The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 11,
Bad Winter for Coal Dealers.
will be more hardship in the coal trade this spring than ever before," is
what a dealer in Black Diamonds says. "The loss on the supposed failure of
the ice crop will amount to naught as compared with that of the coal
trade," he continued.
"It is a gray-haired knowledge now that this winter has been the mildest in the recollection of the oldest inhabitant. Few people have stopped to think of the savings to poor families on that account, and the consequent loss to coal dealers. I mention poor families because it is from them that the greatest profit accrues.
"It is a gray-haired knowledge now that this winter has been the mildest in the recollection of the oldest inhabitant. Few people have stopped to think of the savings to poor families on that account, and the consequent loss to coal dealers. I mention poor families because it is from them that the greatest profit accrues.
of means purchase their fuel in the summer, when the market is down to the last
notch. Poor families can't do this, no small portion of them being obliged to
purchase their coal supply from the corner grocery at so much per pail or
bushel, as occasion demands. Each winter for the last five years I sold between
70,000 and 80,000 tons of coal. This winter my output will not reach 30,000,
and from present appearances I'm afraid it will run below 20,000 tons. I have
had a dozen horses and wagons idle all this season, there being nothing for
them to do. I feel sorry for some of the companies that have secured a
small-sized corner on the market. They'll come out the wrong end of the game."—New York Mail and Express.
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David Dudley Field II |
He Rebukes a New York Swell for Hitting a Little Street Urchin.
A queer
looking little specimen of humanity with an armful of newspapers stood outside
of the Grand Central depot the other afternoon, crying his wares. His hair was
long and unkempt, his trousers were frayed at the edges, there were patches of
poverty on his little jacket, but his eye was clear, and his flattened nose
showed that he was the hero of many a gutter battle.
A pompous
looking individual, with his coat thrown open, a heavy cane in his hand, and
dressed in the height of fashion, came swinging down the street in gorgeous
style. The boy pulled one of his papers out, offered it to the swell, and was
rewarded for his efforts with a thump on the back with a heavy cane. The little
fellow howled with pain. The cabmen who congregate at the depot smiled and the
other boys laughed in derision.
The swell
had proceeded about three steps on his way when a firm hand grasped him by the collar, shook him
vigorously, and an old man, six foot two, as straight a s a grenadier, and
holding a heavy malacca stick threatening him, asked:
dare you hit a boy?"
The swell
tried to shake himself loose, but it was no use. The old man's hand was firm,
the crowd was growing larger and the boy was howling as though his heart would
"You, sir," went on the old man, as the blood mounted to his
face, are a disgrace to humanity. Old as I am, I can thrash you for that
cowardly act. And if I ever know you to
again lift your hand to a boy I will take the law into my own hands."
swell's head drooped a little, and his face was pale. The old man looked him
firmly in the eye, shook him again, as a cat would a mouse, and walked on. As he
did so the little boy, wiping the tears from his cheeks, followed after and thanked
him. The old man patted him affectionately on the head and disappeared in the
crowd. There was no comment except by the small boy, who exclaimed: "Ain't
he a daisy!" He brushed the tears from his eyes and in a moment was as
busy as ever selling his papers.
The old
man was a daisy. It was none other than David Dudly Field, the greatest
constitutional lawyer in the world, brother of Cyrus W. and Stephen J. Field.
He is nearly 83 years of age, but as vigorous as a man of 50. In his young days
he was a famous boxer and athlete, and the way he tackled the howling swell
showed that his good right hand had not forgotten its cunning.— New York Mail and Express.
property owners are hereby notified to clean away all ash piles, manure piles and
all other nuisance from around their premises; also to clean all privy vaults,
cesspools and drains; also to remove all swine that are within the corporation
limits of the village of Cortland on or before the 1st day of May, 1890. This
notice shall apply to both public and private property. All complaints should
be made to the health officer in writing.
By order
of the [Cortland] Board of Health,
Seeds, Seeds. [Paid Ad]
We desire
to remind our customers that we have put in a full line of Clover and Timothy, Orchard Blue grass and Red Top seed.
