“The definition of hate speech can be found in the tool bag of censors.”—Anon.
“The definition of hate speech can be found in the tool bag of censors.”—Anon.
Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, August 30, 1900.
To Bring About a Settlement of Chinese Problem.
Cabinet Discussed the Ability of the Emperor to Accredit a Peace Envoy. United States Favors Peace Conference of All the Powers.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 30.—A special meeting of the cabinet lasting all of yesterday and broken only by a short recess for luncheon marked the intense interest the administration feels in the Chinese problem. It was the longest cabinet session of the present administration. The diplomatic and not the military phase of the situation in China was under consideration and this accounted for the presence of Acting Secretary Adee, a very unusual happening at a cabinet meeting.
Mr. Adee is the medium through which the foreign governments communicate and he has been in receipt of a good many statements recently. Tuesday evening he and the French charge, Mr. Thiebaut, compared the French and American copies of the credentials of Li Hung Chang. Yesterday he had long talks with Minister Wu and the German charge and the substance of these conversations he laid before the cabinet.
It is understood that the cabinet completed preparations of a plan for clearing away much of the uncertainty that now exists as to the future in China and outlined its views in writing. The fact that the military situation is admitted to be of secondary importance, confirms the view, though no cabinet officer would vouchsafe information on this point, that what is sought is an agreement among the powers for terminating the indefinite status of affairs in China.
Most of the objects had in view by the president when he made answer to the Chinese government's appeal, and began the campaign upon Pekin, have been achieved. Two others remain to be secured, namely the safeguarding of American interests for the future and some proper guarantee for indemnification for the expenses of recent operations and losses of American citizens.
Incidental to this main purpose several phases of the problem are attracting special attention. Thus the sufficiency of Li Hung Chang's credentials as a peace envoy, or rather of the ability of the Emperor of China to accredit anyone thus, is a matter of international consideration. The United States not only must satisfy itself of Li's competency, but it must convey solid assurance on that point to convince some of the other powers, the purpose of which perhaps, would not be best served by a speedy termination of hostilities in China.
Conference of Nations.
It was the general understanding that the outcome of the cabinet meeting would tend to simplify these issues and at least to bring to a focus the varying aspirations of the powers. If this cannot be done, then the question to be determined is whether or not the United States shall proceed further, hand in hand, with the allied forces.
The suggestion that a conference be held of the nations represented in China is again revived as an accompaniment to this purpose and it is pointed out that with Special Commissioner Rochill just about arriving on Chinese soil with Von Schwartzenstein, the German successor to Baron Von Ketteler, already in China, with the ministers resident at Pekin and with the high military and naval officials in the Pei Ho valley the material is already at hand for the gathering of a conference fully equipped to deal with even this complex and difficult problem.
Consul Fowler at Che Foo got a routine dispatch yesterday of current date, and the navy department has been informed that the cable company's ship was about to leave Shanghai to lay a direct cable connecting Shanghai with Che Foo—one of the weakest links in the chain of communication at present. These improved conditions as to the opening of communication between our military and naval commanders and the authorities here have made it possible for the latter to abandon the purpose, conceived heretofore of employing naval vessels to convey the water messages between Shanghai and Che Foo.
The attitude of Germany was the subject of much official discussion during the day. Early in the day the German charge d' affairs, Baron Sprek Von Sternburg, had a long conference with Acting Secretary Adee. It is understood that any question which may have arisen as to the future course of Germany is met by a reference to an official note by Count Von Buelow, German minister of foreign affairs, issued on July 2, which fully defined Germany's purposes in China. This note of the German chancellor followed within ten days of Secretary Hay's note to the powers on July 3rd and is somewhat analogous in setting forth Germany's intentions. Count Von Buelow's note said:
"Our aim is the restoration of security for persons and property, freedom of action for German subjects in China, the rescue of the foreigners beleaguered in Pekin, the re-establishment of security and regular conditions under a properly organized Chinese government and reparation and satisfaction for the outrages committed. We desire no partition of China and seek no special advantages. The imperial government is imbued with the conviction that the maintenance of the agreement between the powers is a primary condition for the restoration of peace and order in China."
There is reason for believing that Germany holds today that the foregoing declaration is as effective as when it was first enunciated.
Germany's Military Measures.
Count von Buelow's note further pointed out the scope of Germany's military measures in China, stating that they "will enable us to participate in the military action in a manner corresponding with Germany's political importance. By the recent events in China the successful mission operations there, the flourishing German trade and economical enterprises are menaced. Our moral and material interests, we must protect." Count von Waldersee's appointment followed, and it is said to have been quite within the foregoing general declaration of policy. The attitude of Italy also has been defined in a statement by Marquis Visconti Venosti, minister of foreign affairs, as follows:
"The cabinet has no political intentions towards expansion or intrigue in China. Its programme is to maintain perfect accord between Italy and the other powers."
