Friday, September 2, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, January 13, 1893.

Fourth Annual Report of King's Daughters.

   Another year of opportunity for working "In His Name," has come to a close, and as we backward glance over the efforts of this society, we take pleasure in the thought that we have contributed in some degree to the welfare of others. Endeavors have been made to "gather up the fragments" of time, money, clothing, and literature, and utilize them for good "that nothing be lost."
   The Loyal Circle never having had a motto, we adopted at the commencement of the year this inspiring one. If loyally adhered to "Here I am, send me." Some of the practical ways in which it has been acted upon are as follows: Two boxes of cards, books, toys, and Easter eggs have been sent to the New York Flower Mission. One at Easter time, the other before the holidays. (The Matron of the Skin and Cancer Hospital writes Mrs. Grannis,—"the children were especially delighted with the Easter Eggs." A gift from the Pansy circle of the Baptist church of this place.)
   Mrs. H. Smith reports thirty boxes of flowers sent to the same place. Two baskets of flowers to the Cortland Hospital, and 75 button-hole bouquets given as "souvenirs" to those who attended the "East Side" entertainment during the vacation.
   Mrs. H. Bradley has forwarded a box to Clinton Prison containing 700 papers, besides magazines. (The Chaplain writes 960 men are here.) Literature is also being gathered for the lumbermen in Wis. and Mich. Thousands of men are in these forests during the winter and very small settlements near all without very little (if any) religious instruction. Fifty little bags made from cretonne have been made to send to these "camps." They are to be filled with thread, needles, pins, buttons, bandages, a singing book, and a five-cent testament. Miss Nason writes "In one of these camps a young man died, who had recently been converted. After his death there was found by his side one of the testaments we had sent." This incident indicates the good that may arise from this simple charity.
   Mrs. Lyman Jones who has had charge of the Employment Agency, has found employment for 71 persons during the year, which includes nurses, girls to do general house work and girls working by the day. She has also cared for the several thousand cancelled postage stamps that have been gathered, and sent to an invalid lady who, having no money, exchanges these for her hospital treatment.
   Mrs. Samuel Holden, chairman of apron and comfortable committee, reports those articles constantly on hand for sale and will be glad to receive orders at any time.
   Another mite-box has been presented to the Cortland hospital, painted white and ornamented with the words "Hospital" and "In His Name" in the royal color, purple, and is located at the E. C. & N. station.
   Five dollars has been given to the "East Side'' enterprise. The same amount to the Supt. of Department of Lumbermen and Miners. Twenty-five dollars pledged to Mallalien Sem., at Kinsey, Henry Co., Al., a school for "poor whites" who are extremely poor and ignorant. The money will furnish a room, and a tablet on the wall will contain these words: Furnished by the Loyal Circle King's Daughters,
Cortland, N. Y. A memorial for good as the days go by. The names of those who have contributed, and the amount pledged will be forwarded soon.
   Mrs. Julia Parker reports 25 dollars expended for local charity. Coal, groceries, and articles of clothing have been purchased for those in great need. More than three hundred articles of second hand clothing have been distributed among the needy, and many articles of those "whose sealed lips ask no charity," but were just as gratefully received.
   Seven special meetings have been called for sewing, besides sewing done at six regular meetings. Twenty-four new garments have been made and much repairing done. Clothing provided for birth as well as burial.
   Many interesting facts might be related, if space would permit. Suffice it to say—the sick have been cared for, the old visited and cheered, the hungry fed, and children kept comfortably clothed who otherwise would have went ragged and cold. Neither should be forgotten "the look of sympathy, the gentle word, spoken so low that only angels heard."
   O friends, brothers, gliding down the years
   Humanity is calling each and all,
   I pray you listen to the tender call.
      Very respectfully submitted,
      Pres. King's Daughters.

