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John F. Dowd, Emeralds. Photo from Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland. |
Volunteer Firemen's Association of Central New York.
On the 29th of last month a number of prominent
volunteer firemen residing in the counties of Broome, Cortland, Cayuga, Tompkins
and Tioga met in Ithaca for the purpose of taking steps towards the organization
of the "Volunteer Firemen's Association of Central New York." F. M.
Baker of Owego, who for many years was the President of the State Firemen's Association,
Chiefs Jewhurst of Auburn, Lentz of Binghamton, Cole of Ithaca, and Dowd of
Cortland, were appointed a committee at the meeting to further investigate as
to the feasibility of such an organization with instructions to report at a
meeting of said committee appointed to be held in this place Nov. 23d.
There were present at this meeting, F. M. Baker of Owego, Chief Frank Cole and 1st Asst. Randolph of Ithaca, a representative from Homer, besides Chief Dowd and a number of Cortland firemen. The committee's report was read, which showed that the firemen in Central New York are alive to the idea, and will give the proposed Association a hearty support.
There were present at this meeting, F. M. Baker of Owego, Chief Frank Cole and 1st Asst. Randolph of Ithaca, a representative from Homer, besides Chief Dowd and a number of Cortland firemen. The committee's report was read, which showed that the firemen in Central New York are alive to the idea, and will give the proposed Association a hearty support.
This committee was empowered to draft a
constitution and by-laws, and at this meeting authorized to have the Association
incorporated under the general laws of the State of New York. In the five counties already represented there are
over 100 volunteer fire companies, and about 70 per cent of this number have
already signified their willingness and desire to become working members. The
Association will be similar to that of the State organization, will hold annual
meetings on the first Tuesday of August in each year and continue in session
for one or more days. Its purpose will be the discussion of matters pertaining
to the volunteer fire service; and to bring before firemen the idea of better
discipline in the service The most able men in the country will be present at
these meetings and deliver essays upon topics of vital interest to volunteer
firemen. The first convention is to be held next August, the place not yet
having been determined, and the efforts being put forth by the present committee
is assurance enough that it will be one of the most instructive to the volunteer
firemen ever held in the State.
F. M. Baker, of Oswego, who is one of the
most enthusiastic workers for the success of this undertaking assures us that
it will go through, and when Mr. Baker takes hold of anything he is quite apt
to make it a success. Mr. Baker was one of the founders of State Firemen's
Association and it was through his efforts that this organization was brought
to a high standard of success, while he was its Secretary and President. He is
every inch a fireman, and in the new organization will bring to its management
the marked executive ability that he is possessed of. Mr. Baker is a committee
of one appointed by the World's Fair Commission to collect and arrange an extensive
exhibit of ancient and modern fire apparatus at the World's Columbian
The meeting held in Orris Hose rooms on
Wednesday was of great interest, and the work done insures the organization.
Cortland firemen are greatly interested in [such] undertaking, and why not hold
the first Convention at Cortland, on the first Tuesday in August next.
The next meeting of the Committee will be
called by Mr. Baker, chairman, within the next week or two, or as soon
as the fire companies in the different counties already represented can be communicated
Success to the Volunteer Firemen's
Association of Central New York.
County Officers
The members of the Board of Supervisors were
dined in royal style at the Hotel Brunswick
Tuesday evening, by Judge Eggleston, County Clerk Jones, Sheriff Miller,
District Attorney Squires, Superintendent of Poor Angel, County Treasurer Brown,
and School Commissioners Coon and Stillman.
The spread was laid in the dining room and
at eight o'clock all the Supervisors with the exception of Messrs. Nelson of
Truxton, Holton of Virgil, and Brown of Harford,
together with their entertainers, sat down to tables filled with many dainties.
The tables tastefully decorated, were placed in the form of a T and at the head
sat Judge Eggleston, flanked on the right and left with the patriarchs of the
Board, Smith and Greene, and by Chairman Howes and Supervisor Crane, while down
the two sides of the longer table were placed the other members of the Board,
the County officers and representatives of the Homer and Cortland papers, each
being furnished with a handsome chrysanthemum boutonniere.
Hosts [presume Mr. &
Mrs. Wallace—CC editor] Wallace had prepared an elegant repast and it was excellently
served. Following is the
Oysters, Select.
Fried [or] Raw.
Cold Ham, Cold Spring Lamb, Cold Turkey, Cold
Roast Beef, Pickled Tongue.
Brandy Jelly, Lemon Jelly, Worcestershire
Sauce, Olives, Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles, Catsup.
Lobster Salad, Chicken Salad.
Homemade Bread, Raised Biscuit.
Ice Cream, Neapolitan.
Sponge Cake, Chocolate Cake, Fig Cake, Fruit
Cake, Macaroons, Lady Fingers, Kisses, Oranges, Bananas, Assorted Nuts.
