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Lehigh Valley railroad engine 919. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday,
November 25, 1893.
Conference Between Coal Operators and President Wilbur Falls Through—No Serious
Trouble Reported, but Grave Fears Expressed In Many Quarters—The Company
Succeeds In Moving Freight.
WILKES-BARRE, Pa., Nov. 25.—The fight between
the Lehigh Valley railroad and its employes [sic] is now to a finish. The men have
begun to realize this for the first time. There was hope all along that a compromise
might be affected, but now that hope has vanished. The ray of sunshine that
pierced the gloom yesterday and gave encouragement to the hope that the strike
was nearing an end, was dispelled by the following communication to Chairman
Rice, from Messrs. Simpson and Watkins, the coal operators delegated at the
operators meeting to meet Mr. Wilbur and see if he would not assent to hearing the
railroaders in the matter at issue:
"Owing to your insisting upon the
reinstatement of all employes, our negotiations for a conference have failed.
Mr. Wilbur is standing by his circular of Nov. 21 in its entirety."
Mr. Rice, upon reviewing the situation, said:
"I very much regret that the hopes that we cherished Thursday, of an early
adjustment of our difficulties have about vanished. It looks like a long fight,
but we are prepared for it."
The officials say that the old employes cannot
now be received as an entirety but they may apply for and obtain places on the
same conditions as outsiders.
Many people here now fear that there will be
a repetition of the great strike of 1877 when the Lehigh Valley was tied up for
two months. The city and numerous suburban towns were under martial law for a
month or more, though the strike continued but a little over a week. During the
trouble many attempts were made by gangs of lawless men to burn buildings, but
much property was saved from the torch by the prompt action of the military.
Trouble at Sayre.
ELMIRA, N. Y., NOV. 25.—It has been a quiet
day at Sayre and the strikers have almost entirely deserted the depot and yards.
They have been well behaved. Their surprise was great when they were informed
that the sheriff had sent for 100 deputies to help guard the yards. The men say
that there is nothing for the 40 already on duty to do, and there is no reason for
the additional draft except to make trouble and blame them for it. They assert that
every effort is being made to force them to commit violence.
Sheriff Powell refuses to say what he wants
the extra deputies for.
Passenger trains have been run and some
freight has been moved. On the whole, however, a great deal has not been accomplished.
The strikers have not lost a man by
desertion, but have captured quite a number from the railroad company.
Found Near the Tracks.
ROCHESTER, NOV. 25.—Five dynamite cartridges,
each about eight inches long and two inches in diameter, were found under the
platform leading to the section boss' hut, about 100 feet away from the Lehigh
tracks and a mile south of the passenger depot. They are not of the ordinary kind used in blasting, and no
blasting has been done in that neighborhood recently. One of these cartridges
would have wrecked a train if properly used. They were tied together and
evidently had been placed hurriedly there to hide.
Officers are at work trying to ascertain who
is responsible for the dynamite's presence. The strikers' committee disclaim all
knowledge of the affair.
Trains are still running irregularly with no
passengers. The company is still enrolling men to take the strikers' places. About
400 have so far been enrolled here. The man Donohue, who was taken from the
roundhouse and put in charge of an engine, is charged by the strikers with never
having passed an examination. The attention of the state board of railroad commissioners
has been called to the fact. They will pass on it Monday.
the Officials.
POTTSVILLE. Pa., Nov. 25.—The labor leaders
on the coal branches seem to be "playing" the officials and in
consequence the management is puzzled. The men apparently have arranged to take
turns in failing to report for duty.
One day the engineers are not on hand, but
some of the train crews are. The next day some of the crews stay at home and some
of the engineers report for work and so on.
By this means the officials are unable to know
exactly where they stand and Dispatcher Brill says he does not know who to
depend on, who to expect to report for passenger duty until too late to fill vacancies.
The strikers were in session all day at Quakake
and are getting more thoroughly entrenched each hour.
