.02—average expense of board per week for each inmate $.957. The same care and interest taken and bestowed by employes for the dependents during the past year as stated in the report of last year.
   Among the several reports handed up was the supplemental report of Superintendent Cutler, showing the number of persons temporarily relieved during the year at 358 paupers, supported in County House 138. There are 47 females and 50 males remaining in the County House and Asylum, total 97, number discharged 28 of which number there were bound out 2, placed in Orphan Asylum at Syracuse 2, in Custodial Home, Newark, N. Y., 1, Idiot Asylum Syracuse 1, number died 13, of the number remaining on date of this there are lunatics 34, blind 5, epileptic 7, idiotic 3, under two years of age 1. There are in the State Hospital, Utica 11, State Hospital, Binghamton 3, St. Mary's Home, Binghamton 10, Onondaga Co. Orphan Asylum 13, State Idiot Asylum, Syracuse 8, St. Vincent's Home, Syracuse 1, St. Mary's Institute for deaf mutes, Buffalo 1, State Institute for blind, Batavia 2. The amount per week for each person or child is at the State Hospitals for the insane $4.25 for all patients until they have remained in said Hospital three years, after that time has elapsed $2.50. St. Mary's Home $1.75, Onondaga Co. Orphan Asylum $1.60, State Idiot Asylum, Syracuse $22 per year for clothing, St. Vincent's Home, Syracuse $1.50, St. Mary's Institute for deaf mutes $30 per year for clothing, in the custodial Home, Newark, a charge for clothing only. The report further states there are 118 acres in the county farm, the original cost being $5,000, present valuation $31,000, estimated value of farm products is $2,864.19.
   The annual inventory of the personal property of the Poor House and farm was submitted by the committee on settling with Superintendent of the Poor, received and placed on file.
   By request of Mr. Greene and by the unanimous consent of the Board the report of the committee on equalization was taken from the table and Mr. Pierce moved the adoption of the report. Mr. Howes moved to amend said report by substituting the following in the place and stead of the column headed corrected real.
Cincinnatus, $242,300.
Cortlandville, 3,085,478.
Cuyler, 367,218.
Freetown, 205,190.
Harford, 183,681.
Homer, 1,460,287.
Lapeer, 182,559.
Marathon, 409,339.
Preble, 303,841.
Scott, 204,812.
Solon, 238,289.
Taylor, 214,084
Truxton, 445,490.
Virgil, 434,921.
Willet, 187,912.
Total: $8,265,397.
   Mr. Bennett moved the adoption of the following:
   Resolved, That the report of the committee on equalization be recommitted.
   The chair put the resolution of Mr. Bennett to vote. Ayes—Messrs. Dye, Hubbard, Bennett, Pierce, Childs, Muller, Holton, 7. Nays—Messrs. Howes, Martin, Edmonds, Parker, Hobart, Kelley, Miner, Greene, 8.
   Mr. Greene moved the previous question. The chair put the question: whether the main question would be taken up and it was determined in the affirmative. Mr. Hubbard moved that the matter be postponed until the afternoon session. To this Mr. Greene raised the point of order that while the previous question is pending no other motion can be entertained. The chair held the point of order well taken.
   Mr. Muller moved to adjourn, which was decided by the chair to be out of order.
   Mr. Pierce moved that the matter be laid on the table. The chair decided the same as on Mr. Muller's motion and Mr. Pierce appealed.
   The chair put the question: Shall the decision of the chair stand as the decision of the Board? Decided in the affirmative.
   By direction of the chair the clerk proceeded to call the roll on the previous question.
   Mr. Hubbard raised the point of order that the clerk could not proceed as the hour of adjournment had arrived. The chair decided the point not well taken and directed the clerk to proceed with the roll call and Mr. Howes' amendment was decided: Ayes—Howes, Martin, Edmonds, Parker, Hobart, Kelley, Miner, Greene, 8. Nays—Dye, Hubbard, Bennett. Pierce, Childs, Muller, Holton, 7.
   At 12:05 the Board adjourned for dinner.
   At the afternoon session the rules were suspended to allow Mr. Bennett an opportunity to offer a resolution appointing Messrs. Holton, Hubbard and Childs a committee to apportion the county and state tax.
   Mr. Childs also offered a resolution appointing Messrs. Bennett, Pierce and Miner a committee to apportion the school com missioners expenses among the several towns.
   On motion of Mr. Howes the session was extended until 5 P. M.
   On motion of Mr. Hobart:
   Resolved, That when this Board adjourn it be until 7 P . M. Carried.
   Mr. Hobart presiding in the chair at the opening of the evening session.
   On motion of Mr. Childs the rules were suspended for the evening, to allow the transaction of general business.
   Mr. Edmonds from the committee on Court House and jail handed up a report which was ordered to the committee on appropriations. Mr. Greene resumed the chair.
   Mr. Pierce was called to the chair and Mr. Hobart from committee on excise handed in the report of that committee. Referred to committee on appropriations.
   Mr. Greene resumed the chair and at 9:30 the Board adjourned until 8:30 A. M. tomorrow.
   Mr. Childs offered a resolution that the report of the equalization committee be adopted as amended by Mr. Howes. The same gentleman also made a motion that the Cortland Standard, Cortland DEMOCRAT and Marathon Independent be designated to publish the town and county abstracts and that they be allowed $15 each therefor.
   Mr. Hubbard offered the following:
   WHEREAS, It has come to the notice of members of this Board that during the past year it has been the custom of certain officers of Cortland Co., that when tramps have made application for lodging at the Cortland county jail they have been arrested, taken before a justice, then committed to jail, furnished lodging and breakfast and again taken before a justice and discharged, thereby causing an expense of about $8 to the county. And as there has been about one hundred tramps cared for in this way it has cost the county about $800, therefore,
   Resolved, That this Board request and instruct Dwight K. Cutler, county Superintendent of the Poor, to issue to Charles S. Bull, Police Justice of the village of Cortland, also the town Poormaster of Cortlandville, full authority to issue orders on the Sheriff of Cortland Co., to furnish lodging and breakfast for any tramp.
   Resolved, That the Sheriff be instructed to furnish these orders when presenting his bill to the Board of Supervisors for audit, and in case these orders do not accompany his bill such charges will not be allowed, And be it further
   Resolved, That the Sheriff be instructed to send all tramps asking for lodging at the jail to either the said Police Justice or town Poormaster, for an order as mentioned above, before receiving such tramp and in case this is not done then the Board of Supervisors will not audit any such charges where this course is not pursued.
   The following resolution was offered by Mr. Hubbard:
   Resolved, That owing to the unfair and unjust manner in which the chairman has conducted himself in the matter of equalization, and in justice to the taxpayers of the town of Cortlandville, we ask him to resign the office of chairman of this Board.
   The chair put the question to vote. Ayes—1, Nays—14.
   The report of the committee on apportionment of school commissioner expenses was handed in and adopted. It reads for
   Cincinnatus $10.07, Cortlandville $122.72, Freetown $7.96, Harford $7.33, Lapeer $7.15, Marathon $20.06, Virgil $17.36, Willet $7.35. Total $200.
   Cuyler $20.13, Homer $92.23, Preble $24.03, Scott $11.79, Taylor $12.77, Truxton $25.07, Solon $13.98. Total $200.
   Mr. Hubbard called the Board's attention to the neglect or carelessness of previous town officers, whereby since the year 1881 there has accumulated against the town of Cortlandville back taxes amounting to the sum of $1,572.21, which he asked to have added to the town abstracts of Cortlandville.
   The report of the committee on appropriations handed in their report which was accepted and adopted. It embodies a resolution that there "be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the county of Cortland, in the same manner as taxes have heretofore been levied and collected for the same purpose, the several items hereinafter mentioned, and the clerk of the Board be directed to draw all necessary orders for the payment of the same."
   The report calls for $26,290.72 as state tax and $46,797.16 as county tax a total of $73,087.88. Also,
   Resolved, That we cause to be levied upon the several towns of the county the sums set opposite each town for the purpose therein mentioned as follows:

