Monday, September 26, 2016


Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, March 3, 1893.

   John H. Klock's hotel at Preble was burned to the ground this morning at about 3:30 o'clock. Fire started in the attic over the kitchen of the hotel yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock, the cause being probably a defective stove pipe. The fire was supposed to be put out, but must have been smouldering for it broke out again at the hour stated above so violently that it could not be checked, though Mr. Klock was up and dressed and supposed to be watching.
   He gave the alarm as soon as he discovered the flames and Dr. Hunt's son, D. S., rode up and down the street on a horse shouting "Fire" so loudly that soon the inhabitants of the entire village were on the spot. Every effort was made with pails of water, snow, force pump, etc., to protect the surrounding property, the hotel being so far gone that any efforts to save it would have been hopeless. The hotel barn and Mr. Harry Green's property, only 10 feet away, were saved. A large part of the hotel furniture was also saved. Mrs. Klock was just recovering from a severe illness and had to be taken out of a second story window and down a ladder.
   The hotel was built in 1841 on the site of a hotel which had been burned the year before. The insurance is $3,000 and Mr. Klock estimates his loss at $6,000.

More About the Hopkins Matter.
   A reporter of The STANDARD called upon Mr. Philip Sugerman yesterday afternoon and asked for some information in regard to the Hopkins matter. Mr. Sugerman said that Mr. Hopkins had talked to Mr. George McKean about selling the store before election, and Mr. McKean had said that if another no-license excise commissioner was elected he should have to give up his wholesale liquor store and go into some other business.
   After the election Mr. McKean called to see me about taking a half interest in the concern. I told him that if the goods could be purchased for a certain price I would go in with him. An inventory was taken and I drew Hopkins a check for $3,129.75 and we took possession of the store Monday morning. Hopkins agreed to stay in the store with us for two weeks till we could get the book accounts straightened and the store in shape. There was $14 in change in the cash drawer when we took possession, for which I gave Hopkins three five-dollar bills.
   After he had left for Syracuse Monday the $14 in change which had been left in the drawer was also missing. He also owed me about $200 for rent which I did not take out of the inventory at his request as he stated that he would return from Syracuse Monday evening and would then pay the rent, as he had plenty of money besides the check.