   The new Columbian postage stamps are on sale at the post-office.
   Wickwire Bros.' wire mills commenced running night and day on Monday last.
   A nest of common house mice may be seen in Edwin Robbins' show window on Main street.
   Mr. E. M. Van Hoesen of Preble has secured letters patent on his device for catching mail bags.
   Messrs. Kellogg & Curtis hare a mammoth advertisement on this page. Be sure to read the same carefully.
   Assemblyman Jas. H. Tripp is a member of the Committees on Banks and Public Printing. Good committees.
   The Maude Hillman dramatic Company are drawing good houses at the opera house. The company is an excellent one.
   The Empire Hall social club are making great preparations for their first party, which will be given at their rooms this evening.
   Special meetings are being held in the Episcopal, Presbyterian, Congregational, Baptist and Homer Ave. churches, every evening this week.
   A social party will be given at Hall's hotel, Virgil, N. Y., Tuesday evening, February 14th, 1893. Music by Daniels' orchestra. Full bill, $1.00.
   The Loyal Circle of King's Daughters will hold their annual meeting at their rooms, 9 Clinton-ave., Saturday, Jan. 14. Every member is requested to be present, if possible.
   A fox chase will take place at Truxton, Saturday, January 21st, 1893, for a purse of $12, divided as follows: $6 to first, $4 to second, and $2 to third. Entrance fee 75 cts. Start to be made at 1 P. M. sharp.
   H. P. Hollister, the baker, has decided to continue the business and has opened at J. H. Day's store, No. 16 Main street, where a full line of bakestuffs can be found. Orders for fine cakes for parties promptly filled.
   The regular semi-monthly mothers' meeting (west) will be held at the residence of Mrs. D. H. Fralick, 21 Rickard-st., Thursday, January 19th, at 3 P.M. Subject, "Domestic Economy." All ladies are cordially invited.
   Editor B. B. Jones, of the Cortland DEMOCRAT, favors us with the handsomest calendar for 1893 we have yet seen. As often as we glance at that calendar, just so often will we think of Brother Jones. By the way, every subscriber to the DEMOCRAT gets one of these calendars.—Lisle Gleaner.
   Last week Dr. Reese examined Willie Quinn, who was injured while coasting on Prospect St., a few weeks since. Two pieces of wood were extracted from the wound near the eye, and a piece of wood, one of them as large as the end of a man's finger, was taken out. He is doing well, and will not lose the use of the eye.
   Last Saturday morning Mrs. E. H. Stockwell undertook to thaw out a cistern pipe in her residence on Prospect St., and accidentally fell into the cistern. The water reaching up to her waist, her calls aroused her daughter, Miss lone Stockwell, who came to her assistance. The fall dislocated her shoulder, which was put in place by Drs. Dana and Henry.
   While Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stewart of Truxton were driving home from this village, one day last week, their horses were frightened by a team they met near Phillips' brickyard and ran away, throwing them both out. Mr. Stewart's shoulder was considerably bruised, but his wife was uninjured. The team was stopped at East Homer. The cutter was wrecked and the horses received a few cuts.

Speed Your Horses.
   Mr. M. Murphy of Homer, N. Y., desiring a light sleigh that he could use for speeding horses during the winter months, caused to be built as an experiment, a light speeder which he has been using for the past few weeks, in exercising horses. The sleigh weighs only 48 pounds and is constructed of material that makes it strong and durable. This speeder has been admired by many horsemen in this section, and several have ordered them of Mr. Murphy. The experiment has proved to be a success, and Mr. Murphy has decided to furnish them to any who may wish this light and durable sleigh for speeding purposes. M. MURPHY, Homer, N. Y.

Chinese Officials.
   In China there are two officials for each post, in order that one may spy upon the other, the rule being that no official shall report what he has done, but only what the other has done.
   From the highest official to the lowest all practice a system of unblushing robbery, called "squeezing." The salary of a viceroy in some cases is £60 a year; he regularly draws not less than £8,000. The salary of a judge is £40 a year; he regularly draws at least £2,000. There are 1,200 police in Canton, not one of whom receives wages, and yet the office is much sought after. The fact is, we are assured, that the police are on excellent terms with the guild or fraternity of thieves, and they work harmoniously together.Jesse Herbert.
Historic Elm Tree Inn, McLean, N. Y.

