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"Sam Sloan." |
Cortland Evening Standard, Friday,
February 8, 1895.
Railroads are Blocked, the Roads Drifted Full, the Thermometer Below Zero, and
Everybody Cold.
The genuine old blizzard predicted by the
weather bureau has come in full force. Snow began to fall yesterday afternoon—a
fine penetrating snow that sifted into everything. With the coming of darkness
the wind began to pile it into drifts and before morning the wind had
approximated a hurricane and it has been increasing in violence ever since. One
can hardly see twenty rods on the street when the gust is on. No one has gone
out to-day who could possibly stay in the house. The stores are deserted and
clerks are improving the opportunity to put their stocks of goods in order.
Plumbers are busy, for the cold of last night froze up water pipes all over
town. Happy was the man who escaped.
The electric railroad began business on time
this morning running its first car as usual and bringing down from Homer the
crowd of workmen employed here. But as the storm has increased and the drifts
grown high the difficulty has increased too. An army of shovelers has been at
work and the snow scrapers have been kept busy. The cars have made pretty good
time on the whole, but occasionally the wheels would strike some hardened snow
or ice and would fly around while the car stood still. Yet it has done well and
the management is to be complimented.
The S. & B. division of the D., L. &
W. R. R. has done good service. Trains on the main line though are in trouble
in the mountains of Pennsylvania. The 6 o'clock train from New York had not
arrived when The STANDARD went to press. Reports are that it is stalled down on
the dreaded Mt. Pocono, which is always the Jonah to the railroad when there is
a storm. It is too bad too, for that train is said to carry some passengers who
are extremely anxious to reach Cortland on account of some of the social events
of this evening.
The 11:20 train of last night did not reach
Cortland until 12:45 and was fifty minutes running the eight miles from
Jamesville to Onativia. The through freight which should reach Cortland at 1
o'clock this morning got in after 2 o'clock and laid up here until 9:20 this
morning. The double track snow plow went through Cortland south bound at 8:19
this morning and the 8:52 passenger train was about on time. The single track
snow plow arrived at about 9:45 from Syracuse and the vestibule train arrived
at 10 o'clock drawn by two engines. The "Sam Sloan" which led was detached
here and turned around to help take the 9:58 back to Syracuse, for the road was
much heavier north of Cortland than south of here. The vestibule went on south
with one engine. The 9:58 train got away with two engines at 10:50 and went
north on the southbound track which was the only track open. The snow plow went
back to Syracuse right after it to throw the snow back from the track.
Superintendent Schwarz came down from Syracuse
on the vestibule and went back on the other train. A local train was made up at
Binghamton and left that place at 11 o'clock passing through Cortland at 1:38
so as to be ready to go back at 11:20 to-night. This train took the place of
the regular 6 A. M. northbound train. The through freight train from New York
arrived this morning at about 9 o'clock with 22 cars. It sidetracked eleven
here and went on with the other half of the train. The 3:07 train from Syracuse
was on time.
The E., C. & N. road is full of snow,
but is struggling hard. A snow plow went east at 5:30 this morning and opened
the road to Camden. The 7:20 train got away on time and arrived at Canastota an
hour late. The train due here from Elmira at 9:48 arrived at 11:3l with two
engines, though it would have been difficult for a spectator to recognize them
as engines they were so covered with snow. The train went on east and reached
Canastota at about 2:45 this afternoon. It was then to turn around and come
back to Cortland.
When it
will arrive is not known. The 9 o'clock train west arrived at 10:50 with two
engines. At 2 o'clock it had got as far as Brookton and Train Dispatcher Clark
said if it reached Elmira at 3:30 it would be doing well.
One freight train only is on the road. It was
an hour late and was coming from Elmira. When it reaches Cortland it will be
sidetracked and stopped. The train due here at 7:46 to-night will not be
started from Canastota unless the wind goes down.
On the N. Y. O. & W. R. R. all trains to-day
are abandoned north of Oneida. No trains have been moved to-day on the Chenango
Valley division of the West Shore R. R. which crosses the E., C. & N. R. R. at Rippleton.
On the R. W. & O. R. R. one train passed
Camden north bound early this morning and has not since been heard from. No train
has come from the north.
On the Southern Central R. R. the morning a
passenger train from Auburn to Freeville pulled in an hour late. No train from
the south has been heard from.
Old railroad men say this is the worst storm
they ever knew here. The chief difficulty is in making steam. The snow gets
under the boilers and on top of the boilers and all around the boilers and it
is so cold that it is almost impossible to keep steam up.
The roads leading out from Cortland are
badly blocked. One man drove in from McLean this morning and reported having
his horse down several times and the drifts from six to eight feet deep.
At 2:30 this afternoon reports from two
different locations in Cortland spoke of the thermometer being eight and twelve
degrees below zero.
at New York.
