Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Grover Cleveland.

Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, December 5, 1895.

The President's Message.
   President Cleveland's third annual message is another sorry offender against brevity and compactness, but the president at any rate has had the wisdom to dispense with the perfunctory summaries of department reports which have wasted so much of the space in his previous messages and in those of his predecessors. Practically the entire document can be arranged under two heads—foreign relations and national finances. These two topics seem to have been absorbing the chief executive's attention.
   Under neither head is there anything sensational. The message as a whole has a moderate and dignified tone, bespeaking an industrious and honest president, if not a great one. In his discussion of foreign affairs, Mr. Cleveland makes an error in urging that we should withdraw from the Samoan tri-protectorate, as was shown a year ago, when a Democratic congress utterly ignored his recommendation. But on most of the other matters under [this] head the president's position is conspicuously just and sound. He has rightly sensed the opinions of the American people. As to the imprisonment of poor Waller, he intimates that the production of the evidence under which the ex-consul was convicted will be rigidly insisted on and he adds that "it is expected that some satisfactory solution of the manner will shortly be reached."
   More vigorous measures for the protection of the seals in Behring Sea are recommended, and England's culpable neglect to carry out her share of the agreement is stated in plain terms. The  president's handling of the Venezuelan problem is one which will dismay some of his superserviceable friends and delight his opponents, for here Mr. Cleveland comes squarely over to the position occupied by the Republicans. His words on this point will occasion a very unpleasant sensation in some quarters. As a complete acceptance of the Republican attitude they are well worthy of being fully quoted. Mr. Cleveland declares that the general conclusions which he has reached and caused to be communicated to the British government are in  "substance, that the traditional and established policy of this government is firmly opposed to a forcible increase by any European power of its territorial possessions on this continent; that this policy is as well founded in principle as it is strongly supported by numerous precedents; that as a consequence the United States is bound to protest against the enlargement of the area of British Guiana in derogation of the slights and against the will of Venezuela; that, considering the disparity in strength of Great Britain and Venezuela, the territorial dispute between them can be reasonably settled only by friendly and impartial arbitration, and that the resort to such arbitration should include the whole controversy, and is not satisfied if one of the powers concerned is permitted to draw an arbitrary line through the territory in debate and to declare that it will submit to arbitration only the portion lying on one side of it. In view of these conclusions, the dispatch in question called upon the British government for a definite answer to the question whether it would or would not submit the territorial controversy between itself and Venezuela in its entirety to impartial arbitration."
   We quote these words in full, not only because they are an absolute indorsement of the Republican position, but because they are by all odds the strongest and most significant portion of the entire executive message. They embody a distinct affirmation of the Monroe doctrine in its most positive form as the "traditional and established policy of this government, well founded in principle as it is strongly supported by numerous precedents," and a further emphatic declaration that this policy directly applies to the present controversy between Venezuela and Great Britain. Moreover the president insists that not only a part, but all of the territory in dispute must be submitted to arbitration.
   This assertion of President Cleveland will come as a sudden and stunning blow to the noisy Anglomaniacs from a quarter whence they least expected it. These chattering relics of provincialism have mistaken their man. Mr. Cleveland may in times past have given them some encouragement, but when put to the real test he shows himself a statesman of broader mind and truer insight than they in their folly have imagined. They confidently expected him to pinion and muzzle the Monroe doctrine in English interests. On the contrary, he has reasserted it with a force which it has not felt since thirty years ago it sent the French eagles whirling out of Mexico. To this part of his message, Mr. Cleveland's enlightened and patriotic fellow-countrymen, of all shades of politics, will respond with grateful rejoicing.
   As to the President's financial recommendations, the gist of his long discussion of the subject is an amplification of the idea which Secretary Carlisle has already exploited—the retirement of the greenbacks and of the treasury notes issued under the Silver Purchase act of 1890. He would have these notes exchanged for long-term gold bonds bearing a low rate of interest.  The objection to this plan, is that it would divide the honest money forces in congress and unite the cheap dollar people solidly against it. If there is any suggestion calculated to provoke the Democratic silver men to violent anger  it is the issuance of any more gold interest-bearing bonds. Mr. Cleveland's recommendation is submitted with the best intentions. It will receive some support among the conservative classes of the North and East, but with the national senate constituted as it is at present the idea must be dismissed as totally impracticable.
   The trouble with Mr. Cleveland in his consideration of the national finances is that he has mistaken effect for cause. He devotes all his attention to rehabituating the currency, while the real secret of the financial weakness which afflicts us is the insufficient national revenue. Mr. Cleveland is human. He is naturally reluctant to con fess that the only important measure of legislation that his party has passed for thirty-five years has lamentably failed to fulfill the purpose for which it was enacted; that the Democratic tariff for revenue only is not producing income enough to meet the national expenditures. Yet that is the hard, cold truth of the situation. If the tariff were so amended that the revenue could be increased and a final step put to the accumulation of this huge deficit, the currency problem would take care of itself for the time being. Mr. Cleveland totally ignores this first and most pressing duty of congress, and leaves it to the Republican leaders to take the initiative. Fortunately the responsibility will be safe in their hands.

