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Grace Church. |
Cortland Standard, Tuesday, February 28,
The Proposed Chimes for Grace Church.
To the
People of Cortland:
The progress of securing subscriptions towards
a fund sufficient to purchase a chime of tubular bells for Grace church has reached
a point where it becomes necessary to appeal to the community generally for
assistance. So far about $1,225 has been pledged, almost all of which, with the
exception of two generous gifts of $100 from out of town, has been obtained in
our own church. To purchase the chime proposed and meet all the expenses
connected with it, (freight and setting them up) the sum of $1,600 is required,
and voluntary subscriptions are therefore earnestly solicited.
The committee feel justified in asking outside
help in such an undertaking, in which all the townspeople will share the
benefits, and look forward confidently to a prompt and generous response,
judging the interest manifested and offers of assistance already received.
Pledges may be sent or handed to Mr. George
J. Mager, the treasurer of the fund, or Dr. E. M. Santee, or left at the STANDARD
For the committee,
Cortland, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1893.
In connection with the above, the following
extract from the February number of the Parish Sentinel, a monthly paper
published by the rector of Grace church, will be of interest:
In view of the fact that it is proposed to
purshase [sic] a chime of tubular bells for Grace church, a committee of the vestry, consisting
of Messrs. Mahan and Benjamin and the rector, on Jan. 25 visited Methuen, Mass.,
on invitation of the U. S. Tubular Bell company for the purpose of hearing a
chime of their bells, and of making inquiries as to their durability and the
probable cost of placing them in our tower, keeping them in order and having
them rung. At a meeting of the vestry, Jan. 30, the committee presented a very
enthusiastic report. The bells were found to be of remarkable sweetness and
considerable carrying power, and there is little doubt that under favorable conditions
such a chime could be heard in every part of our corporation.
Bells of both English and American
manufacture were heard, the latter being in the judgment of the committee
superior in every particular to the imported ones. Especially was that the case
respecting, the harmony of the different bells, the American bells being
carefully adjusted and in perfect accord. As regards their durability there is
little doubt that they would last as long as any ordinary bells, practically
forever, as they are made of brass five-eighths of an inch in thickness, and
the tone can only be changed by shortening or lengthening them. The cost of
placing them in the tower, including freight and all other items, would probably
be not more than $75—at the utmost not more than $100. As to ringing them,
which has been about the only objection to their purchase as perhaps entailing
an additional expense each year upon the parish, it was found to be much easier
than had been imagined.
The ringing-frame is so arranged—each bell
being not only designated by note but also by number—that anyone with or
without a knowledge of music could with a little practice play any simple tune.
Under any circumstances a peal of three or four bells could be rung by anybody.
Having taken all these facts into consideration, the committee recommended that
the work of securing subscriptions be pushed forward, and it was so ordered by
the vestry.
Band Elect Officers.
At the regular meeting of the Cortland City
band held last night the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
President—L. T. Adams.
Vice-president—J. D. Clark.
Secretary and Treasurer—J. C. Seamans.
Musical Director—C. H. Bates.
Business Manager—P. Conway.
Trustees—Charles Maas, J. E. Perry, M.
Hundred Seventy-five Odd Fellows Meet.
About twenty-five members of Marathon lodge,
No. 167, I. O. O. F., and about the same number from the John L. Lewis lodge
assembled in the Vesta lodge rooms last evening, where about 12S of the latter’s
members had already assembled. By request of the Marathon lodge the first,
second and third degrees were conferred on one of their candidates. After the
ceremony had been performed, refreshments were served and a general good time
was had till 11 o'clock when the affair broke up.
Electric Railroad.
Ithaca seems to be delighted with its new
electric railroad. There has been some talk about substituting electricity for
the horses between Cortland and Homer. If it is a matter of expense that is to
be considered, and which is hindering this operation, the directors of the
railroad might be interested in some figures in a late number of the Street Railway
The example of Binghamton is cited, in which
city electricity was put in1890. The gross earnings for the year ending Sept.
30, 1889, (with horse cars) were $12,163.40. The gross earnings for the year
ending Sept. 30, 1892, (with electric cars) were $52,250.33. The gain for
July, August and September 1891 over
1890 was $4,621.05. The gain for the same months in 1892 over 1891 was
$5,008.14, showing a total gain of this period of three months of 1892 over
1890 of $9,629.19, the same being a gain of 73 per cent and with the same track
mileage and local conditions.
