Monday, September 18, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, October 31, 1894.

Lively Exchange of Compliments and Some Exhibitions of Temper Relieve the Monotony at the Lexow Inquiry. The Commissioner Refuses Point Blank to Submit His Bank Books—The Day's Developments.
   NEW YORK. Oct. 31.—Commissioner Sheehan was on the stand again before the Lexow committee and as usual a good deal of hot talk passed between the witness and Mr. Goff.
   Mr. Goff drew the commissioner out in reference to his idea of the duties of the police board. First and foremost, the witness claimed the duty of the police board was to see that the $5,000,000 annual appropriation was properly expended. The board must also see that the officers on the force did their duty.
   Mr. Goff endeavored to make a telling point by getting the witness to admit that the board considered the proper enforcement of the rules among the officers as secondary to the expenditure of the $5,000,000 appropriation.
   The commissioner, however, would not admit the truth of such an inference.
   After the recess Commissioner Sheehan resumed the witness stand.
   Counsel Goff held a conference with his associates, Mr. Moss, Otto Kemper, Dr. Parkhurst, Charles Stewart Smith and Detective Whitney.
   "Why did you vote against a recent motion made by Commissioner Murray to have policemen assigned to polling places other than the precinct in which they live?" finally asked Mr. Goff.
   "Because the assignments are in the hands of Superintendent Byrnes."
   "Did you read the newspaper accounts of this investigation?"
   "Oh, at first."
   "Commissioner," sternly said Chairman Lexow, "you say you have not read of the mass of corruption exposed here and you, a police commissioner?"
   "I've read some of the cases."
   "Did you read of Policeman Hussey's case?"
   "Hussey! Hussey!" repeated the commissioner, trying to remember the case, which is familiar in the minds of the reading public.
   "Answer my question and don't attempt to bulldoze your answer on the record."
   "If I'm a bulldozer, we're two of a kind," snapped the irate witness.
   Mr. Goff said an evening paper claimed that the police department collected $15,000,000 in blackmail.
   "Does it lie or do you not care for the hostility of a newspaper?"
   "It is mistaken; I don't care for newspapers."
   "How about the liquor dealers paying tribute to the police?"
   "They didn't have to lie. They knew there were two Tammany commissioners on the board who would not allow it," said the commissioner indignantly.
   "Ah, Tammany and the liquor dealers," said Mr. Goff.
   "Did you know President Martin and Richard Croker met a delegation of liquor dealers in the parlor of the Hoffman House and agreed to have the money heretofore given to the police paid into the treasury of Tammany Hall?"
   The witness professed not to have heard it.
   Mr. Goff then made the commissioner uncomfortable by showing he had copied the language of the circular of the Municipal Signal company of Boston in making a report to the police board on the necessity for electric signals for the police.
   "He has been guilty of literary piracy," commented Senator O'Connor.
   "Bring your private and public bank books tomorrow," said Mr. Goff.
   "I will not," said the witness positively.
   Mr. Goff did not take the commissioner to task for his refusal, but had the next witness called. This was Herman Spitz, an ignorant Austrian. He did not want to testify. It was said he had been intimidated. Mr. Moss at least dragged from him a story to the effect that he had been stabbed twice because he incurred the hostility of Israel Wemstock; a man known as Dutchy had tried to prevent the witness from prosecuting Wemstock.
   Dutchy, it appeared, was an agent of Silver Dollar Smith. The story had been only partly developed when the investigation was adjourned for the day.

Thomas E. Byrnes.
Charges Against Policemen.
   NEW YORK, Oct. 31. — Superintendent Byrnes was directed by the police commissioners to make charges against all those policemen connected with the assault on the striking cloakmakers at Rutger's square on Oct. 18.
   The commissioners issued this order in the face of Inspector Williams' report to the effect that he had investigated the affair and found that the police had committed no assaults.
   These charges will involve Captain Grant of the Madison street station and several patrolmen.
   At the time the alleged assaults were committed the strikers were forming a parade for which they had secured a permit.