Rather Luxurious.
   A special dispatch to the Boston Journal gives some idea of how the incoming administration will conduct itself in various ways. Mr. Cleveland, it says, if local reports are to be believed, will not introduce an era of Jeffersonian simplicity with his inauguration. On the contrary, if friendly announcements shall be verified, he will be inaugurated with the pomp, splendor and extravagance of the wealthiest of monarchs. To hear of the preparations which are being made for the arrival of the president-elect and for his entertainment, one might think that some Croesus were coming to his coronation instead of one who eight years ago was a poor man to take an oath, honestly and loyally, to administer a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
   The sum to be paid for the quarters set apart at the Arlington for Mr. Cleveland and his family, it is announced, will be $475 a day. That is to say, Mr. Cleveland is to enter upon his office undertaking to pay for board and lodging for himself and family at the rate of $173,375 a year. His annual salary will be $50,000, and the total salary for the presidential term is $200,000. Surely the days of Democratic simplicity have come.
   One of the incidental expenditures of the inauguration week is $400 to be paid for the apartments facing the treasury from which Mr. Cleveland's family will view the inaugural procession. The sheriff of Buffalo must have been thrifty since his retirement from the White House, or he must have wealthy and liberal friends. When he entered upon the presidential office eight years ago the maximum friendly estimate of his wealth was $10,000.
   The public is not left in ignorance of the palatial quarters which such a fortune can command. One learns that "entering a hall where an exquisite Venetian lamp burns softly in lieu of sunshine, which is shut out, to the right opens Mrs. Cleveland's spacious parlor. Here five windows afford a flood of light, subdued by draperies of delicately wrought lace and lustrous silks. The walls are almost covered by rare pictures, and on the floor the foot falls silently upon the thick pile of rugs, whose warm, blent tints are broken here and there with the sharply defined colors of tiger skins.
   "Luxurious chairs, divans inviting indolence, French frivolities of tapestried seats on absurd gold legs, with ridiculous gold backs, an inlaid cabinet of wonderful workmanship, bronzes, famous pottery and china, beautiful and frail, combine in the furnishings of the room to make a background for Mrs. Cleveland, which none of her loyal subjects would have one whit less royal.
   "Leading from the drawing room is Mrs. Cleveland's bedroom. A Massive covered mahogany bedstead is conspicuous until one stands before a magnificent pier glass and realizes that here the coming president’s wife will stand, and with a delicious sense of satisfaction, survey the sweep of a gown that would be a coronation so be if queens were crowned in the United States. In the adjoining bedroom a small white and gold bedstead describes the domain of another monarch that completes the trinity of the coming administration. Beyond this is Miss Cleveland's room.
   "Opening to the left from the hall is the dining room, which is furnished in oak, with a glittering array of china and cut glass. It is interesting to know that Mrs. Cleveland will use a knife, fork and spoon which were once the property of the Empress Eugenie, and that the president-elect will drink his coffee from a cup that at one time belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte."
   This is a picture from a friendly hand of the imperial surroundings of the new president. Shades of Jefferson! The product of the Bourbon, the Populist and the Mugwump vote is to maintain such a state as this, to have "loyal subjects," and to use the second-hand cutlery of dethroned royalty and to drink from the cup of the Corsican. Yet, unless great men in the Democratic party are mistaken, the country is to witness an administration which is to be as imperious as was that of the first Napoleon. The difference between [New York Governor and Senator] David Bennett Hill and Grover Cleveland is now sharply defined. The motto of the New York senator is: “I am a Democrat.” The proclamation of the new president is to be: “I am the Democracy.” That, the old-time Democratic leaders think, will be the spirit of the inaugural.
   There is more of this. It appears that in going to and from the street the president and his party will be obliged to pass through the reception room and hall, which is the common property of the permanent guests of the hotel. A body of Pinkerton detectives, however, will guard him from any possible annoyance as he passes from the elevator to the street, and at the outer door a cordon of police will be stationed to protect him.

What Wrong?
   Poor, pretty little Princess Kaiulani of Hawaii, heir expectant to Lilinokalani's throne, does not take it at all kindly that she is to be stripped of her glory and her expectations and be just a rich young woman in private life, as the United States government and the Hawaiian commissioners propose she shall be. She asks, somewhat pathetically, "Have I done anything wrong that this wrong should be done to me?"
   Yes, Kaiulani, you have done wrong, and we can tell you what it is. Even you, innocent and sweet as you are, have been guilty of a crime. Your crime is that you believe in the divine right of kings and queens. You believe that by mere virtue of condescending to be born you have the right to rule over a nation, and that its people must maintain you in royal state and utter idleness, giving you every luxury, while they toil daily for bread for you and themselves. You would not give them any equivalent for all you cost them.
   No king or queen or royal family ever does give such equivalent. They do not govern, for it is only the representatives of the people who have sense enough to govern. Every king, queen, prince or princess who is thrown out of a job marks one step more in the progress of civilization. That old idea of the hereditary right of kings to rule must be exploded quickly, and the sooner it is done the better for the race. It is an idea that has no right to lurk anywhere in this age of the world. The really royal soul builds its own throne by its own deeds, and none other has any right to a throne.

Portrait of Polish patriot Ignacy Jan Paderewski by Lawrence Alma-Tadema.


