Monday, September 5, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, January 20, 1893.

   "Oh! the summer days are sweet,
   And we long to have them coming."
   Willie Smith has helped to cut about 100 cords of wood this winter.
   Hubert Cline visited his mother and grandparents Saturday and Sunday.
   Mr. Henry Smith has rented Mr. John Fish's farm near Lower Cincinnatus, and will move there about March 1st.
   Miss Cora Baker, who has been with her sister Mrs. Fred Smith, returned to her home at Potter Hill, Monday of this week.
   Mr. George McDonald reports the Grange social, which met at Mr. William Maricle's on "Dutch Hill," a very pleasant affair.
   Miss Cora Baker and Herbert Fuller have been engaged to work for Peter Neilson on the "Boyd farm." Blissful days in store for H—.
   Mrs. T. H. Wright returned Thursday from an extended visit at the home of her parents in Elmira. Tommy gladly resigns the position of house-keeper and gracefully yields the broom and dish-cloth, 'though he claims to be an adept in the use of the latter.
   One of our citizens reports a scene he lately witnessed, which arouses his indignation to an unwonted degree. As he approached Port Watson he saw a man throw some large object from his wagon upon the bridge into the river. Judge of his horror as he came near to see a greyhound in the icy water, making fruitless efforts to escape, (but prevented by the ice which lined the river banks,) crying piteously the while, and the heartless man coolly watching the struggles of the nobler, but more unfortunate animal. The gentleman indignantly protested against such cruelty; a second man soon arrived upon the scene who also pronounced it "outrageous." By their united protests and threats of arrest, they compelled him to take measures to ensure its speedy death.

   Gay's hotel is filled with boarders during the ice season.
   B. L. McNamara and O. B. Andrews were in Syracuse this week.
   A party of young people enjoyed a sleigh ride Saturday evening.
   Will Gutches had his foot crushed while working for the Ice Co.
   The New York bosses of the union milk depot were in town this week.
   Peter Selover has moved out of the Cushing store into Mrs. Ives farm house.
   Fitzgerald teams are caring lumber from the steam mill. It goes to the chair factory at Apulia.
   Wm. Isbel returned from Lincklaen last week. He is confined to the house with a carbuncle.
   Frank Wilcox and D. T. Bowdish took a bath in the lake although the thermometer stood at zero.
   Daniel Cummings and Melvin Pratt have been appointed appraisers on the Scott estate and will appraise the property on Tuesday.
   Milton Salisbury has returned from a business trip to Auburn. One of his suits with the executors of Lovina Salisbury has been settled.
   There were a party of young people from Homer at the Raymond House last Thursday night. There will be a party from Cortland this week Wednesday.
   The Little York Ice Co. packed 500 tons of ice in four hours last Wednesday, which beats all previous records. On Friday and Saturday they loaded cars for the Cortland Beef Co. and the D. L. & W. ice house at Oswego.

   Mrs. Catherine Brooks and her son went to Syracuse, Saturday.
   M. M. Maybury of Solon visited friends in this section Sunday.
   Mrs. Peter Jordan had another poor spell last week, but is better now.
   W. D. McDonald and family spent a day with his sister in Cortland recently.
   The last of the butter in DeLong's factory is to be delivered at McGrawville this week.
   Mrs. Elmer Hull of Cedarvale, N. Y. is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jordan.
   Lewis Crumb and wife of Brookfield spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fox.
   Our experience is that we have been having a longer spell of cold weather than we have had in a number of years.
   William Hare is back from Norwich, where he has been staying with his son, Ross. He expects to go to Moravia this week to visit his son, Floyd.
   Thursday we had a temporary mail carrier, consequently part of our mail which would have come that day, had he waited at Cuyler for the south bound train, as the schedule requires that he should do, did not arrive. We trust there will be a change soon after March fourth.
   Jonathan Law, who went from Chenango Co. to San Bernardino, Cal. Two years ago, dropped dead in the postoffice a few days since. It is said that he was once well off but that he was persuaded to deed his property to his two daughters, after which he was turned out of doors.—[Deruyter] Gleaner. Mr. Law will be remembered by many of the older inhabitants as a former resident of this town.
   CALUMET. [pen name of local correspondent.]