Samuel Miller, Proprietor of the Elm Tree House, McLean, N. Y., has just opened and finished a very nice DANCE HALL in his commodious hotel for private parties. Parties wishing to engage the same may notify the proprietor at his hotel in McLean, N. Y.
   The sick are all on the gain.
   Revival services are still being hold at the Baptist church.
   The ice houses about here are nearly all filled with nice clear ice.
   The weather has been very severe this week, the thermometer ranging from 4 to 10 degrees below zero.
   "Nick of the Woods" played to a crowded house, last Friday evening, after which a very fine hop followed.
   Geo. B. Sickman left for Sparrow's Point, Maryland, last Saturday P. M., where he has accepted a position as credit clerk for the Sparrow's Point Store Co. Success to Mr. Sickman.
   Tuesday evening last, some ladies of McLean thought they would have a joke on the K. of P. Ring leaders Mrs. Conklin and Mrs. D. R. Stout mustered up sixteen ladies, went to the Elm Tree House, and ordered a turkey supper while the K. of P. lodge was in session. A bang came to the outside door, the door was opened in order to see what caused the disturbance, when a messenger handed In a note which was read before the lodge. A skull and cross bones was at the head of the note, under which read the following: "To the members of McLean Lodge, K. of P. You are requested to call at the Elm Tree House and settle with Mrs. Miller for suppers, which are unpaid for. Signed, M. C. B."
   After lodge the members went to the hotel. On entering the front hall, the first that came to notice was "M. C. B.," in large letters, tacked on the parlor door, but the Knights did not stop for this. They opened the door and there saw their wives playing cards, eating oranges, chewing on turkey bones, etc. This was rather rough on Towser, as we thought, and the Knights ordered their supper, after which a short dance was held in the hotel ball room, music being furnished by Mrs. C. A. Stout on the piano. A good time was had in general, and at 11 P. M. all returned to their homes, happy. The K. of P. wish to extend to the "Ladies' Men Can't Belong" society their sincere thanks for their kind invitation to supper. Hoping the society will long exist, we remain, as ever, the K. of P.
   GUESS. [pen name of local correspondent.]

                                              LITTLE YORK.
   D. T. Bowdish has taken the contract to fill the two milk depots and has 14 teams drawing ice for him.
   Mr. Frank Connor died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Wm. Catin, on Friday last. Funeral on Saturday. Burial at East Scott.
   A party of young people from Cortland had a party at the Raymond House last Friday night. Fred Corl and Miss Lydia Isbell furnished the music.
   The Little York Ice Co. packed 900 tons of ice in nine hours on Thursday last. The cold snap this week froze up the elevator so they are obliged to stop operations for a few days.
   Miss Mary Scott, a sister of John and Joe Scott, died last Saturday of heart trouble. The funeral was held at the residence on Tuesday. She was a lady much respected and had many friends in this vicinity.
   The Good Templars' lodge of this place, gave a very pleasant literary entertainment at the school house in Cold Brook last Friday evening. The admission was ten cents and a team was able to draw the proceeds home.
   The Little York State Game and Fish Protective Association will soon circulate a petition to stop all fishing from the 1st of December until the 1st of May. They have an order in and accepted for nearly 400,000 fish frye, wall-eyed pike, muscalunge [sic], trout &c.

   Miss Clara Kinney spent Saturday in Syracuse.
   Miss Stella Gilbert called on friends in Syracuse Saturday.
   Mr. W. H. Brown was in Cortland Monday on business.
   Mr. A. G. Rockwell has moved here from Washington, D. C
   Miss Ida Williams gave a pleasant party at her home last Thursday evening.
   Mr. C. C. Phelps has returned to the soldiers' home at Dayton, Ohio, after visiting with his family here.
   Dr. Whiting and family of Syracuse have moved here. Dr. Whiting has exchanged practice with Dr. D. W. Burdick.
   At the annual election of the Homer fire department the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
   Chief—Geo. W. Downing.
   Asst. chief—E. W. Hyatt.
   Sec.—Carl Dillenbeck.
   Treas.—W. H. Crane.
   About 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening the fire bell commenced ringing and it was said the Brockway shops were on fire. After a short run it was discovered that they were blowing steam from the boiler and the electric light shone back of it and made it look like smoke. The department returned to the engine house and tried to find out who rang the bell.
   About one o'clock last Thursday morning, the people of this village were aroused by the ringing of the fire bell. In a short time the streets were thronged with people anxious to know where the fire was. It was soon found to be Mrs. Coles' house on Brewery hill. Before the fire department could reach the fire it had got beyond control. Most of the household goods were saved. The family living in the house awoke nearly suffocated by smoke and got up and found the east wing where no one resided all in flames. The house was insured for $600.

[We copy articles as they were printed, past rules of grammar included--CC editor.]

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