   ◘ Undoubtedly the wish was father to the thought which seems to have emanated originally from the brain of some British editor that the United States, Great Britain and Japan should form an alliance to prevent the further aggression of Russia against Japan and elsewhere. Such an idea is craziness. The American government will follow the Washington doctrine while time lasts and avoid entangling alliances with European and other powers. And, even if this were not the case, why should the United States form an alliance with Great Britain against Russia? From the beginning of our republic till now Russia has been the best friend and the only consistent friend the United States has ever had in Europe. She stood our friend when England, only for her influence, would have recognized the Southern Confederacy. She also stood our friend at a critical period earlier in our history. Shall we slap our best friend in the face just to please a nation that except for trade purposes is not our friend at all? Not if we know it. The true policy will be for Japan and Russia to get together and have a friendly understanding. Then they can defy their mutual enemies.

Fix the Value of the Randall Land at $600 per Acre.
   The report of Commissioners Eggleston, Carley and Van Hoesen upon the appraisal of the land of William R. Randall, Wilhelmina Randall and Antoinette R. Huntington, which was required by the Erie & Central New York railroad, was delivered at 12:20 to-day. The commissioners find that the railroad should pay the owners of the land at the rate of $600 per acre. The railroad requires 3.76 acres and the total sum to be pain is $2,256.
   Work will be pushed along on the east side of the land of Frank Welch which is still in question, all necessary material being hauled around his premises. If the winter should prove open the building of the road could be pushed on very rapidly as all the grading is done.

Many Guests Present—Delicious Menu Served—Fine Speaking—Splendid Good Time.
   The banquet of the board of supervisors last evening at the Cortland House was a great success from whatever point it is considered. The board with their guests began to assemble in the corridors and parlors of the hotel about 9 o'clock. After an hour pleasantly passed in hearty greetings and laughing reminiscences, the doors of the spacious diningroom were thrown open disclosing through the drapery a very pretty picture. The tables had been artistically arranged in the form of a circle extending entirely around the large room. They were very handsomely decorated with palms and strewn liberally with chrysanthemums. The procession to the diningroom was led by Chairman Crane, who occupied the seat of honor at the west side of the room, while the several members of the board with their guests took the seats assigned them about the outer circumference of the circle.
   The following very appetizing menu was served in a manner highly creditable to the well known reputation of this excellent hotel on all such occasions:

