Saturday, February 18, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday, December 5, 1893.

New York and New Jersey Arbitrators and Strikers' Committee In Conference. No Definite Conclusions Yet Reached. General Opinion That the End Is Near. Situation Along the Lines—More Locomotives Damaged.
   BETHLEHEM, Pa., Dec. 5.—A conference between the joint arbitrators' committee, representing the boards of the states of New York and New Jersey on the one hand, and the representatives of the Lehigh Valley railroad strikers on the other, was begun here in the Eagle hotel. The situation was discussed in all its phases for three hours, at the end of which time no definite conclusion having been reached the conference adjourned.
   Enough was gathered from the several members of the conference to get a good idea of what is contemplated by the joint body. The arbitrators have a plan for the settlement of the strike which was presented to the grievance committee.
   The latter took the ground that it would not entertain any proposition that would deny to the men the right which they claim is due them, and it was then agreed that a third plan, in framing which both strikers and arbitrators would take a hand, would be made ready for the conference that will probably be resumed today.
   The feeling here is that the affair is drawing to a focus. General Manager Voorhees said: "The situation along the line is fine and everything is in very good shape."
   He said he had received a message to the effect that 13 trains of freight had been moved on the Wyoming division between 6 o'clock and noon. The dispatchers stated that trains were running as usual on this division. The earliest Buffalo express was 12 hours late and pulled into the depot here three hours behind time.
   A notice has been posted to the effect that all former employes [sic] on the Lehigh division not now in the service of the company were to be paid at once. No demonstration of any kind is reported here on account of it being pay-day. All telegraphers who are union men and not on strike have been notified that an assessment of $1 per capita has been levied and is payable at once. The money will be used to support the strikers.

Western Division Demoralized.
   ROCHESTER, Dec. 5.—Within two days past 40 freight cars have been sent west from Manchester on the Lehigh. The western division of the road is demoralized by the strike and the heavy snow fall. Engine No. 362 was burned at Manchester yesterday. A yard engine was disabled.
   Fifteen scabs have deserted their post, influenced by the strikers. The Building Trades council and Rochester Trades assembly, in company with the advisory board of strikers, held a meeting. Five hundred were present, representing four thousand men. Resolutions were passed expressing sympathy with the strikers, and censuring parties aiding or abetting the Lehigh company and defeating the strikers. They called upon all the friends of labor not to aid or harbor nonunion men.
   A list of the men taking the strikers' places will be kept for future reference. The Lehigh coal trade here is paralyzed, a few scattering carloads only arriving. The advisory committee have strong hopes that the strike will end before the close of the week.

Situation at Buffalo.
   BUFFALO, Dec. 5.—The local situation in the Lehigh Valley strike shows but little change. Twenty-five freight trains were reported by the company as being sent out up to midnight, taking from 12 to 15 cars each. Two trains were sent from Suspension Bridge to Manchester. Westbound nine trains were received here from Manchester. The passenger trains continue to come in late.
   During the day five firemen and one brakeman were examined.
   The brotherhood men were happy at Klocke's Hall over the accession of a conductor and three brakemen who had deserted the company. Reports of an encouraging character were received from various points along the line, and speeches were made.

Potteries Shut Down.
   TRENTON, N. J., Dec. 5.—Several large potteries in this city, which have been running short-handed, have closed down within the past week. Others will follow. The trade is dead.
   A committee of manufacturers visited Washington last week to see if something could not be done to prevent the passage of the crockery clause in the Wilson tariff bill to save their business. A canvass of congressmen showed that the majority were not in favor of making any change in the tariff clause.
   Manufacturers say that not a single order has been received by them since the Wilson tariff bill was published. The sanitary ware manufacturers have just made a cut of 35 per cent in the selling price of their goods to dispose of the stock which they have on hand. It is said that about 4,000 hands employed in the 26 potteries will be thrown out of employment. The manufacturers at East Liverpool and Baltimore will follow the example set by the Trenton potteries and all their factories will be closed down in a short time.

Grover Cleveland.
The President's Message.
   President Cleveland's message to Congress is great in its length, great in the size of its words, great in its author's evident appreciation of himself, in his obtuseness to public criticism and in his disregard of the popular will—and very ordinary and commonplace in every way else. All the great newspapers published in London praise it because in sentiment it is "so English, you know," and for this very reason it fails to appeal to any true American. The only patriotic recommendation made by any of his secretaries—that of Secretary Herbert that the work of rebuilding our navy be continued—is given the cold shoulder.
   The sole encouragement which the president has to offer to prostrate manufactures and idle and hungry workingmen is that if they will lie still and starve long enough the situation must perforce improve. Judging from his call upon congress to persevere in the work—which the ways and means committee has already begun—of smashing the tariff, in spite of all "clamor" and reckless of all consequences, Mr. Cleveland attaches little significance to the result of the recent elections, or if he does is determined to bull his pet plans through, whether the deluge comes after or not. Speaker Reed declares that the part of the message which relates to the tariff is most surprising in that it asseverates that the house committee in charge of that subject has formulated plans and devised methods of taxation which, as a member of the committee, Mr. Reed himself has never even heard proposed. This would go to show that Mr. Cleveland has congress—or the Democratic part of it—in his hands as well as on his hands.
   The president's malignant assault on veteran pensioners disgusts even Gen. Palmer, the Democratic chairman of the senate committee on pensions, who is moved to say: "I believe my acquaintance with old soldiers and the pension list of the country is as extensive as that of any one man, and I am prepared to say that the number of fraudulent pensions is exceedingly small, and the clamor that has been raised against them has very little foundation. I do not believe that 2 per cent of the pensions issued are fraudulent. I do not believe there is any justice in the assertions that the soldiers from the North are drawing fraudulent pensions."
   Though the headsman's axe has never in recent years been as disgracefully busy as since Mr. Cleveland came into office last March, and offices never so brazenly distributed to pay personal or party debts, he is as wordy as ever in praise of civil service reform. This, of course, is for the mugwumps. The spoils are for "the boys."
   The most humiliating part of the message is the declaration concerning Hawaii. The Gresham report is confirmed and the avowal is made that Minister Willis has been instructed to "undo the wrong" of driving a dissolute, corrupt and barbarian queen from her throne and setting up in its place a popular government by decent citizens, representing both the intelligence and property of the island. Though Mr. Willis, when last heard from, had not carried out this unconstitutional, un-American and disgraceful program, the president expects that he will soon do so, and thereby present to the world this great republic in the novel light of restoring one of the most dissolute and unworthy of barbarian monarchs. But he himself has said it, and be so it must. Plainly the president has no idea of again being a candidate for public officer.
   Its sound financial policy is the redeeming feature of the message. Its author can be as thoroughly right when he is right as he can be obstinately, willfully, wickedly wrong when he is wrong. Perhaps the country ought to be grateful that there is one channel at least where his peculiar characteristics can have free course without working incalculable injury or causing national humiliation.

