Sunday, May 20, 2018


Joe Bakewell.


When it comes to the problem of Special Interest Corruption in DC, it seems that everyone has a different concept of the problem and therefore a different take on what to do. Ideas range from throwing up one’s hands in despair to revolution—with some conspiracy theories in between. Many seem to believe that placing the blame is all we need to do.

I feel that it is vital to clearly define a problem before launching off on a ‘solution’. In this case, we need to see that the participants are acting in accordance with the motivation system in place for them. Politicians understand that in order to be elected, or re-elected, they need money and that there’s plenty to be had from special interests. Their party leaders will tell them how to go about it, and lobbyists will come forward.

If a politician plays the game well, he/she will be elected, re-elected and will retire in comfort. It follows that to eliminate this corruption of our democracy we need to change the motivation system. Failure to identify a credible means for doing this does not justify making it worse. Come November, I will NOT use my ballot to reward corruption.

Sadly, the organizations set up to get rid of this problem are unfocused. Just today, I received a glowing message from Mayday announcing their great victory on Net Neutrality.

I still support these organizations in the hope that they will at least raise awareness (and frustration, my own included).

Joe Bakewell

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