Town expense, $974.14.
Prin. R. R. bonds, 1,000.
Int. on bonds, 1,990.
School Com. expenses, 10.07.
Total: $3,914.21.

Town expense, $10,527.05.
Int. on R. R. bonds, 11,810.
Sinking fund, 4,848.
School Com. expenses, 122.72.
Subtotal: $27,307.77
Less Justice fines, $66.30.
Total: $27,241.47.

Town expense, $785.04.
Int. on R. R. bonds, 2,556.
School Com. expenses, 20.13.
Expense refunding bonds, 25.
Prin. on R. R. bonds, 700.
Total: $4,086.17.

Town expense, $575.35.
School Com. expenses, 7.96.
Total: $583.31.

Town expenses, $689.87.
Prin. on R. R. bonds, 2,000.
Int. on R. R. Bonds, 700.
School Com. expenses, 7.33.
Total: $3,397.20.

Town expenses, $1,922.79.
School Com. expenses, 92.23.
Subtotal: $2,015.02.
Less Justice fines, $24.
Total: $1,919.02.

Town expense, $478.81.
School Com. expenses, 7.15.
Total: $485.96.

Town expense, $1,458.29
School Com. expenses, 20.06.
Subtotal: $1,478.35.
Less Justice fines, $16.
Total: $1,462.35.

Town expense, $480.50.
School Com. expenses, 24.03.
Total: $504.53.

Town expense, $593.68.
School Com. expenses, 11.79.
Total: $605.97.

Town expenses, $1,430.94.
School Com. expenses, 13.98.
Subtotal: $1,444.92.
Less Justice fines, $15.
Total: $1,429.92.

Town expense, $1,535.99.
School Com. expenses, 12.77.
Total: $1,548.76.

Town expense, $1,528.50.
Prin. on R. R. bonds, 2,000.
Int. on R. R. bonds, 3,808.
School Com. expenses, 25.07.
Subtotal: $7,361,57.
Less Justice fines, $14.
Total: $7,347.57.

Town expense, $1,605.92.
School Com. expenses, 17.36.
Total: $1,623.28.

Town expenses, $1,188.32.
School Com. expenses, 7.35.
Subtotal: $1,195.67.
Less Justice fines, $3.
Total: $1,192.67.
   Messrs. Holton and Childs, as a committee to apportion state and county tax, reported the following which was accepted and adopted:
                           Schools        General Purposes        County Tax
Cincinnatus,        $345.77           432.88                         1,384.94
Cortlandville,     4,229.53        5,286.73                       16,940.62
Cuyler,                  482.94           602.52                        1,930.25
Freetown,              274.30           342.93                        1,098.68
Harford,                 252.54          315.85                         1,011.90
Homer,               2,209.80        2,762.08                        8,850.95
Lapeer,                  246.15           307.74                           985.93
Marathon,              692.28           864.24                        2,768.82
Preble,                   575.46           719.13                        2,303.92
Scott,                     282.67           353.39                        1,132.19
Solon,                    335.14           419.00                        1,342.39
Taylor,                   305.70           382.21                        1,224.52
Truxton,                 603.09           753.99                        2,415.59
Virgil,                    596.63           747.28                        2,394.13
Willet,                    252.74           315.98                        1,012.33
   The Board adjourned at 12 o'clock until Wednesday, December 23, 1890, at 1 P. M.

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