Friday, January 23, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 8, 1889.

   READERS of THE DEMOCRAT:—We are with you once again. We quit writing early in the campaign lest we be considered "offensive partisans" and lose our lucrative position. We duly and truly performed our duty at the polls, but with the party made the trip up Salt river [lost election—CC editor]. Yesterday we were released from all moral obligations to nonpartianship, and propose to add our mite to the popularity of the DEMOCRAT and success of Democracy in years gone by.
   During the cold, stormy month of February, Little York has been a busy place, and a new industry arisen which the present management of the D. L. &W. R. R. has wisely fostered.
   First came Frank Pullen, of the Cortland Beef Co., who filled the large ice house of that firm from the pure crystal ice of our beautiful lake. He loaded it on gondola cars, taking about thirty car loads. He employed over twenty men and six or seven teams, all of this vicinity, and no man ever done so large job and left with so good a name for honest, square dealing. May he always have success.
   Next came A. B. Raymond agent for D. Kautz, who runs the milk depot at this place and Homer, who filled the ice houses belonging to each, they being 40x40x30, the latter being shipped in gondola cars. He also shipped 17 car loads for the railroad ice house at Oswego to be used for drinking purposes on the train.
   Last, but not least, Messrs. David Crofoot, Martin Van Hoesen and James Herrick built an ice house on the switch near the gravel bed, 70x30x16, and have filled it with ice from the head of the lake. This is designed for shipment next summer to different markets. No purer ice can be obtained from any lake than this, and if this venture proves successful, another year will see this industry greatly extended.

   William T. Perkins has entered Wells Commercial College at Syracuse.
   Miss Matie Wheeler is very sick, and no hopes of recovery entertained. Her mother is also feeble, and her married daughters are in attendance upon them.
   E. J. Marble is also very low, and not expected to recover. He is under the treatment of Dr. Burdick.
   Jared Northway, one of the oldest residents of Cold Brook, is very feeble and not expected to remain long with us. Dr. Robinson attends him.
   The lessee of the hotel, Mrs. Eastman, who moved here from Tully, is giving good satisfaction to her customers. During the ice harvest they had a big run of boarders. Numerous sleighing parties from Cortland have tested her hospitality.
   Potato buyers are not doing much at this station. They only offer 22 cents while on the E. C. & N. we learn they are paying 25 cents. Where is Ed. Kinney?
   Great quantities of fish have been taken from the lake the past week. The lawmakers should see to it before another winter that they have five months' rest.
   Many are rejoicing in getting 8 per cent out of the Hicock & Co. estate, making 23 per cent in all. It has been so long in settling that some began to fear an assessment to pay the fees of the receivers.
   We have voted over forty years, and have never failed to be on hand at town meeting till this year. We chose business before fooling for once, with the same result in this town.
   ULI SLICK. [correspondent’s pen name]

   With March 1st an unusual number of families have changed their places of residence. Whether this change is the outgrowth of the people’s desire to imitate the example of our nation's leader is a problem we have failed to solve. Among the many who are on the move we noticed Mr. Chauncey Gilbert, who has retired from farm life and occupies a part of Mrs. L. Burt's house. Mr. A. C. Spencer, tiring of village life, has returned to his country residence in the town of Virgil. Mr. Eugene Dickinson has moved to Cortland, and Mr. Charles Parker has moved to the place lately vacated by A. C. Spencer. Mr. Whiting has rented the long vacant house of Jerome Crandall, and Martin Darling occupies the house of S. B. Pierce. J. O. Stanton has moved to the place lately purchased of J. Kendall. Henry Hall has gone to Virgil Corners. Mr. Stevens of McGrawville has gone to live on the farm of Mrs. Maria Spencer.
   A rather novel sight is being presented to sleepy B. Millites by the proprietors of the milk depot in the erection of their building and in securing ice. Evidently they believe that "time waits for no man."
   School commenced Monday after a two week's vacation made necessary by sickness among the scholars, the result of vaccination.
   Mr. John Catlin is dangerously sick.
   Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stanton visited at Dan Burt's last Saturday.
   At the Juvenile Missionary meeting last Sunday at the M. E. Church a very interesting paper was read by the pastor Rev. A. C. Smith on the missionary work in Germany and Switzerland.
   Mrs. Julia Hollenbeck has been quite sick but is convalescent.
   Mr. Isaiah Simpson is very feeble with an abscess in his side. His physician hopes for his recovery.
   Mrs. John Hubbard is in Little York caring for her sister who is very sick with consumption.

