Sunday, January 10, 2021


Joe Bakewell.


We’re living in a unique time in many ways not attributable to Covid 19. Individuals and families need to make decisions every day based on understanding the world around them. A world too detailed, complicated, and fast-changing for all of us. 

To cope, we develop belief systems. Some deepen a religious attachment; others turn to, or increase, a dedication to politics where they are supported by a constant storm of propaganda funded by entrenched special interests. I’ve written about this root problem for years—to no avail and don’t intend to waste more time here. This is about knowing, or thinking I know.

Our latest election offers multiple opportunities for ‘knowing’ depending on which party you voted for. Sadly, almost everyone ‘knows’ but none of us actually do because that would require access to hard, factual data and an ability to interpret it. Historians will do this eventually without the baggage of caring about the outcome. 

For my part, I have stopped knowing anything in the political arena, I will have opinions and wishful thinking, and I will continue to know employment numbers, average wages, etc.

My friends will continue to argue for what they ‘know’ and I will continue to love them.

Joe Bakewell

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