One of the best posted men of the diplomatic corps, who is actively engaged in present negotiations, today summed up the international complication substantially as follows: The powers were in complete accord up to the time of the taking of Pekin. But with that accomplished the more important question arose as to the future course of the powers in dealing with China and on that there is not as yet any complete accord.
Thus far it seems plain that the United States opposes the dismemberment of China or any move towards territorial extension there and in this position Russia and France seem to agree. On the other hand, while there is nothing definite indicating territorial expansion, yet the exchanges have led to the belief that Germany, Great Britain and probably Japan are not averse to a course which will bring about territorial divisions within the empire.
It was supposed that Japan stood against any division of the empire, but the landing of Japanese troops at Amoy cannot be accounted for on the ground that a Japanese temple has been burned. So that it is the accepted view that Japan is at least making ready to be in a position to share in any division of territory which must come.
Russia Not to Be Criticized.
The course of Russia in taking New Chwang cannot be viewed in the same light, as the landing of troops at Amoy or Shanghai, as this was for the sole purpose of protecting Russia's railway line and any ulterior territorial purposes have been disclaimed by Russia. So far as Great Britain's purposes are concerned, in the absence of any express declaration, the landing of troops at Shanghai is strong evidence that Great Britain wishes to control the Yangtse valley, which is the garden of China.
On the part of Germany, the doubt as to her future course is due mainly to Count Waldersee's speeches since the taking of Pekin. These have indicated that he was going on an extended campaign and that the fall of the Chinese capital was only the initial step in a comprehensive program, requiring the presence of a large army. Just what this means is not clear, but it has at least created much surprise in Washington and some other capitals. The differences over Li Hung Chang's credentials are threefold.
One view, including that of the United States, is that the credentials are acceptable; another is that they have never been shown to carry complete authority; while the third view is that the original credentials were valid at the time given, but have since become invalid through the flight of the emperor and empress dowager and the complete collapse of the Chinese government. The question of credentials does not seem to be so difficult to deal with, and it probably will be solved to the satisfaction of all concerned, but it is not clear thus far that the powers can be brought into complete accord on a general policy for the future of China.
Each appears to be waiting for the other to act and on the part of some there is a traditional disinclination to go into the outlining of policies.
Japan and the Peking Campaign.
The little brown soldiers of Japan in the rush from Tien-tsin to Peking and in the capture of China's strongly walled capital have demonstrated in courage, endurance and military skill their right to a place alongside the trained armies of the western nations. By reason of Japan's proximity to China that country had a larger force in the field than any other of the allied nations, and it is not at all remarkable that the Japanese did the bulk of the fighting. They were practically given the right of the line, and the manner in which they acquitted themselves won the plaudits of all the allies and will doubtless receive the full mead of praise when the detailed story of the thrilling campaign shall be written.
In another respect the Japanese have earned the good opinion of western civilization. They of all the powers represented seem to have fully understood and appreciated the world's eager desire for prompt, accurate and detailed news of the advance on Peking and the capture of the city. The dispatches that have come via Tokyo have been more prompt and intelligible than those from any other source. The American commanders on land and water have done fairly well—much better, we imagine, from the complaints of London, Berlin and Paris Journals, than have the commanders of other nations—but even they have shown too great economy in the matter of sending of cable messages, and with absolutely incomprehensible frequency have neglected to date their dispatches, thereby seriously detracting from the value of what little information they contained. The Japanese have been more considerate. Time and again and especially during the most critical periods they were the only source of credible information as to what was going on, and their service was accurate as well as explicit. In a time when the Shanghai and Hong Kong correspondents were flooding the world with all sorts of sensational rumors and lurid stories this service on the part of Japan was thoroughly appreciated.
Altogether the conduct of Japan in this campaign has been irreproachable, and the civilized world owes her no small debt for what she has done since the envoys were besieged and for her gallant part in the rescue.
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Main Street, Cortland, N. Y. circa 1900. |
New Telephone Co. Well Pleased With Treatment Given by Citizens.