   The stars and stripes were waving in the air from the Harrison & Morton flag on Monday in honor of the inauguration of President Harrison. Several business houses were decorated in honor of the event.
   W. H. Maine, of Apalachin, Pa., is in the employ of G. L. Swift & Son as tinner.
   Root Pierce has gone to Washington to witness the inauguration ceremonies.
   Mrs. Elsie Parkinson, of Syracuse, N. Y., is visiting friends in town.
   A large sign has been placed on the side of the Peck block to call attention that C. O. Parsons & Co. have established headquarters there.
   A new cigar factory is to open in the Davis block this week. A gent named Peck, from McGrawville, will run it.
   Frank Corwin has moved on the farm owned by Asa Hunt, south east of Marathon village.
   S. B. Pierce has been painting the tenement dwelling of John Dunphy on Mill street, and is putting out a good job.
   The "Peoples’ Theatre" combination took their departure Monday, after playing a successful engagement at Hulbert House.
   We learn that several new dwellings will be erected here this coming season, as rooms are almost impossible to be had.
*  *
  *   [pen name symbol]

   W. S. Freer will give a social party at hall in Higginsville on Friday evening, March 15, 1889, Daniels furnishes the music. Bill $1.25.
   A party of ten couples from this village met a party of eleven couples from Cortland and Homer at Higginsville, on Friday evening last, and enjoyed a very pleasant dance, with music by Clark's orchestra. These dances bid fair to be an annual occurrence.—Marathon Independent.
   The old store building at Freetown was burned to the ground last week, Wednesday morning. Only a few of the goods were saved. The stock was owned by Mr. [Denowich] who had been in possession but a few days. The building was owned by [Lyman] Underwood. We understand that insurance will cover the loan.
   All ladies interested in woman's representation on the School Board are requested to meet in the W. C T. U. rooms over Collin's China Store, at 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon, for the purpose of nominating ladies for vacancies on the Board to be filled at the approaching election, March 19th.
   Mr. Albert Allen, superintendent of the E. C. & N. Railway, has leased one of the [Warick?] dwellings on Tompkins street, owned by the estate of the late Andrew Van [Berton?], and will occupy the same after April 1st next. This will practically make the headquarters of the road in Cortland. [Duly?] the general passenger and freight agents have offices in Elmira.
   Hugh O'Neill returned to this place from Springville last Monday evening, and went directly to the jail and gave himself up to the sheriff, where he now is awaiting the pleasure of the officers and anxious to commence serving his term that he may once again become a free man. The District Attorney is out of town and O'Neill will undoubtedly remain here until that official’s return.
   Mr. W. J. Elsom, of this village, exhibited to us the other day a novelty in the shape of a combined watch and calendar. The calendar gives the day of the week and month, and is perpetual. Wind the watch regularly and it works perfectly, year in and year out. He has placed the same sort of an attachment on a small clock in his residence, which also works like a charm.
   Mr. Samuel Parsons, of Syracuse, who published a very satisfactory directory of this place two years ago, is in town canvassing among the business men for a new work to be issued in the spring. The canvass for names will be commenced about April 8th next. Mr. Parsons intends to make the directory as complete and satisfactory as the one formerly issued by him. The directory will also contain a list of all the inhabitants of the several towns in the county.

   TOMPKINS—It is not generally known that there is a law in this state which permits the wife of an habitual drinker of intoxicating liquors to apply to a magistrate and make complaint against all the liquor dealers of the town for selling to her husband. Thereupon it is obligatory upon the magistrate (and if he refuses he is guilty of a misdemeanor) to issue written notices to the several liquor dealers not to sell to her husband within the next six months under the penalty of $50 for each drink, to be recovered by the wife It was under this law that a jury in Raymond L. Smith's court recently awarded $100 against Julia A. Reed, proprietor of Reed's Inn, for selling two drinks of liquor in violation of a notice which had been served upon her.— Ithaca Journal

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