The Real Poor.
   The class that during the coming winter will need all the help that people who are provided for can give are the respectable persons out of employment. Ordinarily they earn sufficient for themselves and their families, perhaps even laying up a little. But this winter many of them can get no work. Mills and factories are shut down, commercial houses have closed or are reducing their force. Terrible indeed is the prospect for the man or woman thus thrown out to face the cold world on nothing a week. Of course, the unfortunate of real pluck will strain every nerve to catch on again and at least earn bread. But with all such plucky ones can do to help themselves there will still be many left temporarily without bread or a roof to shelter them. Almost everything can be done temporarily except starving. That a man cannot do.
   The really high spirited among these at first feel as though they would rather die than ask for food. Then hunger drives them on, and they appeal with beating heart to the well to do individual who passes by. This class should never be denied. Help them to food and lodging whenever they ask. You can always tell the really deserving poor. Hundreds of well dressed, honest persons walk the streets today not knowing where their next meal is to come from. Everybody must help them.

New York Central R. R. drop bridge over Harlem River. Temporary span on left bypassed work to replace drop bridge main span--Scientific American, 1892.
   Across the Harlem river at New York is a bridge unique of its kind In the world. It does duty as a drawbridge for the New York Central road, but instead of being composed of the familiar span and turn-table which belong to other such structures this is a drop bridge. When vessels pass through the Harlem waters at that spot, the bridge is lifted bodily in the air at one end, leaving the river free. The span is 60 feet long, and it is lifted by an engine which raises it up between two giant iron frames 109 feet high. When the steamer passes, the drop bridge is swung gently down again.

City Band Notes.
   Mr. Frank Lanigan, Cortland's popular tenor, will sing the beautiful descriptive song "Never a Bride," at the City band minstrels' show. The song was written especially for him by Prof. W. B. Leonard and this will be the initial rendition of this song.
   Every one should go to the City band minstrels and see the funniest after piece ever performed, entitled "Cortland at the World's Fair."
   The dancing specialties under the direction of Mr. Lawrence Dillon, late of Al G. Field's Columbian minstrels, will be among the most pleasing features of the City band minstrels.
   All the music used in the City band minstrels has been composed and arranged especially by Mr. Fred I. Graham.
   The Cortland City full band under the direction of Mr. P. Conway, will be introduced in the farce "Cortland at the World's Fair," at the big minstrel show Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 11 and 12, at the Opera House.
   Don't fail to see the grand spectacular drill under the direction of Capt. Drake.

                                      After the football is over—
                                      After the field is clear—
                                      Straighten my nose and shoulder,
                                      Help me find my ear.
   —There will be a meeting of the board of directors of the Tioughnioga club tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock.
   —Remember Dr. F. J. Cheney's lecture at the Y. M. C. A. rooms this evening at 8 o'clock. Everybody is invited.
   —A ten cent tea will be served tomorrow evening at the Universalist church from 5:30 until 8 o'clock. All are invited.
   —The Cortland Normal Banjo club are making arrangements to give a rehearsal in Normal hall Saturday evening, December 10.
— Mothers' meeting (west) will be held at Mrs. Frank Miller's on the corner of Broadway and Tompkins-sts., Thursday at 3 P. M. All come.
   —Mr. George Goddard of the Empire House at Tully is making arrangements to give a dance at his house Christmas night. Cortland young people are especially invited. Hayes' orchestra will furnish the music.
   —It is a very easy matter to tell whether a girl is expecting a man or a girl caller. If a man is coming she looks in the mirror every few moments. If it's a girl she doesn't.
   —The Young People's Christian union of the Universalist church hold their semi-annual meeting to-night at 8 o'clock for the election of officers and transaction of other business. All members are requested to be present.
   —Mr. Orrin Ballard, 87 years old, died in Olean Sunday morning at the home of his son. He was formerly a resident of Syracuse and was cashier of the Syracuse National bank. He was a cousin of the late Horatio Ballard of Cortland. The funeral will be held in Homer tomorrow.
   —Superintendent A. W. Angel has received word from the authorities of the Binghamton State hospital for the insane that Miner Brusie, who was sent to the asylum from Cortland in 1890, had escaped. Superintendent Angel requests that he be notified if any one should see him.

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