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Hilary A. Herbert. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday,
November 21, 1895.
Herbert Pressing Their Preparations as Fast as Possible.
WASHINGTON, NOV. 21.—Secretary Herbert is
pressing vigorously the preparation of plans for the defense of the United States
against possible attack by any foreign naval power.
Already much has been done by the naval war
college in that line during the session just closed under the secretary's direction,
and the program for the next session, which begins June 1 next at Newport and
runs till Oct. 1, just published, shows that the work is to be carried forward
without interruption.
The principal problem will be the conduct of
naval operations in the Gulf of Mexico by
an American naval fleet, and other work will be the construction of a war chart
and defense plan of Nantucket sound and the general strategic consideration of
Delaware and Chesapeake bays.
Twenty-five officers, 20 of whom will be above
the grade of lieutenant, will constitute the next class, and of these five will
be selected to continue the work during the winter and prepare the plans for
the ensuing year.
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USS Minneapolis. |
Minneapolis Ordered to Join Admiral Selfridge at Gibraltar.
NOV. 21.—The cruiser Minneapolis has been ordered to Smyrna to protect American
interests in Turkey.
The orders to Captain Wadleigh are to report
to Admiral Selfridge upon reaching Gibraltar, but unless the admiral issues
other orders by that time the ship will make Smyrna her destination. This point
is believed to be as near as a warship can get to the American mission stations
believed by the missionary boards in this country to be endangered by the
general uprising of the Mussulmans in Asia Minor.
While the state department authorities felt
that due precautions had been taken in the ordering of two vessels, the San
Francisco and the Marblehead to this coast, still a point was yielded to make the
safety of the missionaries additionally secure, and after advising with
Minister Terrell the orders to the Minneapolis were forwarded.
She is now at Norfolk in perfect condition, but
needs to take on additional stores and coal to begin her 5,000 mile voyage from
Norfolk to Smyrna. If all goes well she is expected to make the run in about two
With this accession Admiral Selfridge will
have a fleet of three of the best cruisers in the navy at his back which,
though small in comparison with the formidable armaments gathered in Salonica
bay by the great European powers, will suffice to meet his object, the
protection of the American citizens in Turkey.
Relief Fund Opened.
NEW YORK, NOV. 21.—The civilized and
Christian world is horror-stricken over the reports of the massacre of Armenian
Christians by the Turks. In addition to the destruction of life, whole villages
have been burned, all the property belonging to the Armenians has been
destroyed or confiscated, and the survivors, mostly men and women, have been
left to starve. The distress is so widespread, and the number in actual need of
a crust of bread so large, that relief agencies have been established in London
and New York, and an appeal is made to the Christian world for aid.
The New York committee is made up of men
like Bishop Potter, Archbishop Corrigan, Morris K. Jesup, Rev. W. H. P. Faunce,
Jacob H. Schiff and Rev. David T. Burrell. Spencer Trass, 27 Pine street, New
York, is the treasurer, and contributions forwarded to him will be distributed among
the Armenian sufferers through a mixed commission of American missionaries, English
consuls and others.
Prisoner May Be Liberated Under a General Amnesty Act.
WASHINGTON, NOV. 21.—Although the state
department absolutely refused to confirm or deny a report that the French government
has refused to furnish it the record in the Waller case, some difficulties, it
is known, have been encountered in procuring this indispensable document.
Just what the nature of the trouble is cannot
be learned, but it is understood that the application for the record is not regarded
by the French government as a matter of right in the United States, and it is
assumed if our application takes more the shape of a request than a demand, the
necessary documents may be forthcoming.
Meanwhile the Waller case itself may be suddenly
settled, so far as the liberation of Waller is concerned, by the voluntary action
of the French government, as word has come here from official sources to the effect
that it is contemplated to proclaim amnesty for all political prisoners taken in
Madagascar, which would include Waller, unless some special notice be taken of
his case and claim.
