Saturday, April 20, 2019


Joe Bakewell.

                                             THE WASTELAND.

I'm thinking about TS Eliot, as I do every spring, and his famous quotation, claiming that April is the cruelest montha statement with which I agree. He is also famous for his poetry. Among his poems is one titled ‘The Wasteland’. This title was borrowed some time later and used to describe the quality of television at that time. As far as I can tell it hasn't improved since.

I’m borrowing the title here to describe the state of our public life.

It's amazing to me that so much of our national dialogue consists of what can only be called political combat. This combat seems to be a full-time occupation of the people who are supposed to be running our government. All other issues regardless of their importance have been shoved to the side. And the American public seems to be buying into this preoccupation to the exclusion of all other problems and issues regardless of their importance. As an example, I think of all the attention being paid to health care and how much citizens will pay for insurance while ignoring the gross cost of health care to our nation. It seems to be understood that the government namely our taxpayers will make up the difference. And where does that money come from?

To look at the cost and what can be done about it would be political suicide—that's where the money comes from to fund campaigns.  So we’re stuck with a ridiculous situation in which we spend at least twice as much as other nations on health care while achieving results that are worse.

There is also the little matter of our national debt and where that's headed. Our government currently spends 8 1/2% of its budget on interest expense and given current plans that's scheduled to increase in proportion to the debt.

I don't know what it cost to run Washington DC but I think it's probably the biggest con job/rip off in history. The federal government employs over 2,000,000 people not counting military or the Post Office. Over 400,000 are in the DC area. We are spending huge sums for political garbage, and most citizens seem to be cheering for their side while deluding themselves into thinking that their votes have any value.

This will continue until some externally-imposed crisis brings it to a halt.

Joe Bakewell.

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