Friday, August 12, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, November 25, 1892.


The "Silk Stocking" club held a meeting in their rooms in the Grand Central block last Monday evening, and decided unanimously that "four years of Democratic rule would be enough to demonstrate to the nation the wisdom, benefits and absolute necessity to the prosperity of the country of  Republican policy and administration."
   If the next four years of Democratic rule should demonstrate anything of the kind, it will have done some thing that the last four years of Republican rule failed to do. The nation decided by a very large majority that it had no use for four years more of Republican rule. If the nation decides four years from now to give the Republicans another lease of power, it will not be based on its record of the past four years, but on its promises for the future, which it never keeps.
   The club also appointed a committee to revise its by-laws, so as to admit the common every day Republican to membership.  The exclusiveness of the club has not made it very popular and, it is understood that the by-laws will be so amended as to admit anybody and everybody who will agree to vote the Republican ticket.
In the campaign of 1888, the Republicans admitted that the tariff was too high, but they claimed that as it was a Republican measure, it should be reformed and reduced by its friends and not by the Democrats. This they promised to do, and the people believed them and gave them the opportunity. Did they do as they promised? Certainly not. They passed the McKinley bill, which raised the duty on nearly all the necessaries of life, to the detriment of the poor, while they reduced the duty on articles of luxury for the benefit of the rich. Will the the people ever give such a party their confidence again? If they do they are not entitled to the sympathy of any.
The Southern Pacific railroad supplied the funds to enable the Republicans to elect members of the legislature in California, and thus insure the election of a Republican United States Senator. The legislature turns out to be Democratic and will elect a Democrat for Senator, who will undoubtedly be opposed to legislation favorable to the road.
Lieut. Peary has been given leave of absence for another exploring expedition to the north pole. It is expected that this expedition will be the most important in its results of any that have preceded it.

Cortland Republican League.

   The most rousing and enthusiastic meeting of the Cortland Republican league ever held was the one at the league rooms Monday evening. The attendance was unusually large and as lively as it was large. The meeting was called to order by President C. T. Peck and in the absence of the secretary, C. E. Ingalls, was made secretary pro tem. Short speeches were then made by B. T. Wright, N. J. Parsons, Major A. Sager, Hon. R. T. Peck, C. P. Walrad, J. C. Thompson, Chas. H. Price, Geo. P. Hollenbeck, Theo. Sheeley, J. W. Strowbridge, H. C. Gazlay, C. E. Ingalls, J. F. Wheeler, J. D. Doran, J. C. Barry, C. W. Stoker, B. D. Bentley, F. C. Welch, I. Dan Lester, S. K. Jones, John Miller, S. L. Palmer, J. Grassman, E. M. Seacord, C. T. Peck, John Sizelan and others.
   The sentiment in favor of continuing the organization and making it more comprehensive, popular and effective than ever was overwhelming—and equally unanimous was the belief expressed that four years of Democratic rule would be enough to demonstrate to the nation the wisdom, benefits and absolute necessity to the prosperity of the country of Republican policy and administration.
   The following resolution offered by B. T. Wright, Esq., and seconded by Major A. Sager was unanimously carried:
   Resolved, That a committee of nine be appointed by the chair to take into consideration ways and means and a basis of bringing into active connection with this league the young men of this community, and to enlarge the membership thereof, and to report their conclusions and plans at the next regular meeting of this league and also such changes as are necessary to be made in the constitution and by-laws of this league to effect that purpose.
   The president appointed the following committee: B. T. Wright, A. Sager, G. T. Maxson, E. M. Seacord, N. J. Parsons, Chas. H. Price, Geo. Crossman, I. Dan Lester, C. E. Ingalls.
   A motion was made and carried that C. T. Peck be added to the committee. It was then moved and carried that when the meeting adjourn it be until three weeks from that evening, and that notice be given at this meeting of a resolution to be offered at the next regular meeting to change the constitution and by-laws in relation to membership dues. The meeting then adjourned.—Cortland Standard and Weekly Journal, Friday, Nov. 25, 1892.