Serious Rioting, However —Many Points Report the Situation Favorable to the
Company—Shipping Nonunion Men to Sayre—Individual Coal Operators Interested—President
Wilbur Refuses to Negotiate.
AUBURN, NOV. 24.—More trouble came between
strikers in this city and nonunion men. A train went to Ithaca with Goldburg,
an engineer from the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg road in charge of the
engine, and David Slocum, a boy from Auburn, as fireman. When the train
returned and pulled into the Lehigh yard a shower of stones from strikers and
sympathizers crashed through the cab windows. David Slocum, the fireman, jumped
from the cab and rushed into a house nearby. The engineer was hit on the head
by a big stone, His scalp was cut open and his skull probably fractured. A
detective in the cab was also hurt on the arm. The police were hastily summoned
and charged on the mob, which dispersed without much show of resistance when
they saw the officers at hand. Another train came in from Sayre shortly after,
but no further serious trouble occurred.
An hour later a mail train arrived from Sayre,
but no further outbreak occurred, except that the crowd jeered the nonunion
crew. At 4:30 o'clock a train which left for Fair Haven at noon, returned under
close guard. The locomotive was housed, and the engineer escaped by means of a closed
carriage, without receiving much rough handling.
The yards swarmed with idlers and toughs all
day, but only now and then was the face of a striker visible. No attempt has
been made as yet to move any freight. When it was learned that no other trains
would come in, and the officials had decided not to send out another train, the
crowd dispersed and the yard again became quiet.
To prevent a recurrence of the confusion and
to clear the yards of loungers, who only await a chance to precipitate a riot, it
has been suggested that the Second Separate company [National Guard] be called
out today to guard the yards. The sheriff will not go to this extreme, however,
until all other means fail.
Coal Operators
WILKES-BARRE, Pa., Nov. 24.—A committee from
the individual coal operators held a conference with the strike leaders. The
individual operators are anxious that the strike should end, as they are losing
a great deal of money. They cannot market their coal and some of them have
contracts which must be filled. As a result of the conference, the strikers are
very hopeful. William L.
Conyngham, the wealthy coal banker, with headquarters in this city, had a long
talk with President Wilbur at Bethlehem over the long distance telephone immediately
after the conference. Conygham had important contracts to fill and he is
particularly anxious that some amicable agreement should be reached. The advent
of the individual coal operators into the fight is a new phase and a Brotherhood
man said: "The individual coal operators may be the cause of our winning the
strike within the next 48 hours."
If a
Horse Could Talk.
The first words a horse would utter if he
could talk would be: "Loosen that overdraw check. It is torturing me out
of life. It injures my windpipe, weakens my knees, makes me stumble and stiffens
the muscles of my neck so that I can never again straighten it, but after a
year or two I must finish my brief career with a neck fixed in the shape of
that of the worst looking rackabones that ever drew a rag wagon. In many a case
the rackabones was just as good looking a horse as I am now, only the check
rein ruined him. How would you like to go through life with your head pulled
toward the back of your neck and kept there by means of a strap that was
fastened to a steel bar in your mouth? Try it an hour and then release me from
"If I am a good horse, I do not need this
cruel check rein. Only a bad horse wants it, and bad horses are very few. Even
when it is used on one of these, it should be attached to a separate bit, for
the check rein pulls an ordinary bit one way while the driver pulls the other way
with the carriage reins, and makes a seesaw upon the horse's tongue and the
corners of his month. This wicked strap comes with every new set of harness, it
is true, but that is no reason why my month should be pried open with it and my
neck broken. In the name of horsehood I protest against the overdraw check rein
as most drivers use it."
The Throttle
Worked Open.
Two engines were left standing coupled
together on a side track at Watertown Thursday night at 6 o'clock. The throttle
worked open on one of them and the pair stole away. They started slowly and
gained speed at every revolution of the drivers. Men in the yards saw the
runaways and could have stopped them, but supposed the engineers were aboard.
