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Daniel S. Lamont |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 8,
Col. Lamont's Retirement.
General Frank Hattan in Washington Post.)
The item appropriating $6,000 to Col. Lamont,
in addition to his regular salary as private secretary of President Cleveland, has
been stricken from the Deficiency bill at the secretary's respectful but
positive request. It was inserted with the best of intentions and as an
expression of sentiment was a merited recognition of the services performed by
Col. Lamont during the past four years in a most difficult and trying position.
The motive of the proposed legislation he doubtless appreciates thoroughly and gratefully,
but having entered on his duties with a full understanding and acceptance of
the compensation attached, his honorable instincts compel him to a prompt declination
of gratuities to which he feels that he is not entitled, and least of all by virtue
of a retroactive law.
If it were possible for Secretary Lamont to
gain any higher place in the estimation of those with whom he has been brought in
official contact, nothing could more largely enhance the respect that will
accompany his retirement to private life than his conduct in this particular
matter. It is a graceful and fitting climax to a career that has been
characterized from the outset by courtesy of manner, discretion of judgment and
uniform disposition to facilitate and promote the interests of all persons having
legitimate business at the White House.
It may be added also, without any derogation
to any of his predecessors, that Secretary Lamont has given to his office a
dignity, importance and popularity it has seldom enjoyed before. The best
wishes that we can extend to Mr. Halford, wishes that we base upon a confident expectation—are
that he may earn similar laurels and achieve the same distinguished measure of
of the Last Three Days Verified by the Result.
WASHINGTON, March 5.—President Harrison to-day
sent to the Senate the following nominations:
of State—JAMES G. BLAINE of Maine.
of the Treasury—WILLIAM WINDOM
of Minnesota.
of New York.
of Interior—JOHN W. NOBLE of
WANAMAKER of Pennsylvania.
Attorney-General—W. H. H. MILLER of Indiana.
of Agriculture—JEREMIAH
M. RUSK of Wisconsin.
The nominations were confirmed in a 10-minute
open session of the Senate. Col. James R. Young, executive clerk of the Senate,
proceeded to the While House about 2 o'clock this afternoon and delivered to
President Harrison an official notice of the confirmation of his Cabinet by the
Mr. Andrew Hutchings, 72 years old, another of
Virgil's oldest residents, was buried on Sunday last. He has been sick for a
number of years, but bore his trials without murmuring.
Elder Purington has been to Pompey Center to
officiate at the marriage of his niece.
Mr. T. W. Ellis, of Sullivan Co. has been
visiting at Aaron Overton's the past week.
Mrs. Falk is sick with the pneumonia.
Mrs. Nettie Webster, the wife of the late
Henry A. Webster, has been visiting friends in town the past week.
George Seamans is home on a short visit.
The Good Templars have disbanded.
Charles Hutchings is moving back on to his
David Sweet has moved to McLean.
Ambrose Johnson has moved on to the Wm.
Terpenning farm.
Mr. Cotrell lost one of his horses last week.
W. H. Hall has moved in with Mr. F. D.
Price Rounds has hired Allen Smith's farm.
The dance at Freer's hotel, for the benefit of
the band, passed off very nicely, although the attendance was small. All seemed
to enjoy themselves.
We have a thriving farmer in our town who believes in prosperity and thorough team work, or else he would not have five horse kind [sic] to work his small place.
We have a thriving farmer in our town who believes in prosperity and thorough team work, or else he would not have five horse kind [sic] to work his small place.
Nelson Watrous is breaking a pair of colts
for Harmon Sherar. They do not sleep while in the harness with Nelson. When he
says "go" they get there.
Mrs. Perkins has returned from her visit, where
she has been caring for her grandchild.
Mrs. Sally Crane is at Marathon visiting with
her daughter.
The roads are in a terrible condition, at present,
making traveling almost impossible.
John Mott has commenced his work for Richard
Tyler, this being his second season with him.
Wilbur Shults works at home this season.
The sick are all improving as far as heard
from, at present.
Rumor says we have a man of some renown, who
wants one of his family supported by the town.
CUMMIN. [pen name]
We have had our 13th surprise party at the
residence of Juriel White and Wm. Carr. The
roads were bad but the weather was fair so that every body invited wanted to go
as it seems to be the last of the series. McGrawville and Cortland villages
were well represented as would appear from the cutter tracks in the lots when
the road was lost. The accommodations of the house and barn being so ample
nobody was crowded. About 100 guests were served at the table. Music both vocal
and instrumental was a very prominent feature of the evening, there being a
piccolo, 3 violins, a cornet and a piano. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Wilson rendered some
delightful music with their guitar and violin. In this work we hope no harm has
been done. There $117.02 changed hands in the shape of some serviceable
and beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Carr and Mr. and Mrs. White were presented
by Mr. Hinds, with a fine black robe, $2.85 in cash and the congratulations of
their many friends by each couple making them a little speech. Great good has really
been done as our roads have been kept open, so have our hearts. With many thanks
for the patience you have shown your humble servant I bid you good bye.
Friday eve, March 1.
X. Y. Z. [pen name symbol of correspondent—CC
Ithaca elected John Harden mayor last
Tuesday by a majority of 6. This is the first mayor elected in the new city and
democrats feel very jubilant over the result. The
democrats also elect both of their city supervisors.
For the next four years democratic newspapers
can change places with republican papers and find fault with the
administration. Possibly some of our republican friends will feel like scolding
before the end of the four years.
A good many republicans are not particularly
pleased with the appointment of James G. Blaine to the first place in the cabinet.
That Blaine intends to run the administration goes without saying. Whether he
will succeed or not remains to be seen. If he don't succeed he will be likely to
make things uncomfortably warm for some one.
It is a very noticeable fact that in his
cabinet appointments, President Harrison has ignored the Southern and extreme Western
Stales entirely. The California papers are very indignant over their treatment and
the Southern republicans do not feel particularly pleased over the situation. While
Harrison may have succeeded in pacifying the Miller and Platt elements in this
State it is believed that he hasn't strengthened himself in other parts of the country.
Outside of Blaine there are no strong men in the cabinet, and it is quite
possible that he will prove too strong for it.
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