Saturday, July 18, 2020


Joe Bakewell.
This is an essay for me, trying to work out a conflict between my brain and the world outside of my head. For years, I’ve been convinced that we, the citizens of the United States, have lost our democracy and are ruled by special interests that pay our, now corrupt, politicians to do their bidding.

I further believe that this corrupt system must be defeated before we can regain anything approaching government "by the people, for the people, etc."

I can, and do, go on detailing my position. I’ve been doing this in writing and speech for years. The trouble is that while a number of people agree with the corruption part of my position, none seem to share my rigged connection between getting rid of it and good government.

We’re approaching another election. I’m amazed at the attention given to the pros and cons of individual candidates. People are swept up, thinking that if they/we select the right candidates, and the right party, big improvements will follow.
I believe that successful candidates will attribute their success to the methods employed during the constant campaign leading up to their election. Special interest money and all that it buys, including their own personal wealth and their constant catering to biased media will loom large in their thinking. Voters will be viewed as a consequence, not a cause of their success. Partisans on both sides will continue to get off on each juicy revelation of the enemies’ misdeeds.

How much longer can we continue? What’s the next stage? Will our currency be debased resulting in hyperinflation? Will we drift into socialism, and how will that work with our corrupt political system? Will we find ourselves in another Great Depression? Will we start selling off government property?

I’m going limp.

Joe Bakewell.

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