Monday, February 12, 2018



   CORTLAND SCHOOL NEWS, February 12, 2018.—A $20,000 SUNY Grant will aid SUCC freshmen who struggle with writing. Freshman will be taught basic English grammar—nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs and how to use them in a sentence. Once they grasp the techniques they will be given lessons in paragraph formation.
     How these targeted freshmen graduated from state high schools is a mystery. A further mystery is how they gained entrance into a school of higher learning. It is postulated that another state grant will be necessary to research these mysteries and provide proof of K-12 student progress reports or manufacturing errors.
     Professor William Daniels of Buffalo State suggests that lack of homework, distractions such as cellphones and misdirected teachers’ guidance are fueling an epidemic of learning disabilities in K-12 schools across the state. He calls it the “apathy virus.” A progressive group of veteran state educators has embarked on a separate study to inquire whether or not young teachers are infected with the same virus.

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