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Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane, Willard, N. Y. |
An Economical System.
(From the
Albany Argus, December 19, 1892.)
One week ago the complete transfer of the
care of the insane of the State of New York,
outside of New York and Kings counties, from the county authorities to the
State authorities, was affected. The change was a radical one. It was not brought
about without long and serious consideration in several Legislatures, and without
a careful examination of the philanthropic and economical arguments upon which
its friends advocated it. The medical profession is almost unanimous in the
belief that the new system of State care is demanded by the progress of medical
science in the treatment of the insane and that humanity itself commands the change
of method. Into that argument it is unnecessary at this late day to go. The evidence
of its soundness seems to be conclusive.
The change has been opposed by some on the
ground that it would involve an increase in the cost of maintaining the insane.
Even if that were the fact it would not necessarily be a conclusive argument
against the system adopted by the Legislature. But it is not the fact. Since
the adjournment of the Legislature, Governor
Flower, Comptroller Campbell and the State Lunacy Commission have instituted
most careful inquiries into the relative costs of the two systems. They have
not rested upon the medical and philanthropic argument, but have gone into the
matter of cost to the people as well. These inquiries leave no doubt that the
new system will result in a saving of money to the people, as well as in the
more satisfactory care of the insane themselves. The State government is
committed to the successful administration of the policy established by the
Legislature, and it is essential that there should be a full understanding of
what the change menus to the taxpayers.
A week ago the Argus stated that the
new system would involve an increase in State
taxes, but that this would be only apparent, as the reduction in county taxes would
much more than offset this increase. The following table of the cost of the two
systems confirms that statement. The county tax is based on the average rates now
charged to counties for the maintenance of their insane in the State hospitals. The State
tax is based on the value of the whole taxable property of the State, assessed
at the uniform State rate needed to produce the requisite funds, approximately $1,800,000.
[Table, county columns and estimates omitted—CC editor.]
[Table, county columns and estimates omitted—CC editor.]
It will be noted that fifty-six counties in
the State will make considerable savings under the new system. Genesee will apparently
lose $746, due largely to a heavy valuation, and Wyoming loses $1,353. The bulk
of the loss will fall upon New York and Kings counties, which are voluntarily exempt
from the act. As matters now stand, these two counties agree to maintain their
own insane, while New York contributes $596,288 and Kings $154,046 towards the
care of the insane in the remaining counties of the State.
It is doubtless unnecessary to impress upon
the newspapers of the State, especially the Democratic newspapers, the advisability
of laying the facts before their readers at an early day. By this means only
and by reiteration can misunderstanding be avoided. The State tax levy next
year, adopted by the Legislature will provide for raising the considerable sums
named in the second column. At first thought this might appear like a heavy increase
of taxation. But it will not appear so if it is borne in mind that under the
old system boards of supervisors would be required to raise by taxation the large
amounts named in the first column, and that the difference, in the third
column, represents the savings to the counties of the State.
The management of State finance is justly a
source of pride to Gov. Flower, to Comptroller Campbell and to the Democratic
party which they represent in office, and no misunderstanding of the facts hereafter
should be allowed to develop and interfere with the credit which attaches to the
economical as well as the humane side of the State’s new policy.
Niagara Blocked With Ice.
NIAGARA, Ont., Jan. 4.—For the first time in
seven years the Niagara river at this point is blocked with ice. The jam occurred
Tuesday night, and a severe frost firmly cemented it. A path has today been
marked out from Niagara to Youngstown,
N. Y., and many persons are crossing on ice. The block extends to Queenstown
heights. At Lewistown and Queenstown the ice is piled high above the wharves,
and it is feared that when it goes out much damage will be done. This is the
earliest in the season that there has been an ice bridge here.
Cause of Financial Uneasiness.
The one dark cloud on the financial horizon
is the silver law of 1890, and the great number of Republicans and Democrats
who are working for its repeal gives some lesson for the hope that it will be
stricken from the statute book before the expiration of the Fifty-second
congress. This would inspire renewed confidence all over the world in the
stability of our financial system, and lend to heavy purchases of our
securities by Europe and the movement of gold to this country. Meanwhile the
gold in the treasury is slowly but steadily increasing.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. (Rep.)
The State legislature convened last Tuesday.
The election of an United States Senator in place of Hon. Frank Hiscock will
take place January 17th.
Sheridan Shook, and Col. Emmons Clark, two
prominent republican leaders of New York, besides a large number of lesser
lights of the same city, have left the party and joined Tammany Hall. They say
that the doctrine of high protection has proved a failure and they will not affiliate
with a party that offers them little else.
Hon. Chas. A. Jackson, chairman of the
County Committee of the New
County Democracy, has resigned and announces that he will join Tammany Hall.
Rev. Dr. McGlynn, the famous Catholic
clergyman of New York, who was suspended from priestly functions three or four
years since, has been restored and will soon have charge of a church.
The Albany Argus says: "There is
reliable authority for the statement that the position of Assistant Postmaster-General
under the incoming administration will be filled by the Hon. Robert A. Maxwell
of Genesee. Mr. Maxwell has always been a strong friend and admirer of Mr.
Cleveland, and has shown himself to be a very competent official in several responsible
positions. As State Treasurer for two terms and State Superintendent of Insurance
for several years, he made an excellent record. His many friends are making a
strong effort to secure the appointment for him.