Chief Engineer Callahan of the Home Telephone Co. is very enthusiastic at the liberal and cordial treatment accorded him and his men by the property owners on Union-st., Cortland, in the matter of locating and setting poles for the new telephone plant. Mr. Callahan has had large and various experiences in telephone construction, and he says it is refreshing to find so many public spirited, progressive and enterprising people on one street. This can also be said of the property owners in general where the company has thus far had dealing with them, but there is a reason for this, and the very friendly feeling that has been shown the company is, according to the statements of the property holders along Union and other streets, only a reciprocation of the very gentlemanly, courteous and obliging manner of those who have the locating and setting of the poles. In every instance heard of, these men first ask the permission of the property-holder in front of whose property the pole is proposed to be set. Then the wishes of the property-holder is consulted in regard to the particular place for locating it. In no case so far reported, has the company failed to conform to the wishes of the property holder. This is made possible by varying the distances between the poles. The company is fast demonstrating its ability to please the public. Their fairness in these matters makes them well deserving their name, the "Home" Telephone Co.
Twenty-five poles have been placed on Groton-ave. and present a fine appearance. They could not be set in line, however, on this street, and so do not present as neat an appearance as the poles on the other streets will. Thirty men are at work and more will be put on at once.
Held Yesterday at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Merchant Near Groton.
Ten years have passed since the annual picnic of the Scotch people of this section became a recognized institution. Beginning as a family reunion, it has never entirely lost that characteristic and the related families of the McKellars and McLachlans, the MacIntoshes, the Lamonts and the Stewarts still form a large majority of the regular attendants at the gatherings held annually on the last Wednesday in August.
The eleventh annual picnic held yesterday on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Merchant, 2 miles northeast of Groton, N. Y., was in every way worthy of its predecessors. Weather, wind and sun made the day all that could be wished. About seventy-five people sat down at the feast of the occasion, shortly after noon.
At about 2 o'clock the company was called together by John D. Lamont of Dryden and the following officers were elected:
President—Smith Hazen of Groton.
First Vice-President—Mrs. David Chatfield of Dryden.
Second Vice-President—William Lamont of McLean.
Secretary and Treasurer—Albert J. Sears of Cortland.
An invitation, extended by Mr. Jas. D. Stewart of Summerhill to make his home the place of its next annual gathering, was accepted with appreciation, and a unanimous vote of thanks was given to Mr. and Mrs. Merchant for the cordial hospitality of the day.
Those from Cortland attending the picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. White, the Misses Jennie M. and Mary E. White, Mr. William Niver, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bouton and Mr. A. L. Bouton.
At the State Fair–42,455 Paid Admissions Yesterday.
About four hundred people took advantage of the low rate yesterday from Cortland to Syracuse and visited the State fair. The number Tuesday, including about two hundred excursionists from the Erie & Central New York railway was about the same. All the trains on the D., L. & W. were late yesterday. The special excursion train did not leave Cortland until 9 o'clock and the evening train from Syracuse was nearly an hour late.
The attendance at the State fair yesterday was the largest in the history of the association. The paid attendance, as given by the report of Treasurer Albert E. Brown was 42,455.
It was Patrons of Industry day as well as State day at the fair yesterday and large delegations of patrons from all parts of the state took advantage of the second day of one-fourth rates on the railroads. Onondaga county patrons had the largest representation, as many turned out to see the State officers who were in attendance. Cortland county was also well represented. Lieutenant Governor Woodruff made a brief address of welcome to the patrons.
On the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western one excursion from Binghamton and intermediate points had eighteen coaches and carried 1,500 people. Two regular morning trains had passengers to the number of 1,200 who presented fair tickets.
Special rates from distances on all roads brought large crowds. The small rates have proved an attraction, both to fair goers and those interested in Syracuse.
The traffic from the city to the fair grounds was largely handled by the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western and the West Shore.
Five men are under arrest at police headquarters on suspicion of being members of a gang of pickpockets. They were caught yesterday morning by Detective Dorner and Deputy Chief O'Brien. The men gave names which the police believe to be fictitious.
The horse show continues to be the center of attraction, and yesterday was witnessed by the thousands of people who crowded the grandstands and the field about the prize ring to overflowing.
To-day the great event is to be the parade of premium cattle before the grandstands on the race track at 12 o'clock. Over one hundred animals from the fancy stock of many farms will make up the procession.
Yesterday was the last day of special trains from Cortland and the one-fourth rate on all railroads. The early train this morning carried a large number bent on seeing the big exhibition and many more went up on the regular train at 9:20.
A New Hitching Barn.
Mr. J. J. Gillet is rebuilding his livery stable on Orchard-st. which was burned last spring and will open a new hitching barn on the premises next week. More ground is being enclosed and when completed the barn will have a large space for hitching teams besides thirty stalls for stable purposes. The room above will be used by Mr. Gillet for a wagon repository.
Floyd W. Stoker Had Narrow Escape from Drowning Yesterday.