Quality excelled by none, prices average lower than the lowest. Also have evergreen
sweet corn, sou corn for Fodder, seed Potatoes, seed oats, and all kinds of Garden
seeds in bulk. Call and see quality and prices before purchasing, at Day’s store.
No. 4 Cortland House Block.
Mr. and
Mrs. Will Seamans are spending the week at McLean.
Erving Klock commenced his summer's work at Freeville, Monday.
Mr. Platt
Knickerbocker, of Freeville, was in town Friday, visiting his wife.
Reynolds and Miss Sperry, of Blodgett's Mills, were visiting at Mr. Augustus Bell's
on Thursday.
Prof. and
Mrs. Huffman, of Blodgett's Mills, are spending their vacation at their father's,
Mr. Byron Ballou's.
Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ingraham and little daughter have gone to Marathon to live. They are to board with Mr. Ingraham's mother.
Stephen Klock is reported as gradually failing.
Haight has sold his chestnut mare to Henry Bell. Price, $105.
Mr. F. A.
Cushing has sold his brown mare to parties in Cortland for $100.
Mr. C. F.
Bennett, of this place, is paying 50 cents per bushel for potatoes to ship.
Carr bought of Wm. Miller last week, a very lively three-year old colt.
Consideration, $100.
George Peck has moved to Brookton, Tompkins Co. He leaves his farm on account
of poor health.
Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Bennett were summoned to Fayetteville last Monday, to attend the
burial of her sister, Miss Charity Preston.
At the
auction sale of Miller & Horton, held at this place Wednesday of
last week, cows sold a little better than an average of $30 per head.
We were
pleased to see the genial countenance of W. W. Salisbury, of Little York, in
this place Wednesday of last week. He was looking after the interests of the
Cayuga. Cortland & Tompkins Fire Relief Association.
school commenced to-day with nine scholars.
Rev. E.
Topping called on friends in Homer recently.
Mr. S. S.
Hammond received ten dollars insurance on his evaporator.
has come and with it April showers, which will make May flowers.
Chauncy Tuttle visited her daughter, Mrs. Emma Watrous, in Cortland, Tuesday.
Joseph Bowdish, of Marathon, the proprietor of our store, is in town to cart away
the eggs.
Mr. Byron
Grant's Crown drills go off like hot cakes. Three bought this week. Sensible
farmers like Mr. Harvey Seeber, George Carter and Simeon Carter, expect to do
their work easier.
Mrs. D. W. Sweetland visited at
Cincinnatus last week.
opened here on Monday last with a small attendance.
Leach has moved into the Gothic house on East street.
Rev. D.
W. Sweetland returned from Conference at Binghamton.
German measles have been quite plentiful in town for a few days.
Our meat
market commenced its summer work here on the 1st of April. It is run by the
Leach Bros.
funeral of Tracy Salisbury occurred here on Thursday of last week. He was a man
much respected.
Carl Loomis was quite seriously injured at school, on Monday, by jumping or
being thrown from a spring-board.
Sweet has moved into the Wilber Maxson house.
lawsuit between Wallace Picket, plaintiff, and Elizabeth Williamson, defendant,
in which plaintiff claimed damages to the amount of about $7.00, resulted in verdict
for plaintiff of $5.00.
about the coal mountain near Glen Haven. The origin of the excitement, we learn
to be as follows: As Mr.
Forbes, the owner of the land, with his help was felling trees, among the
number he fell a basswood about 2 1/2 feet across the stump near the top of the
mountain. The ground was frozen and covered with snow. It fell top first
downward, kiting and plunging at a terrific rate down through the wood and on
beyond into the swamp near 1/2 mile from the starting point. Of course the limbs
were stripped; a chunk of coal was found lodged in the opening at the top caused
by a split. The piece of coal was about the size of a cigarbox and soft coal. It
was thought to have been wedged in there by the tree plunging in some knoll on
the way down.
Well, a
few days since we took sail crosslots on foot to view the opening of the mine.