   It was 11 o'clock before the cigars were lighted and Chairman Crane arose to formally welcome the guests, which he did in his usual happy style and closed by saying that no regular program had been laid down for the evening, but as there were several well-known eloquent gentlemen present, it was the desire of the board to hear from them and to that end he called on J. C. Barry, the clerk of the board, to act as toastmaster for the evening.
   Mr. Barry, speaking as a representative of the board, outlined the reasons why the board had invited so cosmopolitan a representation to be present. He referred to the work done by the board during the two [annual] sessions, of the very pleasant friendships formed among its members, and of the doubt in the future as to their ever meeting again in the same official capacity.
   Judge A. P. Smith was obliged to leave the banquet hall to catch the 11:20 train for New York and was persuaded as he was going out to say a few words. He was in a happy mood and for five minutes cracked jokes, roasted different ones present and closed with an eloquent climax.
   Mr. Barry called upon the following gentlemen in the order named, assigning them such impromptu toasts as he saw fit. Very graciously one and all responded, in some of the brightest, wittiest and most eloquent impromptu efforts heard in Cortland in many days. All the remarks were good and it would be impossible to characterize one beyond another. The gentlemen responded in the order named: A. P. Smith, E. E. Mellon, John Courtney, Jr., James H. Tripp, N. L. Miller, F. J. Cheney, Ed L. Adams, H. L. Bronson, D. W. Van Hoesen, Geo. S. Sands and B. T. Wright. Dr. Kinyon, supervisor from Cincinnatus, then closed the speech making in a very happy manner speaking for the board.
   Mr. Barry read letters of regret from Messrs. F. P. Saunders, C. H. Stevens and W. H. Clark and a telegram from Dr. H. I. Van Hoesen.
   Hon. James H. Tripp then arose and after expressing his views as to the grand and royal time which the guests had enjoyed, asked the guests to join him in tendering to the board of supervisors a vote of thanks for their generous hospitality. It is needless to say, this was carried with a significant "aye."
   Mr. Barry then on behalf of the board thanked Mr. Tripp for his kind words, and also the guests for the kindly sentiments expressed, and bade all a formal good night. On departing words of pleasant good night and happy cheer were heard on every side. All were highly appreciative of the very excellent manner in which everything was done that could possibly be done by the proprietor of the Cortland House, Dorr C. Smith. He has dealt with supervisors so long that he knows just what to do for them and for their friends.
   The invited guests who were present were the following named gentlemen:
   Clayton E. Rowley, John Courtney, Jr., F. J. Cheney, Hugh Duffey, Wilber Holmes, W. H. Foster, Geo. S. Sands, B. F. Lee, J. H. Tripp, R. E. Dunston, C. S. Pomeroy, E. J. Bockes, Adam Hilsinger, E. C. Palmer, B. T. Wright, D. W. Van Hoesen, T. E. Dye, Will Tarbell, F. M, Benjamin, [Mr.] Comerfort, E. W. Childs, O. P. Miner, Ed L. Adams, A. P. Smith, E. E. Mellon, Frank P. Hakes, W. A. Stockwell, F. Cy. Straat, T. E. Courtney, A. S. Brown, N. L. Miller, H. L. Bronson.

Conductor and Brakeman Sworn—Great Crowd in Attendance—Nothing but Theory.
   The coroner's inquest to determine the cause of the wreck of the night express at Preble Sunday night and the consequent death of the engineer and fireman and also the passenger who died in New Jersey Tuesday morning as a result of his injuries, was begun at Preble at 10:30 o'clock this morning. Coroner Moore was present and the jury consisting of Morris Spoore, Lorenzo Allen, A. A. Knapp, Philander Manchester, Duane Van Denburg, John Ackles, Edwin Wilbur, John H. Gay, Seth Hobart, A. Harter, C. Z. Shepard, and A. H. Vosburg. The inquest was held in the town hall which was packed almost to suffocation. A number of railroad men were present and some of the detectives. District Attorney Burlingame was the legal adviser and assistant of the coroner.
   The first witness called was John Carroll, a brakeman on the wrecked train. He testified that he was sitting in the forward end of the sleepingcar at the time of the accident. His first intimation of an accident was the applying of the air brakes, followed by a sudden stop and jar. He got out of doors as soon as possible and noticed that the switch lever was blocked up. The bull's eye switch light was out. He went back to Tully to flag any train that might be following and staid [sic] there until the wild cat engine came along. He thinks he was the first one at the switch. On the way to Tully he saw no person whatever.
   The next witness was H. H. Darling, the conductor of the train. He testified that when leaving Tully he was four minutes behind time. After passing Tully he was running at the rate of forty or forty-five miles an hour. He described the position of the wrecked cars and engine, their position being as already stated in The STANDARD. Engineer Young and Fireman Roof were running that night in place of William Gray and Michael Hogan, the regular engineer and fireman. He said he could give no motive for the wreck.
   An adjournment was then taken until 1:30 this afternoon. The inquest will probably continue into to-morrow.
   There is nothing new which so far points to the wreckers, except that four tramps were yesterday afternoon arrested in Buffalo. They gave their names as Frank Sherman, Lawrence Frye, Anthony Lawrett and William Lee. When searched one was found to have a switch key in his pocket and a copy of a Syracuse paper containing an account of the wreck. They were sent to the penitentiary for four months on a charge of vagrancy and before their release their records will be looked up.

