Sunday, July 22, 2018


Joe Bakewell.


Out entire nation seems to be caught up in the moment. Most of us believe that we understand what’s wrong and what to do about it. Most important, assigning blame.  Any confusion is quickly cleared up by paying attention to our favorite source(s) of information.

Not everyone is involved of course; many have dropped out, only paying attention to some particularly egregious, scandal.

The result of all this is a divided population wherein no one mentions or gives serious thought to our country’s most serious problems.

Our politicians like it this way; they’re getting elected, reelected, and rich.


Imagine a box. The four sides, the bottom, the top, and contents are defined by our politicians and media. Inside the box, we find, first and foremost, Donald Trump and Putin along with Mueller, the FBI, immigrant children, and other issues that make our blood boil and which lead to heated, divisive, arguments.

Our politicians seem to be saying that these issues need to be resolved, or, as we see in the case of Trump, eliminated before we can expect effective governance. Donate and vote.

But what about issues outside the box?

I’ll take two to illustrate an important distinction. First: ethanol. The ethanol mandate was the product of special interest payola in the first place. It’s been shown to be bad for the environment, for cars, and especially small engines (your lawnmower and snowblower). Why are we even thinking about keeping it?

The cost of health care: Obama care, the cost of drugs, and fraud are all inside the box. The gross cost of health care and poor results are outside the box. We’re spending at least twice what’s needed, and should have better results.

Where’s the money going? Much of it is straight payola; bought and payed for by special interests. The rest is mandated inefficiencies. “Hey, it’s jobs, man.”

Tired of being led around by the nose? Get out of the box. Turn off the TV. Ignore what passes for ‘news’. Pay attention to what has already happened, or has not. Think for yourself.

Joe Bakewell.


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