Mr. Floyd W. Stoker, a bookkeeper in the First National bank, narrowly escaped death by drowning while bathing in the river at the Wickwire farm yesterday afternoon and, had it not been for the ready assistance of Mr. Walter E. Stockwell and Mr. R. H. Davis, who were also bathing, the accident would surely have proved fatal.
Mr. Stoker, with the two companions mentioned and another, went over to the river yesterday afternoon to bathe in the deep swimming bole near the Wickwire stock farm at about 5 o'clock. The party had hurried rather rapidly and the members were quite warm when the river was reached. Stoker, Davis and Stockwell had been in the water only a few minutes when Davis came out of the water and started to dress, a sudden cry from Stoker, that he had a cramp, however, brought him into the water again, and with Stockwell, who was yet in the water, he went to his rescue. Stoker had gone under three times when the two young men reached him, and then a hard struggle wan begun in the attempt to get the unconscious man out of the deep hole. Fortunately this was not very wide, and after a few minutes hard work, he was landed and the work of bringing the young man back to consciousness was vigorously carried on for nearly a half hour, during which time, he was taken with several cramping spells.
Stoker is a fine swimmer and an all around athlete, but the terrible cramp that so suddenly seized him, made his muscles rigid and he was left entirely helpless for the time being. The water is about ten feet deep at the place and had it not been for the timely assistance given him, Stoker must certainly have been drowned.
Ma's a vegetarian.
Pa's a faith-cur-ist.
Uncle John, he says he's an
Sister Sue's a Wagner crank.
Brother Bill plays golf.
Grandpa tells us what he takes
Fer to cure his cough.
Cousin Jen writes poetry—
Tells us what she's wrote—
Aunt Lavainia always claims
Wimmen ought to vote.
I go out in the backyard
Soon as they commence.
Me'n my dog's th' only ones
What's got any sense.—Baltimore American.
—Next Tuesday, Sept. 8, will be [assessment] grievance day in the city.
—Possibly the weather got over-heated in an effort to keep cool.
—Mr. Calvin Priest has established a night lunch wagon in Homer.
—The members of the choir of Grace church are asked to meet for practice to-night at 7:30.
—The annual picnic of the colored grangers will be held at the Cortland park on Friday, Aug. 31.
—The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bristol will be interested in an item in the column of vital statistics to-day.
—The amusements at the Tompkins county fair at Ithaca, Sept. 11-14, are to be in charge of Mr. Harry F. Dixie.
—Twelve new students from Binghamton expect to enter the Cortland Normal at the opening of the school, Sept. 12.
—Keep in mind the fact that the forty-fifth annual fair of the Dryden Agricultural society will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept, 18, 19 and 20.
—An exchange says: "The paramount issue with most business people to-day, and there is no use in denying it, is the need of some system which will secure prompter payment of accounts."
—Do not forget the two games of ball to be played to-morrow afternoon at Athletic field with Binghamton. The game will be of the nature of a benefit game, yet the usual prices will be charged for admission. Encourage the team and the association by your presence to-morrow. First game called at 2 o'clock.
—The STANDARD again calls attention to important changes in the game laws. The open season for gray and black squirrels is from Sept. 1 to Dec. 15, both inclusive. The open season for woodcock and grouse is from Sept. 16 to Dec. 15, both inclusive and no person can take more than thirty-six of either of these in one open season.
—Eight children under the age of 10 years have been found on the streets after 9 o'clock P. M. in violation of the curfew law by Night Policeman Davenport, and taken to their homes. He has not thus far had to deal with a second offense from any of these children, and the law is being excellently observed and enforced with most satisfactory results.—Homer Republican.
—The STANDARD is indebted to Mr. W. Heath Smith, a student of the Cortland Normal who went to Oklahoma in July, for a copy of a handsomely illustrated [first] edition of The Oklahoma Capital published at Guthrie, Oka. The publication consists of one hundred pages printed on line paper and contains a history of the growth of Oklahoma and a description of the business interests of Guthrie.
—At the evening session of the Cortland Baptist association held at Blodgett Mills yesterday Mrs. William Ashmore, Jr., for twenty years a missionary to China, gave an intensely interesting address on mission work in China. Mr. and Mrs. Ashmore came to New York to attend the Ecumenical conference and have not yet returned on account of the conditions which have arisen in China since they left.
—The Dryden fair premium list has just been issued from the press of Stilwell & Ross, Dryden, and is an excellent piece of work. It contains all the information concerning this greatest of town fairs which will be held this year Sept. 18, 19 and 20. The experience of past years assures even greater success than ever for this year and the list of attractions has never been excelled. The Dryden fair has long been one of the favorites with Cortland people and the usual large attendance from Cortland county may be expected.
Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, August 29, 1900.
Prof. Lewis Swift of California, Who Began His Astronomical Work at Hunt's Corners and Continued It at Marathon and Rochester and in California.
Prof. Lewis Swift of the Lowe observatory of California, who has just finished a short visit among relatives and friends in this city, and is now in Richford with other relatives, is one of the famous men whom this county has contributed to the life of the world. He early became interested in astronomy, and while living at Hunt's Corners he erected his first observatory, consisting of a large a telescope as he could command the means to buy, mounted on a big boulder, and covered with a little hut. From there he went to Marathon where, for eleven years, he made rapid progress in astronomical knowledge and gained a reputation which was the means of his being called to Rochester to take charge of the Warner observatory—where he remained 22 years—and from there to California, which is now his home, at the Lowe observatory. To the equipment of this observatory he has loaned the telescope given him by the citizens of Rochester, the fifth in size in the United States, and other astronomical apparatus, all together being worth nearly $20,000.
Prof. Swift is a remarkable man in many ways. Although now 80 years of age he is active and vigorous, and as keenly interested in science as in his early manhood. He laughingly asserts that he is still a boy as he has had only nineteen birthdays, having been born on the 29th of February. After visiting his numerous relatives in this state, he expects to go to New England and the Southern states to spend a couple of months before returning to California.
Besides being made a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical society of England, Professor Swift has been awarded nine medals for valuable astronomical discoveries, in which he takes a just pride. Aside from the testimony which these medals bear to his services to science, they are very interesting in and of themselves, some of them being real works of art.
While on his way from California to Cortland, Prof. Swift stopped at Rochester, and the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle published an article on him and his work which will be read with pleasure by his many Cortland county friends. The article is as follows:
Among the men who have achieved fame in the world, and whom Rochester claims as one of her favored sons, is Professor Lewis Swift, a man who has received more medals for his discoveries in astronomy than any other scientist in the world. Professor Swift, formerly of Rochester, now of California, is in the city visiting with his sister, Mrs. Gordinier, and his niece, Mrs. A. F. Mott, of No. 343 State-st. He was seen last night and consented to tell something of what he has been doing since he left Rochester in 1894.
Professor Swift is known by all of the older residents of Rochester, he having discovered many nebulae and some comets while in this city. He tells with a great deal of pride that his first discoveries were made with a small telescope on the top of "Duffy's cider mill," on White-st. Indeed, he has received medals for those first discoveries, and he prizes these mementoes more than those received later in life. "It was a spiritual place," he said, with a laugh. "One ought to discover comets there."
Professor Swift was afterwards located in the Warner observatory on East-ave., where he continued his work to the profit of the whole astronomical world. In April, 1894, he left Rochester and took his telescope, which is now the fifth largest in the United States, to the Lowe observatory on Mt. Echo, in the San Gabriel mountains near Pasadena, Cal. He values his telescope, without the mountings, at $11,000, the object glass alone being worth $6,000 and the spectroscope, $1,000.
The Lowe observatory is 3,700 feet above the level of the sea, and is regarded by Professor Swift as an excellent place for astronomical observations. While on Mt. Echo he has discovered six comets, of which due recognition has been made, and two others which he did not announce. These latter two were discovered in the day time, close together and very near the sun.
"I saw one with the naked eye," said the professor, "and the other with a small telescope. I might have received medals for these, but did not apply for them. The rule is that the newly discovered comet must be seen by one other person, and it is a good rule too.
He discovered at the Lowe observatory also three hundred forty-two nebulae. He has not watched the heavens very much during the last year and a half, as he says that his eye sight has been failing. "That is not to be wondered at," was his philosophic comment, "in a man of my youth, for in all my life I have had but nineteen birthdays." He did not explain this seemingly remarkable statement, but the explanation is contained in any creditable biography, which gives the birthday of Professor Swift as February 29.
Mt. Echo is a favorite mountain resort in California. Near the observatory is a large hotel, whose guests were entertained every night by Professor Swift, who took great delight in answering their questions and giving them peeps at other worlds. A short time ago there was a fire in this hotel, and Professor Swift barely escaped the flames, carrying his valued medals in his flight. He has discovered in all fifteen comets and thirteen hundred nebulae, standing next to Sir John Herschel in number of these discoveries.