   Mrs. Ed Crain visited friends at Homer the past week.
   Mr. Earl Curtis and Mr. Eddie Oaks were at Freetown Sunday.
   County Clerk S. K. Jones and wife of Cortland were in town Sunday.
   Mr. Stebbins and Miss Bishop of Homer, were guests at Mr. F. D. Freer's the 16th.
   Quite a good many from this place attended the theatre and saw "Dad's Girl Played."
   Died, Jan. 10, Mr. Frank Oaks aged 80 years. Funeral services were held from the house Saturday at eleven o'clock, Rev. Mr. Smith officiating. He leaves a wife and son.

He was ready for the summons
  Which called him from earth away;
He has gone from among us,
  For with us he could not stay.
For the Lord to heaven had called him.
  There to join the angelic throng,
There to be forever happy,
  And to join with them in song.
Though the home is sad and lonely,
  And the burden is hard to bear,
Still to us it seems much lighter,
  When we know he's free from care.
Grieve not for him, dear Minnie,
  Nor listen to the dolesome knell,
For methinks I hear the angels saying,
  With him, 'tis well! 'tis well!


   Miss Mary Jennison is sick with quinsey. Dr. Muncy attends her.
   Mr. Charles Ryan and family were in attendance at the Green and Sprague wedding last Sunday.
   A good many from this place expect to attend the County Alliance to be held at Cortland, Jan. 21st. The president of the State Alliance E. F. Dibble will be present and deliver an address. Anyone will be well repaid for their time to attend the county alliance.
   At a regular meeting of Summit Alliance held Dec. 15th, a resolution was passed to build a building for the use of the order to be called Alliance Hill. A site has been purchased of Charley Ryan and the ground will soon be broken for the foundation. The members are putting material on the ground for the building and hall. The members of the alliance are enthusiastic and determined to make the order a success, in spite of its local enemies, and some of the county officials.
   The Republicans tell us the United States have prospered wonderfully since the McKinley bill took effect, but references to the Cortland County Supervisors Journal for the year 1892 and Supervisors Proceedings as published in the DEMOCRAT for the year 1892, show that the aggregate valuation of the personal property and real estate of Cortland county has decreased $223,572 in two years. It is that kind of "prosperity," that send people to the alms house.
   Eighty of the inhabitants of South Hill and the northern part of the town of Lapeer, have petitioned to the Post-Master General to establish a post office at the residence of Adelbert Tarbox, in the town of Lapeer and that the name of the post office be called Luce Hill, and Adelbert Tarbox be appointed post-master. If the prayer of the petitioners is granted, it will supply a long felt need in this vicinity. Mr. Tarbox is an enterprising farmer and is building a cheese factory on his farm to manufacture his and his patrons' milk into full cream cheese, and we hear is contemplating putting in a stock of groceries to accommodate his patrons and the public.

   E. L. Tanner is caring potatoes, paying 75c. per bushel.
   W. S. Freer has shipped a cask of his cider to Florida.
   W. E. Russell was at Syracuse on business on Thursday and Friday.
   Mrs. Miller and son Fred expect to move in Wayland Spencer's house on Main St.
   The chair factory boys have enjoyed a days' rest the past week, on account of the water pipes freezing.
   Meetings will be continued every evening this week; also on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at the Baptist church.
   Lyman Potter and Miss Mamie Palmer attended the wedding of his sister, Mamie Potter and Arthur Seeber at Marathon last Tuesday.
   Mr. P. F. Moses received, on Monday, 1 doz. cot bedsteads. We can assure any one purchasing one of these bedsteads that they are getting a very easy bed, as we have tried them.