Tea, Coffee.
American Cheese
When full justice had been done to the
eatables, cigars were furnished to those who desired to smoke, and an adjournment
taken to the sitting room where amid the smoke of burning Havanas, an hour was
passed in pleasant visiting among those present. After the cigars had passed
away, Chairman Howes, on behalf of the Board, thanked the officers of the
county for the pleasant entertainment furnished them.
Judge Eggleston followed with a few remarks
on behalf of the officers. Remarks were also made by Supervisors Greene and Childs,
by School Commissioners Coon and Stillman, County Clerk Jones, District Attorney
Squires and Clerk of the Board Barry.
It was eleven o'clock when the party broke
up, wishing each other many happy returns of the occasion and all feeling thankful
for the few hours that had enabled them to become better acquainted with each
other and for the relaxation from their duties.
of Grover Post 98 G. A. R.
At a regular meeting of Grover Post 98,
Department of New York, G. A. R., held in their rooms at Cortland, N. Y.,
Wednesday evening, Nov. 16th, 1892, the following preamble and resolutions were
unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, This Post has been honored by the gift of an elegant and beautiful memorial volume of "War Sketches," wherein may be placed the war record of every comrade of the Post, and,
WHEREAS, This Post has been honored by the gift of an elegant and beautiful memorial volume of "War Sketches," wherein may be placed the war record of every comrade of the Post, and,
WHEREAS, For this memorial we are largely
indebted to two of our most loyal and public-spirited citizens, not members of
the G. A. R., and,
WHEREAS, We are also indebted to three of our
loyal comrades for their contribution to its purchase, therefore,
Resolved: That Grover Post 98, Department of New York, G. A. R., extend our sincere
and heartfelt thanks to our generous fellow citizens, Chester F. Wickwire and
John W. Keese, and also to our beloved comrades, Hon. A. P. Smith and Past
Commander Aaron Sager and Henry M. Kellogg for this handsome gift.
Resolved: That, a copy of these resolutions be presented to each of the donors and
that they be spread upon the records of the Post and published in our village papers.
Signed by the committee.
MARK BROWNELL, Commander of Post.
FRANK PLACE, Past Commander.
E. M. SEACORD, Past Commander.
Boyd's Minstrels in the Open House, next
Monday evening. Prices, 35, 50, 75 cents.
Sardo, the boneless wonder, with Boyd's Minstrels,
in Cortland opera house, next Monday evening Nov. 28th.
F. H. Smith, the Homer dry goods dealer, has
a new advertisement in this issue of the DEMOCRAT that cannot fail to please
our lady readers.
See the new street parade and hear the grand
band concert Monday next, at 12 noon and 7 o'clock in the evening, by Boyd's
Modern Minstrels.
Luke Schoolcraft and Johnny Mack, the great
comedians, are with Boyd's Minstrels. Don't fall to see them next Monday evening.
Prices, 35, 50, 75 cents.
The mother's meeting (north) will be held at
the residence of Mrs. M. J. Nichols, 8 Maple-ave., Wednesday, Nov. 30th at 8 P.
M. Subject, "Family Government." All ladies are cordially invited.
The deacons of the Baptist church gave a
reception to Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Cordo in the church parlors, on Tuesday evening.
It was a very pleasant social affair and
was appreciated by all present.
Mr. C. A. Lounsbury has added a dining room
to his bakery establishment, where those who desire can always find a nice
lunch. Oysters served in all styles. Read his advertisement in another place.
C. F. Waters, who has been an inmate of the
Binghamton Asylum for some months, has not returned home, as reported in the
Daily Standard. It is expected that he will be home in about three
Sefton & Watson's Comic Opera and high class Vaudeville
company will entertain our citizens in the Opera House this Friday evening.
Handsome lady artists, sweet singers, splendid music, beautiful costumes, form
a few of the principal attractions.
Mr. Ethel C. Benedict, who fell through the elevator
in Garrison's store about four months ago, died at his home on East Main
street, last Friday evening, aged 47 years. His right leg and his right arm were
broken by the fall, and in attempting to walk about two months ago, the leg was
again fractured in the same place. This, in connection with other infirmities
that set in, caused his death. Mr. Benedict was appointed postmaster of Homer
by President Arthur, and served through most of President Cleveland's term. He was
a highly esteemed citizen, and had many friends wherever he was known. He
leaves a wife, but no children.
The Cortland Wheel Club sat down to their
annual banquet last Friday evening at the Messenger House. Fifty plates were set
and nearly all taken. The arrangement of the tables was very tasty; a bicycle trimmed
in league colors occupied the centre. A souvenir, hand-painted badge with
a button-hole bouquet at the top, was at each place. The menu was of the highest
order, and three hours were taken up at the tables after which an adjournment
was taken to the club-room where games were in order till a late hour. No
toasts were on the programme, the club-room entertainment taking their place.
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