NEW YORK, Feb. 8.—The blizzard has
effectually blockaded navigation in the harbor. Ferry boats are running under
great difficulties, principally on account of the ice, which is so heavy that
large fields are swept along with the tide carrying the boats with them. The
British steamer Greenlands lying at the Commercial wharf, Brooklyn, which was
to have sailed at 5 o'clock this morning for Gibara, Cuba, is frozen fast in
the ice, and will scarcely be able to get out to-day.
Travel on the suburban railroads is greatly
impeded by the storm. The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railroad is
reported completely blocked. The New Jersey Central got four through trains
into the city at 10 o'clock, but only one went out before that hour.
The fishing schooner Emma was driven ashore
near Swinburn island last night and became a wreck. The captain and four seaman
reached shore in a small boat after terrible suffering. Four men took the other
boat and are missing.
Mercury at noon was three degrees above.
on the Central.
NEWBURGH, N. Y., Feb. 8.—The Montreal
express on the New York Central and Hudson river railroad ran into a freight
train at the New Hamburg depot at about 3 o'clock this morning. The caboose of
the freight train was broken to pieces, but nobody was hurt. Three engines were
thrown from the track. The lights on the freight train were obscured by the snow
and not seen by the engineer of the express.
is Paralyzed.
BINGHAMTON, N. Y., Feb 8.—For the second
time this winter the electric street railway system of this city is paralyzed.
A snow storm has raged here since early last evening accompanied by a
constantly increasing gale. Trains on all roads are five to six hours late.
Mercury early this morning was ten degrees below, and at 10:30 o'clock is still
three points under the zero mark.
What a
Man Without Hands Can Do.
The man with steel fingers promises to
become almost as famous as the man with the iron mask. Mr. J. Cooper Chadwick
is a good looking Englishman in the prime of life who some years ago had the
misfortune to have both his hands blown off by the discharge of a gun. As soon
as he was well enough to think, Mr. Chadwick set about devising ways to cheat
fate after all out of her victory over him.
It required a year to solve the problem, which
Mr. Chadwick did with the aid of a London manufacturer of artificial limbs.
Steel casings were fitted to the stumps of the man's arms. At the place where
the wrists should be an assortment of hooks and steel fingers was fitted on.
Then implements and instruments especially designed to be held by the hooks and
fingers were invented.
The result is that Mr. Chadwick is able to
feed and shave himself, button his clothing, brush his hair and hold a pipe or
cigar. He soon learned to write by means of a pen held in the steel hook at the
terminus of his arm, and actually wrote a book thus. He says indeed that he can
write as well with his steel hands as he could with his flesh and blood ones.
It is rather odd that his handwriting looks as it used to when he wrote with
the hands nature gave him, showing that a man writes with his brain, not with
his hands.
◘ There
are no beggars in Japan except the priests who have taken vows of poverty. It
would be interesting to know how Japan manages it.
◘ This
country wants the Nicaragua canal and an ocean telegraph to Hawaii, and the
sooner congress authorizes them both the better.
◘ The
winter of 1895 has witnessed the unusual spectacle of a blizzard in Oklahoma.
◘ Mr.
Carnegie, do you know what Andrew Carnegie, government armor plate contractor
and millionaire of Pittsburg, said in his address to the young men of Union
college? It was this: "Never make too good a bargain for yourself. It is a
poor bargain where both parties to it are not benefited."
It is to be hoped that the president of the
United States will never be forced to have recourse to the sweeping power the
law made in 1890 gives him over the products of foreign nations importing goods
into this country. When Germany discriminated against our pork a few months
ago, some zealous souls urged Mr. Cleveland to make use of his extraordinary
power at once, but he was wise enough not to do it. Again when Spain began to
discriminate against American flour the president was urged to issue a
proclamation which would have stirred up a great breeze, but again it was
decided to let Spain have time to see the error of her ways.
The power in question is contained in the
congressional meat and food inspection act passed by congress Aug. 30, 1890.
The act recites that whenever the president of the United States is satisfied that
any foreign government is making discriminations unjustly against "any
product of the United States," food or otherwise, in the matter of its
importation with that country, then he may issue a proclamation directing that
the goods of such nation shall be excluded altogether from entry into the
United States. This law is formidable enough to prevent any country of Europe
from discriminating against our products. We could stand doing without their goods
much better than they could stand not selling them to us.
Mr. and
Mrs. Damon Conger Entertain Their Friends.