Three Dollars or Three Days—The Excise Cases.
   One offender was brought before Justice Bull this morning charged with public intoxication. He was fined three dollars or given three days in jail. He chose jail.
   The excise cases of H. Corcoran, Wallace & McKean, M. H. Ray and John Dowd, which were held open until 8 o'clock yesterday were adjourned until Saturday, Dec. 7 at 10 A. M.
   Dennis Cronin appeared and, through his counsel. Riley Champlin, withdrew his former plea of not guilty, pleaded guilty and sentence was suspended, Mr. Cronin having already discontinued business and agreed not to go into the business again.
   The case of Wm. Donegan which was set down for 10 o'clock to-day was again adjourned until 10 A. M., Monday, Dec. 9.

''A Thoroughbred'' To-night.
   The New York Herald says of "A Thoroughbred" which shows in Cortland to-night:
   "This successful London comedy was presented to a large audience at the Bijou last night, and scored an emphatic success. It is difficult to decide whether the piece is a comedy or a drama. Many of the situations are intensely dramatic and many extremely humorous. We have seldom seen an audience "roar" the way it did at the side-splitting love scene of Willie Green's in the last act. That "quiet little game of poker" will also be remembered. The company was adequate to the requirements of the different roles. Mr. Wilson as Willie Green and Kate Johnson as Mrs. Strongmind made hits. Miss St. Clare as Kate wore some beautiful gowns.

   —The Alpha C. L. S. meets at Mrs. Doubleday's, 44 Port Watson-st., Monday evening, Dec 9.
   —New advertisements to-day are—McKinney & Doubleday, page 7; D. Appleton &Co., page 6: Syndicate Publishing Co., page 3.
   —The supervisors closed their annual session to-day at 11:30 o'clock and adjourned. The full report of the proceedings of the adjourned session will be given to-morrow.
   —A regular meeting of W. C T. U. will be held on Saturday, Dec. 7, at 3 P. M. Items of interest will be most gladly listened to from as many of the union as can be present.
   —Messrs. Ford & Johnson who have been for a few weeks conducting a shoe store at 112 Main-st., closed up their business last sight and returned to Binghamton this morning.
   —The attention of all members of the Cortland county bar is called to the list of appointments of the supreme court of the Sixth judicial district which is found on the sixth page of to-day's issue.
   —Among those who went to Preble this morning to attend the coroner's inquest were Coroner W. J. Moore, District Attorney Miles Burlingame, Ex-Sheriff John Miller, Dr. Jerome Angel, C. F. Blackman and a STANDARD reporter.
   —Mr. Edwin Duffey entertained twenty-four ladies and gentlemen at his law office in the Schermerhorn building last evening. It was a regular meeting of a whist club and that fascinating game was the order of the evening. Very nice refreshments were served.
   —It is said that the engine "Sam Sloan" which was wrecked at Preble Sunday night and which had previously been through two other accidents, will be rebuilt. The new "Sam Sloan" will, however, be very much like the boy's jack-knife which had been provided with a new handle and a new blade, but was still his jack-knife.
   —Frequent inquiries are made regarding the Industrial Edition of The STANDARD. Work is being pushed as hard as possible day and night. More than half the pages are already printed. Unless something unforeseen occurs to hinder, the first completed copies will come from the bindery about Dec. 20 and others will follow at the rate of from 500 to 1,000 per day.

