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Daniel S. Lamont. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, December
7, 1894.
Lamont Issues His Annual Report and Recommends that the Standing Army Be
Increased by 4,000 Men.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 30. The reports of the officers
in command of the several geographical departments corroborate the opinion,
expressed in my last report, that Indian warfare is virtually at an end in the
United States, and that beyond occasional calls for police duty in the
neighborhood of Indian reservations, the Army will henceforth be relieved to a
greater degree each year of the labor of armed surveillance over the tribes of
the West. There have been no serious infractions of the neutrality laws on the
Mexican frontier during the year, but the presence of a regular force there for
some time to come is clearly prescribed by the condition of civilization in
that region.
It was found necessary during the period
beginning with March and extending through July of the current year, in various
sections of the country, to employ a considerable part of the Army to execute
the orders of the United States courts, otherwise successfully defied and
resisted, to protect the dispatch of the United States mails [Pullman Strike], to remove
restraints to travel and commerce and to guard the property of the Government.
The movement of troops thus necessitated was the largest which has taken place
since the close of the civil war.
The difficult and extraordinary tasks
imposed upon the officers and men of the Army were discharged promptly, firmly,
and judiciously, in a manner which attested to the courage, intelligence, and
loyalty of those called into active duty, and thorough efficiency of every
branch of the service. The militia of the States wherever employed also proved
generally to be composed of qualified and reliable soldiers.
The number of enlisted men in service on
October 31 was 25,516. Deducting the sick, those in confinement, recruits not yet joined, those absent on furlough, and others employed in staff departments
or on detached service, the effective field strength on the same date was
20,114 of all arms.
I earnestly recommend that Congress enact
the legislation necessary to establish in the Army the battalion formation, now
adopted by the armies of every other civilized nation. As necessary to effect
that change I recommend the removal of the limit of 25,000 men fixed by the act
of June 18, 1874, and a return to the limit fixed by the act of July 15. 1870.
Legislative approval of these propositions will restore to the effective force
about 4.000 enlisted men, bringing the actual strength of the Army up to the
nominal strength now fixed by law. By these changes the Army will be increased
in efficiency 20 per cent, in numbers about 16 1-2 per cent, and in cost of
maintenance only 6 per cent.
For some years the Secretaries of War, the generals commanding the Army, and the most eminent authorities in military science in this country have urged the adoption of the battalion formation, and our most progressive and best informed officers believe that the organization of our small Army should embody this universally improved result of modern military thought.
For some years the Secretaries of War, the generals commanding the Army, and the most eminent authorities in military science in this country have urged the adoption of the battalion formation, and our most progressive and best informed officers believe that the organization of our small Army should embody this universally improved result of modern military thought.
The National Guard of several of the States,
more progressive than the General Government, already has the battalion
organization, and our own Army is being instructed as thoroughly as our
defective system will permit, battalions of from two to five companies being
improvised in the different garrisons.
The formation desired admits of rapid and
great expansion to meet the exigencies of actual warfare, and is especially
adaptable to the small force constituting the peace establishment of the United
States. Twelve years ago before retiring from command, Gen. Sherman pointed out
the great advantage of the formation in enabling us to put a large and
effective force in the field upon short notice, by merely enlisting a
sufficient number of additional private soldiers, the officers and organization
being always ready for this expansion.
Ordinary business prudence suggests a
consolidation of the Quartermaster's Subsistence, and Pay Departments into a bureau
of supply, to perform also certain duties connected with the furnishing of
sundry articles of equipment now imposed on the chief of Ordinance. The only
reason for the continuance is the fact of their existence in the past. Their
maintenance as separate departments adds largely to the number of officers on
staff duty, and involves an expense not justified by the service required. The
simple statement that it cost the government last year the equivalent of a
commission of 12 per cent to buy provisions for the Army was $269,739.17, the amount of money disbursed by Paymasters
being $12,054,152.54, or about 2 1-4 per cent, requiring the service of 31
officers, whose lowest rank is that of major. Already a number of posts are
paid by check, and with the mail, express, and banking facilities of the
present day, and the proximity of troops to towns and cities, this plan could
well be extended to cover the entire service, the actual distribution of funds
being devolved on the commandants of garrisons and their subordinates. The
transfer of the duties of these two establishments to the Quartermaster-General
would simplify business and effect a marked saving in expense, while the
organization of that department would require little increase. If the
expediency of this proposition is doubted by Congress, then I earnestly urge
the reduction of these departments by the early enactment of legislation
suspending further appointments to the Subsistence and pay corps until the
number now fixed by law is considerably reduced.