The earnings shown for the year ending Sept.
30, 1892, were made with ten miles of the system operated by electricity; the
balance by horse power. Oct. 13, 1892, these three miles were equipped with
electricity and with the same number of cars (three) for the first four weeks
another comparison can be made, viz.:—Oct. 13 to Nov. 9, 1892, (electricity, three
cars) gross earnings $1,264.80. Oct. 13 to Nov. 9, 1891, (horses, three cars)
gross earnings $538.55.
During the
last two weeks that horses were used the gross earnings were $322.60. During the
first two weeks that electricity was used, the other conditions being the same,
the gross earnings were $680.30.
These figures may well be commended to the
directors of the Cortland and Homer street railroad.
—The East River Milling Co. is connected with
the Telephone exchange.
—C. F. Thompson opens his milk depot at his
store on Railroad-st. to-morrow, March 1.
— "In God we trust, but all others pay
cash," is the motto of a certain Binghamton merchant.—Binghamton Leader.
— "Don't care for it" social
to-night at the Universalist church. The admission fee will be something you
don't care for. Everybody cordially invited.
—Three executions against the Top & Rail
Co. have been returned unsatisfied. They were in favor of Cooper Bros, for
$77.76; William H. Newton, $123.94 and Buck & Lane, $318.87.
—Mr. E. A. Hopkins yesterday sold his
grocery to Messrs. Phillip Sugerman and George McKean. Possession has been
taken by the new proprietors and Mr. W. E.
Fitch is in charge of the store.
—Word has been received from Pittsburg of
the death of Mr. George A. Robertson, brother of Rev. J. L. Robertson of
Cortland, last Friday night, before his brother arrived in Pittsburg.
—We want a copy of the Cortland evening
STANDARD of each of the following dates to complete our files: March 11, 12,
21, 22, 23, 25, Oct. 30. We shall be glad to pay full price to anyone who can
furnish us with any of these papers in good condition, and will in addition
consider it a favor to us.
—The examination of Fred Graham who was
alleged to have assisted Charles B. Wilson in stealing the team of horses from
M. S. Grinnell Friday and has been held in $200 bail for his appearance, was
held before Justice Smith at 1 o'clock this afternoon. As no one appeared against
him, he was discharged.
—To-day is the day for the immortal Dido to
die at the Normal building in the presence of the sixth Latin class, but instead
of dying this time she has concluded to take a new departure as a bride, and
her marriage is being solemnized and the wedding guests are enjoying a feast as
The STANDARD goes to press.
—At the adjourned meeting of the board of
trustees held last evening a large amount of routine business was disposed of
as usual. George H. Kennedy and Charles H. Gaylord were respectively appointed
inspectors of election in the third ward in places of George J. Maycumber,
resigned, and M. A. Rice, deceased. The meeting then adjourned.
— Willie McMahon, who for a number of weeks
has been suffering from osteitis caused by an injury to his left leg, seems to
be improving. Last Thursday Dr. Reese, who has charge of the case, very ably
assisted by Drs. Higgins and Dana, performed an operation upon the boy. The
bone had become necrosed and an incision about five inches long was made and the
upper part of the tibia bone was scraped. The wound was dressed asceptically.
Yesterday Dr. Reese redressed it and everything appears to be going on well.
There is still, however, some little danger that the bone may have to be resected
[sic omni].
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Cortland Opera House was located on Groton Avenue near Main Street, on the right, in this 1899 photo from Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland. |
Two Old
There may be in years to come a farce comedy
written that is as funny as the Two Old Cronies,
but it is extremely doubtful. Don't miss it, Opera House, Monday
March 6th.
An honest summing up of the entertainment
would be to say that it is one of the most popular and artistic and musical
burlesque extravaganzas on the stage. —Cincinnati Enquirer.
Go and see the "Two Old Cronies".
A good many did go last night, and that they enjoyed the performance was
evinced by roars of laughter and shouts of applause.—Mobile Register.
Those who enjoy a play full of delightful songs
well rendered, and comical points and situations, well brought out, were highly
entertained at the Grand last evening.—Omaha Herald.
Corporals Harmon and Santee were promoted to
sergeants last night.
At a special meeting last evening the company
voted to buy wind-guage sights for the rifle team; also to attend the Syracuse
contests March 15.
The teams will practice at the armory every
night this week. All members of the company who will pull on the practice tug
of war team against the regular team are requested to attend.
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