More Democratic Mendacity.
   When Levi P. Morton, the Republican candidate for governor, returned from Europe recently, he brought John James Howard from England with him to act as second coachman. This was in direct defiance of the law and Morton was not ignorant of the fact. Secretary Carlisle says the law must be upheld no matter who suffers by its action and Howard will be sent back to England. All of Morton's employees at his country home are foreigners and yet he asks American laboring men to vote for him for governor. Probably he would import men from abroad to fill all his appointments if he should be elected—Levi is quite "Hinglish, ye know."—Cortland Democrat.

   Does the Democrat consider all its subscribers fools, or does it tell such whoppers as the above for fun—or is there no one about the office who knows anything or reads anything? Judge Lacombe, before whom John James Howard was brought, held that he was a domestic servant and therefore did not come within the provisions of the contract labor law, but be also held that it was the province of the secretary of the treasury and not of the court to direct his release. Yet with this judicial record staring him in the face Secretary Carlisle declines to release the man, and all because the smallest kind of peanut political politics suggests that to hold him may injure Mr. Morton. What a spectacle for a cabinet minister to present!
   "All of Morton's employees at his country home are foreigners." says the Democrat, when it knows better. More than a week before it published this statement, the STANDARD published a list of the number and nationalities of all of Mr. Morton's employees at his country home, which had previously appeared in the New York papers, and the correctness of which has never been disputed. That statement showed that of the 44 men employed on the 900 acres composing Elierslie, Mr. Morton's estate, thirty-two are Americans, nine are Irish, two Scotch and one English. Yet the Democrat coolly insults the intelligence of its readers with such stuff as the paragraph which we have quoted above from its columns. The local organ of the Democracy is plainly a frightful example of the prevailing demoralization in its party. Its editorials read like the testimony of a Tammany police man under charges—and bear about the same relation to the facts.

   Thousands of people are out of work just now. Some of them have been discharged for what seems to them no reason at all, and others have been employed in their places. The discharged ones would "fly up" in a minute if they were told that they had been discharged because they did not understand their trade, yet such would be the exact fact.
   A business house advertises for a stenographer. Fifty probably apply. The best is selected, tried, found wanting, discharged and another taken on probation, then another and another. Half a dozen may be tested before one is found that will even half way do. One could not spell. That one did not know grammar. A third was uncleanly and unpleasant in personal habits. Another did not know the commonest business terms. A fifth took two hours to do work that a really capable work woman would have done in half an hour. Yet another knew no more than a baby concerning current events. The rest showed so little interest in their work that they were the merest timeservers waiting for the clock to point to the hour of their release to prepare for frivolous amusement in the evening. So through the whole list.
   The stenographer is merely a sample. The plumber is just as incompetent. The workmen who spoiled the Carnegie armor plate and caused the firm to be fined $140,000 may have done so through dishonesty or carelessness. It has not been ascertained which. But at any rate it was incompetency—moral incompetency in the one case, incapacity as workmen in the other. If one wishes to get a simple job of carpentering or painting done, the result is so unsatisfactory that the disgusted man who pays the bills is often tempted to say workmen ought to go hungry, at least till the incapable and the conscienceless ones are starved out of the trades they disgrace.
   It is safe to say no more than one in ten of the pretended masters of trades and occupations really understands his business and will work at it as he should. There is another point to take note of. Amid a world full of incapables and slumpers the really competent, enthusiastic person who takes a pride in doing his work well is rarely out of employment long at a time. The world wants him and will make place for him.

At Cornell University by Prof. Rhys-Davids of London.
   A course of lectures on Buddhism to be given in Sage chapel, Ithaca, N. Y., by Prof. T. W. Rhys-Davids, Ph.D., LLD., of London, will begin Nov. 1 and continue until Nov. 8. As this is the only appearance of Prof. Davids outside the seaboard cities, the coming of so distinguished a scholar makes the occasion one of unusual interest.
   A general view of the range covered by Prof. Davids' course may be obtained from the titles of the lectures, which are as follows:
   "Religious Teachers and their Teaching in India and in the West."
   "Buddhist Books and Their History."
   "The Life of the Buddha."
   "The Buddha's Secret, Part I; the Cradle of Life; the Four-Tenths and the Noble Eight-fold path."
   "The Buddha's Secret, Part II; the Mystic Trance and Arahtaship."
   "The Ideal of the Later Buddhism. The Great Vehicle and What it Means."
   The lectures all occur at 5 o'clock P. M. and this hour would afford a fine opportunity for Cortland people who might be interested to go over at 3:17 and return upon the late train. Tickets may be obtained of Secretary A. F. Weber, secretary for [Cornell] President Schurman, Ithaca, N. Y.

