The Cortland Democrat, Friday, February
8, 1889.
Delivered Himself Up to the Sheriff.
Sunday evening Hugh O’Neill of Springville, N. Y., arrived in town and
registered at the Messenger House. The
Friday evening previous he had received
a telegram from his counsel
Riley Champlin, of this village,
conveying the information that
the Court of Appeals had affirmed the judgment of the Circuit Court convicting him of arson in burning his wagon shops.
O'Neil was at Lima, O., and had not seen his
family in several months, but he took the first train for Cortland, supposing
that he was required to deliver himself up at once in order to save his bail.
He arrived on the 10 P. M. train
and went at once to the sheriff's office and notified that officer that he was
at his service. Mr. Borthwick told him to go back to his hotel as he had no
papers to hold him upon.
morning he endeavored to find his counsel, but he was out of town. He was
informed by Mr. Bouton, his counsel's partner, that he had forty days in which
to surrender himself. O'Neil said that if he had been aware of that fact he
would have stopped to see his family in Springville.
Soon after 9 o'clock he called at the First National Bank where he
deposited $6,000 two years ago with Mr. Edward Keator, who bailed him in that sum
pending the appeal of his case. He informed Mr. Keator that he had come to
deliver himself up to the officers of the law and take his punishment. After a
few moments conversation he left and called upon the District Attorney. What
transpired there we are unable to relate, as it would be impossible to obtain
at the present writing but one side of the story.
O'Neil left the office at any rate and took
the 11 o'clock car [train] for Homer and got off at the Mansion House and that
is the last that has been seen of him. The appearance of Mr. O'Neill in the
District Attorney's office seems to have aroused that individual from his Rip
Van Winkle slumbers, and it suddenly dawned upon him that it would be necessary
for the sheriff to have certain papers in order to hold a prisoner, who was
asking to be imprisoned.
The papers were made out finally and delivered
to the Sheriff who went to Homer and of course failed to find his man. The prevailing
opinion is that O'Neill has gone to Springville to see his family and that he will
return inside of the forty days. There are those however, who believe he will keep
out of harm’s way for the future. Those who hold the latter opinion are undoubtedly
marking out the course that they themselves would pursue under like circumstances.
O'Neill told Mr. Keator that he preferred to serve his term.
The fact that the $6,000 had been turned
over to the county would not release him from the obligation of serving his
term whenever any one chose to cause him to be arrested, while if he served the
sentence, with good behavior he would be out in three years and nine months. Of
course Mr. Keator still has the $6,000 in his possession. During the sitting of
the Court last week the bond was estreated and the District
Attorney was authorized to proceed to collect the same. If O'Neil returns within
the forty days, the money will be paid over to him, otherwise it will go into the
County Treasury.
Annual Meeting of the Cortland Soldiers and Sailors' Association—Election of
Officers, etc.
The second annual meeting of the Cortland County
Soldiers and Sailors' Association was held at the Bijou Theatre [Taylor Hall]
in this village last Tuesday. The business meeting was called to order at
eleven A. M., President A. P. Smith in the chair and C. W. Wiles, Sec'y and
Geo. L. Warren, Treasurer being also present. After the payment of dues and the
joining of new members, the president announced that the next order of business
was the election of officers for the coming year, and at the same time advised
that there be a change of officers, especially of president. The following
officers were elected:
President—Frank T. Newcomb, of Homer.
1st Vice Pres.— Dr. M. B. Aldrich, of Marathon.
2d Vice-Pres.—Col. Frank Place of Cortland.
Secretary—C. W. Wiles, of Marathon.
Treasurer—Geo L. Warren, of Cortland.
Surgeon—Dr. H. C. Hendricks, of McGrawville.
Chaplin—Rev. J. A. Robinson, of Cortland, with
an executive committee consisting of one member from each election district in
the county, and chosen by the members from the respective towns. The following
old Vets, constitute the board:
Cortlandville-District No. 1, B. E. Miller;
district No. 2. E.
M. Seacord; district No. 3. M. W. Smith; district No. 4 A. Sager.
Cuyler—J. W. Patrick.
Cincinnatus—C. R. Warner.
Freetown—J. E. Fish.
Harford—H. W. Bradley.
Homer—No. 1, L. L. Barrett; No. 2, E. A. Williams; No. 3, W. S. Stephenson.
Lapeer—Egbert Peak.
Marathon—A. P. Green.
Preble—W. A. Morgan.
Scott—Miles G. Frisbie.
Solon—I. J. Walker.
Taylor—L. D. Finn.
Truxton—F. Schermerhorn.
Virgil—No. 1, Albert Hollenbeek; No. 2,
Lyman Madison.
Willett—Charles Church.
A resolution was unanimously passed recommending
the appointment of Maj. Theodore
L. Poole of Syracuse, commissioner of pensions. The Constitution was amended so
as to make the annual dues twenty-five instead of fifty cents.
An adjournment was had till 1:30 P. M.
At the afternoon session about seventy-five of
the veterans were joined by the ladies of the Homer Relief Corps with a few ladies
from Cortland, and a pleasant time had by all. Prayer was offered by Chaplain Robinson,
when followed short speeches by the president and comrades A. P. Smith, J. A.
Robinson, A. Saver, F. Place, H. C. Hendricks, C. W. Wiles, C. H. Spaulding, M.
N. Tompkins and others, interspersed with army songs, in which comrade N. G.
Harmon led followed by all the singers in the audience.