The subject of good roads is receiving much
attention in all quarters, and petitions are being forwarded to Congress, asking
for the creation of a bureau, similar to the Agricultural Bureau, to have charge
of the work. That better roads are needed in this country, must be plain to every
one who has occasion to use them for any purpose, but a change for the better
will not be seen until there is some method developed to enforce an improvement.
Under the present system, farmers seem to have no interest in having good
roads, and manage to put in the time in working out their road tax by
performing the least amount of labor possible. They seem to entirely lose sight
of the fact that by keeping the highway along their promises in good condition
they are adding greatly to the value of their property. Few people care to pay
a fair price for a farm that is unapproachable for six or eight months in the year.
The time and money spent in improving the highways about farm property is an investment
that will pay a big interest.
The M. S. Price residence property, corner
of South Salina and Jefferson-sts., Syracuse, has been sold to Dey Bros. for
$125,000. The firm will build a $100,000 dry goods store on the lot.
The Governor's message will be found on our
sixth page.
All but seven or eight of the customers of the
Telephone Co. have served notice on them to remove their phones.
See change in Dr. G. W. Hull's card on second
page. He makes use of a new anaesthetic [sic] for the painless extraction of
Ralph Gladding, of Norwich, has purchased
the Beebe [steam] laundry, and will repair the same [fire damage] and soon have
it in running order.
Messrs. Holden & Seager have
opened an uptown office in H. D. Hollister's bakery, where orders for coal will
be taken.
Court House hill is in fine condition for coasting,
and some of the large bobs go through Court to Church street. A large crowd
improve the opportunity every evening.
Detective J. T. Norris, of Springfield, was
in town on Wednesday, and attracted quite a little attention by his dress. Mr. Norris
is the great detective who captured Red Austin, the great bunco steerer.
The new officers of the C. M. B. A. were
publicly installed last Tuesday evening. It is expected that the old custom will
this year be revived and a banquet given by the new officers to the members of
the association.
Mr. E. C. McGraw has rented the building in
rear of the DEMOCRAT office, to be used as a wagon and repair shop. He expects to
move from his present quarters on South Main street sometime during the month.
He will have an abundance of room in his new location.
F. E. Brogden, the druggist, has a new scheme
before the public. With every purchase of ten cents or more a guess is allowed
on the length of time a new Elgin watch, valued at $50, will run when first wound
up. Guessing continues till May 1st; when the watch will be wound at noon.
A new exchange for the Empire State Telephone
& Telegraph Co., is being fitted up on the third floor of the
Beaudry block. The wires will be brought into the rooms from the rear of the
building. A new standard metallic circuit switchboard has been put in and all
the appliances will be new and of the latest pattern.
John W. Suggett, Esq., of this village, has
been chosen as one of three commissioners in the Skaneateles conduit condemnation
proceedings, to appraise property through which the water pipes will pass from
Skaneateles to Syracuse. The selection is a good one in every respect, as Mr.
Suggett is a good lawyer and a fair-minded man.
From birth, a boy can own property, at seven
he is, if intelligent, answerable for crime, at fourteen [sic] he, if necessary,
could choose his guardian and contract for marriage, at 14 he is punishable for
misdemeanor, at 18 he is qualified for military service, at
21 he may declare himself independent of his father and is old enough to vote,
at 25 he is eligible to congress, at 30 to the United States senate, and at 40
to the presidency, and at 45 he is exempt from military duty.—Albany Express.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob D. Keeler,
of this place, celebrated their fortieth anniversary last Friday afternoon, by
inviting a few of their friends to spend the afternoon and evening socially.
None of the guests knew that it was an anniversary until a little before the time
of their departure. An excellent supper was provided and all enjoyed the
Another swindler is working
the country districts. His game is a new one and farmers bite at it. The scamp
says he is the representative of a co-operative store which sells groceries,
dry goods, tools, etc., to farmers at wholesale prices. To get the benefit of
the store the farmer is required to pay a fee of sixty cents per year, and one
dollar if paid in advance for two years. It is a slick game, and as the fellow
who is working it is a slick talker, many farmers are parting with their one
dollar bills to get advantage of the co-operative store. The store exists only
in the brains of the agent, and he is a fraud.
Is it Typhus?
About ten days ago Timothy
Copely, a stove moulder, came to Cortland from New York, and took up his
residence on Crandall street. A few days after his arrival he was taken sick
and a physician was called, and pronounced the patient as suffering with fever.
Some of the neighbors who called in to see the sick man, claimed that he was
suffering from the dreaded typhus, and have since kept away from the house.
Copely, while in New York, is said to have lodged several times at 84 Bayard
street, where the epidemic now raging in the metropolis originated, and from
whence over twenty cases have since been removed.
A representative of the DEMOCRAT
called on Health Officer Moore yesterday, and asked if such a case had been
reported to him. He said that no physician had as yet reported a case of typhus
to him, and that this was the first he had heard of such a thing, but that he
should look into it and if it proved to be that disease, those who had been
calling on the patient, as well as the house itself, would be rigidly quarantined.
Since writing the above health
officer Moore informs us that he has examined the case and that there are no symptoms of typhus, but that the man is
suffering from a mild attack of malarial fever.
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