The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 10,
Last Friday morning the hotel in Preble owned
by John H. Klock was destroyed by fire with nearly all of the furniture and contents.
The day before about 4 o'clock P. M., fire broke out in the upper part of the
kitchen located in the north-west part of the hotel, and was discovered before
it made much headway and with the assistance of those around, was got under
control and as was supposed entirely extinguished.
The proprietor Mr. Klock gave the alarm about
15 minutes before 4 o'clock in the morning, and in a very few minutes there were
quite a number of people on the ground. The church bells were rung and before
long all the villagers and some outside were at the fire. Dr. Hunt was the first
one that came and he found the inside of the hotel so filled with smoke, that
it was dangerous to ascend to the 3d story, where the sleeping rooms were, one
of which was occupied by Mrs. Klock, (who is recovering from a dangerous attack
of pneumonia.) She was taken out to the plaza in front, a ladder procured and
Dr. Hunt assisted her to the ground; she was taken to the doctor's house across
the way.
There was a brave effort made by some of
those present to save the furniture, but the fire had got under such headway
that all parts of the house were filled with smoke. One or two went up the
stairs after some of the steps had burned, so they could not step on them, and
got into two rooms up stairs and kicked the windows out over the plaza, and
took furniture out after they were full of smoke and it was very dangerous to
enter them.
The hotel barn on the east was saved though
it was scorched some, and the meat shop and barn on the west were quite near but
through hard work the fire was confined to the hotel. The morning was very calm,
not a breath of air stirring and there was snow on the roofs. Carpets were kept
wet and held upon poles between the buildings. If either of those buildings had
taken fire, Preble would have had a big conflagration. Green's barn, store and
his long string of buildings would have been destroyed with the post-office and
grange buildings, and very likely more.
Mr. Green's folks commenced carrying the goods
out of the store as soon as the hotel was found to be past saving. Mr. Klock had
his hotel furniture and fixtures insured in the sum of $4,050.
Mr. Calvin V. Graves of Natural Bridge,
Jefferson county, is one of the owners of a patent trolling bait tor catching
pickerel and bass that is said to take the entire bakery. It consists of a
transparent glass tube or receptacle for holding live bait of any sort, open at
both ends, and surrounded by hooks to catch the fish. One small minnow can be
kept alive all day and as lively as ever when night comes. The device was
thoroughly tried last season and it is claimed that more fish, by ten to one,
were taken with it than with any other method. No. 2 is for pickerel and pike
and No. 3 for black and Oswego bass. The first costs $1.25 and the last $1.00.
Address all orders as above.
For the best six verse poem on the new
fishing device, I will pay $100 to first, $50 to second and $25 to third, in the
devices as stated in my circular. (Slang, chestnuts and fish stories
ruled out.)
Something Grave or gay; Welch, watery
and witty; hooked, pointed, alive, transparent, brief and a corker. "Life
is short." Give me something like the device—new, original and catchy. Time
until June 1st, 1893.
Natural Bridge, N. Y.
CHENANGO.—Chenango county has 20 lodges of
Good Templars.
Fire caused great excitement and about $100
damage to Norwich post-office, Sunday.
A Dairy Institute, under the auspices of the
State Agricultural Society, will be held at Oxford, on March 14th.
On Thursday morning of last week, Mr. Frank
Leary, of Greene village, took, through mistake for cough medicine, a small
portion of carbolic acid, which stood in a bottle near where he kept his
medicine. Doctors were called, and he was relieved of his poisonous dose.
The explosion of an oil stove in the Hotchkiss
House barn, at Oxford, Friday of last week, came very near causing a serious
conflagration. When discovered the flames were making rapid progress. The
timely assistance of the bucket brigade prevented a disastrous fire.
About 8 o'clock Monday afternoon, Mrs. Johanah
Rogers, "Aunt Biddy" as she was called, who lived at the lower end of
the village of Greene, near the D. L. & W. railroad track, was struck and
killed by train 15, the milk train from the south. The old lady had been after
a pail of water at a spring across the track, and was returning. It is supposed
she had stopped on the track to pick up coal, as her apron was found with some
in it. Her body was fearfully mangled, the head being nearly severed from the
body, and one side of her body crushed. The train was backed up and the remains
brought to the depot, where an inquest was held by Coroner Fernald of Norwich.