Although the day was stormy and
disagreeable, the meeting was a success, and enjoyed by all present.
The plan of the Association is to hold a business
meeting in the winter and a social gathering in the summer of each year, at the
latter of which especially the ladies are expected to join the [civil war]
veterans. The plan is now being discussed of tenting out next summer for two or
three days.
The next annual meeting will be held in
Homer. The "boys" seem to enjoy the discussion of old times and war
reminiscences immensely. "Long may they wave."
The following is the average standing of the
pupils in the school at Truxton.
examination papers were prepared by the commissioners, and the examination conducted
by the trustee, Jan. 10-11, '89.
Cooney, 97 [100 std]
Karl Wiegand,
Mary Dodd,
Wallace, 95
McAuliffe, 95
Haneen, 95
Lillis, 94
Weigand, 93
Lillis, 92
Muldoon, 92
Meldrim, 90
Weigand, 88
Grey, 88
Roche, 85
Wiegand, 92
Anna Crofoot,
Twentyman, 85
McAllister, 84
Goddard, 85
Mullane, 83
Heath, 83
Maycomber, 83
McGraw, 92
Hildreth, 91
Peckham, 89
Twentyman, 88
Connic, 87
Bosworth, 83
McAuliffe, 82
McAuliffe, 80
Gorman, 80
Geweye, 83
Connic, 87
McAllister, 87
Muldoon, 85
Bosworth, 85
Mary O'Brien,
Hildreth, 76
Maxson, 64 [uh-oh—CC editor]
The fourth grade is the most advanced, and
100 is perfect.
Truxton, Feb. 4th, 1889.
The Cortland Corset Company expect to start
up again in about two weeks.
The next
term of the Normal School commences at 8:45 A M., on Wednesday next.
Dr. T. B. Stowell will lecture on "Electricity"
in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, next Monday
The topic for the gospel meeting at the W. C.
T. U. rooms, Feb. 10th, is "Moral teaching in the public schools."
Several of our town correspondents have not
shown up in some months. What is the matter with them? Are they all right?
Somebody has taken trouble to keep count of
the rainy days during the past year, and find the number to be 200.—Cincinnatus Register.
The thermometer registered 22 degrees below
zero on Union street, last Sunday night, and in many other localities about town
it marked 18 degrees [below zero.]
Chas. B. Fuller, for some time past clerk at
the Hotel Windsor in Homer, has rented Dunbar's hotel in Preble for two years, commencing
March 1st next.
Last Friday noon, while Mr. Fred Bowker, of Summerhill,
was driving down Railroad street, one of his horses fell down near the corner
of Railroad and Church streets, and died almost immediately.
Superintendent of Public Institution Draper
has decided to give all school districts until Feb. 1st, 1889, to comply with the
law relative to outbuildings. All districts which have not at that time
complied with the law, will receive no public money in the apportionment to be
made in March next.
Cortland Canton [Odd Fellows] will give a street parade at
7:30, Feb. 13th. In order that all who desire to do so may attend the grand masque
ball in the evening, the committee have decided to put the full bill at the
very low price of $1.50. Spectators' tickets 25 cents. This will undoubtedly be
one of the grandest affairs that has taken place in Cortland in many years, and
as the tickets are placed at a very low figure, almost every one can afford to
attend. The visiting officers, as well as the members of Canton Cortland, will
appear in full uniforms, which are very handsome. The drill alone will be well
worth the price of a ticket. Be sure and attend, and you will count the time
and money well spent.
The Cortland Omnibus and Cab Company's
engine broke down on Tuesday, and will require several days for repairs.
Under the law, a person who finds lost property
and keeps it without making every effort to find the owner, is guilty of larceny.
Clarence K. Brown and Chas. A. Chidsey, the
prestidigitators of this place, gave an entertainment in Groton, Wednesday evening.
Between the hours of 12:00 and 1:00 o'clock,
last Sunday evening, the thermometer registered 24 degrees below zero, 1 1/2 miles
north of Homer village.
The Cortland Opera House was filled last
Monday evening with people who went to hear Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin
Company. The company gave a good performance, notwithstanding the fact that the
piece is a pretty old chestnut.
The committee appointed to procure plans and
specifications for the new Presbyterian church to be erected in this village,
will make their report recommending the adoption of the plans printed in this paper
last week, at a meeting of the society next Monday.
John O. Reid has sold a one-half interest in
his meat market on Clinton avenue, to Sumner H. Webster, of Truxton. Mr. Reid
will hereafter be able to give more of his time to the management of the
affairs of the Talmadge Cart and Buggy Company in which he is largely
Last Monday evening boys on the streets were
crying "Cortland Daily Message, only three cents," and this was about
the first that any one knew that we were to have a daily paper. It is a six
column four page sheet, newsy and well printed. D. S. Jones Esq., formerly of
Walton, N. Y., is the editor and proprietor, and the paper is printed from the
Monitor presses. The compliments of the season to you brother Jones and "may
you live long and prosper."
Ka-na-jo-ha-lis Indian band and orchestra are
booked for Thursday evening, February 7th, at the Opera House, in an
entertainment purely original with themselves, consisting of instrumental
music, Indian songs and dances, and feats in magic by Ko-ne-yo-he, a red man of
considerable reputation. Watch for the street parade and war paint on the
afternoon of the engagement. Prices reduced to 15, 25, 35 and
50 cents on this occasion, to give children an equal opportunity of witnessing
the peculiar and startling habits and amusements of the Six Nations.
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