For his discoveries he now possesses nine medals, a larger number than any other astronomer in the world. He has these medals with him, and takes no little pride in showing them to his friends. Three of them are from the Imperial Academy of Science of Austria. These are large medals of solid gold, each bearing the name of the Imperial Academy and that of "Herr Lewis Swift," to whom they are awarded for the discovery of the second comet in 1877, the first in 1878 and the second of 1879. He has also four medals from the Astronomical society of the Pacific, a medal founded by Joseph A. Donohoe in 1890. This medal is given to every discoverer of a comet and for each comet discovered. The four awarded to Professor Swift were for the discovery of comets on March 6, 1892; Aug. 20, 1895; April 18, 1896, and March 3, 1899.
One of his unique medals is that founded by Mrs. Gwilt, who left money for medals to be given to astronomers making important discoveries. On one side is the figure of a woman standing on the earth and holding another planet in her hands. The crescent moon is seen, the rings of Saturn and several stars, while the woman holds the chain that binds all the worlds together. On the opposite side is a profile picture of Sir William Herschel. Around the edge is engraved, "Lewis Swift, 1897." The professor values this highly because he was the first astronomer to whom this medal was awarded.
The medal that he prizes most highly is called the La Lande prize, given by the Institute of France, together with a cash prize of 500 francs in 1881. Professor Swift was the third in the United States to receive the prize, the others being Alvin Clark, the famous manufacturer of telescopes, and Professor Hall, who discovered two moons of Mars. This medal is awarded for valuable services to the cause of astronomical science.
"I want to tell you what I regard as a miracle," said Professor Swift. "While I was here in the Warner observatory, I discovered a couple of nebulae, I wasn't quite sure of the place, but out in California I set the telescope where I thought they were, and there I had a comet in the field. That wouldn't happen in a thousand years. That comet had been lost for 125 years. It comes around every six and a half years.
"Another time, my son was using the big telescope in the northwest, and I was using the comet seeker in the southwest. Suddenly he called to me that he had a nebula. I took the chair and looked, and sure enough there was a comet that had been lost for fifty years. It is now due again."
Professor Swift takes delight also in describing the beautiful vegetation and the trees in California. He says that he saw a century plant in bloom. The plant was described as at least 40 feet high. He says the blossom could be seen for two miles.
Said That They Have Already Been Opened.
Pekin Correspondent Says There Are Thousands of Instances Showing That Boxer Outrages Were Approved by Imperial Officials.
LONDON, Aug. 29.—A Reuter dispatch, dated Pekin, Aug. 15, and sent by post to Shanghai, describes scenes of appalling desolation and wanton destruction in Legation street. All the houses of foreigners were riddled with shells, burned or blown up.
An attempt was made to mine the American legation. A shaft was sunk from the top of the wall 15 feet deep and was then continued as a tunnel with a sharp slope in the direction of the legation. Apparently the Chinese did not have time to finish it.
The Siecle's report of a defeat suffered by the allies at Pekin is everywhere discredited.
The Chinese legation in St. Petersburg has received news that peace negotiations have already begun.
The Pekin correspondent of The Daily News, in a dispatch dated Aug. 17, asserts that there are thousands of instances going to show that the Boxers were approved by the imperial officials in their indescribable ferocity.
The Hong Kong correspondent of The Times wiring yesterday says: "There are reports of continued aggression by 'black flags' on North river and of the deliberate destruction of mission property."
Powers Considering Propriety of Treating With Li Hung Chang.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 29.—Several communications came to Washington from the United States officials in China yesterday but being dateless in most cases the government was by no means satisfied with the state of communications and the cabinet meeting gave the larger part of its attention to the problem of rectifying this state of affairs. Evidences of interference with the messages have accumulated to a point where the government has decided to take steps to establish channels of its own, even if it is necessary to employ the rather expensive device of a man-of-war plying between Shanghai and Che Foo for this purpose.
Three messages from General Chaffee were received and while they cast no direct light on the military situation they were inferentially important. The general's statement that he needs no siege battery, taken in connection with the diversion of the first cavalry which was bound for Taku to Manila, seems to make clear that there is no intention to enter into a prolonged campaign in China such as would involve the use of heavy artillery or of reinforcements in the shape of men and horses.
At the same time it can not be said that the government has shown any sign of a purpose to abandon any just claim it may have secured upon China through the operations of the little American force in the Flowery Kingdom. But it begins to appear that the battle is one of diplomacy rather than one of arms, and notwithstanding the various rumors that have filtered out from Chinese sources of heavy engagements between the international forces and the Boxers, the officials here are satisfied that no formidable organized resistance will be offered by the Chinese.