Monday, July 30, 2018


Henry Cabot Lodge.

Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, December 4, 1895.

Huge Grist of Bills Already Introduced.
Resolutions on These Important Subjects Submitted and Will Be Immediately Considered
—Lodge Wants Our Position Enunciated.
   WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.—The senate has plunged into real business. Naturally the president's message attracted the main attention of the day, but aside from this there were stirring resolutions on the Monroe doctrine and Cuban rebellion, and after that the usual deluge of bills and resolutions, running far up into the hundreds.
   The message was given the closest attention from all quarters of the chamber. At its conclusion, Mr. Lodge of Massachusetts offered a resolution, vigorous in terms, reaffirming the principles of the Monroe doctrine and presenting them in such form as to permit their enactment as a permanent law, rather than an expression of the policy advocated by President Monroe.
   In the same line was a resolution by Mr. Cullom of Illinois and another by Mr. Allen, Populist, Nebraska.
   The Cuban situation received attention from both the Florida senators, Mr. Call affirming a resolution for the recognition of the insurgents as belligerents and Mr. Pasco presenting resolutions from the city councils of Tampa and St. Augustine, Fla., expressive of the feeling for recognition of the insurgents. The Call resolution will be called up today so that Cuba and the Monroe doctrine will receive early attention, although the purpose is to afford opportunity for an expression of views rather than for an immediate vote.
   At the brief executive session the nomination of Mr. Olney as secretary of state and Mr. Harmon as attorney general were confirmed, and that of Rufus H. Peckham to the supreme bench referred to the judiciary committee.
   Mr. Lodge's resolution in relation to the Monroe doctrine is as follows:
   Resolved, That the congress of the United States deem it proper to assert, as a principle in which the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintained, are not henceforth to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.
   Resolved, That we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies of European power we have not interfered and shall not interfere, but with the governments who have declared their independence and maintained it, and whose independence we have on great consideration and on just principles acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power, in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States.
   Resolved, That in accordance with the doctrine laid down by President Monroe, as stated in the preceding resolutions, the United States declares that it proposes to maintain the principles embodied in that doctrine and will regard any infringement of it or any attempt on the part of any European power to take or acquire new territory on the American continent, whether under pretense of boundary disputes or otherwise, as an act of hostility to the United States.
   Resolved, That the president be requested to communicate these resolutions to the governments of all nations with whom we have relations of amity and commerce.
   Senator Cullom also introduced a resolution enunciating the Monroe doctrine. It is as follows:
   Resolved, That the policy proclaimed by President Monroe and since known as the Monroe doctrine, is by precedent and tradition the recognized, rightful policy of the United States and that this government will regard the establishment by any European power of any new colonial dependency or of any protectorate over any existing or future government, or the extension of any territorial possessions, or the control or ownership of any inter-oceanic canal on the continent of America as a dangerous menace to the welfare and prosperity of the United States.
   Senator Call's resolution on the Cuban situation is as follows:
   Resolved, That the government of the United States recognizes a condition of public war between the government of Spain and the government proclaimed and for some time maintained by force of arms by the people of Cuba, and the United States of America, strict neutrality between the contending powers and accede to each all the rights of belligerents in the ports and territory of the United States.
   The congress of the United States protest and remonstrate against the barbarous manner in which the war in Cuba has been conducted, and the president is hereby authorized to take such steps as may be expedient, in his judgment, to secure an observance of the laws of war as recognized by civilized nations.