The policy of concentrating the troops and
abandoning unnecessary posts has been prosecuted throughout the year. Where
practicable small garrisons, remote from railroads, whose further retention has
become unnecessary by a change of conditions, have been consolidated with
garrisons at more important centers, thus reducing the cost of maintenance and
transportation and utilizing improved facilities for the prompt dispatch of
troops to any point where their services may be required The changes made have
in no instance lessened the protection afforded by the Army to any region in
which garrison has heretofore been stationed, but have considerably augmented
the extent of territory over which that protection can promptly and effectively
be afforded. It is respectively urged that the establishment of new military
posts by Congress in response to the appeals of local interests is likely to
disturb a distribution of the Army which aims to secure with the small force
under arms the highest efficiency and the fullest protection for the greatest
extent of territory, and that ambitions of localities should not be favored by
legislation at the expense of the general welfare.
regiments have been supplied with new 30 caliber magazine rifles and it is
expected that the infantry will be completely equipped with this weapon by the
first of May. The Major-General Commanding the Army renews his recommendation that
the supply of these modern arms be increased so that not only all the regular
troops and organized militia may be fully armed with them, but that there may
be an adequate reserve for any additional force that may be called into
service. To perfect the new weapon, tests of smokeless powder, cartridge cases,
and bullets of various materials and types will be kept up during the year. The
cavalry has been equipped with the new 38 caliber revolver, and upon
recommendation of the Major-General commanding the Army, the 45 caliber
revolver has been retained for the present for light batteries. Aluminum has
been employed successfully in the making of spurs, waist-belt plates, and smaller
articles, and it is hoped eventually to obtain the desired quality of the metal
for other articles of equipment.
During the year twenty-three 3.2-inch and
twenty-two 3.5-inch field guns have been finished; twenty five 3.2-inch field
and ten 5-inch siege guns and ten 7-inch howitzers are nearly finished.
Carriages for these guns are in process of fabrication. Funds are available for
the manufacture of about forty more 3.2-inch guns, but further experiments with
smokeless powder will be made before this work is undertaken. Provision has
been made in all for one hundred and ninety 3.2-inch field guns, twenty 5-inch
siege guns, sixteen 3.6-inch field mortars, twenty 7-inch siege howitzers, and
it is proposed in time to manufacture a supply of modern field and siege guns
and mortars adequate for the Army and seacoast defense.
The establishment of type disappearing gun
carriages for 8-inch and 10-inch guns, invented by officers of the Ordnance
Corps, and believed to be unequalled for rapidity and simplicity of action by
any carriage elsewhere in use, is a notable achievement of the year. This problem
solved, the armament of our harbors may now be prosecuted as rapidly as means are
available. Appropriations of $1,000,000 for emplacements and platforms and mounting
guns and mortars, $250,000 for sites for fortifications, and $100,000 for casemates,
torpedoes, galleries, and submarine mines, are desired for the prosecution of
engineer work on these fortifications. The plan of seacoast defense devised by
the Endicott Board, as modified in 1890, embraces fortifications at twenty-eight
The total expenditure for projected guns,
mortars, and mounts will be $50,277,248, including $3,430,130 under the
Bethlehem contract. Operated at its full capacity the Army Gun Factory at
Watervliet can turn out in eleven and a half years the guns and mortars yet to
be built; the Bethlehem contract requires the delivery of the last of its 100
guns by July 7, 1903, and carriages can be produced at Watertown or by contract
as rapidly as the guns, so that the ordnance for our coast can be finished
within twelve years.
To accomplish this result annual
appropriations aggregating $4,250,000 for guns and carriages will be required.
"The time has fully come," in the judgment of the Board of Ordnance
and Fortification, "when Congress may make the most liberal appropriations
for gun and mortar batteries, and for their armament, with the assurance that
they will be expended judiciously." With that opinion I concur.
DANIEL L. LAMONT, Secretary of War.
The alleged Americans who conduct the
Standard gorged themselves Thanksgiving day with "American sourkrout,
made from American cabbage, grown on American soil, by American labor" and
they inform the public through the columns of the Standard that "It
is the kind of krout for an American to eat on a day that's particularly
American." It is fair to presume that the krout contained the usual number
of American cabbage worms, hatched from eggs deposited by the American cabbage
butterfly which generally gets in its work in spite of the efforts of American
labor to prevent it. If one starts out to be American it is well to be all American
and swallow the entire porker, worms and all. It is gratifying to know that the
krout paid no tariff duty and that no bad effects have resulted from the
American gorge. It is to be sincerely regretted, however, that the poor
American larva should have come to such an untimely and ignoble end.
Fred Thompson sells Hemingway's choice candies.
Burgess, the clothier, has a new
advertisement on our last page.