The day was a pleasant one, and seemed auspicious for unearthing the hidden
treasures that had for ages been pent up in that mighty hill or mountain. We
noticed that the crowd was a motley one, supervisors, ex-supervisors, physicians,
carpenters, teachers, cow-doctors, farmers and sportsmen, landlords and
tenants, rich and poor of all ages from the gray-haired sire to the whooping school-boy.
As the crowd with picks and shovels began to ascend the mountain, eager eyes
were strained from the sockets to see and grab the first chunk of the coveted
metal as it should be made bare by the excited workmen.
Thick and
often were the excavations made from the bottom to the top and yet no coal was
found. Yet with the grit of a grindstone and with sweaty brows and bloodshot
eyes, they continued on and dug deeper and deeper but no coal. Faith began to
waver, and hope began to flicker and die out. The man Forbes was sent for but
he seemed very indifferent in the matter, and this led some at least to
pronounce the thing a hoax. We think a large majority came away disgusted, and
some suggested that the man Forbes be buried in one of the excavations.
propose as a last resort to sink a shaft or load the mountain with dynamite and
blow it into Skaneateles lake. Land that was 10 days since held at a high
figure has gone down amazingly. Some of those who had planned to give up labor
and squat upon their lands and become millionaires have taken to grief; and yet
there are some that still think there is coal there. My own opinion is that
salt is full [and] as likely to be found there as coal, from the fact that a
small flowing stream of water was discovered about midway of the mountain, that
seemed impregnated with salt, but our faith in coal is small.
Excitement gone our hopes seem blasted,
Yet we enjoyed it, while it lasted.
We dreamed of wealth that sure would come.
With costly meals and rich preserves,
And everything to excite our nerves.
We'd buy a stock of costly wines,
With money got from those coal mines.
We'd dress in broadcloth rich and rare,
And cause all men to stop and stare.
We'd guzzle beer till full in face
And that's the way we'd run our race.
But disappointment has o'relooked us,
And all our fancied wealth forsook us.
Sheriff Morris was home over Sunday.
After all
the mud and rain this spring, there is as large a crop of sugar and syrup made
as ever.
Mr. A. S.
Wheeler attended the funeral of his cousin, Mrs. W. Wheeler, at Dryden, this
commenced in the Morris district last week with Miss Mary Donnelly, of Cortland,
as teacher.
Sager &
Corcoran are selling garden seeds at twenty per cent discount, and grass
seed very low.
Hathaway creamery commenced running last Monday, and report quite a large
amount of milk.
Mr. and
Mrs. Myron Withey, of McGrawville, visited at Mrs. Withey's parents, Mr. John
Maybury's, last week. [sic]
The many
friends of Mrs. Milo Houghton, learn with regret, her death, which occurred at
McGrawville, on Sunday last.
Bristol has hired out to Warren Nye, at $20 per month.
Francis has taken the Pennoyer farm to work on shares.
Griswold has sold his farm to his son-in-law, Byron Sherman.
Some of
our farmers have not sold their butter. Hay is plenty and money scarce.
Ensign Pike is dangerously ill with pneumonia. Dr. Henry is the attending physician.
Wheeler, who has been dangerously ill with pneumonia, is now on the gain. Dr.
Boice of McLean, attends him.
the great butter fraud, is made from tallow, grease, a little butter, some
chemicals and some devil. There is no book which tells how.
Mrs. Mary
Davis, an aged and highly esteemed citizen, departed this life at her home just
west of this place, on Tuesday evening the 1st inst. Deceased had won the
friendship of all who knew her.
The maple
sugar festival in the Grange Hall on Tuesday evening of this week was largely attended
and enjoyed by all. The price was fixed according to the hard times, only five
cents for a good big dish of sugar and biscuit and cake throwed in.
farmers in this county who ship milk to New York are trying to organize an
association or union to protect themselves from the rapacity of the Milk
Exchange, a city combination, which makes the prices and the money. They—the
Exchange— do this in such an arbitrary and hoggish way, that the farmers cannot
stand it. Again we caution the farmers to look out for these "land
Tis a curious fact as ever was known
In human nature, but often shown,
Alike in castle and cottage,
That pride, like pigs of a certain breed,
Will manage to live and thrive on
As poor as a pauper's pottage.
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