The old lady was an old resident of Greene, about sixty-five years of age, and
has five grown up children.
MADISON.—Colgate University is to have a new
Eaton farmers are paying from $22 to $25 per
month for farm hands this season.
Morrisville has secured the right of way and
raised $40,000 for her proposed railroad.
Mr. Sperry has bought the interest of Mr.
Nichols in the firm of Nichols & Sperry of Hamilton.
The Hamilton sash and blind factory has been
purchased by a stock company, and will soon be running again.
Dr. [Wilise]
of South Edmeston, is said to have a clock which was brought over from England
long before the Revolutionary war.
It is announced that on May 15 the National
express company will turn over its business on the O. & W. to the Adams express
A cock fight at Oneida, the other night, for
$50 a side, was won by Oneida birds. One at Sylvan Beach was broken up by a
constable and several of the participants arrested and fined.
A new half mile race track is to be laid out
on the lands of H. L. Spooner, in Brookfield, and fairs will be held there in the
future. Brookfield fairs are famous, always being successful.
A freight train of 23 cars was ditched on
the New York Central at Oneida, Monday, by spreading rails. The section men were
repairing the track, and had left a portion of it insecurely spiked. No one was
injured, but traffic had to be suspended for several hours.
TOMPKINS.—W. S. Wilcox, the boy who sings,
and plays four instruments all at one time, will appear at the Presbyterian
Church, Dryden, with Dryden Cornet Band, Friday evening, March 10th.
The annual corporation election of Groton
village occurs on Tuesday, March 21st, at which time a president, one trustee
and two water commissioners are to be elected. Candidates must be nominated and
nominations filed with the village clerk six days prior to the charter election.
An electric car went down the icy track on
the hill In Ithaca, one day last week, a great deal quicker than usual. The car
ran into another which had started out from the barns, but no one was injured and
there was only a slight damage to the cars. On account of the slippery track and
steep grade the motor man for a short time lost control of the car which contained
at the time only one passenger.
Last Saturday, while engaged in drawing
logs, Leo Metzgar of Groton had the misfortune to break one of the bones of his
left leg, near the ankle. A log which he was loading slipped and rolled upon his
leg. Mr. Metzgar had at the time a quantity of logs in readiness to draw to the
saw-mill. Tuesday, friends and neighbors made a bee and drew the logs, 380, to
the mill, and nine loads of the lumber also.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Mar. 6, 1893—Democratic enthusiasm
cannot be washed out, snowed out, mowed out or froze out. The north wind blew,
the snow fell and there were icicles hanging from the trees, houses, and
whiskers of men, but these little annoyances did not count when it came to inaugurating
a democratic President. Mr. Cleveland proved his indifference to them by
declining to deliver his inaugural address in the Senate chamber, instead of
from the open-air platform on the east front of the Capitol, before which,
standing in the snow storm, were about 10,000 people. He thought, and
correctly, too, that if these people were good enough democrats to brave the
storm—few of them could get near enough to hear him deliver his inaugural
address and take the oath of office, he was good enough democrat to take off
his hat, storm or no storm, and do it, and he did.
There isn't money enough in existence to buy
from the President the worn bible upon which he took the oath of office in 1885,
and upon which Chief Justice Fuller administered to him the same oath Saturday.
It is more valuable than gold or precious stones; it was his mother's, and Mr.
Cleveland has never forgotten the commandment, "Honor thy father and mother"
Not since the second inauguration of Grant
has there been such a disagreeable inauguration day, but the only noticeable
effect the weather had was to keep a few men whose health was not robust out of
the parade, which was over three hours long as it was, to disfigure and
disarrange the house decorations and to postpone the fireworks. Everything else
went off according to programme, just as would have done had the day been as
clear and balmy as that on which Mr. Cleveland was first inaugurated. On the reviewing
stand with the President and the Vice-President were a large number of
prominent ladies and gentlemen, among them Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Stevenson.
