Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, December 8, 1893.

A Gang of Hoodlums Destroy Property Belonging to Clinton Avenue-ites—Student Discharged.

   The boys who have been skating on the ice above the Wickwire Brother's milldam have been creating such a disturbance that Mr. Bert Bosworth, who is employed by Mr. David Van Hoesen in cutting the ice for storage and sale, went on the ice yesterday and ordered them off. They refused to go and he took hold of one of the boys for the purpose of bringing him up to the police headquarters. The boy resisted, the others pitched in and a free-for-all scrap ensued, in which some blood was spilled.
   The Normal girls in their mortar board hats stood by and screamed and the inhabitants of that part of town saw more excitement than they have witnessed in some time. Mr. Bosworth at last succeeded in extricating himself from the melee, in which sticks, stones and fists played an important part, and after hitching up his horse, jumped into the cutter and drove to police headquarters. He summoned Chief of Police J. E. Sager and, accompanied by a STANDARD reporter, they drove the horse on a gallop to the scene of the fracas.
   The toughest element had left the ice, but this was not known, and Chief Sager ran down the bank like a boy of fifteen, and then such a circus ensued that the witnesses were unable to control their mirth and nearly all were bent double with laughter. In the chief's endeavors to capture the boys, he would almost get his hands on one, when the boy would dash away, leaving the officer to grasp the air.
   It is stated by one of the boys that the officer attempted to borrow a pair of skates, stating that there was a time when he could outskate any boy in the section where he lived. He did not put on a pair, however, so this statement was not proved, but he at last succeeded in capturing Mr. Robert Welch, the center rush of the Normal foot ball team.  Welch made no resistance and accompanied the officer to the cutter. The latter was not built for patrol purposes and Mr. Welch took his seat beside the reporter. Mr. Bosworth sat on his lap, while Chief Sager held the reporter down and the quartet were driven to police headquarters, followed by over a hundred boys.
   As it was nearly dark Justice Bull explained to the prisoner his rights to get counsel and adjourned the case till 9 o'clock this morning. Dr. F. J. Cheney went Mr. Welch's bail in the sum of $100 and the young man appeared this morning promptly on time. The court room was partially filled with students and boys, when court was opened. Justice Bull first explained what a few hoodlums had done—how they had entered the barn of Mr. J. Scutt of 122 Clinton-ave. on Wednesday night, stole all his kindling wood, and a hen coop, and had also stolen a fence from Bert Bosworth and taken other wood and piled it all on the ice and burned them to furnish light to skate by; how they had gained possession of Mr. Bosworth's wagon and after running it up and down the ice a few times, run it into the milldam and left it for the owner to fish out.
   Dr. Cheney stated that the prisoner had left his office at the Normal building about twenty minutes previous to the arrest. The prisoner also stated that he had never been on the ice before and did not see the sign forbidding skating. The sign had been covered by some of the boys with an overcoat.
   Justice Bull then read section 640, division 7, of the Penal code of the state of New York, which says, "Any person who willfully or maliciously injures any ice upon any waters from which ice is taken as an article of merchandise with intent to injure the owner thereof, or enters or skates upon any pond or body of water not navigable, kept and used for the purpose of taking ice therefrom as an article of merchandise, and upon or adjoining which a notice has been placed in a conspicuous position forbidding such entry, and stating the purpose for which said body of water is kept or used, or puts or throws upon or into any such pond or body of water any stick, stone or other substance to the injury of the ice or water is guilty of a misdemeanor." A misdemeanor is punishable by a fine not to exceed $50 or imprisonment not to exceed six months.
   The boys claim that nine sewers run into the river near where the ice is cut and that it is not fit to use.
   Mr. Bosworth claims that that ice is sold for cooling purposes only. He says that he would have no objections whatever to the boys and young ladies skating there if it were not for the malicious mischief that is done by a few in destroying property. Thus, as in many other cases the amusement for all is taken away by the maliciousness of a few hoodlums, who go unpunished because they are not caught.
   Mr. Welch was discharged by the court and the boys filed out of the courtroom and gave the Normal yell at the foot of the stairs leading to police headquarters.

Mrs. Haliday Determined to Die.
   MONTICELLO, Dec. 8.—Mrs. Haliday, the murderess, again attempted to end her life by hanging herself in her cell. She was discovered by Sheriff Beecher before death resulted, and was immediately cut down. The jail physician visited her and found her in a very weak condition. He says she had a very narrow escape, but will probably be all right in a few days. Upon examination it was found that she had torn the binding from the bottom of her dress and made a slipping noose at each end, one of which she fastened to the iron grating over the door and the other end around her neck.