Facts that Should be Clearly Understood upon Election Day.
   The following hints to voters have been clipped from an exchange and has been submitted to County Clerk Jones for verification. He pronounces all the points correct. Voters will do well to read it over carefully.
   The polls on Election day open at sunrise and close at sunset.
   The paster cannot be used over the constitutional ballots. If so used the ballot cannot be counted.
   There will be seventeen ballots used, and six ballot boxes, also one box for the unused ballots and one for the stubs.
   Voters will fold the ballots from the bottom to the dotted line at the top, covering over the printed matter, and fold the ballots again inward across the middle, showing the endorsement on the outside. The voter will fold all the ballots given him, He will first hand the ballots he intends to vote to the inspector and afterwards the ballots which he does not vote.
   Voters who are deaf and dumb or who can neither read nor write are not thereby physically disabled.
   Inspectors are not judges of the kind or extent of the disability.
   Physical disability is total blindness, or loss of both hands, or such total inability in both hands that the voter cannot use either hand for ordinary purposes, or such physical disability by reason of crippled condition or disease that he is unable to enter the booth alone, whereby he is unable to receive or prepare his ballots alone without assistance. This disability the voter must declare under oath to the inspectors, whereupon he may select a person who shall be allowed to pass within the guard-rail, receive the ballots, enter the booth with such voter and assist him in preparing his ballots and presenting them to the inspector for voting.
   One ballot box should be prepared for each constitutional amendment proposition, and as many other boxes as may be required by law, namely: One box for all voted candidate ballots, one barrel for all rejected ballots of every description, and one barrel for all stubs torn off.
   There shall be at each polling place at least one booth for every fifty voters in the election district. This provision should be strictly observed.
   Voters' qualifications are: Residence of a year in the state, four months in the county, thirty days in the election district.
   Read the instruction cards posted at the polling places.
   The county clerk is charged with the duty of providing the ballots.
   Each voter may enter within the rail and booth at two different times, and be may have a complete set of ballots at each time.
   One full set of all ballots, 17 in number, must be delivered to each voter. He must fold properly all the ballots given.
   Neither inspectors nor ballot clerks can fold the ballots.
   Taking the "general" oath qualifies the person to vote and taking the physical disability oath entitles the voter to assistance.
   Inspectors cannot require a foreign born voter to show his naturalization papers.
   It is the duty of the inspectors to challenge, and they shall not disclose the name of the person requesting the challenge. Each party is also entitled to at least one challenger, who shall stand outside the rail, but in plain view of the inspectors.
   Watchers shall show their appointment before they can be admitted within the guard-rail.

Sewer Gossip.
   Mr. Doe, senior member of the firm of sewer contractors, says that he wants to complete the work on Tompkins-st., and the work on Port Watson-st,, which will take about five days, and then he will be ready to bring to Main-st. all four gangs of men which are now working in four different places in the village. With this large force he thinks he can tear up Main-st. from the Messenger House to the Cortland House, lay the sewers and put the street back in good condition again all in a week.
   All of Port Watson-st. is now laid except a section between Pendleton-st. and Hyatt-st. Work has been delayed in this place because the pipe sent for it was not perfect and was not accepted by the contractors. Consequently they had to wait for the new pipe which has now arrived.

City Band at "Fogg's Ferry."
   One of the features of the performance of "Fogg's Ferry" on Friday evening of this week will be the rendition of the grand overture "Poet and Peasant" by the Cortland City band. This fine overture was the selection that the Robert A. Packer band of Sayre won [in] the band contest at the Firemen's convention at Ithaca the past fall and is one of the finest of musical selections. The full orchestra will also be present and every piece that they render will be new.