◘ The heavy government fortifications that
for some years have been in process of erection at Sandy Hook have so nearly reached
completion as to entitle them to a name. In issuing the order that they should
be called Fort Hancock, Secretary Lamont honors the memory of a brave and
patriotic American general, who was said to be the most magnificent looking
army officer of his day and generation in the world. Fort Hancock will guard
lower New York bay below the Narrows so that hostile foreign cruisers cannot
come up near the Battery.
◘ Japan ought to seek an assurance with
Russia. Russia and the United States are very
good friends and have been from the foundation of the republic. With a
thorough good understanding among the people of Russia, Japan and the United
States, John Bull, if he wanted to be ugly over any Central or South American
or Canadian question, would have a very strong motive for controlling his
◘ A southern writer says "The material prosperity
to which the south has attained since the war proves conclusively that it is
the white man, and not the black, who is reaping the benefits of emancipation, as
the great outside world will some day learn."
◘ Maine is going to tax every bicycle in the state in 1896 for the
road fund. There is
so much fun in bicycle riding that every wheelman and wheelwoman will pay the
tax cheerfully.
Rich young fellows who want to do something
in the world cannot do better than to
imitate the example of Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, president of the New York city
board of police commissioners, who enjoys the distinction of being the first
man that has ever been able to close the drinking saloons of the metropolis on
Sunday. When Mr. Roosevelt resigned from the civil service commission to accept
his present place many thought it was rather a come down. The result has proved
it was not. It has also proved that a brainy man with a conscience and a
serious purpose in life is about the best man a city can appoint to high
office. The saloon closing law Mr. Roosevelt undertook to see executed was none
of his making. He did not approve of all its provisions, but he was there to
see it obeyed, and he did see it obeyed. So favorably did he impress even
liquor dealers themselves that the chairman of the excise committee of the Wine
and Spirit Dealers' association said of him:
"Personal contact with Mr. Roosevelt has
taught me to respect and esteem him as an honest, conscientious and straightforward
man, an excellent gentleman who indulges no favoritism and is not influenced in
the performance of the duties of his office by any man, be he large or small,
have he pull or no pull. Consequently yon can place absolute dependence upon
his statements."
Mr. Roosevelt was a young man of independent
wealth. Not having to work for his living, he turned his attention early to the
study of social, political and economic questions. In movements for bettering
the condition of mankind he has always taken a warm interest. Besides that he
is a scholar, a ranchman and a sportsman and a thoroughly human all round man.
That Money and Notes Were Taken From a Trunk.
The examination in the case of The People
against Patrick Tobin, who is charged with grand larceny, was on before Justice
T. H. Dowd in the court of special sessions this morning. Tobin was arrested on
a warrant sworn out by Sidney Burdick who alleges that on Nov. 1, 1895, between
3 or 4 o'clock P. M., Tobin took from his trunk money in currency amounting to
$230 and promissory notes to the amount of $735. It appears that both Burdick
and Tobin are employed on the farm of Hon. O. U. Kellogg and occupy the same
room. Burdick also alleges that Tobin on July 1 saw him counting the money and
notes and knew where it was all kept.
The examination was adjourned to Nov. 29 at
10 o'clock A. M. Fred Hatch appeared for The People and O. U. Kellogg and John
Courtney, Jr., for the defendant.
Booming, More Men Soon to be Employed.
Mr. W. O. Nivison returned last night from a
trip to Chicago in the interest of the Wesson-Nivison Bicycle Co. He made a
number of large sales of bicycle parts
and the company now have several options under consideration for the sale of
the entire output of finished wheels. Orders are coming in rapidly at the [Squires
Street] factory and in a few days the present force of thirty-five employees
will be increased to fifty.
New Candy
P. Caswell & Son will soon open a candy
store at 111 Main-st. This firm is well-known all over the country, and has had
experience of eighteen years in the business. They will keep all kinds of candy
and chewing gum.
Ostrich Plumes Too Much for one Weary Spectator.
To the
Editor of the Standard:
SIR—Although an old issue I cant refrain
from making an appeal through your columns for the removal of the large hat at
the theater.