From the Wreck at Preble—He Was an Actor.
   NEW YORK, Dec. 4.—Edward Clifford, who played a leading character part in "A Bowery Girl," at the Grand Opera house Monday night died at his home in [Streitberg], N. J., early yesterday morning from a shock received in the railway accident at Preble, N. Y. When the accident occurred Mr. Clifford was asleep. He was thrown heavily and it is believed he sustained internal injuries.
   On Monday he complained of severe pains in his body. On Monday night he played his part and after the performance went to his home. About 2 o'clock Tuesday morning he became ill and died soon afterward.

"Sam Sloan" Engine No. 6.
Still a Mystery—Several Ideas Run to the Ground—Detectives Hard at Work.
   This is the third day since the terrible wreck of the night express at Preble, and the matter is still as much shrouded in mystery as on Sunday night. Detectives are constantly at work and it is sincerely hoped that some results may come out of their efforts.
   An attempt has been made to connect four Cortland young men with the affair, Messrs. Everett Hardy, William Campion, George Chamberlain and John Byrnes, but there is little question but that they can prove a complete and absolute alibi, and those who know them would certainly be very slow to give any credit to the idea that they could be concerned in such a dastardly deed.
   A STANDARD reporter interviewed Mr. Campion on the subject to-day. He was greatly concerned and very indignant at the suggestion, and said that he could easily prove the impossibility of his being at Preble before the wreck. Mr. Campion said that on Sunday afternoon he and George Chamberlain started at about 3 o'clock for Tully to see some young lady friends. They had a single horse and carriage. At about the same time Hardy and Byrnes started in a similar rig. Hardy was dropped out at Tully to see a young lady and Byrnes went on to Apulia to see another one. The three remained at Tully until 11 o'clock. Byrnes then came back, and all four started for home, Hardy and Byrnes about ten minutes ahead. The express train left Tully just as the first team started. When they came over the brow of the schoolhouse hill two miles south of Tully they saw the glare of the fire produced by the burning cars. They drove as fast as the horse could go. Campion and Chamberlain pushed forward on the crossroad from Baltimore toward the railroad station and left their horse at the last barn before reaching the railroad track. They were about hitching to a post when a lady came to the door and asked if they would not prefer to drive their horses into the barn and offered them the barn key which they accepted.
   Just before reaching the house they met Byrnes, accompanied by a strange man, going the other way in his buggy. It appears that when Byrnes and Hardy drove up to the wreck the latter got out and this man asked Byrnes to take him back quickly to the Italian camp near Baltimore to summon them to assist at the wreck. (Baltimore is a little hamlet at the junction of the main north and south road and the crossroad leading past the depot to Preble.)
   The four boys stayed there until 12:20, which exact time is remembered because one asked the other what time it was, and then Campion and Chamberlain started for home. Hardy did not wish to go then, but remained and came down on the wrecking train. Byrnes brought with him Harry Greenman, who had been on the wrecked train and who was anxious to get home.
   The Syracuse authorities were confident last night that they had found a man who knew more than be ought to about the wreck. At about 9 o'clock last night a tramp went into police headquarters there and asked for a night's lodging. His aversion to answering questions aroused suspicions. He gave the name of George Sowerby and said that he had come from Binghamton and had spent Sunday night in the station house in Cortland. A telegram of inquiry sent here to Chief Linderman brought a reply that no tramps had been locked up here for five days and none had applied for lodging late Sunday night. This deepened the suspicion that the man was not telling the truth and when he was brought face to face with Detective Sevenoaks of the D., L. & W. R. R. and the latter addressed him as "Smart" and said that he had seen him in Tully Tuesday morning they were sure he was a person they were looking for. It appeared that the fellow had applied for lodgings at the Tully lockup Monday night and had been sent to the hotel by the authorities saying that the town could pay for his lodging there. The hotel thought he looked like a suspicious character and refused to entertain him He then went back and broke into the lockup and spent the night there on a cot. There was no fire, and in the morning his boots were frozen to his feet. Detective Sevenoaks saw him in Tully that morning and he said his name was Jim Smart and that he had been held in Cortland five days on the charge of vagrancy, having been released Monday morning. The fact that his stories in Tully and in Syracuse did not agree was certainly a suspicious fact, but it proved that the Tully story was correct, for Sheriff Hilsinger informs us that on Monday morning he discharged a man from the county jail who had been there five days and who gave his name as Smart and the description of him tallies with the description given by the Syracuse authorities. He had been committed from Homer by Justice A. W. Kingsbury. This shows that it is best for a person always to tell the truth and then it will always be one and the same story. As it is, this explodes the theory of this tramp.
   The inquest begins to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Coroner Moore has subpoenaed about a dozen witnesses. District Attorney Burlingame will be present at the inquest. The search for the wreckers goes on, but nothing has turned up yet.