The runaways started down the Cape Vincent
branch. It was known that the passenger train was due from the Cape about that
time, and a telephone message was sent to the dispatcher there, in the hope
that he would be able to wire the operator at Brownville in time to stop the
passenger train. It was too late. The passenger train had passed Brownville and
a collision was inevitable.
The trains collided about two miles from Watertown.
Engineer Wells of the passenger train saw the headlight of the runaways, and
brought his train to a standstill. The two locomotives crashed into the train
and smashed the pilots of both engines and shook up the passengers, but only
one man was injured. He was standing at the door in the smoker, and the force
of the collision drove his hand through the glass door and cut it severely. The
engines or cars did not leave the rails. The total damage is estimated to be
about $250.
[Recall the Chaffee case and runaway engine at Cortland—CC editor.]
—There will be a school sociable at the Normal
parlors to-night at 8 o'clock.
—Justice Bull sentenced this morning William
Whalen to three days or three dollars for public intoxication.
—Deposit is to have a factory for the condensing
of milk. Work has just begun on a new $75,000 plant.
—Dr. F. J. Cheney will address the boys at
the East Side reading room to-morrow afternoon at 4:15 o'clock.
—Rev. Geo. H. Brigham will preach in the
Memorial Baptist church on Tompkins-st. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
—Mrs. N. F. Jones of Binghamton has opened
dressmaking parlors in the Graham building, third floor, over Mrs. W. W. Gale's
—The new Baptist chapel on Tompkins-st. has
been given the name of the Memorial Baptist chapel, by which it will hereafter
be known.
—A new sophomore debating society has just
been organized at Cornell university to be known as the George William Curtis
Debating club.
—The freight employees of the D., L. &
W. and E., C. & N. railroads will take a vacation Thanksgiving Day and no
freight will be received after 10 o'clock in the morning of that day.
—The next meeting of the Chautauqua circle
will be held Monday evening, Nov. 27, with Mrs. H. L. Bronson on the corner of
Port Watson and Greenbush-sts. Quotations about Thanksgiving.
—Mrs. Davern has on exhibition in the window
of her millinery store on Main-st. a fine, enlarged portrait of the late James
Dowd. The picture was enlarged for the Emerald Hose Co. and it will soon be
placed in their hose parlors.
—The breach of promise mock trial at Normal
hall last night was well attended and it passed off in fine style. The charge
to the jury was a marvel and the verdict that was brought in in writing was
something fearful and wonderful. About $30 were realized for the football
association from the entertainment.
—The funeral of Silas Baldwin will be held
from his late residence, 224 Tompkins-st., at 12:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
The deceased has been well and favorably known in this county for a long time.
He was elected sheriff in 1860 and afterwards served three terms as supervisor
of Preble.
—Marriages go in groups in Binghamton. A few
days ago The STANDARD made a note of one minister marrying three couples in a
single day, and it was believed that the high water mark for wholesale business
had then been reached, but it does not so appear, for the Binghamton Republican remarks that on Wednesday the
Rev. Dr. Colville married eight people in matrimonial blocks of two, without,
so far as is known, making any mistake in the blocks.
Marvelous Healer.
The Opera House was last night packed to the
doors with an audience assembled to witness the work of Dr. Franklin Stewart
Temple of Binghamton, the magnetic healer. And some of his work was truly
marvelous. The lame walked, the deaf heard, the blind saw. Several persons who
were troubled with rheumatism took seats on the stage and Dr. Temple rubbed the
disabled member. After a short time the lame were able to walk off without
trouble. One man was so filled with exhilaration at the thought of his ability
to walk that he threw up into the air the cane with which he had helped himself
up toward the stage.
Dr. Temple does not claim that the cures
resulting from a single treatment of this kind will be permanent. The old
trouble will probably return, but it will not be as severe as before, and he
thinks that four or five treatments will cause a permanent cure. The doctor
rubbed the eyes of a lady who had cataracts over both eyes and she was able to
read from a paper placed before her. A person quite deaf was able to hear a
whisper. The doctor's headquarters are in Binghamton and patients can meet him
there for further treatment.
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