Therefore, more interest attaches to a series of diplomatic calls upon Acting Secretary Adee yesterday than any report of purely military operations in China. First came the Japanese minister, Mr. Takahira, next the Russian charge, Mr. Wollant and finally Mr. Thiebaut, the French charge. These trained diplomats naturally are averse to letting the public know the developments of incomplete negotiations. Nevertheless, it was gathered that one of the principal topics of discussion was the propriety of accepting Li Hung Chang as a proper person with whom the powers might negotiate for a settlement in China. It is quite evident from the conferences held yesterday that the statement made early in the day to the effect that this matter is still an open issue was correct.
The statement is made that the Russian government for one is willing to deal with Li, of course, upon properly framed conditions and this appears to be borne out by the earnestness with which Mr. Wollant the Russian charge, is seeking to impress upon the state department that Russia wishes to prevent the dismemberment of China and also that her animating purpose now is the restoration of order and the safeguarding of the future. Under these limitations it is urged here that Russia's objects can be achieved as well as those of the United States by dealing with Li Hung Chang.
Battleship Alabama Shows Wonderful Speed on Her Trial Trip.
BOSTON, Aug. 29.—There is a new Queen of the American navy, the United States battleship Alabama, which yesterday won the title in one of the most magnificent speed trials yet held in the history of our navy.
Her average speed for four hours continuous steaming was 17 knots, a figure not quite as high as that made by another great battleship produced from the same builder's yard three years ago—the Iowa—but notable from the fact that it gave an idea of the yet undeveloped power in this latest and greatest product of American shipbuilders. The Alabama was built by the Cramps at Philadelphia.
Senator Pettigrew's "Friends."
Senator Pettigrew, the Populist senator for South Dakota, is working for re-election to the senate next winter, and straining every nerve to secure a legislature friendly to his aspirations. He recently addressed a letter to one G. E. Bartlett, asking his political assistance. He got a reply of a different sort from what he bargained for. In the answer occurred the following:
"You ask for the active assistance of your 'friends' to overcome the efforts of the Republicans to defeat you. Your friends are mostly in the island of Luzon, and one of my sons is now suffering from the tortures of a Mauser bullet sent into his chest by one of them. Your boasted friends are the enemies of our country and are thriving on the encouragement and support derived from you as senator from South Dakota. I had two sons in the Philippine rebellion, and your political consort, Judge Moore, prayed that the God of battles would strengthen the arm of their opponents that they might drive these sons and their comrades into the sea. This sentiment you have countenanced and encouraged by your every public act, and it is because of your having thus countenanced and encouraged such treason that the rebellion in the Philippines still hangs on. Your party rewards men like Judge Moore forgiving utterance to such thoughts by nominating them for congress."
It would be interesting to know just how Pettigrew felt when he had read that. But he has passed so far beyond political decency that it may not have touched him.
Pettigrew and Bryan are [as alike as two peas in a pod] and their "friends" reside in the same locality.
◘ The young czar of Russia is said to be a devoted father and a very good man in other respects, but he does want a big slice of China just the same and, what is more to the point, he means to have it.
Will Open To-day at Milan—Interest in Case.
NEW YORK, Aug. 29.—The trial of Bresci will open to-day at Milan, according to a cablegram from Rome. Much interest has been aroused by the nomination for the defense of the famous anarchist lawyer Merlino. It is expected that Bresci will deliver a statement which he has been preparing. In an interview Merlino said: "The defense will consist of a simple but dramatic description of Italy's social, economical and political condition, which rendered the assassination of King Humbert possible." Bresci maintains his attitude of cynical indifference.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jewett Celebrate Their Tin Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jewett celebrated the tenth anniversary of their wedding at their home in Monroe Heights, Cortland, last evening. About twenty guests were present and an evening of unusual pleasure was spent.
When Mrs. Jewett, who had been down town, returned to the house about 8 o'clock, she found her porch literally loaded with all sorts of parcels, purporting to come from dignitaries of both continents in honor of the occasion. These articles were all pertinent to the occasion and consisted of all tin things imaginable from a tin rattle to a monstrous tin dipper many of which were encased in cases more elegant than the articles which they held. The guests, whose invitations had been upon bits of tin, arrived soon after and were all anxious to inspect the presents, which had been removed to the library.
After a good laugh over the presents, progressive whist was the order of the evening, and light refreshments were served. The gentlemen's prize, a cigar holder, was won by Mr. Edward Stilson and Mrs. E. A. Didama captured the lady's prize, a bon bon dish.