Washington Letter.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
   WASHINGTON, NOV. 21, 1892.—Mr. Harrison has borne his defeat in such a manly way that he has won the respect and admiration of even the staunchest democrats. The members of his Cabinet have had little to say, although it was well known that more than one of them might have said some very interesting things had they been so disposed. This being the situation, a sensation was created in high republican circles when jovial Secretary Rusk opened his ammunition box and fired a red hot shot straight at the head of the man who has been privately charged by Mr. Harrison's close personal friends with having exerted his powerful influence in the republican party to lessen the vote for Mr. Harrison. Although Secretary Rusk called no name he made it as plain as though he had spoken through the most powerful trumpet ever made, that in his opinion James G. Blaine, the ex-head of the Harrison Cabinet was the traitor upon whose head the wrath of the republican party should be poured.
   It is learned from trustworthy sources that Mr. Harrison was averse to such a statement being made by any member of his Cabinet, not because he believed it untrue, but because he thought it undignified and unnecessary; but Secretary Rusk who had it in for Blaine, whom he once admired so much that he named his son after him, ever since last summer when Blaine tried to deprive him of the credit for restoring the European privileges of the American hog, and later to use him to defeat Mr. Harrison's re-nomination; in his own language, "tried to make a traitor of me." He might have held in until he was out of office, but for his accidental discovery of indisputable evidence that Mr. Blaine had much to do with the loss of his own state, which he worked so hard to keep in the republican column. That settled it; he had to have his say, and it was in pretty close accord with what many members of his party think without saying.
   The question of pensions is one of the most important that the coming administration and Congress will have to deal with; it directly affects every man, woman and child in the United States. It is now certain that there will be a deficiency of $85,000,000 for the current fiscal year, which must be appropriated at this session of Congress, and those who ought to know estimate the amount that will be required for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1893, which must also be appropriated at this session, as somewhere in the neighborhood of $200,000,000. It is difficult for human intellect to comprehend the immensity of the pile of money represented by those figures. It represents more than $8 for each inhabitant of the country, and Secretary Foster of the Treasury predicts that before the close of Cleveland's administration it will take $250,000,000 a year to pay the pensions—more than all the other expenses of the country added together. It is scarcely to be wondered at that the old idea, championed in the House some years ago by Hon. Wm. R. Morrison of Illinois, of raising the money to pay pensions by imposing an income tax, should be revived at this time. If pension expenditures are to keep growing some extraordinary method of raising the money will certainly have to be resorted to.
   There is so much rivalry among Washington democrats to be numbers of the citizens committee which will make the arrangement for the most largely attended inauguration the country has ever had, that it has resulted in a more or less bitter wrangle for its control between the National committeeman for the District of Columbia, who took the matter in his own hands and forwarded the names of gentlemen to be members of the committee to chairman Harrity for his approval, and the central democratic committee, which believes that it should have selected the inaugural committee. Full details of the claims of both sides have been forwarded to chairman Harrity and his decision will be cheerfully accepted by all parties.
   "Teddy" Roosevelt, the President of one of the greatest American humbugs, the Civil Service Commission, has forgotten all about the numerous prosecutions he was going to make for violation of the law by various individuals in soliciting campaign contributions from federal employes [sic], previous to the election, and is now lying awake nights to study up schemes to keep the democrats out of the patronage to which they should be entitled after the fourth of March next, by extending the Civil Service to branches of the Government to which it never would have been extended had Harrison been re-elected. Mr. Harrison has so far refused to endorse this scheme to keep republicans in office under a democratic administration by issuing he necessary order to carry it into effect, but he may be worried into it yet. The people of this country have voted against perpetual office holding, and a democratic Congress might take a notion to let this old humbug die for the want of an appropriation. The tears would be few, and they wouldn't be from democratic eyes.

Thanksgiving Proclamation.

   Frank Parker is assisting in the work at the Union milk depot.
   The chair factory is booming. Orders for chairs are pouring in so rapidly that it is almost impossible to fill them fast enough.
   The Railroad Co. Telegraph and Telephone lines that run through this place pay more than one half of the money raised to pay the school tax and there are a few people that will growl because they have to pay such a large school tax. Better move back, my friends, where there are neither taxes, churches, or school houses, and form a little colony of your own, and be happy.

   Mr. Hiram Babcock and wife are about the same. Mrs. Phebe Barber is better.
   Mr. Samuel Barber is building a new hen house 42 ft. long. It is for 100 hens.
   We understand there is a petition in circulation to have the P. O. removed to the McConnell store.
   Thanksgiving services are to be held at the M. E Church. Rev. B. F. Rogers is to preach upon that occasion.
   Mr. George Jones has moved into the Stillman house. Mr. Merton Whiting moves out and into the upper part of his store.
   If any one has trouble with a horse rubbing its tail, try saturating the part with kerosene. It will do the business and not take off the hair.
   We notice that our supervisor, Mr. E. W. Childs, has been highly honored, being given the place of chairman of the Equalization committee. Mr. Childs is a live man, and one who will push business, but in politics we can't quite endorse him.
   We are glad to hear that Miss Gale of Tompkins county, who was nominated for school commissioner by the prohibitionists and endorsed by the democrats, was elected. Wonder if there is not a good, capable woman in this district for commissioner for next fall.

   Fred Webster, who has been working the past season at South Cortland, has returned home.
   All this talk about the war and the soldiers who fought to save our Union reminds us of the little boy who returned from school after he had learned about the Revolutionary war, and said to his father, who was born in England: "We whipped you awfully, didn't we, papa?" Why cannot the hatchet be buried? We suppose that all did their duty (or if not, they have the worst of it) and were suitably rewarded, and why not let the matter rest there, and think more of the present needs of the nation and less of the past unpleasantness? Why should not the railroad employes who take their lives in their hands every day that the public may travel with safety and speed, be pensioned as well as the man who for a few years fought for the public good, received his pay and is now able to carry on a thriving business? A pension given to men who were really disabled, or to widows and orphans who were left helpless by the misfortunes of war, would mean something and be a worthy deed. Mention of "our boys in blue" was once enough to quicken the blood of any patriotic man or woman, but who can be patriotic over the selfish, grasping crowd of pension seekers?

   The Tillinghast creamery closed for the season last Monday.
   Wesley Phillips of the Brackle is in Connecticut visiting his son.
   John Darwin left Monday morning with a loud of dressed turkeys for the New York market.
   Supervisor Oliver Griswold was home over Sunday from the meeting of the board in Cortland.
   Rev. Eli Pittman has sent nine barrels of apples and other produce, which has been donated by persons in this vicinity, to the Deaconess' Home in Syracuse. The King's Daughters of this place are also preparing to send a box of clothing, etc. to the same institution.

[We copy articles as they were printed, past rules of grammar included--CC editor.] 


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