Bingham & Miller, the clothiers, have a new
advertisement on this page.
Work on the sewers has been discontinued and
will not be resumed until spring.
Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin company had a
good audience in the Opera House last Friday night.
The Cortland Forging Co. are now running their
works both night and day in order to fill their orders.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hollister entertained a
large party of their friends at their home on North Main-st , last Monday
evening. It was their tenth anniversary.
The regular meeting of the Loyal Circle of
Kings Daughters will convene at Mrs. A. M.
Johnson's, 54 Main-st , Friday afternoon. Let the attendance be complete.
The electric road between this village and Homer
is practically completed with exception of a little work near the car barns and
the D. L. & W. crossing. The connections at the Cortland House corner were
nearly finished last night.
Dr. Jerome Angel slipped on the sidewalk in
front of the Dexter House last week Wednesday and feel on his side. He went
into Sager & Jennings drug store where an examination by Dr. Sornberger disclosed
the fact that he had a fractured rib.
The People's Mission will be open Saturday
evening as usual in the W. C. T. U. rooms, W. Court-st. These meetings are
increasing both in number and interest. All are welcome. None are expected to
wear their best clothes, but come in from the street just as you are.
The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will
hold their quarterly meeting Saturday,
Dec. 8th, in their rooms 12 W. Court-st. Reports of work accomplished by
superintendents of the various departments of work will be given; these reports
are always interesting and all are cordially invited to come and hear for themselves.
The meeting will open with devotional exercises at 2:30 o'clock.
Superintendent of the Poor Miner has
appointed Mr. A. D. Kingsbury of this village to be keeper of the County Alms
House. The appointment is a good one.
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New York World building. |
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Washington Bridge. |
Austin Brown has rented his farm to a man by
the name of Selover.
A poverty social was held at the M. E.
church last Saturday evening. Receipts we hear were about $9.00.
Thanksgiving was not entirely overlooked in
Scott. Services were held in the M. E. church, sermon by Rev. B. F. Rogers of the S. D.
B. church. The sermon was an able and interesting one; practical and hopeful
and many who were not there now regret they were not.
A little about what we saw and learned in
New York city during one week's stay there.—We took the train at Homer on the
morning of Tuesday, Nov. 20th and soon left the snow-clad hills in the distance,
until all traces of snow had disappeared and the beautiful, romantic scenery gave
joy and pleasure to the beholder. On we sped behind the horse that never tires,
going through hills, or winding our way around them as the case might be, while
on either side were lofty hills and mountains, rocks and rugged steeps, and not
missing from view the reservoir built at a cost of $1,000,000, and also the
famous Delaware water gap. For real value for tilling purposes for a
considerable distance along the railway line we should judge it to be worth not
over one cent per acre.
We reached the city a little after dark by boat
from Hoboken to Barclay St. After replenishing our dinner basket at the
Cosmopolitan Hotel with some of the viands of the great metropolis, we found
our way to Rev. Judson Burdick's who resides at 86 Barrow St. In company with
him we started out to make a little examination of the city. About 10 o'clock
there was an alarm of fire, which proved to be a stubborn fire; 30 engines were
engaged in the conflict upon the several streets about and it was not until 3
o'clock in the morning that it was abandoned by the engines. The loss was
On Wednesday we rode up to Central Park, and
went also to the Museum of natural history just outside the Park. We have not
the time to give or talent to relate the wonderful collection of the
productions of nature, but go and see how it is yourself. In the evening went
to see "The Elephant" and later on attended the Florence mission. In
the meantime we had engaged quarters at 99 Barrow St. for a week. Thursday attended
court, where prisoners were brought in from the lockup in the Tombs for misdemeanors
during the 24 hours past, a hard looking lot.
Then the World building, where we were sent
up the elevator kiting. After traveling a little further into the dome we took
a survey of the village and the dwarfs and baby wagons below. It was a pleasant
day and the view was grand. Just think 375 1/2 ft. from the ground to the top
and the foundation 35 ft. below the ground, the weight of the building 68,000,000,000
pounds. Over 1000 windows and 500 doors; contains brick enough to build 250
ordinary brick houses; has 48 miles of electric wires. Iron enough to build 20 miles
of railroad. From there we went to see ships and then Fulton St. fish market. Here
we found something like an acre of fish of every sort and kind from crabs to codfish.
Visited a German beer garden in the evening and other places of interest.