It was my misfortune several nights since to
sit directly behind a lady who had at least four large ostrich plumes daintily
displayed on an enormous hat. It was impossible for me to get a good view of the
stage at any time and my evening's enjoyment was entirely ruined by this
The coming performance of the "Mikado"
will no doubt draw out our best people and I would like to suggest that a
movement be set on foot whereby it may be generally agreed that the ladies all
go prepared to remove their hats so that every one will have an uninterrupted
view of the stage. This plan was adopted at a recent operatic performance at
Ithaca by the Choral club and with the result that not only did every one enjoy
the performance better, but it gave the whole house a most homelike appearance
and I really think the ladies felt more at home and I am sure must have been a great
deal more comfortable. * * *
The STANDARD heartily endorses the
sentiments expressed above and urges that the ladies remove their hats, not
only at the "Mikado" entertainments, but at the Remenyi concert
Friday night of this week and at other entertainments. The Dryden Herald is
endorcing a similar movement in that place. It says: "Dame Fashion in the
larger cities has approved this custom for some time and it would be an
excellent one to be followed by the women in smaller places. Bonnets and hats
alike at an entertainment are aggravating, for it is a difficult gymnastic feat
in a crowded house to try to see over a bonnet with wings and bows pointing
skyward, and to keep tracing the circumference of a big hat is not worth much
as a recreation."
—New advertisements to-day are—A. S.
Burgess, page 6; Warner Rood, page 5.
—The regular meeting of Cortland Commandery,
No. 50, Knights Templars, occurs to-night,
—Mr. Lynn R. Lewis has sent two of his men
to Hamilton to do the plumbing and heating work in Prof. Clark's house on the
university grounds.
—There will be a fall rehearsal of the Mikado
to-night at 7:30 o'clock at the old Clover club rooms. It is hoped that all who
take part will be present.
—F. Daehler has just added to his store another
showcase and counter with glass reaching to the floor in which is displayed an
additional line of neckwear.
—A regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will
be held on Saturday, Nov. 23. Consecration service at 2:30 P. M. The program
for regular meeting will be the quarterly reports of the superintendents of
—One of the clerks at the store of McKinney
& Donbleday who for a number of years has assisted in the sale of tickets for
the Opera House said yesterday that never but once in his recollection had
there been such a sale of tickets in the parquette as for the concert by
Remenyi and his company to-morrow night.
—One young man about town is being joked to
quite an extent of late by his friends who claim that some time since he made a
call upon a friend and was given a hot reception of [firecracker] torpedoes
which, they say, flew so thick and fast as to ruin a fine three-dollar derby hat
and send it through a skylight.
Toward the Formation of a Permanent Bar Association.
In response to a call a meeting of lawyers of
Cortland county was held at the office of Judge J. E. Eggleston yesterday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Judge Eggleston was chosen temporary chairman and John
O'Donnell of Truxton temporary secretary. It was moved and unanimously carried
that a committee of five lawyers be appointed to report at an adjourned meeting
as to the advisability of forming a permanent county bar association, to draft
by-laws, and to recommend nominations for permanent officers.
Judge Eggleston appointed the following as
such committee: John Courtney, Jr., Riley Champlin, George S. Sands, B. A.
Benedict and B. T. Wright.
An adjournment was then taken to Dec. 21 at
2 o'clock P. M.
Opera "Wang" Coming.
"Wang," which has been the talk of
the whole country for a long time, comes to the Opera House on Wednesday
evening, Nov. 27. It has probably had the greatest popular success of any
modern comic opera. For the past three seasons it has been one of the greatest
moneymakers that ever delighted a lucky manager. This fact has this season made
it possible for an unprecedented amount of money to be lavished upon its
scenery and costumes which aid in depicting life in Siam under the regency appointed
during the minority of the present king of that country. The company consists of
sixty people and carries its own orchestra. It also carries every foot of the
gorgeous scenery needed for the production, the cost of this scenery being in
the neighborhood of $15,000.
The sale of seats will begin at the Candy
Kitchen on Saturday morning.
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