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Looking north on Church Street, Court House on left at corner of Church and Court Streets. |
The Cost of the Griswold Trial.
The following is a statement of orders issued
from the County Clerk's office up to yesterday. To this is yet to be added the clerk's
fees for swearing witnesses and making papers, and possibly bills not yet reported:
Foreign witnesses, $492.09
Jurors, including board, $1,301.60
Officers, $463.80
Stenographer, $146.00
Supplies for courtroom, $5.75
County Anti-Thieving Society.
The Cortland County Anti-Thieving Society
will hold a meeting at the Cortland House on Saturday April 12th, at 2 o'clock P.
M. All members are requested to be present.
Cortland, April 6. 1890.
A. P. ROWLEY, Secretary.
A Change.
Having bought the stock of Dry Goods of J.
M. Sampson, No. 2 Main street, at a big reduction, I offer the public a chance for
bargains. Have not time to tell the prices, but come and see good goods cheap
for cash.
Mr. J. Melvin Samson, who has been a successful
dry goods merchant in this place for the past seventeen years, has sold his stock
of goods in the Samson Block to Mr. Milton H. Yale, of Syracuse, who has possession.
Mr. Samson has had a large trade from the time he opened his store until his
retirement which of itself proves that he has dealt honorably with his
customers. He has always kept a large stock of goods and his customers
appreciated the fact that they could always find the latest styles and best
quality of goods at his store and that the prices were reasonable. His many
friends will be sorry to learn of his retirement, but after so many years of
strict attention to business Mr. Samson feels that he is entitled to and can
enjoy a season of rest.
His successor, Mr. Yale, is highly regarded
by all who enjoy his acquaintance and is said to be an experienced merchant and
excellent man of business. It is his intention to keep a fine stock of goods
and to offer them to the public at reasonable prices.
Last Friday evening the Cortland County
Cyclist Club had a banquet at the Cortland House. About twenty five were present
and the supper was "just splendid." Toasts were responded to and
speeches were delivered and a good time generally was the result. The following
officers were elected:
President—M. Stanley Bierce.
Vice President—C. H. Overton.
Sec'y and Treas.—W. D. Cloyes.
Captain—E. S. Dalton.
Lieutenant—W. A. Doubleday.
Toast Master—C. L. Viele.
New Hair
Mrs. C. H. Jones, of Ithaca, has leased the
front rooms in the Miller Block, No. 75 South
Main street, where she will fit up elegant hair parlors. She has secured her splendidly
selected stock of Human Hair Goods, Hair Ornaments, Powders, Cosmetics, Tonics,
etc., from Ithaca, and a more complete stock from which to select, cannot be
found this side of New York City. She will also introduce the new method of
curling hair, keeping it in perfect curl from one to three weeks. Cutting and
dressing hair will be given special attention.
Mrs. Jones' long experience in this business,
and the success which she has always met, is a guarantee that all who may call
upon her will be well pleased.
The rooms will be open, Wednesday, April
E. M.
The popular photographer has returned to Cortland
and again taken charge of the Selover
& Schutt gallery. Owing to this important change, they are better prepared than
ever before to furnish work of the highest grade and would say to those that wish
the finest photographic work to secure sittings at their gallery, as an
established fact that Mr. Hills is one of the finest art photographers in this
part of the country.
Shingles. [Paid Ad]
We have for sale Washington Territory Red Cedar
Shingles. They will last twice as long as pine, and do not cost as much, will
not warp and crack. Also California Red Wood Shingles 6x16 in all plain and
fancy patterns, rough, planed and ribbed, at very low prices. Persons needing
shingles can now get these lasting ones at very low prices.
J. S. BULL & Co.
(3w3) No. 4 Wallace Building.
Little Lord Fauntleroy in Cortland Opera House,
Thursday evening, April 17th. Don't fail to be present.
Mahan's sixteenth musical festival will be
held in the Opera House, Cortland, from June 2d to 6th inclusive.
Be sure and see the charming French actress,
Nadjee Doree, in "Natasqua," in the Opera House Saturday evening.