Telling the Truth.
   The Society For the Promotion of Truthfulness has its hands full. It first endeavors to ascertain what causes people to lie, and second, how to correct the habit. It has reached a very positive conclusion as to one cause of prevarication. It is the failure of people to mind their own business. Many persons—and we regret to say more women than men—will fairly turn their acquaintances inside out with their merciless, vulgar curiosity. No sorrow is too sacred, no disappointment too private, no secret, trembling hope too fine and far away for them to rip open and probe into with their vulgar beaks.
   The only refuge of a person who is strong in courtesy and weak in combativeness is to evade the prober with a lie, shading from white to gray or black, according to circumstances. Yes, decidedly the habit of probing into other people's business fosters the practice of lying. The first task of the Society For the Promotion of Truthfulness is to teach the malicious impertinents to respect the sacred privacy of another person's mind and not ask that person questions they themselves would not like to be forced to answer.
   Children become liars through fear, the society has ascertained. Ordinary parental discipline asks a child if it did a certain bad thing and adds usually, "If you did, I'll whip you within an inch of your life." What child, or grown person either, would not falsify under such circumstances?
   Finally there is the picturesque liar, who stretches things merely for the purpose of hearing himself tell a big yarn. He is the most hopeless and harmless of all. The only revenge his acquaintances can take on him is never to believe a word he says even when he does speak true.
   Mrs. Frances Albert Doughty, who seems to be something of an expert on the subject, has discovered that when an individual who is generally inclined to be truthful is uttering a falsehood "the tone of the voice is thinner, less sonorous than in ordinary conversation," but the picturesque liar never has this trouble. He can repeat the wildest falsehood without winking or turning a hair.

Stop the Snowballing.
   The Ithaca Journal makes the following recommendations to the authorities of that city which will be equally applicable to Cortland: It would be best to start the winter right by putting a stop to the snowballing nuisance right at the start. The first boy or young man that the police catch throwing snowballs in the streets ought to be taken to the recorder's court and there be given the punishment provided by the ordinance to prevent its practice.
   Snowballing in the streets is one of the most reprehensible of practices and the earlier prompt measures are taken the better for the city. The target for the snowballer is anything and everything, from the globe of a street lamp to men, women and children. He is particularly happy if he can get a shot at some toddling little child or an elderly person—some one unable to care for himself.
   Men and women who drive into town with produce have to run the gauntlet and frequently receive painful if not dangerous injuries. A general and determined crusade against the practice would break it up, and the way to start the crusade is to catch and fine the offenders.

Postcard showing trolley cars at the Cortland House, Cortland, N. Y.
Through Passengers on the Electric Cars Pay but Once.
   A new arrangement went into operation Tuesday morning on the electric cars by which through passengers to Homer or McGrawville pay but once instead of being obliged to produce the individual nickels two or three separate times as the case and route may be.
   A passenger between Cortland and Homer tells the conductor when he first calls for fares that he is going clear through. The conductor receives his dime, rings two fares upon the register and hands the passenger a blue ticket suitably punched which bears the inscription: "Continuous passage ticket. Good only for time and date and route canceled. Ten cents. Two rings. Watch the register. Keep this in sight."
   Before the passenger leaves the car the conductor will take up the ticket, but in the meantime it can he held in the hand, stuck in the hat or kept in any place which is easier than to fish in a pocket beneath an overcoat or cloak which is buttoned up. A blue ten-cent ticket is good for any ten-cent distance if properly canceled, whether it be between Cortland and Homer or McGrawville and the park or Cortland and the Polkville road.
   Between Cortland and McGrawville or any fifteen-cent distance a red ticket is used similarly inscribed except that it says "Fifteen cents. Three rings."
   Transfers will be given just the same wherever the passenger is entitled to one.
   This new arrangement will be a great convenience to the public and is but another manifestation of the constant effort of the Traction company to please their patrons and to make all things as easy as possible.

