Thursday, February 2, 2017


The McGrawville Sentinel, Thursday, September 1, 1887.

The Horse Wore Goggles.
   SYRACUSE, Aug. 31.—A horse with goggles was one of the attractions of the Clinton square market place Saturday afternoon. The Manlius farmer who owned him said he discovered recently that the animal was very near-sighted, and an occulist to whom he took the nag said so too. The eye man took the necessary dimensions and sending to New York had a pair of concave spectacles made expressly for Dobbin. When the farmer tried them the first time the horse appeared to be startled, but recovering from his surprise, manifested every symptom of pleasure. They are made so as to be firmly fastened in the headstall, and cannot be worn without that piece of harness.
   "When I turn him out to pasture," said the farmer, " he feels uneasy and uncomfortable without his goggles, and last Sunday he hung around the barn and whinneyed so plaintive like, that I took out the bit and put the headstall and goggles on him, and he was so glad that he rubbed my shoulder with his nose. Then he kicked up his heels and danced down to the pasture. You ought to have seen him. I hate to let him wear the specs all the time though, for fear he will break them."

Grover Cleveland.
Family Row Prospect in Congress—Clerks and Office Holders All Taking Vacations.
   WASHINGTON, Aug. 29.—The recent organization of the labor party and the still later formation of the American party now claim a large share of public attention arid discussion among men of all shades of political opinion at the national capital, and expression is given to quite a variety of views. From certain significant whisperings, I am convinced that the leaders of both great political parties regard these movements with much alarm and apprehension, for it is apparent that the new parties, in connection with the prohibitionists, may upset many nice calculations as to which party will carry this or that state in the next presidential election. The independent voter is little concerned over the new departures, except to consider them a confirmation of his conviction that neither the democratic nor the republican party fully and fairly responds to the wants and wishes of the people of the United States. It is but another illustration of the great natural law of "the survival of the fittest" that political parties, like animals and vegetables, should come and go—fulfill their mission of good or evil and disappear from the earth.
   I learn that there is a pretty prospect of a first-class family row among the democrats, upon the meeting of congress, over the confirmation of United States Treasurer Hyatt's nomination—the revolt being led by Senator Voorhees because of the treasurer's refusal to dismiss from his office Jerome Burnett, an Indiana republican-politician, holding a $2,500 clerkship, and replace him with a democrat of the senator's selection. Mr. Hyatt is thought to be a mugwump, and Senators Voorhees, Beck and Vance, all members of the finance committee, announced their purpose to knife him when his name came up.
   There are probably more clerks on leave now than at any period of the present administration, for the reason that the republican clerks have about recovered from the terror of being dismissed for partisan reasons. I have heard of a few dismissals lately, but there will be about a dozen soon in the office of the supervisory architect of the treasury, because such redaction is really necessary.
   Mr. Benedict, who is regarded as the chief bouncer at Washington, is on his vacation, and so the poor printers are having a much needed rest from disturbing alarms of losing their bread and butter.
   A day or two ago, warrants for $16,253,000 in pensions were issued to the treasury; still, since the first of this month the excess of receipts over expenditures is three millions and a half dollars—and so the enormous surplus goes on piling up. The time allowed by law for redeeming trade dollars expires the 3rd of next month—the amount redeemed to date being nearly seven millions and a half, something in excess of the estimate—the difference being accounted for by importations from China and Japan.
   At the last cabinet meeting only Secretaries Bayard and Fairchild were present, the members being on their leave of absence.
   The president had been spending most of the heated term in the seclusions of Oak View, but now that Mrs. Cleveland and her mother have returned to the capital after several weeks' absence it is likely that Mr. Cleveland will be often at the white house.
   The latest scandal in official life comes from the pension office, where one of the clerks and a popular claim attorney are under arrest for stealing the records of the government, in order that the lawyer might have the papers convenient for reference without the bother of going to that bureau. The clerk, poor fellow, fully confesses, but says he was not conscious of wrongdoing, while the other party enters an indignant plea of "not guilty" in advance of trial. The penalty for the offence is five years in the penitentiary; meanwhile the accused have given bail in $3,000 each.

