The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 5,
Health Officer's Report.
Officer Moore makes the following report for the mouth of February: deaths 7,
males 3, females 4; under 5 years 1, between 10 and 20 years 1, between 40 and
50 years1, between 50 and 60 years 2, between 70 and 80 years 1, between 80 and
90 years 1. Causes of death, consumption 2, typhoid fever l, disease of the heart
2, congestion of the lungs 1, old age 1. Marriages 2, births 15, males 8, females
The following
is the report for March: deaths 11, males 3, females 8; under 5 years 1,
between 10 and 20 years 1, between 30 and 40 years 1, between 40 and 50 years
2, between 70 and 80 years 4, between 80 and 90 years 1, between 90 and 100 years
1. Causes of death, cancer 1, consumption 1, diabetes 1, disease of the heart 2,
nervous prostration 1, old age 2, paralysis 1, spinal disease 2, unknown 1. Marriages
8. Births 7, males 4, females 3.
Proceedings of the Board of Trustees.
The Board
of Trustees held their regular meeting last Monday evening in Firemen's Hall,
all the members being present.
resolution adopted at a previous meeting in reference to the purchase of new hose
for the fire department was rescinded. The following policemen were then
chosen: Nathan Hunt, O. L Jackson, Edward Parker and A. G. Goldsmith. The
latter was appointed Chief of Police until further notice.
following Health Commissioners were chosen:
Ward—Noah Parsons.
Ward—Emmett F. Jennings.
Ward—Webster Young.
Ward—Lewis V. Smith.
salary of the latter was fixed at $35 each for the ensuing year and the police men
are to be paid $1.97 per day. All fees for making arrests are to be paid into
the village treasury and the officers are required to furnish bonds in the sum
of $250 each for the faithful performance of their duties. The policemen are to
furnish their own uniforms, the material and style to be selected by the board
of trustees.
The School Question.
The mass
meeting held in Firemen's Hall last Saturday evening, for the purpose of
discussing the school question and devising means to bring about better school
facilities for this village [bond resolution for new high school was defeated
by voters—CC editor], was not largely attended. Mr. Theodore Stevenson called
the meeting to order and explained the object of it. Mr. L. S. Hayes was chosen
Geo. B.
Jones. Esq., thought that the proper way to proceed was to take advantage of
the existing contract with the State, which bound the State to furnish an
academic department in the Normal school of sufficient capacity to supply the
wants of the village. He favored the appointment of a committee of five
citizens to confer with the Local Board of the Normal school and the
commissioners of Union School District No. 1, and after such conference to take
such action as would best bring about the desired result. He moved that Hon. O.
C. Kellogg, Theodore Stevenson, W. W. Kelsey, Irving H. Palmer and W. S.
Copeland constitute such committee. The motion was carried unanimously.
Peck, Col. Frank Place, C. W. Stoker and others discussed the question at
considerable length. Mr. Peck thought that the matter should be brought to the
attention of the Legislature at once, not that it would reach final action at
this session, but because it would prepare the way for future efforts. The
meeting then adjourned sine die.
Will They Vote?
Peck last week received from Mrs. Charles W. Collins. Mrs. W. B. Stoppard and
others, a petition signed by some one hundred of the lawyers and businessmen of
this village, asking him to introduce a bill amending the present law of this
village and giving women the right to vote at charter elections on all school
appropriations and for members of the School Board. It being a local bill and
without opposition, he introduced it, and by unanimous consent got it placed on
the order of third reading where it will take its turn.
The bill
is so far back on the list that unless our member jumps it over several
hundred, as he did the Cortland Armory appropriation bill, it may fail to reach
the Governor in time to become a law.
Cortland Armory bill passed the [Assembly] last Thursday by a large vote.
Hose Company will hold their grand fair in the armory about the middle of May.
insurance adjusters have allowed the Cortland Desk Company $1150 their building,
which is the full amount of insurance.
officer W. J. Moore reports 118 deaths in this village for the year ending March 31st. The rate per 1000 of inhabitants is 13
season for trout fishing in this county opened April 1st, instead of May 1st,
as we announced in our last week's issue. It seems that our informant was
himself misinformed.
The firm
of Wallace & Linderman, proprietors of the Brunswick Hotel, has been dissolved
and the business will hereafter be conducted by Messrs. A. D. and W. A. Wallace,
under the firm name of Wallace Bros. The new firm took possession last Monday.
We understand Mr. Linderman has not yet decided where he will locate.
H. A
Whiting, Esq., who undertook to establish a skunk preserve in the town of Scott a few years ago, while representing that town
in the Board of Supervisors, has been appointed postmaster at that place.
Parties having a superfluity of these festive little animals should bear in
mind the fact, that according to the rules and regulations of the U. S. postal
service, polecats are not mailable.
Johanna O'Brien
died in Van Buren last Sunday, aged 105 years and 10 months.