Closed on Executions.
   Sheriff Miller levied on the stock of E. B. Richardson's Cycle house yesterday on three executions amounting to $2,883.06, from the Syracuse Cycle Co. of $277.07, William Spaulding and Colin A. Spaulding of Syracuse for $1,645.59 and the Eclipse Bicycle Co. for $960.40. Mr. Richardson has been a stirring young business man of Cortland, and his present financial embarrassment is due solely to the hard times and to his inability to make collections.

Police Court.
   William Coleman, who lives in Onondaga county and has been at work here, was sentenced to three days or three dollars.
   A young woman too full to give her name was arrested yesterday afternoon by Chief Sager. After being incarcerated all night in the "cooler" she was very contrite. She said that her name was "Bertie" or Bertha Applegait. She had a marriage certificate with the names of Charles Knapp Applegait to Bertha Murray. The story went that her husband had got full and sympathetically she did likewise. She was unfortunate enough on the street and get pulled. "Three dollars or three days" was what Judge Bull sentenced her and when last seen Mr. Applegait was traveling faster than his usual gait endeavoring to scrape up money enough to keep her from serving her time.

New Jewelry Firm.
   H. P. Gray has sold his jewelry store at 79 Main-st. to Messrs. G. L Henson and J. A. Crisp of Jefferson, O., who will continue the business under the firm name of Henson & Crisp. The former has had fifteen years and the latter twenty-one years of experience in the jewelry business. Possession was given to-day.
   Mr. Henson, who is a brother-in-law of Mr. H. F. Bingham of the firm of Bingham & Miller, has moved to Cortland and will be in charge of the store here, while Mr. Crisp will continue in charge of another store owned by the same firm in Jefferson. Both the gentlemen had the reputation of being hustlers and honorable business men in their old home, and they will run a first-class store here. Mr. H. P. Gray, who retires, will remain with them for a time as an assistant.

   —The great Powell and his company of ten people are stopping at the Messenger House.
   —There will be a meeting of the Universalist church members to-morrow night at 7 o'clock.
   —The mothers' meeting will be held at the East Side reading rooms, Thursday, Nov. 1, at 3 o'clock P. M. An invitation is extended to all.
   —The 6 o'clock train on the D., L. & W. R. R. did not arrive until 8:30 this morning owing to an accident on the main line at Foster, Pa. Details of the accident appear in the news dispatches on the first page.
   —The STANDARD is indebted to Mr. W. J. Mantanye for a pamphlet copy of the debates upon the report of the suffrage committee of the constitutional convention in regard to woman suffrage. The report occupies 197 closely printed pages.
   — Pedestrian Weston reached Binghamton last night at 8:05 o'clock, fifteen minutes behind time. He was in splendid condition. At Marathon he made a speech for the Republican ticket. He left Binghamton at 2 o'clock this morning for Deposit.

Jules Carle Kicked Out of His Coffin and Sat Down to [Supper].
   While Jules Carle sat in a restaurant awaiting his ordered breakfast at Westminster, B. C., he suddenly died—at least there was every physical evidence of death. A competent physician examined him and pronounced him dead, a victim of heart disease. He was laid out for burial, and his friends kept the usual vigil over his body.
   All the time he was keenly conscious of what went on about him and could realize the fate in store for him and yet was as helpless as if he had been really dead. In the afternoon of the next day his friends bore him in sadness to the graveyard. He suffered untold agonies lying in the coffin, with the lid fastened down. He tried in vain to move or make a noise to indicate that he was alive. The trance held him a deathlike prisoner. Finally he could feel himself being lowered into the grave. As the first clod of earth struck the lid of his coffin he began feeling warm blood pulsating from his heart. All at once he could move his hands. He struck the coffin lid and called out for help. The alarmed pallbearers stopped shoveling dirt into the grave. He called again. The majority of those present beat a hasty retreat, alarmed over the fact that the dead had come to life.
   One courageous friend unscrewed the lid of the coffin and helped him out. He never felt better in his life and ran about, exercising his benumbed limbs. The people believed they had witnessed a miracle. He returned to town and entered the restaurant, hungry for supper, and when the cook and servants saw him come in, wrapped in his shroud, they rushed out through windows and doors, shaking with fright.

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