Queen Kapiolani of Hawaii.
Words Adapted to Circumstances.
   "Mr. Kajones," said the foreman of a southern Illinois paper, as he went into the presence of the editor the other day, "we've waited a day and a half for that blank paper and it hasn't come yet. If we don't go to press this afternoon we'll lose two stickfuls of legal ads that have got to be printed before to-morrow. What are we going to do?"
   "Have we any blank paper at all?" inquired the editor.
   "We have ten quires of brown wrapping paper, such as butchers use."
   "Then," said the editor, as the fire of a sudden inspiration flashed from his eyes, "we'll use that." And he turned to his desk and wrote the following editorial, which he gave to the foreman, with instructions to double-lead it and put it at the head of the first column on the editorial page:
   "Of all the papers in the United States the Welkin Ringer is the only one that has the enterprise to print a correct portrait of Queen Kapiolani of the Sandwich Islands, which will be found in another column. The outlines of this portrait have been engraved with the greatest care, and the cut is guaranteed to be an accurate copy of the latest photograph of her majesty; while in order to show her complexion as it really is we have gone to the trouble and expense of printing our entire edition on paper whose color and quality exactly reproduce the complexion and texture of this now famous queen. Extra copies of this week's issue, wrapped ready for mailing, can be had at five cents each by applying at this office."