Friday among other places of interest we visited
the Voice office. A high and beautiful
structure occupied by them from top to bottom; thence down Broadway to Wall St.
and into the Stock Exchange, where Bedlam seemed to be let loose; a thousand
men crazed with the idea of hasting to get rich without work. In evening
attended meeting at Mr. Babcocks 34th St., the superintendent of the blind institute. Stopped on the way back at the Men's mission. Saturday or Sabbath
day attended Bible school and preaching at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. Preaching by
Rev. J. G. Burdick. In evening attended mission at 20th St., 8th Ave. Sunday,
attended Catholic service on 32d St. at 10 o'clock A. M. preaching by Rev. Mr.
Hepworth of the Baptist church at 11 o'clock; visited the Eden Musee from 12 to
3, then went to Chickering hall and listened to J. H. Hector, the Black Knight,
upon the temperance issue, from Habakkuk 2.8 "Because thou hast spoiled
many nations, all the remnants of the people shall spoil thee." It was a
powerful and interesting effort and it was delivered to a crowded house and an
appreciative audience. In the early evening attended preaching service by Rev Dr.
Judson later on attended the Salvation Army meeting. In Judson's text
was—Whosoever blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is
in danger of eternal damnation, or as he said more properly eternal sin. Dr.
Judson said that we forge the chain that binds us to sin, a chain that we
cannot break, and that eternal sin is persistent opposition to God.
Monday attended Stock Exchange a while,
crossed the Brooklyn bridge, visited an aunt on Dean St., who has lived there
ever since the bridge was built and yet has never seen it. In evening attended
mission on 8th Ave. again. Tuesday, beautiful day, took elevator car at 9th St.
on 3rd Ave. and rode to the extreme north limit to 177th St., thence went on
foot west about two miles across that wonderful structure the Washington
bridge, 153 feet high and one-third of a mile long, to the cable car road at
177th St. west, thence the whole length to the Post Office a distance in all of
20 or 25 miles The scenery uptown is grand; rocks, chasms, trees, and grass
plots and scattered residences. Attended mission at 8th Ave. again in evening,
made the acquaintance of the leader who was a young man by the name of Smith
from Seneca Co. and by the way let us say of these missions that we believe
they are the means of doing much good, bringing into respectability and
christian service many who are so low in sin that they never venture into a
church. Such earnest workers among the reformed, and they seem to know just how
to reach the hearts of those who are treading the rough and thorny road they once
were treading. Oh, to see the countenances of many of those who attend,
bloated, blear-eyed, and beastly drunk.
On Wednesday morning we took the train for
home, sweet home, having been in the city one week, but seemingly three weeks.
It was clear and pleasant when we started, but when we pulled into Binghamton
we were met by a snow squall. Nothing of note occurred on the cars as evening came
along except gambling by four youngerly men in which one of them gobbled up
about $100 within one-half hour. We don't think there is a farm on the line of
railroad south of Binghamton at least equal in production to some of the farms in Scott.
One thing surprised us in the city and that was to see so little tobacco using in public. Much less comparatively we think than in country towns. Not over one in twenty of men on the streets had a cigar or one in a thousand had a pipe. In the Stock Exchange building where there were probably a thousand men from 10 A. M. till 3 P. M. not a puff of smoke during the whole time, scarce ever could be seen a quid of tobacco or the rich colored extract thereof on the pavements; and then we heard very little profanity. We were surprised to see how cheap provisions were of almost every kind at the retail stores, and it don't seem as if any one ought to starve there unless they spend their money for that which is not bread. We thought many times while in the city, if we could only have all our friends there to see and hear it would be a double pleasure to us and to any one who has never taken in the city we would urge them to do so at the first good opportunity. Some think they cannot afford it, but let them lay aside the money they would spend for tobacco for one year and go to the city with it and they would or might have money left perhaps.
One thing surprised us in the city and that was to see so little tobacco using in public. Much less comparatively we think than in country towns. Not over one in twenty of men on the streets had a cigar or one in a thousand had a pipe. In the Stock Exchange building where there were probably a thousand men from 10 A. M. till 3 P. M. not a puff of smoke during the whole time, scarce ever could be seen a quid of tobacco or the rich colored extract thereof on the pavements; and then we heard very little profanity. We were surprised to see how cheap provisions were of almost every kind at the retail stores, and it don't seem as if any one ought to starve there unless they spend their money for that which is not bread. We thought many times while in the city, if we could only have all our friends there to see and hear it would be a double pleasure to us and to any one who has never taken in the city we would urge them to do so at the first good opportunity. Some think they cannot afford it, but let them lay aside the money they would spend for tobacco for one year and go to the city with it and they would or might have money left perhaps.
You will find as I did quite a number of strange
faces and once in a while one you do recognize; but you may be quite sure you
will not find any two alike. There is a great variety in this line, every face
is different and everybody almost seems bent on going somewhere. It is a busy
city; can hear the rumbling of the carts and wagons all night long: "but
we ain't in it now."
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