Mrs. Julia F. Twiss entertained the following ladies yesterday to meet Mrs. G. A. Sears of Syracuse: Miss Force, Mrs. Apgar, Mrs. Walter Webb of Philadelphia, Mrs. J. Hubbard of St. Johnsville, Miss Mary Hubbard, Mrs. W. H. Newton, Mrs. Chester Wickwire, Miss Hooker, Mrs. D. E. Call, Mrs. Norris, Mrs. Virginia Jones, Mrs. David Eugene Smith of Brockport, Mrs. Jewett, Mrs. Vose, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. George H. Smith. Mrs. A. S. Burgess, Miss Sarah Hubbard, Miss Hartwell of Boston, Mrs. N. H. Gillette, Mrs. Winters of Binghamton and Mrs. Frank C. Starr of Newark, N. J.
W. C. T. U.
Election of Officers and Reports of Superintendents.
The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held Tuesday afternoon and opened with devotional exercises led by the president. Arrangements were completed for the annual county convention to be held in the Universalist church, Wednesday, Sept. 5, and tbe following delegates were appointed: Mrs. Strowbridge, Miss Mary Walker, Miss Mary Dowd, Mrs. Cady, Mrs. Philo Mead.
Reports of superintendents of departments not given at the annual meeting were then presented.
Mrs. Levi S. Johnson, superintendent of temperance literature, reported the total amount expended in the Cortland union during the past year to be $62.15, this includes subscriptions to the leading temperance papers, leaflets, state minutes, etc. The number of leaflets given out has been 14,893, besides a large number of papers, magazines and pamphlets.
Mrs. Dunn reported three parlor meetings held during the year.
Mrs. Maritt, superintendent mothers' meetings, central, reported seven meetings held with an average attendance of eight.
Mrs. Hills, superintendent systematic giving, reported $17.50 received in free will offerings.
Mrs. Bentley, superintendent Sabbath observance, gave her report for that department.
Only partial reports of the receipts from the fair could be given as many bills have not yet been sent in. A full report will be given at the next meeting, Sept. 11, a vote of thanks was extended to the Baptist and Congregational churches for the use of their tables, also to the Vesta lodge and John L. Lewis lodge for the use of tables and chairs, and to all who by their contributions of money and provisions, as well as by their cordial sympathy, assisted so largely in making our work at the fair successful.
The annual election of officers was the next in order and the following were declared elected for the coming year:
President—Mrs. Kate Greenman.
Vice-President—Mrs. M. B. Hills.
Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. Edith Cotton.
Recording Secretary —Mrs. Waterbury.
The election of treasurer was deferred till the next meeting.
The following vice-presidents were chosen for the various churches:
First Methodist—Mrs. Maritt.
Presbyterian—Mrs. C. W. Collins.
First Baptist—Mrs. E. P. Jepson.
Universalist—Mrs. Strowbridge.
Congregational—Mrs. Watson.
Catholic—Miss Mary Dowd.
Episcopal—Mrs. Dunn.
Memorial Baptist—Miss Emma Briggs.
Homer-ave. Methodist—Mrs. Stearns.
Free Methodist—Mrs. Ross.
A meeting of the executive board will be held Sept. 10 for the purpose of appointing committees.
A. B. COLLINS, Supt. Press Work.
Many Men and Teams at Work on Groton-ave. Excavations.
The excavating on Groton-ave., Cortland, preparatory to paving the street with asphalt, is progressing rapidly. Twenty-one teams are at work and one hundred six local laborers are busy with picks and shovels. The curb stones are also being drawn and placed along the street. These are Medina sand stone of the very best quality.
—Rev. John Timothy Stone of Baltimore will conduct the prayer-meeting at the Presbyterian church Thursday evening.
—Mrs. A. M. Jewett entertained a number of ladies at progressive whist Monday evening. Prizes were awarded to Miss Mary Hubbard and Miss Hooker. Light refreshments were served.
—Mrs. M. Callahan, 60 years old, of Syracuse, walked from a second story window Saturday night, thinking it was a door. She fell 14 feet, receiving internal injuries.
—The Chenango Agricultural society has adopted the same rules regarding exhibits that governed that department last year, and there will be no premiums awarded on exhibits outside the county.
—An 18-inch cannon, the largest modern high pressure gun ever made, was successfully tested at Bethlehem, Pa., last Friday. The projectiles fired were of steel and weighed 2,000 pounds. The gun is also designed to throw torpedoes containing 680 pounds of wet gun cotton.
—New display advertisements to-day are—A. S. Burgess, Reopening of school, page 7; Warren, Tanner & Co., Infants and children's waists, page 6; Bosworth & Stillman, Shoes, page 7; W. J. Perkins, Asphalt roof and iron paint, page 6; Opera House, "A Romance of Santa Barbara," page 5; Cudworth, Optical talks, page 7.