Henry Edie,
an aged farmer near Utica, recently marred a girl of 20 years and was serenaded
by his neighbors. He dispersed them with a shot gun, wounding five.
Richardson of Ithaca, who died on Monday at Savannah, Ga., on his way home from
St. Augustine, Fla., was reputed the best artistic stone cutter in the country.
He was one of the contracting and building firm of Richardson & Campbell of
Ithaca. His handiwork was sought for the embellishment of many of the finest
structures throughout the State. He was an enthusiast in his art, and scoured
Kensington and other noted English schools for models.
Death of Mrs. C. W. Collins.
Sunday morning, many hearts in this village were saddened by the announcement that
Mary E., the devoted wife of Charles W. Collins was dead. She was seen upon the
streets apparently in her usual health on the Monday previous, but on the
following day was stricken with an attack of pneumonia which finally involved the
heart and caused her death, at the early age of 47 years.
Collins was the only surviving daughter of Eben Mudge Esq., of this village,
and had always resided in this place. For many years past she had been active
in promoting the interests of the church of which she was a zealous member and
she was also a leader in every movement in the cause of temperance. She
possessed a wonderfully keen mind and besides being an excellent conversationalist
was a very witty and incisive writer. She had made the most of the excellent
opportunity afforded by her indulgent parents to obtain a thorough education in
her earlier years. She always found time to read the best literature of the day
and with a mind well stored with current information, she was a delightful
companion in the social circle. Kind hearted to an unusual degree she seldom, if
ever, gave free reign to a vein of sarcasm which she knew so well how to use.
She was
president of the Cortland Library Association from its organization, until its
property was turned over to the Franklin Hatch Association, and was connected
with the Woman's Christians Temperance Union from the outset until her death.
Collins leaves three children besides her husband to mourn her early departure.
She was a devoted wife and mother and it is in the home circle that she will be
most sadly missed. She will be mourned by hundreds of friends, who were
sincerely attached to her, by ties of more than ordinary friendship and who will
realize from day to day that a lovely woman has been suddenly snatched from a life
of singular usefulness.
The funeral services were held at her
late residence on Wednesday afternoon, and was largely attended. [sic] Oceans
of flowers attested the love and sorrow of kind friends.
Mr. and
Mrs. John Bays, on Saturday, entertained a number of their friends at their
home. A very delicious repast was spread before the guests.
Price gave a party to his young friends, March 30, it being his tenth birthday.
Some of
our citizens on State street have come to the conclusion that rather than suffer
from the promises of white caps, they would dissolve and the younger part of
the family go west as a cow boy. The notices of white caps have been heeded and
one good act accomplished.
Mr. J. H.
May has moved his family to Cortland and we regret to lose them. They were
always ready and willing to lend a helping hand in time of need. But what is
Virgil's loss is Cortland's gain.
at the home of the bride, March 28, by the Rev. O. J. Purington, Mr. Chas.
Jennings of Harford and Miss May G. Price, of Virgil. The presents were very expensive
and useful of which I will give a list: a silver cake basket, Doctor and Mrs.
Butterfield of Binghamton; one dozen silver knives, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gray of
Harford; silver carving knife and fork, Mr. and Mrs. R. Jennings; chair rest,
Lena Butterfield; silver table spoons, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tarbox; silver tea
spoons, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Price; set silver fruit knives, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
McKinney; water set, Burt Conrad and Miss Mattie Williams; silver pickle
castor, Jennie Rennie; port monic, Ella Seager; tea set, Mr. and Mrs. Rodolph
Price, parents of the bride. After a very delicious repast they took their
departure for Binghamton. On their return they will make Harford their future
CHENANGO.— The construction of the
now defunct Chenango canal was authorized by the Legislature, February 23d,
1833, and the work commenced in July, 1834. The engineers' estimate of the
probable cost was $1,960,450, but the work proved expensive and cost $2,782,124
and in 1836 and 1837 several bills for the relief of the contractors were
passed by the Legislature. The construction of the canal was completed in 1836.
The canal was 40 feet wide at the surface of the water, 28 feet wide at the bottom,
and 4 feet deep. There were 116 locks. They were 90 feet long and 15 feet wide,
and averaged in cost $8,000 each. The length of the canal was 97 miles, and the
total lockage lift was 1,015 feet, while the Erie canal, 351 miles long, has
only a lockage of 655 feet. With the exception of the Black River and Genesee
Valley canals (now abandoned) the lockage of the Chenango was the largest in
the State.
work of surveying the extension of the I. A. & W. railway began on Monday
morning under the supervision of Solomon Howe. The work began on the north side
of Fall Creek in direct range with Utica street, Ithaca, the course taken being
to the second ridge or point of East Hill below the Nook.
The mayor
of Ithaca made the following excellent appointments last week: For Collector,
W. H. Willson; Chief of Police, John Conley; Night Police, Chas. T. Price and
George N. Pew; Day Police, Thomas Shannon and C. S. Dean. The officers were at
once qualified and began their official duties.