   Mr. Fred Goodwin has moved his family in town.
   The ice house at the Creamery was filled last week.
   James Watterman visited at Mr. Nichols' last Saturday.
   Mr. Fred Moore of Ludlowville was in town a few days last week.
   Mr. John Bloomer of Virgil was in town Tuesday on his way to Owego.
   It is very cold, the thermometer registering from 20 to 26 degrees below zero.
   A good many people are moving their potatoes at seventy-five cents per bushel.
   Rumor says that Abe Boice has gone to New Yore to settle the political dispute there.
   Mr. Stanley Bailey and family are in town with a sick child which has the dyptheria.
   Our school has closed for a short time on account of dyptheria being brought into the place.
   Mr. John Wayle and Mr. Chappuis of this place are both loading potatoes here at seventy-five cents per bushel.
   George Matison our horse dealer has gone to Ulster, Pa. with a valuable pair to swap for real estate, grind-stones or any property that may come his way.
   Mrs. Charles Eastman of Berkshire was in town last Friday, selling woolen stockings very reasonable and disposed of a good many pairs.
   Mr. Bert Erwin has married Miss Blanche Moon and bought out Mr. Henry Durrenberg, his half brother, and is going to farming. Success to you Bert, is the wish of all.

   Mr. John Homes of Texas was in town the last of the week.
   Clinton Borthwick of McGrawville was in town the first of the week.
   Mr. Harvey Stone is in Syracuse and also is to visit Madison county some time.
   Mrs. Sarah Turner of Gridley Hollow, is staying at her sister's, Mrs. A. Metzgar.
   Mr. J. Hazard of Scott, visited at Mr. Brown's on the hill, the first of the week.
   Mr. Wm. Burdick of McGrawville came in on Sunday and brought Mrs. West home.
   Mr. S. S. Hammond and wife are to attend the funeral of Mrs. Bertha Hammond at McGrawville to-day.
   Business is very good in our town at the present time. We have plenty of snow for sleighing and the people have been making good time of it drawing up wood.
   Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkins, a daughter. Take off your hat off now when you meet Charles and call him Mr. Atkins. Perhaps he'll wear a stove pipe hat from now on.
   The young people of the Christian Endeavor met last evening to elect officers for the coming year. The meetings still continue for this present week; preaching every evening.
   Mr. Frank Connor who died in Little York has long been one of our community. Although he had no permanent home here he has lived in many families and had many friends who will miss him. Our loss is his infinite gain, we trust.
   We are pained to announce the death of Mr. Chauncey Smith's oldest boy, after a short illness, aged 14 years. Funeral to-day at the house; burial at Marathon.

Poor consolation words can give,
  Though from the pulpit spoken,
To hearts in which deep sorrows live,
  Where nearest ties are broken,
Whose loved one deaths relentless blow
  Hath in his shroud laid cold and low.

We hear the funerals solemn form,
  Society imposes,
But find no refuge from griefs
  In it, when it closes.
Our hearts the loved one would embalm,
  And keep him near that storm to calm.

   School closed Friday with exercises in the afternoon.
   It is currently reported that Mrs. Chamberlain has sold her place to L. J. Fitzgerald.
   Jay Mathers and his brother, of Cascade, spent Saturday with their aunt, Mrs. Murphy.
   Miss Blue, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Leroy Smith, has returned to her home in Dryden.
   Mr. Hartnett, driver on the street car line, expects to move into the rooms vacated by Mr. Baldwin.
  Work on the street car track has been quite brisk, the wind blowing the snow so that shoveling was necessary
   I have in my possession a copy of the Skaneateles Democrat, printed April, 1847, E. Sherman Keeney, editor. Quite a curiosity, in its way, for to-day readers. The most thrilling event in it is the capture of Vera Cruz, and a special "Town meeting called on the question of License or No-License, at the tavern kept by Alford Lamb, in the village of Skaneateles." It is really interesting to notice the difference between a paper 45 years ago and now.

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