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Frances Elizabeth Willard. |
Cortland Standard and Weekly Journal, Friday,
January 6, 1893.
A Call
Issued for a Conference to be Held in Pittsburg.
PITTSBURG, Jan. 4.—A call has been issued for
men and women to meet at 163 Fourth
avenue next Monday afternoon to form a new political party. The call reads:
Recognizing almighty God as the author of civil
government, the Lord Jesus Christ, the ruler of nature, and the Bible, the
standard to which all human enactment should conform, and that all our people
are entitled to equal rights without respect to race, color or sex,
We hereby unite in calling a conference of
all persons who will join in a political party for the abolition or suppression
of the drink traffic in the United States, and for such other moral, economic,
financial and industrial reforms as are needed in the country.
Arrangements will be made to hold a
convention for Western Pennsylvania in February.
The call for the new party is the result of
500 signatures of prominent men and women who desire a unification of interests
from adherents of other parties on the prohibition and equal suffrage platform.
The nominee for the presidential chair of the new party, it was stated, would
undoubtedly be Miss Frances E. Willard. The promoters of the new party are
sanguine of success.
The Vote
in Electoral College.
NEW YORK, Jan. 4.—The Evening Post says: The settlement of the Orgeon contest makes it
possible to give an accurate table of the vote for president as it should be
cast by the electoral college and which will show: Cleveland 276, Harrison 144,
and Weaver 24. Cleveland’s majority 108.
Nearly All
of New York State’s Legislators Answer to Their Names—The Galleries Well Filled
with Spectators When the Gavel Falls—Many Ladies Present—William Sulzer
Captures the Speakership Honors.
ALBANY, Jan. 3.—Promptly at noon to-day the
two branches of the state legislature were called to order with a good-sized
crowd present in both the assembly and senate chambers. Nearly all of the
legislators were present and answered to their names when they were called out.
The galleries were well-filled and a great many ladies graced the occasion with
their presence. As soon as the two branches were called to order, a committee
from each was appointed to wait upon Governor Flower and inform him that the
legislature was in session and ready to receive any communication from him he
might see fit to make. The governor’s message was then sent in and read.
There was little business transacted to-day
further than organizing and a recess was taken immediately after this had been accomplished, in order to allow the assemblymen and senators to get squared
around and be ready for the great volume of business that will come before the
respective bodies early in this session
of the legislature.
corridors of the Capitol were swarming with politicians from an early hour in
the forenoon, and by 11 o’clock it was almost impossible for a person to push
his or her way through the crowd, but as the noon hour approached the crowd
became thinned out considerably, as all those that could do so made their way
into the legislative halls to be present when the session of ’93 should be made
to materialize by the falling of the gavel on the desk of the speaker.
William Sulzer, assemblyman from the
Fourteenth district of New York, was elected speaker of the assembly over Mr.
Mably, the Republican candidate. There was very little, if any, opposition to
Mr. Sulzer in the Democratic caucus last night, as he was plainly the choice of
the majority and seemed to have a hold upon the speakership honors that it
would have been entirely useless to have tried to loosen. The Democratic
majority in the assembly being quite pronounced, the nomination for speaker was
regarded as equivalent to election, and on account of this there was little
work done for either of the candidates after the caucuses adjourned last night.
Mr. Sulzer was born March 18, 1863, in the
Seventeenth ward of New York, obtained his education in the city common
schools, studied law and was admitted to the bar as soon as he reached the age
of 21. From his schoolboy days he has been an ardent and active Democrat.
He was first elected to the assembly in 1889
and has since been re-elected yearly. His votes and speeches on the free
lecture bill, tunnel bill and anti-Pinkerton bill, as well as other measures,
attracted much attention.
Mr. Sulzer is next to the youngest
assemblyman ever elected speaker, ex-Senator Edmund L. Pitts being the youngest
man who ever held that position.
Assemblyman Mably of St. Lawrence was
selected by the Republicans last night to make the run against Mr. Sulzer for
in Mexico.
SANTA ROSALIE, Mexico, Jan. 4 .— Elder
John Stuart of Salt Lake City, who has obtained a concession from the Mexican government
for the establishment of a Mormon colony here, has arrived with twenty
families, comprising about 100 persons. This is the first installment as the
colony is expected to number 3,000 people. Nothing is stipulated in the
concession with reference to the practice [sic] of polygamy.
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Daniel S. Lamont. |
and Whitney Both Named in Connection with the State Portfolio—Morrison
for the Interior and Collins for the War Department.
NEW YORK, Jan. 4.—The
Commercial Advertiser’s special correspondent at Washington
telegraphs that paper-as follows:
During the holiday recess of congress many
prominent Democrats have been in conference with Mr. Cleveland,, and it is now
asserted that the president-elect has selected at least four members of his
cabinet. Supplying from best informed sources the other members, the list is as
Secretary of State—William
C. Whitney, of New York.
Secretary of the Treasury—John
G. Carlisle, of Kentucky.
Secretary of War—Patrick
A . Collins, of Massachusetts.
Postmaster General—Isaac
Pusey Gray, of Indiana.
Secretary of the Interior—William
H. Morrison, of Illinois.
Attorney General—J. Randolph
Tucker, of Virginia.
Secretary of Agriculture—Charles
H. Jones, of Missouri.
—The latest thing claimed by the residents of
Groton-ave., is a “Jack, the Peeper,” who amuses himself by peeping into
windows. One gentleman who lives on that street says that if he catches him he
will keep the “Peeper” busy picking bird shot out of his body for some time to
—The STANDARD is in receipt of the account of
a wedding in this county, but is compelled to decline to publish it because the
writer has forgotten the fact which has been so often stated, that the STANDARD
never publishes any anonymous communication. If the writer will send in his
name, not for publication, but as a guaranty of good faith, we shall be pleased
to publish the account.
— At the regular semi-annual meeting of the
directors of the Second National bank to-day a dividend of three per cent was
declared and two per cent was turned over to undivided profits and surplus.
—A number of persons in Cortland last Sunday
night about 7 o’clock noticed a most peculiar phenomenon in the western sky—a
rainbow produced by the light of the moon which had just risen while the heavy
rain was just stopping.
—At a
meeting of the 45th Separate Co., N. G. S. N. Y., held Monday evening Private
Frank C. Hodges was promoted to sergeant; vice H. P. Gray, reduced to the
—The work of setting up the new Corliss engine
in the engine room of the Cortland Wagon Co. is in progress. Two or three days
more will probably elapse before it will be in running order.
—The one hundred souvenir World’s Fair fifty
cent pieces ordered by the Second National bank have arrived and those who have
placed their orders for the coins can call there at any time and get them.
—A man giving his name as Powers was fined $5
and costs in Justice Dorr C. Smith’s
office last evening for stealing a ticket punch which had been left on a seat
in one of the street cars by Conductor Latimer.
—The Normal school re-opened its doors this
morning and recommenced work. The morning train brought back hosts of students
and some of the teachers, who had not returned before. Five weeks yet remain of
the present term.
—Admission to the entertainment, given by the
Schubert's Jan. 7, will be 75, 50 and 35 cents. Seats may be reserved at Wallace’s
book store after 9 o’clock Thursday morning. Tickets for the rest of the Y. M.
C. A. course are sold for one dollar, and seats [at the Opera House] may be
reserved for forty cents extra at any time.
—They were talking of the vanity of women and
one of the few ladies present undertook a defense. “Of course,” she said, “I
admit that women are vain and men are not. Why,” she added, with a glance
around, “the necktie of the handsomest man in the room is even now up the back
of his collar.” And then she smiled—for every man present had put his hand up
behind his neck!