Mr. W. D. Howe, of this place, has purchased
of E. M. Van Hoesen, his store and stock of goods in Preble. Mr. Howe is in
On Tuesday evening last the Universalist
church society elected Mr. Eben Mudge, trustee, Fay Parsons, secretary, Lewis
Davis, treasurer, and C. M. Smith, collector.
Messrs. Maher Bros., the clothiers, have a new
advertisement in this issue of the DEMOCRAT. If
you will read the same, you will wonder how they can afford the splendid
bargains they offer.
The Chicago men have all got the "big
head." It is reported that they had the World's Fair postponed till 1893,
in order that they could all come to Cortland and get a hat from Van Brocklin.
The Wyoming conference of the M. E. church,
in session at Binghamton, made the following appointments in this vicinity:
Marathon, Rev. D. C. Barnes; Willett, Rev. D. W. Sweetland; Harford, Rev. S. D.
The Syracuse Courier appeared last
week in an entire new dress, which makes its pages appear very attractive. The Courier
is well edited and thoroughly Democratic, consequently it deserves the
success which seems to have come to it.
If a person choke and strangle for breath by
a lodgement of meat in the throat, says an authority, have some one blow into
the ear hard and strong. It will cause the substance to go down. I have known
this simple remedy to save life several times.
The fair to be given by the King's Daughters,
for the hospital fund, will occur Thursday and Friday, April 24th and 25th, at Odd
Fellows Hall. Will every member bear this in mind and furnish some article,
useful or ornamental, for sale?
The Willard Y. W. C. T. U. will hold a
social this (Friday) evening, at the residence of Mr. J. S. Squires, No. 44
Tompkins street. Ice cream, cake and chocolate will be served. The proceeds
will be used as a benefit for the Y. M. C. A. and a short literary and musical
programme will be given. A large attendance is earnestly desired.
Charles Baker, of Homer, who was arrested
and lodged in jail after the suicide of his father, Jerome Baker, was taken before
Justice Kingsbury in Homer last Saturday, to answer to the charge of
attempting to commit suicide. No one appearing against him, he was discharged,
and later was taken to the County House to be cared for.
Last Thursday Mrs. Eliza Buchanan, who lived
with her son, W. S. Buchanan, about three miles west of this village, near
Robie's Mills, started to walk to a neighbor's [house]. Some hours later she
was found dead by the roadside. The body was taken to her home and Coroner
Moore notified, who decided that an inquest was unnecessary. Her death was
supposed to have been caused by heart disease.
While at work in his planing mill in this
place, last Friday morning, John Ireland had two of the fingers on his left hand
taken off by a buzz saw. Dr. H. O. Jewett dressed the hand and Mr. Ireland is as
comfortable as could be expected.
Edward Hughes, indicted for burglary in the
third degree, in entering the house of J. H. Parker, three miles west of this place,
last August, plead guilty to the charge. The court sentenced him to a term of
from one to four years and two months in Auburn prison, his conduct to decide
the time of imprisonment.
Moses' worst blunder was his failure to add
an appendix to Deuteronomy and prophesy therein that in the nineteenth century
A. D. an intelligent and civilized nation would so far forget itself as to
produce five men whose names would be Benjamin Harrison, Corporal Tanner, Fire-Alarm
Foraker, Blocks-of-Five Dudley and John J. Ingalls.—Chicago Herald.
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Gen. Daniel E. Sickles. |
To Test
Justin's Shell.
UTICA, N. Y., April 5.—It has been decided
to give a public test of Prof. Justin's new dynamite shell in a ravine near
Perryville Falls, about ten miles from Canastota. Several officials from the
army and navy departments will be present and it is now thought Secretary Tracy
may be among the number. The test will be given some time during month of May.
It will be remembered that recent preliminary tests were highly satisfactory
and that large quantities of dynamite were hurled against the ledge of rocks a
distance of half a mile without exploding till the shell struck the rock.
Out, Milkmen!
The State Milk Inspectors have caused the
arrest within the past few days of a number of milkmen in villages and cities
along the Hudson on the charge of adulterating milk. A fine of $25 was paid in each
case. Two such arrests were made at Poughkeepsie Friday last and three at Kingston
on Saturday.
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