It was a very enjoyable occasion yesterday
when a large number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Damon Conger gathered at
their pleasant home on Charles-st. to join with them in the celebration of the
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. With the warm greetings, and glad reunions
of old friends, the forming of new acquaintances, and delightful social
intercourse, the hours passed quickly and pleasantly away. At about 2 o'clock
very nice and most bountiful refreshments, provided by the guests, were served,
just previous to which Rev. Geo. H. Brigham, in a few appropriate remarks
presented to Mr. and Mrs. Conger quite a collection of gold, and gold-lined
silver articles as expressive of the love, and good wishes of their friends. A
remarkable feature of this gathering was, that this was the fourth golden
wedding in the Conger family and it required a good degree of credulity to
believe that a couple in appearance so young, so well preserved, and fair,
could have been married fifty years. The moral to young people is if they would
have a golden wedding while yet blithe and fair, marry young, be sure that
their marriage is well assorted and live as they should.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. B. S.
Conger, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Palmer, Mr. E. C. Alger, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Cole, Mr.
Melvin Harmon, Mrs. Amelia Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Bean, Mr. Mason Loring,
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Carley, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kennedy, Miss Carrie Harmon, Mrs.
Ann Harmon, Mr. Melvin Conger, Mrs. Wm. Turner, Rev. Geo. H. Brigham, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Walters, Miss L. Hawley, Mrs. A. Wayle, Mrs.
Wm. Williams.
Those from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs.
William Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Richardson, Mrs. Joseph Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Richardson, Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Gibbs, Miss Mary Richardson.
National All Right.
All fear of depositors as to the stability
and credit of the Second National bank seems to be over. The depositors are
taking a sensible view of the case.
any one has been in to-day to draw money, but quite a number who yesterday took
out their money to-day took it back and received certificates of deposit at 3
per cent. Some of the money was refused. The counters and desks of the bank are
piled high with coin and greenbacks. When a STANDARD reporter was in this
afternoon at about 2 o'clock there was not a person in the bank except the
officers and clerks and they were busy with the regular business.
The directors of the bank have stood as follows:
C. F. Wickwire, Theo. H. Wickwire, Ernest M. Hulbert, H. F. Benton, E. A. Fish,
A. L. Cole, M. M. McGraw, Fitz Boynton, Wm. B. Stoppard, Geo. C. Hubbard, Jas.
R. Schermerhorn, Hon. J. E. Eggleston, D. F. Wallace.
Afflicted Family.
Dr. G. W. Hull of 10 Monroe Heights is very
seriously ill with pneumonia and it is feared that he cannot recover. Dr. Angel
is the attending physician and he last night called Dr. Edison in counsel. Mrs.
Hull is at a sanitarium in Oneida, where she has been for a serious operation
and is hardly able to be moved upon her bed, Mrs. Hull's mother, Mrs.
Cookingham, is at Dr. Hull's in Cortland very badly off with pneumonia, and Dr.
Hull's son Louie was last night very unwell from the prevailing disease, the
—The City Band Minstrels will put on their
first entertainment to-night regardless of weather.
—Prof. Murphey of Cortland will teach a
class on the guitar in town soon.—DeRuyter Gleaner.
—Buy your tickets early for thee midwinter excursion
at the Presbyterian church next Wednesday evening,
—The ladies request that all merchants who
are to advertise in the woman's paper have their copy ready for use next
—A half dozen lthacans will attend an
amateur minstrel performance to be given by the Cortland band at Cortland Friday
and Saturday nights.—Ithaca
—A large number of young ladies and gentleman
met last night and organized a society to be known as "The Young People's
Anti-Saloon League of Cortland, N. Y."
—A gentleman called at the STANDARD office
this afternoon and asked for the cold wave flag. He said he wanted to buy and
destroy it. He was tired of seeing it displayed.
—The Democratic convention for the town of
Cortlandville will be held in Fireman's hall on Tuesday evening, Feb. 2 at 7:30
o'clock. Candidates will be put in nomination for the town meeting on Feb.
—Steuben county may be divided. There is a
strong movement in favor of such a plan and Hornellsville has promised to erect
county buildings free of expense to the new county, if it is made the county
—Mr. Timothy Fanning died at home last night
at the age of 78 years. Deceased was the father of Mrs. J. T. Davern of
Cortland. The funeral will be held on Monday at 10 A. M. at St. Mary's church
in Cortland.
—The Alpha Chautauqua circle will meet with
Mrs. F. J. Doubleday, 44 Port Watson-st., Monday evening, Feb. 11, at which
time will occur the semiannual election of officers. All members are requested
to be present.
—Beard & Peck are taking advantage of the
stormy day to make some repairs in their store, The large stairway on the north
side of the building which started from the street door and which was never
used has been removed and the office is being changed so as to give more room
in the store for the display of furniture,
—The local agents and teams of the U. S.
Express company had a hard time last night. They were up to meet the 11:20
train which arrived at 12:45 and were busy then until after 3 o'clock this
morning carting to the residence of Mr. T. H. Wickwire the outfit of Teall, the
Rochester caterer, which arrived in a special car last night for the party
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