Held Its Quarterly Session in Cortland Tuesday.
   The quarterly session of Pomona grange of Cortland county convened in Good Templars' hall Tuesday morning with about 100 grangers in attendance. Every grange in the county was represented and a profitable meeting was held. The morning section was devoted to the reports of officers and to transaction of business.
   In the afternoon the fifth degree was conferred on seven candidates. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows:
   Worthy Master—N. F. Webb.
   Worthy Overseer—B. R. Knapp.
   Lecturer—Ward Woodward.
   Chaplain—Mrs. E. F. Greenwood.
   Steward—Lloyd F. Rice.
   Secretary—J. D. F. Woolston.
   Treasurer—Mrs. S. M. Byram.
   Assistant Steward—W. E. Russell.
   Gate Keeper—C. L. Day.
   Pomona—Mrs. W. E. Russell.
   Cerce—Mrs M. E. Rindge.
   Flora--Mrs. N. F. Webb.
   Lady Assistant Steward—Miss Nellie Byram.
   Member of Executive committee for three years—Frank Sears.
   Delegates to State Grange—N. F. Webb, Mrs. S. M. Byram, W. E. Russell.
   The following committee was appointed to make arrangements for the farmers' institute to be held in Cortland January 10 and 11: B. R. Knapp, W. L. Bean, Mrs. M. E. Rindge, Miss Kittie Day, J. D. F. Woolston.

   —A special meeting of the C. A, A. is called for to-night.
   —The full text of the president's message will be found to-day on the third page.
   —New advertisements to-day are—A. H. Watkins, page 4; A. S. Burgess, page 8.
   —Congressman Poole introduced a bill in the house yesterday to make Syracuse a port of entry.
   —The St. Vitus Dancing club give another of their popular parties in Vesta lodge rooms Friday evening of this week.
   —A regular meeting of the board of directors of the Tioughnioga club will be held in the club parlors this evening at 7:30 o'clock.
   —A special train of twenty carloads of collars, cuffs and shirts from Troy to Chicago passed over the D. & H. and Erie roads last night.
   —The East Side mothers' meeting will be held in the readingrooms on Thursday, Dec. 5, at 3 o'clock. Subject, "Work as an Element in the Character Building."
   —In its report of the teachers' institute at Whitney Point yesterday the Binghamton Republican says: "Dr. Cheney's address 'Do' commanded the attention of all."
   —The supervisors resumed their sessions at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon and will doubtless conclude their business very soon. To-night they hold a banquet at the Cortland House.
   —The papers report a crowded house at Norwich Monday night for Mr. Edward P. Elliott, the impersonator, who appears at Normal hall, and that his selections were excellent and the audience well pleased.

Another Old Paper.
   Mr. Henry Yeaw of Blodgett Mills has shown us a copy of the Ulster County Gazette, which was published in Kingston, Jan. 4, 1800.  It is a four page paper with four columns to the page and is well preserved. It contains an account of the death of Washington and is printed in mourning dress.

Cortland Opera House, adjacent to Cortland House, facing Groton Avenue.
A "Thoroughbred."
   There is quiet a treat in store for the theatre goers of Cortland on Thursday evening, for there will be seen for the first time in this place the new London comedy success entitled "A Thoroughbred." The play is an adaption from the old English comedy "Still Waters Run Deep" and was first produced by the Kendalls at the Gaiety theatre in London where it ran for over one year. Last season it played in New York at the Academy for 100 nights to crowded houses. The play will be produced here with the same cast as seen in the New York production.