   Wanted—A boy to learn the printers' trade. Board given and wages increased every four months according to ability. Apply at this office.
   —Fred Hobart was in town over Sunday.
   —School commenced Monday under favorable auspices.
   —George Larrabee and wife were in Little York last Saturday.
   —Miss Minnie Way, of Fabius, was visiting in town last week.
   —Joseph Shearer's family of East River called on friends in town last Sunday.
   —Mrs. Well Dibble is visiting in Marathon, Killawog and Center Lisle this week.
   —Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Goodell visited in Little York and Homer over Sunday.
   —Mrs. Mary Braman and her sons, Bert and Harry, visited in McLean over Sunday.
   —Thomas Moore, who is working in Homer, visited his parents in town over Sunday.
   —F. G. McElheny was in Syracuse last Thursday attending the prohibition state convention.
   —Rev. Mr. Hendrick, a brother of Dr. Hendrick, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday.
   —J. J. Darrow and daughters of West Eaton are visiting at E. O. Palmer's, of the corner store.
   —Miss Clara Babcock, of Syracuse, is visiting at her uncle's, Lucius Babcock's, in this place, this week.
   —Mrs. Jessie Mynard starts to-day for Lebanon, N. H., where she will visit her sister, Mrs. F. S. Slaton.
   —Mrs. Taylor, of Pitcher, and Miss Grace Shaw, of Horseheads, have been visiting at the M. E. parsonage.
   —F. W. Perrott's family started for Scranton last Thursday where he resumes work in the corset factory.
   —Miss Nellie Grant, of Watkins, N. Y., who has been visiting Mrs. Powell, returned home last Saturday.
   —John J. Isaacs was in New Jersey last week. He took down a load of stock and brought back a quantity of fruit.
   —A. B. Gardner started Monday morning for Wellsville where he enters his running horse into a race with fifteen starters.
   —E. C. Palmer started for New York via. Syracuse yesterday. His brother, Will, from West Eaton, accompanies him.
   —Miss Belle Dorman starts this morning for Gilford, Chenango county, where she will visit her parents and friends a few weeks.
   —Miss Dell Braman has been confined to the house for some time, troubled with her side which she sprained by falling last winter.
   —Win Barrows, of Marathon, visited at George Case's Saturday. His daughter, Maude, who has been visiting here some time, returned home with him.
   —Will Pierce and Isabell Lewis were married last Saturday in East Homer, we understand. Will is very free with the cigars but "for the life of him" he can't tell who married him.
   —We have had many inquiries the past week for a list of the fairs to be held in the state. We present a list on the first page of to-day's paper that will be perused with interest by many of our readers.
   —Binghamton has, perhaps, the most conscientious butcher in the United States. When the dog ordinance was passed that dogs should be muzzled he put a base ball mask over every link of sausage in his market.
  —I. L. Gates, who received severe injuries some time ago, for the first time since being hurt rode into town yesterday. Much time and care, however, will be required before he will be able to do any work.
   —A mixed nine from this place went to Marathon Saturday and played ball, losing the game by a score of 18 to 11. Some of the players could not get away from their business duties here. The Cuyler Hills play here Saturday.
   —Among the deaths that we record this week is Dr. A. A. Seymour, of West Town. He is a brother of Mrs. D. Green of this place, and also has many other friends here. Another is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Underwood, of Hinsdale. They were formerly of Freetown and are well known by many of our readers.
   —Every business man should bear in mind that the SENTINEL office has a large stock of paper suitable for letter, note and bill heads, statements etc. We keep constantly in stock envelopes, business cards and advertising novelties and can get any specialty on short notice. Our prices we guarantee low for good work. We do not print so that only half the letters show on the paper, nor will we compete with such work, but if you want a job that will not diminish your pride in your business and for a reasonable, living price, please call on us. Samples shown and prices given on application.
   —John Dunphy proprietor of the Marathon tannery, publishes a card in the Independent, cautioning saloon keepers against selling liquor to his employees, The paper in commenting upon it says: "Mr. Dunphy informs us that while many of his men are sober, good citizens, it is an unfortunate fact that many of the curriers employed by him, while good workmen, are so given to their cups that no dependence can be placed upon them, and not only this but he has experienced great difficulty in getting sober and competent men to come here and work for him, owing to the reputation that the shop has received among curriers on this account. He accordingly asks the citizens to help him put a stop to this state of things. He further says that unless he can overcome this debauchery among his employees he will be compelled to cease the finishing of leather, and convert his tannery into a rough leather tannery."
   —The DeRuyter New Era-Gleaner of last week says: "A brutal and disgraceful affair happened a mile or so west of this village in the town of Cuyler, on Friday afternoon last. Ralph Burt and wife, of Quaker Basin, while returning from Truxton, quarrelled over some money matters until he, unable to persuade her to give up the funds, knocked her from the wagon and jumping out, kicked her severely in the side. She finally eluded him and ran up the hill toward Ethan Coon's, while he, seeing Cyrus Burdick and one or two others coming across the fields, attracted by her cries, drove hurriedly away. The unfortunate woman was taken to Thomas Davidson's and Dr. Truman was called. One eye was closed, and for days severe internal injuries were feared. It is not the first or second time her worthless husband has pounded her, yet no notice has been paid to it. We are assured that there are two sides to this matter; there is no side to it, however, that can justify such an assault."
   —As a result of holding union meetings during the past two months the people of this place have been favored with some unusually interesting discourses and have often been treated to hearing others than the regular pastors of the charges here. Last Sunday evening the Methodist house was well filled with persons who were highly pleased to listen to C. E. Hoag, of Cazenovia seminary. Being a young man, well known here, and using a voice and manner entirely natural, he held the audience in silence and close attention. From the subject "Who is my neighbor?" he brought out many thoughts and comparisons that bore true semblance to Bible teaching. He pointed out the instances in every day life when persons, societies and nations should show by actions that they know their neighbors in the spirit of the good Samaritan when he cared for the man who fell among thieves. He also deftly illustrated the other side—that of the priest and Levite who made a detour and passed around. His remarks were delivered clearly and without the use of notes, and the people were deeply interested. Union service will be held in the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening and announcements for future meetings will be given then and thereafter.

   The opening of the Cortland opera house will be September 12, by Murry & Murphy in "Our Irish Visitors," under the management of J . M. Hill.
   Miss May Cotton, who has been visiting among relatives and friends in the south-eastern part of the county for the last five weeks, returned to her home Monday of last week.
   Will McKinney, who is in the employ of D. F. Wallace, took his vacation last week.
   Among those from this locality who were in attendance at the Syracuse district camp meeting at Haven's grove, seven miles above Syracuse, were Rev. B. F. Weatherwax and family, Deacon H. E. Andrews and family.
   Alfred Hunt, of Scranton, has been visiting his uncle, G. Bligh, in South Main street.
   H. C. Harrington has removed his music store to No. 9 Port Watson street.
   Miss Anna Winchell accompanied her father, A. H. Winchell, on his trip to New York city last week.
   Mrs. W. B. Stoppard has been visiting relatives in Greene and vicinity.
   The Howe Ventilating Stove company is getting its machinery into place, and hopes to be able to begin regular business soon. The headquarters will be here, the Fulton works being a branch business.

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