   —Syracuse is about to expend $7,000 in beautifying Leavenworth park in the Third ward.
   —The Boys' Brigade will not drill at the armory to-night as usual, as Capt. Dickinson is out of town.
   —Mr. Frank Haskins of South Cortland had a very sizeable egg which was laid by a White Leghorn hen. It measures 8 1/2 by 6 1/4 inches.
   —Mrs. G. J. Mager is exhibiting in her husband's store windows a few new and very handsome sofa and couch pillows of her own make, which are attracting considerable attention.
   —Mrs. Lumsden of Chicago will deliver a free lecture to ladies only in the parlors of the Universalist church on Monday, March 6 at 2:30 o'clock. Subject—"Woman, her home, health and happiness."
   —Messrs. E. D. Crosley and Harrison Hawn of Cicero last week Wednesday went through Otselic valley and arrested forty-two persons for illegal fishing. They paid their fines and were discharged by the court. We learn from Mr. Crosley that two residents of Messengerville have agreed to settle on terms of $100— $50 each for illegal fishing.
   —The sale of stamps, stamped envelopes, postal cards, etc., for the month of February at the Cortland postoffice was $2,243.64. The weight of mails received at this postoffice on Thursday, March 2, exclusive of stage mail, was 941 pounds. The mail dispatched on the same day amounted to 1,264 pounds, making a total weight of mail handled 2,205 pounds.
   —The mail matter from New York to Chicago has been so heavy of late that the fast mail train on the Central due at Syracuse at 7:45 A. M. will hereafter be run in two sections between Albany and Chicago. The first section carries sixty tons of mail and the second thirty-five. The Central and Lake Shore roads are liable for $200 forfeit for every hour this train is late.
   —As soon as the weather will permit a preliminary survey for an electric railway between Syracuse and Fayetteville will be made. The enterprise, it is said, is backed by one of the largest electric railroad companies in the state, and an engineer has already been engaged to make the survey. It is estimated that the run between the places can be made in 20 to 25 minutes.
   —An East Hill electric car got beyond control of the motor man early Tuesday morning, and made quite rapid time down State-st. hill. It was raining and freezing at the time, and the rails were very icy, so that the wheels slid. A West State-st. car had just come from the shops and started down the hill, but had not gained headway enough to avoid being run into by the runaway. Beyond a small amount of damage to one of the platforms, nothing serious occurred, and a like accident may never happen again. The motor man did his utmost to bring the car to a standstill. There was only one passenger in the car.—Ithaca Democrat.
   Paderewski arrived in Buffalo from Detroit, en route to this city, two hours late, and there being no train out, he engaged a special at a cost of four hundred and twenty-nine dollars, to bring him to Ithaca for his recital Tuesday evening. He arrived here at 7:40 P. M. and left at 12:30 for Chicago where he gave a recital at ten o'clock Wednesday evening.—Ithaca Democrat.
   —Mr. E. C. Beach yesterday received a telegram from Miss Emma Engleman, who is coming north with the remains of Miss Caroline H. Merrick, who died on Sunday at El Paso, Texas. The telegram was sent from New Orleans and said that Miss Engleman expected to be in Chicago this morning and would come on directly. No word has since been received, but it seems likely that she will reach Cortland to-morrow.
   —An error was yesterday made in the announcement of prizes of the Clover club's progressive euchre party, though the facts were given us by a member of the club. Miss Susie Davern received the lady's first prize and Mr. S. M. Sugerman the gentleman's first prize. The booby prizes were awarded to Miss Lena Tubbs and Mr. Clarence Maltbey. Those mentioned in yesterday's paper received the second prizes.

In Appreciation of His Services.
   Protective Fire Police, No. 1, Tioughnioga Hose No. 2, Hose company No. 4, and Orient Hook and Ladder company No. 5 of the Homer Fire department each donated $5 making a purse of $20 to Mr. Edward N. Sherwood, who was injured at the academy fire by falling from a ladder and spraining his ankle and straining the ligaments of the leg below the knee. Mr. Alvord of the Orient and Mr. C. D. Dillenbeck of the Protective Police came to Cortland Saturday night and presented Mr. Sherwood with the purse. He was taken completely by surprise, but as soon as he had recovered from his astonishment he thanked them very heartily for the kindness shown. A half hour was very pleasantly spent in conversation and then the Homer firemen returned and all were happier afterwards.

Two Old Cronies.
   If you can't laugh don’t go to the Opera House on Monday evening, March 6.
   Every seat in the house was sold by seven o'clock, and the sign "standing room only" was shown shortly afterward but the crowd continued to increase and a large number stood and laughed throughout the three acts.—New Orleans Daily Picayune.
   There was more fun compressed into the two hours and three-quarters that the performance ran than has been seen or heard in any performance ever given here.—New York World.
   Look for the advertisement on the third page.


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