Labor Speaks Again.
   The laboring people of Amsterdam, with plenty of time on their hands because of mills closed by the Democratic tariff-for-revenue program, filled the opera house in that city yesterday to overflowing to enter formal protest against the policy of hard times and low wages which the party in power is pursuing. The meeting was presided over by Theodore J. Neville, who announced that he had "always been a Democrat," but the question of work and wages he placed above politics, and he was present to join his fellow Democrats and Republicans in protesting against the Wilson bill.
   Speeches were made by workingmen of the carpet and knitting mills, denouncing the policy which is substituting idleness and want for the abundant work and good wages of a year ago. Resolutions were adopted reciting what protected industries—carpets, knit goods, steel spring works, brooms, paper box and other factories—have done for Amsterdam, and protesting on behalf of 6,000 wage earners "against the Wilson tariff bill, which drives the knife deep into our wages," and brings idleness, low wages and suffering. The senators from New York and representatives were called upon to oppose the Wilson bill, and the wage-earners of every locality were asked to take similar action. One resolution hit straight from the shoulder, in these words:
   Resolved, That we will hold responsible those favoring this measure, which takes away from us our employment and wages to give them to the foreigner.
   The heedless school boy finds his intellectual operations remarkably quickened and improved by the teacher's rod. The backs of Democratic laboring men, as well as Democratic manufacturers, are feeling the free-trade lash, and their minds are reasoning with speed and accuracy as to the cause and remedy. It is a generation since this country has learned by actual experience what free trade or tariff-reform means to the laboring classes. One good lesson usually suffices till another generation grows up which will not heed history and must be taught by the stern logic of events. It will be a good many years before demagogues can again persuade voters that a protective tariff makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. And when Democratic workingmen have once attended such a school as is just now open at Amsterdam, and on which attendance is compulsory, the Democratic ticket will have no further attractions for them. Never has there been such a time for object lessons as the present. Never before have so many students been forced to learn them so quickly and so thoroughly. The class will recite in concert and to some purpose next November.

   The latest news from Hawaii gives an inkling of the administration dilemma. Minister Willis was sent to Honolulu, apparently, with definite instructions to restore Liliuokalani to the throne, but on his arrival doubted the wisdom of the scheme and asked for further instructions. Doubtless he saw the danger and the injustice involved in such a proceeding and refused to assume the responsibility for action. Right on the heels of the president's message also comes a report that the ship Corwin carries instructions to Minister Willis to abandon for the present all idea of overturning the Provisional Government.
   Senator Hoar has offered and the United States senate has passed a resolution calling on the president for full and accurate information about the whole affair, and the people are likely to know before very long just what has been going on surreptitiously during the past several months in aid of the restoration of a barbarian monarchy by American influence.

Insurance for Railway Employees.
   The failure of a large number of fancy insurance companies that were going to pay 10 per cent dividends a year to all who put money into them will perhaps call attention to the admirable systems of life insurance among certain large corporations, notably one or two railway organizations. For seven years the Pennsylvania road has had a system of insurance which provides for the care of a sick or disabled employee, and in case of his death for his burial and a sum of money to his family. In case of accident, free surgical attendance is provided for the injured man. The family of a deceased employee receives $1,250 as the maximum sum. The money for the insurance fund is contributed partly by the employees, partly by the company.
   The English railway corporations have a system of insurance for their workers, which they are extending to take in the humblest day laborer. Each man contributes 2 1/2 per cent of his wages annually, and the company pays as much more. The money thus raised is called the superannuation fund. The maximum period of service is 45 years. After a man has served one company that long he is retired on two-thirds pay for the rest of his life. If he stays so long as 10 years, he receives one-fourth his pay as a pension. If he leaves the company under 10 years' service, he gets back all the money he put into the fund, with 4 per cent interest. This is a good rate of interest for England.

   We have one invention in this country which the slower nations of Europe have not devised. That is the railway wrecking car. The reason it is not in use in Europe is that there is no need of it. They do not have railroad wrecks there often enough to warrant its construction. It would simply rust out. But in America it will wear out before it rusts. Railway companies do not like to have the passengers on the train next following a wreck see the ghastly remains of it, so they endeavor to hustle the old iron and splintered wood out of sight as quickly as possible. The wood is set fire to; the iron is carried off. The wrecking car is a powerful piece of machinery. By means of a crane and derrick it can pick up a load of 40,000 pounds 24 feet ahead and swing it off the track. The truck at the front end, on which the crane rests, will sustain a load of 90,000 pounds.