It is difficult to say which of the
democratic governors in the procession received the grandest ovations along the
line of march, but Peck of Wisconsin, Flower of New York, and Russell of
Massachusetts, have good reason to put the day down among the proudest of their
It is generally conceded that the inaugural
ball was the most successful, from every point of view ever held, and that the
decorations of the ball room were handsome and more artistic than they had ever
been seen here. The members of the committee in charge started out to make this
inauguration a memorable one in every respect, and they succeeded. It was a
great day for Grover Cleveland, a greater one for the democratic party, and
greatest of all for the country, beginning, as it did, an era of real,
simon-pure democratic government, not the pinchbeck kind the republicans have
given us.
![]() |
Illustrations printed on page 6, Cortland Democrat, March 10, 1893. |
A full account of the inaugural ceremonies
will be found on our sixth page.
The King's Daughters will meet at their
rooms on Clinton-ave., Saturday, March 11th, at 2:30 P. M.
Dr. J. W. Hughes made an assignment of his
property for the benefit of his creditors, last Monday.
Revival meetings have been held all this
week in the Free Methodist church.
Cortland is a live business town. The
handsomely fitted up store, No. 14 [in our time Harrington Bros. Music store on
Central Ave.], Democrat building, is for rent to responsible parties.
Employes [sic] of the Cortland steam laundry
will call and take up your carpet, clean it with the Star cleaner, and return
and lay it for you, all in one day. See notice in another column.
Johnson, the sleek young fellow who fleeced
the Syracuse cycling club and who is suspected of the crime of burglarizing
Rood's billiard parlors in this place a few evenings since, was captured in
Rome last Friday and is now in the hands of Syracuse officials.
There was no full moon during February. Only
once in about twenty years is there a month without a full moon, and that can
only be February, when the preceding full moon comes on the 30th or 31st of
January. There was a full moon on Jan. 31st, and again March 2d.
The school law requires that contracts
between trustees and teachers shall be in writing and signed by the trustee.
Failure to comply with this act has caused much controversy. Hon. J. F.
Crooker, State Superintendent, in a recent circular letter to trustees, says
that further violation of this act will render school districts liable to
forfeiture of the public money.
Stratton Foster, who lives on
"Dutch" hill in Cincinnatus, was drawn on the jury for the court
which set last Monday. In order not to be found missing at roll call, he started
on foot on Sunday for this place, to take the cars on Monday for Cortland.
Sunday was one of the worst days of the season, and Mr. Foster was 7 hours in
making the journey, and was thoroughly tired from wading drifts and fighting
the wind, when he reached here. —Marathon
County Clerk Jones has
received a notification from Superintendent of Public Instruction James F.
Crooker, stating that the total appropriation of the State of public school
money this year is $3,712,851.55. In Cortland county there are 200 teachers in
the public schools teaching thirty-two weeks or over. The population of the county
is 28,271. The appropriation for this county according to teachers is $20,000;
the appropriation according to population is $4,684.40. The library appropriation
is $130.21. The appropriation for Cortland village is $800.—Standard.
◘ Vote for
Charles S. Bull for Police Justice, and keep your taxes down.
◘ All
improvements cost money, and yet Cortland could hardly afford to spare any of
those she already has. We need sewerage, and need it badly.
◘ William
J. Greenman will make an excellent trustee, and if the voters in the third ward
consult their own interests he will be elected. See that his name is on your
◘ The
taxpayers of the first ward should vote for Richard G. Lewis for trustee and
thereby subserve their own interests. He is a substantial businessman, and
possesses good sound practical judgment.
◘ Sewerage
will cost something, but the greediest miser living would hesitate to weigh his
dollars in one side of the balance with cholera in the other. Prudent people
prefer an ounce of prevention to a pound of cure.
◘ Ex-President
Harrison will go duck hunting on the Kankakee river soon after his arrival in
Indianapolis. He has also accepted Senator Leland Stanford's request to lecture
on international law and jurisprudence at the Stanford University in California,
which will take about a month's time each year, and a portion of his time will
be taken up in writing a book. The book will deal with important events
connected with his administration. He
does not state what the events are.
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