Mrs. Lewis Parker Has a Narrow Escape.
   Mrs. Lewis Parker showed herself yesterday afternoon a woman of nerve and had it not been for almost immediate assistance she would in all probability have been killed or at least severely injured. As it was she escaped with only a few bruises.
   Mr. and Mrs. Parker, who have until last fall lived in Cortland and Homer since their marriage a few years ago, but who now reside at Moravia, hired a livery horse yesterday and drove to Cortland. At about 4 o'clock, while Mr. Parker was attending to some business, Mrs. Parker was driving the horse around town. In making the turn on the corner of Main and Court-sts., the cutter was upset and Mrs. Parker was thrown out. This frightened the horse and he madly dashed up the east side of Main-st. Mrs. Parker clung to the lines, but her efforts to stop the horse were ineffectual and she was dragged in the road.
   Chief of Police Sager saw her peril and rushed to her rescue. Mr. William J. Perkins also attempted to assist her. Chief Sager in making for the scene frightened the horse, which dodged off in the direction of Mr. Perkins, who captured the animal. Mrs. Parker escaped with a few bruises. The whiffletree to the cutter was broken. Chief Sager took the horse to a hitching barn, while Mrs. Parker laughingly told her adventure amidst a crowd of admirers, and to her husband, who had heard of the accident and rushed to the scene.
DeVer Richards Poses as a Thief.
   Another escapade of Charles, alias DeVer, Richards has just come to light. A prisoner when put in jail for public intoxication a few weeks ago refused to allow Sheriff Miller to take care of his valuables. The result was that he got up the following morning, a soberer and a wiser man even if he did have a big head, for in the morning he missed his watch.
   Soon after this another prisoner, who had served his sentence, was discharged and immediately Richards, who previously had been obliged to borrow or steal his tobacco and other luxuries, began to spend money lavishly. Two other prisoners were in jail—Lou Rood, who is serving a thirty day sentence for cruelty to animals, and Charles R. Spear, who will soon go to the Elmira Reformatory for stealing $110 from Schermerhorn & Graham's butter store. This new departure of Richards made both of these men believe that Richards stole that watch and sold it to the man who was discharged.

Died Suddenly.
   Mrs. Lorinda Bennett, mother of Dr. C. E. Bennett, died very suddenly about 11 o'clock this morning of heart failure, caused from grip, with which she has been ill for about a week past. She ate supper last evening with the family at the table and was not regarded as at all dangerously ill till later in the night. The deceased was 62 years of age and had lived in Cortland county all her life. She moved from Truxton to Cortland about 24 years ago, was a member of the First Baptist church of this village, and was highly respected and esteemed by all who knew her. She leaves a brother, Mr. Gilbert Pierce of Illinois and two sons, Dr. C. E. Bennett of this place and Mr. Arthur Bennett of Brooklyn. The time of holding the funeral will be announced later.

   —A dispatch from Albany published in some of the afternoon papers yesterday announced the disbanding of the Forty-fifth Separate company [National Guard] of this village. The officers of the company here, however, have received no notification to this effect. A dispatch sent by The STANDARD to the inspector general's office at Albany inquiring if the report were true brought response that it was.
   —The Lehigh Valley railroad strike has been settled by arbitration after thousands of dollars have been lost to the employees in wages and to rolling stock. It is only one more lesson proving that the best time to arbitrate is before the dispute reaches the point of open warfare.
   —There is now a registration of more than 1,750 students in [Cornell] university, of which 1,267 are under-graduates. The number registered as seniors is 142, but the graduating class will be about 200.  There are 202 juniors, 374 sophomores, 549 freshmen and 219 law school juniors and seniors.—Ithaca Journal.
   —The funeral of Cleveland P. Grant of Charleston, S. C., who died at the residence of his uncle, Mr. H. F. Benton, Wednesday evening, will be held from the residence of Mr. Benton on Railroad-st. at 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon.
   —George M. Crapser, proprietor of the Dryden hotel at McLean, died about 8 o'clock this morning of typhoid pneumonia, aged 29 years. The funeral will be held at 1 P. M. Sunday. Interment at the Willow Glen cemetery at Dryden.
   —Dr. Diamond Dick has leased the vacant store in the Churchill building and is giving nightly some very interesting lectures on the "Ways of the West." Owing to the large crowd, he has been compelled to charge a small admission to-morrow evening, when he will give an imitation of the bowie knife duel of "Wild Bill," assisted by his wife.
Normal Notes.
   When Dr. Cheney came in to chapel exercises this morning he was greeted with three rousing cheers from the students on account of his having gone bail for Mr. Welch, who was arrested yesterday for skating on the cove. Whereupon the Dr. immediately asserted that he would go bail for any of them.
   The male portion of the institution were on nettles during the exercises, as they wished to attend the trial at 9 o'clock. After chapel exercises all of the boys at leisure the first hour started on a "hen canter" for the justice's office and arrived there in time to see the prisoner discharged because of the nonappearance of the prosecution. The absence of the plaintiff was taken as showing that there was no cause for action.
   Mr. Welsh was warmly greeted by the boys with the Normal yell, and was immediately raised to the shoulders of the Normal football team's long right end, Mr. Landpher, who, assisted by several of the other boys, carried him to the school building. The path of the victor was strewn with frequent yells all the way from the justice's office to the Normal chapel, where he was deposited by his friends in his accustomed seat. Here he was again cordially greeted by Dr. Cheney and the lady students present. Mr. Welch, however, did not allow these manifestations of affection to interfere with his accustomed duties, but immediately seized his books and proceeded to the class. Here another ovation awaited him, which he received with his usual modesty.

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